The Cruelty of Ares

    "Grandson, Fai," Frank's grandmother said. "You must come."

     "What is it?" Frank asked, his face turning as white as chalk.

      "City dwellers have come," Frank's grandmother said. "They want to speak with all the men."

   Frank and Hazel exchanged nervous glances. Nico stepped forward. "We'll go, then."

    Hazel bit her lip. "I'll take the animals back to your house."

   Frank blinked at her gratefully. Then, he squared his shoulders she faced his grandmother. "I'm ready."

    Frank was not ready. He followed his grandmother back towards their house, Nico trailing after them. He wondered what could he do important as to interrupt his goat herding. Also, why were city dwellers here? They usually only visited during the harvest season to collect their rent.

     Frank's nervousness grew as they approached the crowd of men. It was easy to tell who the strangers were since Frank knew everyone by name, but they also wore finer clothes with less dirt stains, and looked healthier. One of them, a man who looked about fifty years old, stepped forward. He was short and burly with brown hair and a beard. "My name is Gleeson Hedge," he said. "I am one of the generals of the Lesbian army and I'm here because we need your help. The city of Argos is attacking us and we need your help."

   Frank blinked. How had war come to Leabos? He had only known peace and this - this frightened him. His father had died in war. How many would die in this one? "Every family must contribute at least one man," Gleeson continued. "This is the decree of the assembly."

   Frank swallowed. In his household, there was only one man: him. In some ways he was glad because he wouldn't want to see someone else fight in his place, but the very thought of war made him tremble.

Dinner was a hushed affair that night in the di Angelo household. No one really talked except for when Maria thanked Hestia and Demeter for sustenance. Hazel couldn't really taste the lentil stew she was eating. All of her thoughts revolved around the declaration of war.

Hazel knew war was part of life, but she had never wanted it to be a part of her life. Now, with Mytilene under attack, Lesbos has no option but to defend itself. What else were they supposed to do? The Athenians has once been their allies, but after the rebellion, that ceased. Sparta and Argos were the super powers in the Aegean now, conquering cities through force and alliances. It was fight back or be taken.

Hazel wondered how Bianca felt. She had gone to Mytilene for a project and now she was stuck there. If there was a siege, she might starve to death. The same could happen to Leo. Hazel shuddered. She had heard stories of war: supplicants murdered before altars, women raped, children enslaved . . . The horrors the bards sang if were now coming to her place.

Hazel sighed. Tomorrow, Frank would be departing and what then? Would he survive and even if he lived, would war change him forever? There was a crash as Hades dropped his drinking cup and it broke. "I'm sorry," he mumbled and began picking it up.

He straightened up. "Son, you must not fight. I shall go in your place."

Nico shook his head. "Bianca is in Mytilene and I will fight for her."

"You're too young," Hades argued, "and my only son."

Nico folded his arms over his chest. "I'm fighting and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

Hades looked at him for several long moments and then a smile appeared on his face. "I am proud of you, son. Truly."


"You will fight well," Frank's grandmother told him. "Make your ancestors proud."

Frank swallowed. He wasn't sure about that, but he accepted his grandmother's praise and his mother's hug. "Be careful," Emily whispered into his ear.

"I love you," Frank whispered back.

Both of them blinked away tears. Hazel was the next to say goodbye to Frank. She had been greeting her brother who was going with Frank and the others from the village. She wrapped her arms around Frank. "Promise me you'll be careful," she said.

"I promise," Frank said. "I'll do my best to stay alive for my family and for you."

Hazel squeezed him tighter. "When you return from war, I will be here as happy as any bride."

Frank's lips curled up in a smile. "Then, I shall do my best so that the day will come."

She gave him one last squeeze before letting him go. It was time for the villagers to depart now and no one had a dry eye. Nico, Frank, Grover, Dakota, Will, and Octavian set off to go find glory, death, or both.

     Psyche was pacing on Mount Ida, her wings furiously flapping behind her. She had arranged a meeting with her mother-in-law without her husband's knowledge. Aphrodite arrived and sat down on a mossy rock. Psyche turned to her, eyes flashing. "How could you let this happen?" Psyche asked.

"I love him — I don't control him," Aphrodite said. "I'm unhappy too, don't you see? This war is messing with this romance!"

    "You're unhappy?" Psyche said. "Think of how Hazel must be feeling — and Frank. The news is devastating them."

    Aphrodite sighed. "Look, I know you identify with Hazel," she began.

     Psyche folded her arms over her chest, her iridescent wings flashing. "Why do you have that idea?"

    "But it's totally not like your situation!" Aphrodite said. "I've gotten over my jealousy."

    Psyche raised an eyebrow. "You promised a happy romance."

     Aphrodite sighed. "I know and I'll do my best to make it that way, but I'm not the only god who forces hearts to endure trials and tribulations."

   Psyche pursed her lips. "Go speak to Ares. Tell him of the romance and make sure he keeps Frank safe."

    Aphrodite nodded. "The Spartans worship me as a goddess of war in addition to love," she said, "and I shall prove the name Aphrodite  Areia right."

   "You must," Psyche said, "or you'll never prove that love conquers all."

    Aphrodite blinked. "But it does."

   Psyche smiled. "Then prove it."
