Part 5

Rose wakes up and notices Astro is still asleep, so she goes to get dressed into her long-sleeved loose shirt and short red skirt then goes to wake up Astro but sees that Astro isn't in bed anymore.

Rose: Astro? Astro where did you go!?

Astro sneaks up behind Rose in her dinosaur pajamas and climbs on to Roses back

Astro: RAWR!!

Rose is startled but then starts to laugh, and Astro steps on to the floor again

Rose: Astro! What was that for!?

Astro: Did I scare you?

Rose: Kind of, yea.

Rose: I was thinking...maybe we can go out someplace today, like a store

or a restaurant..maybe?

Astro: H-hey Rose?

Rose: yes?

Astro: takes deep breath and closes her eyes I think we both know that we both have more-than-friends feeling for each other so would you like to be my girlfriend??? lets out breath because she said that all in one breath

Rose: Lets out a sigh of relief Finally! I-I mean yes, I was hoping you would say that at some point.

Illumi peeking out from corner lets out a fangirl squeal then slowly goes back to wherever he came from

Astro: opens her eyes Don't we have school today?

Rose: No, I don't think so.

Astro: Okay I'll go get changed and then we can find somewhere to go.

Goes and changes into a cropped pink hoodie with a white skirt that has black roses on the hem on the shirt then fishnets some white combat boots then hides her horns and puts on her golden rimmed glasses and on a silver flower crown okay I'm ready she runs through her hair and letting the waves fall and smile at Rose

Rose: Hm... adjusts Astro's flower crown to be straight

Rose: There we go!

Astro giggles and her big fluffy ears twitch as her tail wags

Rose: Sorry for needing everything perfect...why do you think I chose you?

Astro: Awww

Rose smiles

Rose: So where should we go?

Astro: Maybe a cafe?

Rose: Sure!

Rose drives them and they park in front of a cafe

Rose: We should go in now but- pauses for a minute and stares at Astro's eyes

Rose's mind: Why do I feel a sudden urge to kiss her? Shouldn't the voices tell me not to? Wouldn't it be to lift the curse...but I don't feel like I want to lift the curse right I-genuinely want to kiss her

Astro: Hm?

Rose: I-um-well-sighs and looks away nevermind

Astro: Huh??

Rose: I-I guess it's time to go order

Astro: Okay I guess

Rose's mind: Why couldn't I do it? I guess I couldn't build up the courage. Typical me, actually, you know what- I'm not letting my mind trick me this time!

As Astro starts to step out of the car, Rose pulls her back in the car into a soft kiss

Astro: y- kisses back but is surprised but quickly breaks the kiss and puts her hand to her head my head hurts really bad suddenly

Rose quickly processes the words

Rose: Oh I-I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have done that attempts to look away from Astro's shining eyes and has a feeling of being defeated


Rose's mind: gasps you knew that would be my biggest worry... if she denied me..and if you told me no, I wouldn't have been brought to my biggest weakness..YOU LITTLE-

Voice: yep!

Astro: It's fine, my head doesn't hurt anymore... I promise!

Rose: Oh, well, do you want to...process the situation...grab a coffee?

Astro: Okay!

They walk in and order their drinks then go sit at an empty table

Astro raises her hand for a waiter as one comes over

Waiter: Hello! How may I help you?

Astro: May I order a strawberry and cream cake?

Waiter: Yes, it will be right out for you!

Astro: Thank you

A few minutes later while Astro is sipping her strawberry boba her cake comes out

Waiter: Here you go ma'am is there anything else I can do for you guys this morning?

Astro: Thank you, Rose would you like anything?

Rose: Oh um... I guess I would like a croissant.

Waiter: Okay it will be right out.

The waiter leaves and Astro takes a bite of her cake looking very peaceful

Astro: Hey Rose?

Rose: Yes? Still trying not to look at Astro

Astro: Doesn't that waiter sorta look like Illumi?

Rose: Yea, he kind of did. What would Illumi be doing at a cafe?

Astro: One simple word: fangirling.

Rose: How did he know we were here?

Astro: Because I visit this cafe often... too often... heh.

Rose: Maybe we could not let him know that we know its him and-

Astro glance behind them and see's a person clearly in pain

Astro: Hey babe ill be back

Rose: But-

Astro gets up without waiting for an answer, leaving her strawberry boba

and strawberry cream cake unattended and half-eaten

The waiter comes back a set's down Rose food

Waiter: Where's the young mistress, Ms.rose?

She's talking to Nicki at the moment sighs

As Astro walks over to Nicki clearly seeing her in pain

Nicki in the background at another table alone: Why does everything have to be like this? I just couldn't do it, I just couldn't! Feels the pain in her hidden wings. Maybe when I get back home, I will let them out. Stupid schedule! Stupid crowds! Just act like everything is ok and no one will get hurt... except for myself if I keep doing this.

Sees a person coming to her table pretending she is alright

Astro: You're clearly in a lot of pain touch's her hidden wings as if there were visible

Nicki: I'm fine... why are you here at my table anyway?

Astro: makes her horns visible to help you, your wings need to be free

cause it causes you a lot of pain, clearly.

Nicki: well... ok fine! Yes I have wings and yes I'm in pain but with being at school or in public most of the time.. I can never let it out especially in this dimension!

Astro: Mhm I agree with you but that's no excuse for you to cause pain to yourself!

Nicki: Wow she really is not normal.. She still doesn't know about what has happened though nobody does... how about I just go along with it so I can go home and fix this mess of my life Well, how about I will order something because I'm starving and I might meet you and your girlfriend later since I don't wanna disturb you.

Astro: sighs As The Ruler Of Demon Foxes I Order You To Let Out Your Wings! Illumi!!!

Nicki: NO!

Ilumi: Yes master?

Astro: Let out her wings!

Nicki: No! teleports outside runs to woods. I have to get out of here! Ok I didn't want to do this but... it is the last card up my sleeve; her eyes transform into a dark shade of purple and lets out her true self, wings unfolded her hair comes out of her ponytail transforming into the metallic form of her wings and flies into one of the tall trees.

Illumi: Yes young mistress teleports behind Nicki and relaxes the wings while easily keeping up with her until she transformed then quickly teleported to Astro

Astro: Huh? Oh.... ugh easily sneaks up behind Nicki without her noticing and swifty put her in a fire cage

Astro: Nicki.... you're so stubborn!

Nicki: One, I already know that. I have been reminded multiple times! Two, I'm sorry that I am like this. I just don't like new people especially when they trap me in a FIRE CAGE! Look, I know you are trying to help but you don't know what mess of a life you are getting into!

Astro: And i=I ran away at age 6 from a kingdom I was to rule, got a voice stuck into my head for 10 years, let people down, can't cook so I had to get a maid and even though I was most powerful in this universe, I ran away from that too and couldn't protect myself so I had to hire a butler to do it for me and school pfft- I've never attended a full day I've only been in an actual classroom for an hour before I had a panic attack and skipped and we aren't even gonna talk about the people and family I've murdered... what I'm trying to say is I think I can handle it also I am indeed Queen of the Demon Foxes the paw print in her eye glows white while the devil tail under her eye glowed a smoky red and time stopped wind stopped everything stopped and Astro smiled at Nicki then as soon as Astro snapped everything went back to--whatever is normal-- and smiles at Nicki.

Nicki: Welp since you just stopped time just to see my wings.. (that you think are made of feathers) then fine I will do it! And yes I already knew you were the Queen of Demon Foxes it is actually pretty obvious to me but unrecognizable to others!

Astro: Yea I suppose it is.

Nicki: lets out wings as the sunshine reflects off of it in multiple bright colors Happy now?!

Astro: Yep now just stay there for a day gives Nicki food by simply stepping into the fire cage, giving her it see I would let you stay in my house butttt- I feel like you would break something and escape sooooo...

Nicki: I don't blame you. A lot of people think the same thing when they meet someone like me! eats the food and saves some for later Anyway, so why did you even care to come to my table at the cafe in the first place?!

Astro: It was clear you were in pain and too stubborn to release your wings so you needed help.

Nicki: Well, do you hide from hunters all day? I feel like there is a 50-50 chance that is a yes or no being that you are not as normal as I thought you were.

Astro: Ehh kinda barely anymore cause I ran away from the title of most powerful while still being most powerful. Plus, I usually wear an eye patch and hide my horns so I don't have to be that afraid but then again they are all over sooo there a 78% I won't get hunted all day buttt 22% I could get hunted all-day

Nicki: she better not find out.. Other personalities in her head: she will find out eventually but I don't want people to know... my father... sissy... don't cry if she sees you cry she will definitely know something is up... or I could use that to my advantage..

Astro: Stop planning something....

Nicki: Smarter than you look Astro Kozume

Astro: Heh so you know my full name eh?- Well I shouldn't be surprised, the media exposes everything. Astro sighs

(soo hows your guys day been?)

word count 1759
