Chapter 55

Asher POV

The winds blew violently. The rain crashed down on us. Our horses continued pushing forwards. We rode all day and night. Our destination was just a half mile away. Civilization around us was thickening each mile. Ethan needed to be stopped immediately or else more innocent people in this town would be hurt, or be faced with death.

We arrived in the vacant, eerie town at twilight. Our heavy breathing cast a condensation in the air. Most village lights were out. There was a dog in the background barking and metal lanterns screeching, but no other noises were made. This village was still living in the quaint, olden days; in which I respected, but there wasn't anybody in sight, not even one person.

We all listened carefully for signs of life. Any heartbeat. Anything. Nothing sounded.

The guards and I dismounted our horses cautiously. I had a strange gut feeling. My eyebrows were furrowed and I heightened all my senses. The vines climbing up the walls of homes and buildings meant that this place was abandoned, but what about the lanterns? They were lit.

Shadows danced on the ground and walls as guards dispersed and covered more land area. Cameron, Derek, Caleb and I stuck together and investigated the first building. We were all prepared to fight. As soon as we stepped foot into the barren household, we knew it was a trap. The interior looked like it hasn't been touched for ages, due to the dust buildup. Ethan had set us up.

As soon as that thought had entered my mind, a yell came from across the minuscule town. We bolted through the door, but soon stopped on our tracks as the premise was surrounded by dozens of werewolves. Their mouths were dripping of blood and their eyes spoke of pure redness.

There was a particular werewolf that caught my attention. His scent was familiar. Ethan. His red eyes were directly pointed at me. Their battle line was parallel to the vampires'. He snarled and howled. Both sides charged toward each other.

The four of us trained our eyes on Ethan. He was cowering behind the stronger werewolves. He would not last a second without his defense. I hissed but paced back and forth. We could hold out for as long as we could for his defense to fade. 

I was right. One by one. A piece of his shield ran off to attack a vampire. They would not stand still while fellow wolves were getting demolished. When the defensemen ran away from their leader, we sprinted towards him. Now is the perfect time. 

We sprung onto him with our fangs drawn. I bit down. I ripped. I clawed. Anything possible. His golden fur was decorated with blotches of blood. He roared and threw all of us off. We crouched near him in quick recovery and threatened for another group attack. We had him surrounded, but his wounds seemed to be healing faster than the average werewolf. How was that possible? I had definitely underestimated his strength. 

Cameron bolted first. He made it onto his back. He slashed and made many more deep cuts. He was about to bite down when he was gripped around the neck. The werewolf raised him high up in the air.  Derek hissed and his eyes spoke of danger. He ran with full speed into Ethan's arm, making him release Cameron. He landed on the floor with a thud but stood on his feet soon after. We proceeded on circling him. If he targeted someone, then the other three would come to aid the victim. 

Derek flashed onto Ethan's back and bit down his neck. He missed the artery by a couple of inches. He was grabbed by the hem of his shirt and was thrown many yards away. Caleb and I ganged up on Ethan then aimed at the throat as well. It was Caleb who got a secure bite. 

Blood spewed everywhere. The gold was turning to a rich color of red. Everything was happening so quickly. Ethan thrashed in pain and anger. His arm slammed clumsily into Cameron's chest, resulting in the man to go airborne and crash into a tree. His screams rang out as his back snapped in the loud battle field. Derek was clawed along the back and thrown to the side. I wanted to rush to both men's sides but Ethan was out-of-control. 

I flickered my eyes to the neck wound. That was the only injury that didn't seem to be healing itself. Shoving Caleb to the side and imagining any element, a flame flashed across my eyes and I placed the burning fire onto the wound. I plunged my hand into his neck and ripped the throat open even more. Arteries and veins slipped into my grasp and I twisted them as far as they could. 

A flame went ablaze. He roared in pain. Losing balance, he crashed into a tree. I was gripping his fur to remain balanced. I wanted to torture him. I needed to scorch his face. I wanted him to experience the slowest pain ever imagined. When he stumbled a bit more, he swiftly reach behind and gripped the back of my shirt. 

I winced when his fingertips scraped along my spine. I held a fistful of fur; I did not want to loose my progress. I was doing so well in hurting him. He needed to experience every single pain that he put people through. 

I hadn't realized that I was soaring through the air when a tree branch was coming closer to view. I was getting to close. My eyes widened then I closed them shut. 

I screamed out in pain. I was 10 feet off the ground. Looking down at the pain, there was a tree branch that had protruded through the right side of my upper torso. I was clueless on how to get down from here. The longer I hung on, the more painful it got. It was unbearable. Everything was numb but my chest. I put pressure onto the branch. If I could make this branch snap, then I could fall down and rip it out of me. 

I looked down at Cameron, he was directly below me. He was still unconscious. His spine was twisted in a odd angle. I wanted to help him, but Caleb screamed when Ethan had his claws on him. That pulled me back to my current situation. 

I grunted and applied more pressure onto the branch. Almost there. I bit my lip from wincing when the branch moved. Don't make your wound any larger, Asher, think strategically. 

Ethan was approaching me with a menacing smirk on his bloodied face. I grunted and tried as hard as I could, but the tree branch was not budging. The closer he got, the more I grew worried. My heart was in my throat. I did not know what to expect. Would he just rip you down from the branch? That last thought gave me a bigger adrenaline rush. I needed to hurry. 

From behind, Caleb lunge onto the golden wolf's back and swung his body in a way where Ethan could not reach him. He bite down on the neck wound that he created. The monster howled in pain and averted his gaze from me. Caleb was buying me time. 

I used all my force to push forward. The branch snapped and I was free-falling with it inside of me. The fall was almost as painful as getting speared. As I drew the branch out slowly, I bit down more. Blood was sliding down my chin. I didn't dare make a noise. I didn't need Ethan's attention on me while I was vulnerable.

A wave of relief washed over me when the branch slid out. My body was shaking and the shirt was soaking up the thick blood quickly.

I stood slowly with my knees threatening to buckle. I seemed to be 25 yards away from the beast. His back was facing me. I closed my eyes to focus all my energy and took a deep breath. One more hit and he would be down.

Combining the special powers and imagining an explosion, I pushed the force from me and threw my hands at Ethan. 

I collapsed to my knees with a breath escaping me. I tumbled to the side and my eyelids fell. The last thing I saw was a bright light then an explosion. 

Caleb POV

I hissed at Ethan. He was still wearing his shit-eating smirk. He was not too far from me. In one step, he could claw and make my chest bleed even more profusely. I hoped that Ash would have enough time to de-puncture himself and help me. This was not a one man job. 

Ethan reached out and grabbed my right shoulder. His claws digging in. I screamed in pain. As he was retreating his hand, I reached forward and cut his wrist. Blood splashed onto his fur and my face. He gripped it closely to his chest. His eyes went to a darker shade of red.

He took a step forward as I took a step back. I had no where else to go. I was cornered. He lunged forward, gripped my sides, and hoisted me up. His strong claws ripped through my flesh. I was hopeless. My shirt was an absolute shredded mess. Blood dripped down my body. 

My eyelids were feeling heavier by the second. My head limped to the side. I counted how much longer  before being consumed by darkness. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six...

A bright orb was coming at me with amazing speed. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. Surely it would not hurt as much as Ethan's grasp; the werewolf himself took the blow. He released me when it struck him between the shoulder blades. 

The force of an explosion threw me against a tree. Blood splattered every which way. I collapsed to the ground in a heap. My ears were ringing and I could not see anything through the thick smoke. I coughed when the thick combustion entered and left my lungs. I squinted, but that made my head throb even more. There was a faint howl, then silence. Absolute silence within the mist.

I kneeled then supported my weight on my elbows. No. Don't do this now. My breathing was non-rythymic and I was on the verge of losing consciousness. Each movement was pain wrenching. I needed to get up. I needed to aid the unconscious bodies. Derek was just a few steps away. The men needed me. So close.

I got up slowly by leaning against the tree. As soon as I stood up, I wobbled on my feet then crashed down. My mind was wrapped around the same fog that formed around me. 

Derek POV

Cameron. He was hurt and I felt it. He needed me. A strong, sudden wave of force awakened me. The rain stung the deep gashes in my back. Four marks. The signature of Ethan. 

I looked around and saw a resting mist. I could barely make out his body lying beside to a tree. I winced when I shifted my weight onto my knees and elbows. His scent was just there, I could smell him. He was so near, yet so far. 

My body was shaking and my breathing was unsteady when I approached Cameron's body. He lay on his stomach. His body limp. I scooped his head onto my lap and brushed the loose tendrils of hair from his face. Dirt caked his cheeks. His heartbeat was faint. My heart wrenched at the sight of him. Please, please get up. I need you. 

I was about to rest my forehead against his when he was ripped from my arms. "No!" I roared. Anger coursed through my body. I dismissed the pain that ached my body as it was easily replaced with fury. Nobody could take him away from me. He needed to heal. I struggled against the multiple arms wrapped around me. Cameron was carefully laid on top of a board then carried away. 

My gaze followed the men who took his body. I lashed out at the people holding me back. They can not take my mate from me. I needed to give him my energy. I struggled with many arms around me. A knee flew to my back and I yelled out. I was let go and greeted by the ground. "Derek, sir! We need to check your wounds. Stop struggling. You're only making it more difficult and painful." A voice sounded above me. 

A tear leaked from my eye. "Cameron." I whimpered as I was lifted up and placed on an identical board. 

I was carried to a makeshift tent. The ground slippery of blood belonged to both enemies. I was strapped down, even when I already felt paralyzed. I couldn't move, but that didn't stop me from pouring out my emotions to Cameron. Wherever he was, I needed to find him. I had to know if he was okay. 

"Clear!" A deep voice sounded adjacent from me. My eyes widened at the sight. Ash's shirt was ripped down the middle. Many men hovered over his body. "Clear!" He pumped the defibrillator above his heart. Ash held no reaction to the shock. Another medic was pumping air through a BVM bag. Still no movement. 

"We need to get a medic for Caleb!" A man, carrying the captain in, had shouted. Caleb was unconscious and an oxygen mask over his mouth. His eyes were closed. 

Chaos was around me. The prince and captain were on the verge of death. Cameron was out of my sight. Nobody had his green eyes and raven hair. Another lone tear streaked down my face. He needed to be okay. My heart beat for these men around me. Dozens of soldiers were injured and I was lucky enough to be conscious to witness the aftermath. I prayed that everybody recover to full health, especially Cameron, even when it meant that I sacrifice my soul and energy to him. 

A medic had pricked my arm with a needle. "Sir, we're going to put you to sleep. You need your wounds to be checked at." A man behind a surgical mask instructed. I didn't have time to object before blackness filled my vision. I never got to see Cameron one last time. My mind will never rest without knowing that he will be okay. 

"Clear!" Was the very last thing that I've heard before fading away. 

Asher POV

Cool waves crashed onto me. I sat on the warm, golden sand and admired Violet as she chased a little boy along the water. His giggles filled my ears. I laughed whole-heartedly. The two people that I loved the most were in front of me. I couldn't have asked for anything else. Violet turned her head to me and waved me over with a wide smile. She stood before the sun and it looked like she was illuminating light, like an aura. As I got closer, the light got farther. The smile disappeared from my face. Her smile was fading into the bright orb. I reached out, but that didn't stop her from blending with the light. I sprinted after her. 'Violet!' I shouted, but it was too late. She was already gone. I stared at the light in the distance. I took a step forward and was sent flying in the air. I was thrown onto the sand. There was no more bright light. There was only darkness. I looked around, but nothing came to avail. It felt like I was floating. There was no gravity. My mind was empty. I held no purpose. I yelled for Violet. I yelled for anybody. A lightning strike was my only answer. 

My eyes snapped open. I was struck by bright light. Was I still in the nightmare? My eyes registered to the sun shining through the layer of leaves. A breeze made the leaves dance on their branches. I blinked a couple more times and fought the pounding in my head. I sat upright but groaned in pain instantly.

A hand applied pressure on my shoulder that urged me to lay back down. My heart was beating quickly. My chest hurt each time I inhaled and exhaled. I grimaced but still sat up. My stubborn self needed to know where I was and what had happened.

A large, thick bandage was wrapped around my upper torso. Fresh blood was seeping through the right side of the compress. "Prince Asher, please lay down. You are not well enough to be sitting up. You need to rest." A voice sounded.

I glanced at the man in front of me for the first time. The tall blonde man looked to be the medic. I shook my head and swung my legs to the side and stood slowly. My legs felt wobbly and I gripped the bed tightly. He aided my side immediately and helped me up. I took a couple painful breathes. Take it nice and easy, Ash. 

I looked around my surroundings and spotted a few tents on the red battlefield. The abandoned town rested without any movement. 

"Tell me what happened to me." I demanded. I needed answers. Had we defeated the werewolves once and for all? Where was Caleb, and the other men? Were they still alive? That question haunted my mind. I needed to find out myself. 

"You had a four inch wound running from your shoulder down to the top of your chest." He paused and glanced at the wound. "We had to resuscitate you, sir, you were not breathing. Your heart was not beating, it was like stone." After he said that, I bit my sore lip. I was very close to not seeing Violet anymore. What would baby Aidan do? What about mother? She would not bear the pain of loosing her eldest son. That made my heart cringe. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. I nodded stiffly when he was waiting for an answer. I didn't have anything to say. I was still in shock. 

I pushed away from the bed and gained balance. He stood with his arms outstretched, in case he needed to support me. I stood straight and took a step forward. I waited for my legs to give out, in which it did not. I left out a sigh of relief and took a couple more steps. My mind was spinning. I stood still for a second, sent a firm nod to dismiss the man, and took a step at a time to the nearest tent. 

Derek was laying on his stomach when I approached him. Bandages covered the stitches that criss-crossed along his back. His breathing was shallow, but it was there. I reached to touch his arm, but another doctor caught my hand. 

"Don't disturb him, your majesty. He needs to rest. He put up quite the fight against the other guards last night." I was confused at what he just said. Derek fought the guards? 

I walked to the next tent and saw that it was empty. Caleb was recovering two tents away from Derek's. His bandages resembled my thick white one. As I got closer, his head turned in my direction. His eyes lit up when he saw me. I smiled slightly. He sat up slowly and ran a hand down his face. I excused the medic and waited for Caleb to say something. 

"20 guards have fallen." He started and looked off into the distance. I sat on the bed. That was a big number. "There were 19 reported werewolf bodies." We both sat in silence and looked through the tent entrance. "Our job is done. Do you think we should head back soon? We promised the girls that we would be gone for two days, it's the third morning." 

The sooner we got home, the sooner everything will be at ease once again. No more chaos. No more attacks. Violet and I would finally seal our marriage and the coronation would take place. That is, if we made it home safely and healed on time. 

A/N: Yikes! I read through this chapter five times! I wasn't so sure about this one. I spent hours editing it, which meant that it was pretty bad at the beginning. I wanted some final action, but some things were redundant so I mixed things up a bit? Maybe? Sure? Lol...

Anyways, probably another chapter or two before this story comes to an end! I'm gonna be sad that Violet and Ash's adventures are ending...   ;-; meep 

Thank you for taking me on this journey of writing a long story. You all have been a motivation to update and write more. I love you all!

~Kitty xoxo 

Don't forget to stay wonderful :) 
