Chapter 4: A kings command


Bloody Scenes are depicted with detail!
Gore and violence is present!

Readers discretion is advised

Sans' POV

"So now that I've paid the price, hurry up and tell me more!" I glared at him as I bared my fangs threateningly

"Calm down, don't be so agitated! I'll tell you, as long as I can do that again~" He purred as his eyes glowed blue with a reddish tinge, the way he was looking at me sent shivers down my spine.

"Don't even think about it." I gave him a menacing look as he just stared at me with a blank expression before smirking

"Alright, Alright! So whats more is that after we kill our beloveds we pretty much go out of control, we lose our minds completely and go on a killing rampage, destroying practically anything insight." That sparked a question from me after hearing this

"Then why aren't you like that?"I stared at him suspiciously

"... You're a pretty clever one! The reason for it is because with enough mental capability you can transfer the blood lust to another person making them your beloved, I figured this out after I killed Toriel." He smiled as if he was remembering whatever cruel death he gave Tori.

"That makes me a whole lot stronger than anyone else with this nauseating disease. It means I can get more "gifts"!" I became intrigued, what type of gifts was he talking about

"What are these "gifts" you speak of?" I couldn't help but ask

"Well, to explain that, what compliment do you remember the most that your beloved gave you?"

"Actually it's beloveds, plural..." He seemed surprised by what I said

"Oh... You have multiple? That's never happened before, you can usually only have one at a time." He was now observing me more than before

"Yeah I'm pretty different as you can tell." I rolled my eyes at Sang and coughed so I could continue

"Compliments I remember the most huh? The one I got from Cross was, your perception is pretty good, when I saved him from accidentally falling into the void in OuterTale. Dust gave me, you're like a candle in the darkness, after we star-gazed together. Killer was just messing around and using super cheesy lines like actions speak brighter than words, and you become an incredible story, I wanted to kill him for that. Horror just told me I'm pretty much an amazing listener, I only listened to him talk about his woes though. Nightmare only told me that the change I'm making towards the world he lived in was bringing him happiness." I saw him twitch as he heard their names and he especially widened his eyes when he heard the word perception.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"So you got a compliment about observation... Damn I dealt with one of those and I almost died dealing with them, they're a pretty insane gift...

 So, did you know that approximately 80% of sensory input is processed by your eyes? Your vision plays an important role, imagine if you somehow managed to sharpen your vision to the maximum level. Your eyes send info to the brain and then the body does the action to create an outcome, that maximum level of vision wouldn't help you if your brain and body can't keep up... But if it could keep up, you would excel in everything you do... You'd go beyond the realm of a superhuman."

"Why the hell is that important right now-"

I was cut off abruptly by the feeling of someone hugging me close to them, I glanced at Sang giving a psychotic grin as he looked at them. I sharply snapped my head up to see who it was and I felt my murderous intent go wild.

It's Nightmare and I instantly felt that the others were behind him, I couldn't see past Nightmare, but I could strangely know that the others were in different battle stances and they were ready to strike Sang, then I sensed someone else and it's Ink and Dream, they were both also ready to fight.

"N-Nightmare what are you doing here?" I needed to keep up the act of surprise even if I already knew what they were doing, they were going to kill Sang since they think it's because of him I turned out this way.

I gripped onto his shirt tightly, but not to further accentuate my act, it was to keep myself from smashing him to bits right now. Grinding my teeth I imagine my self peeling off all the outer bone layer as I watched as everyone from the gang writhed in pain, unable to stand up due to the fact that only their bone marrow remained, the soft tissue would be leaking out the crimson substance as it started to become cracked and dry because of the exposed air. I would pile them all up and smash the soft material that used to be apart of their bodies into a puddle of mush, staining my pink slipper forever in red as they breathe their last breath.

I could do just the opposite and hollow the bones out by taking out the marrow as slowly as possible and maybe I could fill it with something... Like fire ants or venomous centipedes since those cause great amounts of pain.

"So you're Nightmare, huh?" I heard Sang say as he almost grabbed Nightmares head, he wanted to twist it off. Though one of the tentacles slapped him away.

What was he doing? That was my job to kill them, only I had the right to do so... Anybody else who gets in the way can just rot underneath me as a corpse.

Soon a fight broke out and I was placed away from the battleground as I watched as Cross swung his sword towards Sang's neck, but then it was caught by him with two fingers, as if Cross was weaker than a fly to him. Black tentacles coming from Nightmare sharpened and attacked trying to riddle him with holes, dodging each one he leaned all the way down and spinned on his hands as he delivered a powerful kick to Nightmares jaw sending him flying.

I watched as blood pooled from his mouth and I started to get agitated. I watched as the crazed skeleton slowly trudged over to Nightmare, not forgetting to knock the rest unconscious with either just a punch or a kick. Once he was in front of Nightmare he lifted his foot and made slammed it down, missing the skull by only a few centimeters. He cackled as he watched the fiery glare that the black goopy creature was giving him. Then he summoned a bone, he would bludgeoned to death...

Racing towards the scene right as he was about to destroy Nightmare, I grabbed it and with an emotionless gaze I spoke to him.

"He's mine!"

"Your gonna fight me? So you can kill him?" The last part was whispered into my ears as I summoned a gaster blaster and shot him, he jumped and kicked off the weapon he was holding, narrowly missing the reddish beam of light.

Immediately noticing how open he was due to the jump I summoned my own bone and struck his chest, successfully doing so. My perception... It enhanced much further than before...

"Hahah... You know how I told you I was able to shift my blood lust onto someone else? Guess who it is~" he held his chest that was dripping wet with blood as he spoke about that random thing.

"I don't really care about who you'll like to brutally torture to death next." I was uninterested with his nonsensical chatter already

"Hmm, I think you should care?" he mused

"Thinking about the cares of a dead body isn't really worth my time." I rushed him about to hit him again when he said a single word that caused everything I was doing to fall to the ground.

"You're too confident, I'm gonna show you some good reasons about why you shouldn't be so rude to others...


And so I did, I couldn't stand up no matter what, it was like I was completely under his control. I looked up at him as I watched his gaze look at me with such bewitched eyes.

"So that person... If you wanted to know is..."

