Chunin Exams Finale- Finale

Naruto had sat Satsuko resting on his shoulder. He had watched the, if he was being honest, boring match between Shikamaru and Temari were Temari was victor via forfeit.

He was joined half way through the long 'fight' by Natsuki who was feeling much better. He congratulated her once more which had her blushing.

The match between Kankuro and Dosu didn't happen due to Dosu never showing up leaving a few people curious and suspicious of what had happened to him.

Now however it was time for his match so he woke Satsuko up and went down to the arena. Across from him was his fellow jinchuuriki, Gaara, but Sasuke was no where to be found.

The proctor glanced up to the Hokage who discussed with the Kazekage next him before he gave his silent orders.

"Sasuke Uchiha has 5 minuets to arrive or he will be disqualified" the crowd booed to the possibility of one of their beloved Uchiha getting disqualified.

Naruto frowned at the special treatment. Dosu wasn't given a minuet and he had no doubts if the Uchiha didn't show up he would be given more time.

And that's what happened 20 minuets had past before a lightning shushin appeared next the proctor dispersing to reveal Kakashi and Sasuke.

The crowed roared I approval while a vast majority of ninja shook the heads in disapproval.

When Kakashi finished his small talk he left the field meaning the fight was ready to begin.

Just like in the other fights Genma asked the genin if they were ready and received a nod of confirmation.

"Alright then. Hajime!"

Sasuke hurled shuriken's at Naruto then turned to Gaara doing the same.

Naruto easily caught the shuriken's and watched as Sasuke ran at Gaara who's sand had caught the shuriken's threw at him.

Sasuke went for a punch but was instantly caught by Gaara's sand the sand wrapped around his arm and crushed it.

Violent snaps and crunches echoed around the stadium. The sand dispersed revealing the remaining part of Sasuke's arm.

Ground bone and flesh littered the floor and some was in Gaara's sand. Sasuke sunk to the ground his eyes fixed on his arm, if you could call it that.

All that remained of the arm was the bone from his elbow to his shoulder blade and clumps of meat barley attached to it.

Blood splattered everywhere creating a large pool of blood surrounding Sasuke. Gaara's sand seemed to be soaking it in while Gaara gave an insane smile.

"Does this please you Mother hehehe" his laugh sent shivers down the spines of the audience.

Naruto however saw this as an opportunity and rushed forward so fast he wasn't visible to even the two Kage.

He punched Gaara interrupting his insane moment. The boy flew back into the stadium wall bouncing of it as cracked.

Naruto didn't let up and fly kicked Gaara back into the wall and then pushed of the boys body to launched himself at Sasuke.

Sasuke had just only looked up after seeing his mangled arm. He was completely unready, not that it mattered either way, for the powerful kicked to his jaw that launched him into the opposite wall to Gaara embedding him into it knocked out.

Naruto felt Sasuke's jaw shatter from his kick. He made sure in was un healable. Not even Tsunade could fix it now.

Now that he thought about it the boy was probably dead. He went and checked and he was.

Bone fragments had flew through his head due to the force of the kicked. Naruto took out 2 kunai and stabbed them into his eyes just in case.

Naruto turned to his other opponent he knew was alive probably still awake as well he was a jinchuuriki after all.

Gaara slowly rose his Mother screaming at his to kill Naruto immediately. His sand raced across the arena but it was all for nought as Naruto punched the sand dispersing it.

He walked toward Gaara calmly. The sand returned to said exhausted boy and entered his gourd.

Feathers fell from the sky knocking out the civilian crowd members and a large majority of the genin and a few weaker chunin.

Suna and Oto ninja appeared and started attacking the conscient ninja. The Konoha ninja started fighting back joined by a few of the village's Anbu.

Naruto's eyes never left Gaara until his two siblings appeared and took him away into the forest surrounding the village.

Naruto smirked this was the perfect opportunity. Never losing his smirk he followed them.

Timeskip- deep in the surrounding forest

Naruto was now stood across from Gaara who had transformed half his body into that of a sand racoon thingy.

Naruto pulled out a piece of seal paper with a self made tailed beast suppression seal. In the blink of an eye he was next to Gaara slapping the seal on his face.

The result was instant. The sand crumbled and Gaara fell, weak and unable to move without his tailed beast helping him with the damage he sustained.

Kankuro who had until then been hiding on the side lines with is sister decided to attack. He was decapitated in the blink of an eye.

Temari's eyes widened she hadn't even un sheath his blade before it was back on his back and her brothers head was coming of.

She was paralyzed she couldn't do anything as Naruto crouched down and lifted Gaara's shirt. He pulled out another seal and placed his hand on Gaara sending his chakra into the boy revealing his seal.

The seal was soon put on Gaara's seal. Naruto stood turning towards Temari who gulped.

"Come out I wont kill you" he said emotionlessly which didn't make the girl want to come out.

"If you don't come out I'll kill you painfully" the girl rushed out of the bush she was behind desperate to live against the monster that beat her brother.

Naruto sped behind her chopping her neck. He picked her up and tied her to a tree sealing her chakra.

He stood in front of Gaara and lifted up his armour placing a seal on himself. He performed a few hand signs and waited.

Seconds later chakra began to leave Gaara. The one tails chakra to be precise. The soul was leaving his body as well and all of it was drown to the seal Naruto placed on himself.

That seal then transferred it into the seal holding Kyu. A couple minuets later and Gaara lay dead. Naruto had successfully transferred the one tailed beast to himself.

"Naruto!" he heard from behind him. He glanced behind him and saw Natsuki, Satsuko and Kiba.

"You beat them" Natsuki exclaimed and Naruto nodded.

"You ready to go back to the village dead last" Kiba said still underestimating Naruto even after having his ass handed to him.

"I'm not going back mutt" the four Konoha ninja gasp eyes wide. Naruto was leaving?

"What do you mean Naruto?" Satsuko questioned.

"I'm leaving permanently. Natsuki, Satsuko you can join me if you like." He answered.

"I...I'll...go... I owe you my life after you saved me" Natsuki said moving to stand next to him only to be blocked by Kiba.

"I cant let you leave with the dead last I don't care about him but you cant go" He said acting tuff.

"Yes we can" Kiba turned heat to Satsuko only to receive a knock out punch from said girl.

Satsuko looked at Naruto "Will you help kill my brother?" she got a nod "Then I'll join you"

"One of you grab her she could be useful" Naruto said pointing to Temari.

Satsuko nodded out cut her down carrying her on her back.

Three turned away from the village and began there journey.....

They were now rogue ninja

Eᑎᗪ O ᑕᕼᗩᑭTE
Well i just killed Gaara, Sasuke and Kankuro. Don't hate me pls.

Naruto now has two tailed beast and has left the leaf with Natsuki and Satsuko.

I'm sorry if its shit. Maybe i should put a warning in the description about shitty content.

Nah who reads that. Just like no one reads this _


Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto
