Blood burn

Lucas ran down the road, and into his front yard. He threw the basketball, inside the garage and made his way up the stairs, to the front door. When he reached the last step on the staircase, he could hear really loud voices inside the house. He frowned. What's going on? , he thought.

He reached for the handle and opened the door. The loud voices stopped. "Luke honey is that you?” a soft voice asked. He closed the door and heard light footsteps come towards him. He turned around, to see his mom standing in the doorway, which led to the living room. She smiled softly at him. Lucas returned the smile.

"Yes, mother it's just me", he said with his little voice.

His mother gasped. "Lucas, your clothes is all dirty", she said. Lucas looked down and frowned. His shirt and jeans were all muddy and there were green grass stain on them. He looked up with an apologizing smile. "I'm sorry mother, it really wasn't my intention to get this dirty, and we, Bennett and I were just having so much fun".

His mother sighed. "Well go bath then". Lucas nodded and ran for the stairs. When he passed the living room, he saw his dad standing there. In the middle of the room, head down. His dad looked sad. Lucas frowned, but let it pass and went upstairs to get a bath.

After taking a long and hot bath, he went inside his room. He walked over to his walk- in closet and put on a black t-shirt and some white and blue shorts. After getting dressed he turned on his X-box and started playing games.

While sitting in his room, he heard a loud noise of something cracking. A scream followed seconds after. He looked up. What was that', he thought. His door opened, and his mothers head came into view. "Luke, baby", she cooed, and smiled a weird smile. Lucas shivered. "Did you hear that, noise?" , she asked. He nodded. "Yes, mother I did, what was it?”. She shook her head. "Nothing sweetheart, everything is fine. Your father just cracked a vase. I will go cook, okay?"

Lucas nodded and his mother went down stairs.



It smelled disgusting. I started cutting it into pieces.

I did it. I finally did it.

It was becoming too much.

The pain was too much.

After tonight, I would be free.

But I couldn't stop thinking.

“Poor Lucas...”



His stomach growled. Lucas paused the game. He could smell the food downstairs. It was time to go eat dinner. He opened his door and went down the stairs. When he passed the living room, he stopped and peeked in. There was nobody. Lucas frowned. His father would always sit in the armchair reading the papers or watching news. Lucas was about to turn around when something caught his eyes. On the black and gray carpet there was a stain. It was fading with the sunlight, but he could see it. Maybe, he thought, it was water, from a vase? It was probably the vase his father had broken.

He turned and walked inside the kitchen. Then he stopped dead in his tracks. It looked like it always did. There was food on the table. The dishes were on the kitchen table. But Lucas could see two things that were wrong. One, his father wasn't sitting at the table, preparing to eat dinner. And two. His mother’s hands were all red. Like dark red.

He remembered the color. A couple of days ago head helped his mom cook dinner. But he cut himself. It was the color of blood he remembered. Lucas felt his stomach turn. He suddenly felt lightheaded. He groaned softly.

His mother turned at the noise. She frowned and something dark glinted in her eyes. But then she smiled. "Lucas, dear, let me wash my hands before we eat. I dropped the chili on my hands", she smiled.

Lucas felt weird but nodded and sat down. He did not feel well. "Where is father?", he asked.

His mother dried her hands and turned to him. "Well..." she said." There were some problems at the office, something about paperwork that has gone lost, he'll be back in some hours", she said sitting down. Lucas nodded understanding. "Let's eat", his mom smiled.

Lucas took the bowl with meat in, he frowned. It wasn't like the meat he was used to. His mom saw his expression, "It's some new meat, my friends recommended”.

"Okay", Lucas said. When he finished filling his plate with food, he took a piece of the meat, and put it in his mouth.

His mother stared at him. The taste was weird and Lucas did not quite like it. It tasted sour and burned and sweet. Like sickly sweet. Lucas swallowed it. He started feeling nausea. He grabbed the table so hard his knuckle turned white. His mom continued to just stare at him while eating one piece of meat after another.

Lucas fell of the chair. His mother stared. Lucas could fell that he needed to throw up. His mother stared. Lucas whimpered. His mother stared.

Lucas stood weakly on his feet. The room spun. His mother stared. Lucas turned to the door and ran for the bathroom. His mother stared the way he vanished. Then she looked down her plate. The meat was gone. She could hear Lucas vomit down the hall. She stood, and walked counter. She grabbed something from the counter. She walked the direction her son was.

She walked up behind him. "Poor Lucas" she whispered. Lucas turned to his mom. "Mom", he asked, seeing what was in her hand. He started to shake. She walked towards him and brought her arm up.

She smiled.

"Poor Lucas"

"Poor little boy"

"Poor, poor, poor", she whispered over and over.

Lucas stared at her. In his mind he heard yelling. He saw his father, he ate the meat. He understood.

His mother’s hand shot down towards him. Pain and blood. Blood and

pain. A scream from somewhere.

Lucas starred.



Thanks for reading my story. It was just a small idea I got, but I hope you liked it!!

I also hope you understood it. If not message me.

