Blood and Loyalty

Not Mine

Story by : 79alexandreia
Jung Yunho's POV

First Meeting
Stupid meeting, stupid share holders, if it wasn't for them, I won't have to jog this late. The sky is getting darker, it seems that it's gonna rain soon. But I need my laps, jogging makes me forget about the problem, about the company, about people fighting over money, over power.

“Master Jung, going jogging?”


“I think it's going to rain soon, Master Jung”

“I'll make it short today. I'll be back in half and hour or so”

“Should I tell the boys to come along, Master Jung? Today meeting didn't end peacefully...”

“You know I hate it when the boys are following me while I jog, Jongsuk”

“I know, Master, but...”

“Don't worry, they won't try to kill me this time, at least not now because it would be too obvious”

“But Master...”

“I know you worry about me, but I'll be fine. I'm leaving”

“Be careful, Master”

I nodded. Jongsuk serves my family since he was a kid, he served my parents and after they passed away, he takes care of me and my family. My name is Jung Yunho, I'm 43, the heir of the Jung family. There are 4 families who influence Korea, The Kim, The Choi, The Park and The Jung. I'm currently the leader of the Jungs.

I took over from my Dad after he and Mom passed away on an place crash, I was 23, two years after I married Song Qian, a daughter of one of the most influence family in China. Our daughter Yoona was just one as they passed away, too young to even remember her grandparents.

People say that the Jungs are cursed, we may have power and money, but since generations we only have one descendant and we are predicted to die young. Since 5 generations none of the Jung celebrate their 50thbirthday. My dad passed away as he was 49. We all married at our early twenties with someone already chosen or being chosen from the family.

I was happy with Song Qian, she was beautiful, the perfect wife and mother. The doctor diagnosed her with Pancreas Carcinoma 10 years ago, she passed away 4 months after they diagnosed her. I have no need to look for her replacement, because nobody can takes her place in my heart. Our daughter Yoona married Yonghwa a year ago, he took our name to pass the Jung's name. Yoona is now pregnant with her first child, the baby should be born in 4 months. I can't wait to see my first grandchild.

Darn, it got really dark, good that I know the path. I was entering the park as it started to rain heavily. I can barely breath because of the rain. I speed up, wanted to get home as soon as I could. I decided to take the short cut through the alley. If Jongsuk knows about this, I'm sure he's going to have a heart attack. The alley is dark, robbers lurking for their victims, but common robbers wouldn't have a chance against me. All the Jungs are masters in martial arts, even Yoona has black belt for Taekwondo and Karate.

I kept alert as I run across the alley, frowned as I saw a large box on the corner moved. Something is alive inside it... maybe it's a dog? I saved 8 dogs from this alley until know, I brought them all home. I came closer, the box moved again.

My eyes got big as I saw what inside it, it wasn't dog. It was a small boy, shivering from the rain. He had a white T-Shirt with black shorts, no shoes. There's a backpack next to him.

“Boy... are you okay?” I could only see his right side.

He didn't answer.

“Boy...” I reached to him and he hit my hand. What's wrong with this boy? I frowned but my instinct tells me that he's in trouble. I reached once more, pulling him to face me. He resisted, kicked, punched and he even tried to bite me.

“BOY! I'm just trying to help you! Are you hurt? What are you doing here? Where's your home?”

He kept on kicking so I hold him tight on his shoulder, as he was struggling I felt something warm dropped to my hand.

He lost his strength after a while.

“I'm not going to hurt you, I promise” I pulled him out of the box. His head hung, I couldn't see his face.

“Boy... are you hurt?”

He still didn't answer. He stopped struggling though, so I lifted his chin. I have seen so many awful thing in my life but I never seen something like this.

This boy, he must be not older than 8 years old, has a gaping wound starting from his forehead and ended on his left cheek. His left eye was blood red.

“God damn it, boy. What in the world happened to you?!”

I lifted him high and put him on my shoulder. This kid is severely wounded. I took his backpack along, maybe I can find his identity later. I run with him on my arms home. I checked on him on the way and he already passed out. I checked his pulse, he's still alive. I need to hurry.

Jongsuk opened the door and surprised to see me carrying a kid.

“Master Jung, what's that-- I mean who's that?”

“Jongsuk, call Max. Tell him I need him here ASAP”

“Y—Yes, Master”

Max is my best friend and my doctor. We have a small clinic here at home, just in case something happened to me. I brought the boy inside the clinic, put him down on a table. Blood keep on trickling from his open wound. Damn it  kid, what happened to you?

I took a fresh towel and pressed the towel on his wound to stop the bleeding. The towel turned red in minutes.

I better changed his clothes before he catch a cold, but before I could do that, Max is entering the door.

“Yunho, are you hurt?” he was panting

“What? Me? No, it's not me. It's him” I pointed to the boy.

“A boy?”

I nodded “I found him on the alley”

“God, Yunho, what happened to him?” Max was surprised as I took the towel off to show him the wound.

“I dunno”

Max checked his vital sign, check his left eye with the penlight and then check his large gaping wound.

“I can't treat him here, his wounds are too big and I don't know if we can save his left eye, the pupil doesn't have any reaction”

I nodded “Take him to the hospital, put him under John Doe, do everything you have to do to save him”

“Can one of your boys drive me?”

“I'll tell Wooyoung to drive you. I don't think there's much I can do right now. You think I could come and visit first thing in the morning?”


Max lifted the boy, Wooyoung waited outside and opened the car door as he saw we're coming.

“See you tomorrow, Max”


I waited until the car disappear and walked inside the house. I took a warm shower, my shirt was stained with the little boy's blood. I sat myself on my bed as I suddenly remember his school bag. Maybe I can find something.

I walked down the stairs and took the bag with me. It was soaking wet, I opened it and found a rubic cube and 2 books. I took them out, Maths for second grade. Second grade, so he must be around 8 years old. I opened the first page, it says “Amber Josephine Liu”

Hmmh, a girl's name? Maybe he took the books from a girl and her parents got mad? But who punished a kid like that? It just doesn't add up.

I can't stop thinking about the kid. Did his parents do that to him? Did he run away from home? Poor boy. I hope he made it.

With the thought I drifted to sleep.


The next morning I rushed to the hospital. I found Max walking on the corridor


“Oh, hi. I didn't expect you this early”

“How is he?”

“Well, the operation went well, we stitched the wound. It was unfortunately to long and too big that it's gonna leave a scar. And from all the preliminary results I think we couldn't save the left eye”

“So he's gonna be blind?”


“Poor boy”

“Yunho... we're here, there's something you have to know though”

I raised my eyebrow “What?”

“The kid...”


“It's not a he....”

“What do you mean?”

“The kid... is a she... she's a girl, Yunho”

Oh God... A GIRL? Who would hurt a girl so bad? I remember the name on the math book 'Amber Josephine Liu'

An-eight-year-old-girl with a long scar on her face and a blind left eye.

What in the world happen to this girl?

She was still asleep as I entered the room, half of her face was covered in bandage. I looked at her carefully, she does have feminine features but nevertheless she's a very handsome young girl. Who could have done something so mean to a young girl? Thinking about when something like this happened to my own daughter, I shivered.

I stayed a while and watched her sleep. Max came and told me it's better if I go home, he didn't think she's gonna wake up anytime time soon because on the anesthetics they used for the operation. He promised to give me a call once she wakes up.


I decided to look on her, maybe her parents filed a missing child already. I drove to the police station and found KIm Jae Joong, one of my classmates at the high school, who happens to be the chief of the police station.



“What brings you here?”

“Well, a friend of mine found a child about 9 years old on the alley just behind my house. He asked me a favor to look on the missing child report”

“You know his name?”

“It's a girl. Amber Josephine Liu”

“Hmm.. I don't think someone filed that name, but come with me. We can look it up together”

“I don't want to bother you

“It's not gonna take long and beside I'm free at the time

I followed him to his office, he typed something on his computer “No..No report on any Amber Liu

“Can you please look up her family? I mean Liu is not a Korean name, maybe her family on vacation here?

“Hmm, let me see. Liu... there are only 3 Lius here in Seoul. The first Liu own a chinese restaurant at Apungjeong, the second Lius are already elderly, oh wait look the third Liu came 2 years ago from the States, it may fit her. Mrs. Liu passed away about 1 year ago and there are numerous of records for Mr. Liu ever since, DUI, fights, gambling. It also says they have a girl born on 18th September – she's gonna turn 8 this year. Is that your girl, Jung?”

“I think so. I mean that the family comes from the states could explain her name and my friend told she has books for second grade. It's all fit”

“Is she in trouble or hurt?”

“She's hurt, but my friend already took care of her. She's in the hospital now. I'm sure he'll contact you once she can be dismiss from the hospital”

“Child abuse?”


He sighed “Probably Mr. Liu couldn't except the death of his wife, became alcoholic and start beating his own kid”

“Yeah... thanks for the help, dude”

“No probs, just call me if you need anything, okay?”

I drove back home, still can't get my mind of the poor little girl.

The next day Max called me and told me that Amber is awake. I was in the middle of the stoke holder meeting, I apologized and told them I have some emergency.

“Hi, Max”


“How's she?”

“Her vitals and her wounds are okay. We did another test on her left eye. Not a chance, she's blind. She won't talk, there's nothing wrong with her vocal cord and we don't find anything wrong on CT Scan. She follows what she was told to, she just refuses to say a word.”

I nodded “Can I see her?”

“Be my guest, we moved her to the VIP room”

“Thanks Max”

“Your welcome”

“How long does she have to stay here?”

“Another 24 hours, then she can be dismissed. Her wounds need to be inspected daily though. You find anything about her?

“Yeah, I went to see Joong today. Apparently her family came to Seoul from the States 2 years ago, Mom died a year ago, Dad got arrested several times ever since.”

“And he start beating her”

“I guess so”

“Poor kid” he sighed “Are you gonna do something, Jung?”

“I dunno, Max. I'm gonna see how things are first”

“Okay, my shift is over for today. I'm going home. Call me if you need anything”



I knocked on her door, no answer. I opened the door and found her watching TV.

“Hey...” I said “Remember me?”

To my surprise she nodded and bowed a little, as if she wanted to thank me.

But afterward she stopped making contact with me. I sighed “Amber...”

At the word she lifted her head, surprised to hear her name.

“I saw your name on your math books”

She looked away again.

“Amber, was it your dad? Did he hurt you?”

She didn't answer and no matter what I did, she didn't react so I decided to go home.

As I was home, I wonder how I can start a conversation with her. My eyes stumble on something. Hah.. I think I know how.

I went to the hospital again the next day, knocked on her door. The doctors changed the bandaged already, she looked a little bit better today.

“Hi Amber”

She didn't answer but I could see her nodded a little.

“Mind if I sit here for a while?”

No responds.

“You know” I took out the rubic cube from my bag “I bought this a week ago, and I still can't complete this. You don't mind if I try to solve it here, right?”

That was the first time she showed interest, she sat herself facing me. Her small hands formed a fist each time I made a wrong move, hehehehehe I can finish this in minutes if I want to, I just want to test her reaction.

I made more mistakes, she couldn't take it anymore, got up and took the cube from me. She concentrated, her small hands dancing on the cube and solved it under 1 minute.

“Wow... you're good” I smiled as she handed my the cube “You play this a lot?”

She nodded.

“Maybe it was just luck...” I grinned

She frowned and pointed the cube and pointed at me.

“Oh, you want to solve another one?”

She nodded

“Okay, let's see how good you are”

I scrambled the cube and gave it to her. It was amazing, she took a few second to examine the cube and solved it under 2 minutes.

“Okay, you're really good” I smiled.

She didn't react or smile but I could see in her eyes that she was happy about the compliment.

Such a smart girl, I like her a lot.

“Hey, Amber, you play chess too?”

She nodded.

“Care to play with me? I can get one from the nurse's room”

She hesitated but then nodded.

I intend to go easy on her,but she found out and got mad about it. She run to get a piece of paper, wrote “Don't treat me like a little girl”

I laughed “You are a little girl, Amber”

She was good at chess for her age, I decided not to pretend to lose because it just made her mad. We played a couple of rounds and without I know it it was already late.

“Hey Amber, I have to go home, kay?”

She looked sad, but nodded.

“I'll be back tomorrow after work, around 5 p.m?”

I smiled as I saw her eye lit.

I ruffled her hair as I went out “Take care kiddo, see you tomorrow: Get some rest, kay?”

She run to the bed and disappear under the blanket.

I laughed, I really like this kid.


The next day, I drove back from work, entered the house with a big smile on my face thinking I'm going to see that little kid again.

“Master Jung” Jongsuk greeted me at the door

He took my bag and coat “I'll prepare dinner” he said again

“No need, I'm going to the hospital”

“You is going to see the little boy again?”

Little boy, I can't help but smiling “Yes” I said to Jongsuk.

“Master Jung, forgive me if I say this, but I've never see you so happy like this since Miss Yoona left the house”

I was thinking about Jongsuk words as I changed my clothes. Having a kid around is definitely nice. I thought of something, I went to Yoona's room as I was finished changing. I could bring some fresh clothes for Amber, Yoona's clothes are mostly only worn once.

I opened the drawer, hmm what should I bring? Oh look, it's Yoona fave dress in pink. She wore it once on her 10thbirthday, Amber is a little bit taller even though she's still 7, but I think it'll fit. Amber may look like a boy but every girl wants to be a princess once in a while, right?

I think about it again, maybe it's better if I bring some casual clothes too. Shoes Shoes... Uhh.. this is harder, better too big than too small.

I packed the things and got in the car. I wonder how Amber looks like in a dress.


I knocked on the door, this time I heard her steps and she opened the door for me.

“Hey Amber”

She nodded, she still won't talk.

I put the bag on the table “Look what I got you”

I took out the dress and showed it to her. Her eyes were turning big and she shook her head vigorously. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing seeing her reaction. So she doesn't like dresses, eh?

Amber run and scribbles something on a piece of paper

'I don't wear that kind of thing T______T'

“No dress for you?”

She shook her head again. I laughed and took the T-shirt and the shorts “What about this one? Better?”

She nodded.

“Would you like to try this on and we can go on a stroll on the park? I don't know if they are too small for you. It's from my daughter as she was little, I hope you don't mind”

Amber took the clothes, I guess she doesn't mind. I went outside and waited for her. She got out, the pants is a little bit too short for her, she's definitely much taller than Yoona as she was her age, good that I took bigger shoes.


We went out to the park, there are still quite a lot of visitors and they are all staring at Amber. I could feel she was feeling uncomfortable about it. I ruffled her hair “Want to go back, kiddo?”

She nodded. I looked at her as we were in the room. She has grown on me on such a short time.

“Amber, we need to talk”

She was looking at me

“About you” I said again “If you're still won't talk, then get some paper and a pen. I need you to answer some questions”

I grabbed a chair and sat next to the bed

“I looked up on you, Amber. I know that your family came from the States two years ago, your mom died a year ago and your dad got arrested more than once since”

She was staring at the floor.

I continued “Was it your Dad?”

She didn't answer but she didn't corrected me.

“Amber, you know I have to report this, right?”

She frowned and wrote “No police”

“I don't think it's gonna work, Amber. Who's going to take care of you?”

She was looking at me and wrote again “Can you take care of me?”

“I can't do that Amber. If your Dad filed you're missing...”

She was scribbling, somehow trying to hold back her tears “Amber is dead 3 days ago. Her dad killed her”

So I was right, it was her dad who hurt her this bad.

“Please take me with you, I can do house works, I’m use to it. I'll be your servant”

“I don't want you to be my servant, Amber. It's just complicated”

Amber bit her lips “I'm sorry, I know it was too much to ask”

“I'll try to figure this out, okay kiddo?”

She just nodded.

“I'll be back tomorrow” I ruffled her hair again.

I want to take her with me, give her a home and a family. But can I do that?


I was lying staring at my ceiling, trying to figure out how to help Amber. I can't adopt her because her dad is still alive. Maybe I just take her and be quiet about it? Sighed, I have so many workers at my place, if I just bring a little kid home, they are going to talk about it and it won't take long until someone is going to investigate it.

I reached out my phone as it rang. I called at the caller ID “Max”

Is something wrong with Amber?



“What's wrong?” I can hear panic in his voice

“I can't find the kid”

“What?!!” I jumped out of bed

“The nurse said she was still there as she checked up on her. I went in because I wanted to see if she's already asleep. But she's not in her room, her hospital clothes are nicely folded on the bed.”

Damn it kid! And it's raining outside.

“Max, tell the security to look for her around the hospital. I'm coming”

I was driving like mad, found Max at the hospital entrance “You found her?”

“No” he said

I gritted my teeth, where could she be?

“How long has she been missing?”

“About an hour”

She can't be that far with her small feet. I run to the rain, looking left and right before decided to go to the left.


“I'm gonna look for her!”

I run and run, the rain is blocking my view. After a while I think I saw a kid sitting on a bench at a bus stop.

“AMBER!” I yelled

It's her, she saw me and started to run away. I chased after her. She was fast but she's still a kid. I caught her in no time

“What the hell you think you're doing??!!” I raised my voice

To my surprise she yelled at me “Let me go!” and start struggling

“I'm not letting go before you tell me what you are planning”

“NOBODY WANTS ME! My dad wants me dead, you don't want me! I can take care of myself, let me go!” Her tears got mixed with the rain, she was crying so hard.

I pulled her to a hug and hold her tight.

I said to her “Let's go home, kiddo”

A new life

I wanted to bring Amber directly to my house, but Max forbid me. He said, I would raise suspicion if Amber didn't come back to the hospital. So we made a plan, Amber should stay this night at the hospital, tomorrow Max is going to finish her paperwork and make it as if Amber's parents picked her up.

Amber sat sitting on her bed after taking a bath and changing her wet clothes.

“Amber, you heard why I can't take you with me right away, right?”

She nodded. Max was in the room, Amber refuses to talk in other people's presence.

“Jung, you better come with a good story. People are going to freak out if you take a kid back with you.”

I looked at Max, he's right. And there is still a chance that Amber's dad is going to file her missing.

“Amber, are you sure you want to come home with me?”

She nodded.

“What if your dad come looking for you? Would you like to go back?”

She shook her head.

After some consideration, we decided to make Amber pretend to be a boy, the best chance to keep to police from snooping around if her dad does file her being missing. We are going to call her A.J Lee from now on.

I drove home to ask for Jongsuk's help. He should pretend that Amber is a kid from his long distance relatives.

“Master Jung” he opened the door.

“Jongsuk... can we talk? I need your assistance”

“Of course, Sir”

He followed me to my study room.

“Jongsuk, you remember the kid I brought home a few days ago?”

“The injured boy? Yes Master”

I told Jongsuk everything, I told him what happened to Amber, that her dad was the one causing the wound, I told him I want to bring her home, give her a second chance. I told him everything except for the part that Amber is a girl.

“And how may you need my assistance, Sir?”

“I need you to tell everyone that he's the son of a distance relative from you, just tell them that her and his parents had a car accident. His parents didn't survive”

“And what is his name, Sir?”

“A.J Liu... but I'm changing his family name to Lee, which is not so bad cause your family name is also Lee”


“Yeah, she.. I mean he was born in the States, his family moved here a few years ago. I asked if we should changed his name to a Korean name, he refused it. He said his mom gave him the name and he wants to keep it”

“Is it okay if I told everyone that he was born there, Master? Because they all are going to ask about his name”

“Yes, you can tell them that, Jongsuk. Just tell them that the family moved for 2 generations to the states”

He nodded. I am grateful for his loyalty to me.

“Oh, there's something else, the boy is mute, Jongsuk”

“Mute, Sir?!”


“How are we supposed to communicate with him, Sir?”

“I'll see what I can do.”

“Should I prepare a room at the butler's residence, Sir?”

“No, he can have the room next to Yoona's room”

“He's going to stay in the main house, Sir?”


“But, what would the others say about that?”

“Just say I decided that.”

“As you wish, Sir”

“Good, I'm picking him up at 7 o'clock. We should be here in an hour, can you please gather all in the main house. I want to tell it personally to everyone to keep them from questioning you too much about it”

“Yes, Sir”

“Jongsuk, thank you for doing this for me”

“NO problem Sir, glad to be your service. Good night, Sir”


The next day I drove early to the hospital. Max and I planned it to get Amber out at the time of the shift changing so most of them will be busy listening to the report from the night shifts. Max already had everything done, he filed Amber under Lee Eun Young. I signed the paper, luckily the woman on the receptionist was busy with her make up and wasn't even looking as I signed the paper as her dad.

“Amber.. wait A.J” I really need to get use to the name “I assumed you won't like to talk to anyone else, so I told everyone that you're mute. I hope you don't mind”

“I don't” she said “That's better”

A.J looked tensed as she saw a lot of people gathered in front of the house.

“Hey, don't worry. They are nice people.” I ruffled her hair.

He flattened his hair, trying to hide the bandage. “I look terrible” She said

“Ah, don't think about it. You'll gonna do just fine”

Amber was frozen as I already parked the car. I smiled, opened her door and took her hand in mine.

“Come on. Don't be scared. I'm here”

She was holding my hand so tight  as we walked to the door.

“Master Jung” everyone bowed.

I nodded. Everybody followed me inside. Amber was staring at the floor, didn't even dare to lift her head.

“Good morning, everyone” I said. Nobody said a word anymore, listening to what I have to say. “Today I gathered you here because we have a new member to the family. I want you to meet A.J. He's the son of Jongsuk long distance relatives who moved back to Seoul from the States a couple of years ago. Unfortunately they had a car accident a couple of days ago and his parents didn't survive.”

I continue “I'm going to raise him as my disciple considering all the years Jongsuk serves my family. He'll stay in the main house with me. There's other thing you guys have to know.  A.J lost his left eye on the accident and he can't talk...”

They were buzzing here and there “Please calm down. A.J is not deaf, but to make it easier to communicate with him, there will be a lesson on sign language starting tomorrow on 11 o'clock here. Everybody who wants to attend can come.”

I kneel down and looked at A.J. “Hey, we are your family now. Why don't you greet everybody?”

She nodded, took a few steps forward, lifted her head and looked briefly at everyone. I could see the women gasped seeing the large bandage on her face, some already had tears in their eyes.

A.J bowed deep and everybody start clapping for her. A.J kept on her bowing position, I know she was crying but didn't want anyone to see so I hold her up and put her in my arms. “Come on, let me take you to your room”

She hid her face on my neck, didn't want anyone to see that she's crying. I stroke her hair to calm her. “Thank you everyone, you are dismissed and please take good care of him”

“Yes, Master Jung”

I nodded and left with A.J on my arms. I told Jongsuk to come with us.

As we got to her room, I put her down and ruffled her hair “It's gonna be okay from now on, kiddo”

She wiped her tears and nodded.

“A.J, this is Jongsuk. He will take care of you on my absence, okay?”

AJ bowed to Jongsuk

“You can tell me if you need anything” Jongsuk said.

“Jongsuk” I said “I know I told everyone that they are free to come to the sign language lesson, but I expect you to be there, because you'll have the most contact with A.J and it's going to be easier if you guys can communicate without papers.”

“Yes, Sir”

“A.J, starting tomorrow I'm getting you a private tutor, okay? I have to go to work. Let Jongsuk show you the house and just try to get some rest afterward. I try to come home as soon as I can”

She nodded.

I called KangTa from my office, reassuring that he'llcsome to tutor A.J tomorrow. He tutored YoonA and he's able to teach A.J sign language too. He promised me to bring another teacher to teach the others sign languange.

I finished work early that day and drove home. I wonder how AJ is doing.

Jongsuk opened the door “Master Jung”

“Where's A.J?”

“He's in his room,Sir”

“How's he?”

“I think he's a nice boy who had gone through a lot, Sir. He didn't dare to look people in the eyes maybe because he was ashamed of his wound. The women love him already and he was helping them peeling potatoes today”

“He did that?” I smiled.

“Yes, Sir. Should I prepare dinner for you and the boy, Sir?”

“Yes, please.”

I run upstairs and knocked on her door.


No answer, I knocked once more and opened the door


I run back down “Jongsuk, he's not in his room”

“Pardon, Sir?”

“I said A.J is not in his room, where could he...”

Before I could finished my sentence I heard something that made my heart raced. Dog barks.

Damn it, please don't.

I have 2 pit bulls, they only listen to me. The last workers who tried to get near them were all badly bitten. Everyone knows not to go near their cages.

I run to the yard, scared about what might happened to A.J. I couldn't believe my eyes as I opened the door. Amber was lying on the ground, laughing like mad as the dogs lick her in the face. She was laughing so freely.

“Nero! Caesar!” I called the dogs and they came to me.

A.J got up still with a smile on her face and approached me.

“Having fun?” I ruffled her hair.

She nodded and play with the dogs again. I just shook my head. I never saw Nero and Caesar being so friendly to anyone else. Even Yoona couldn't get close to them.

This girl is definitely something.

4 months have passed since AJ moved in with me. KangTa is very enthusiastic about A.J. She learns very fast, mastering the sign language in weeks. She is very intelligent, willing to learn everything. I taught her martial arts, hired another teacher to teach her if I have to leave on business.

As months passed, her wound healed, leaving a long scar starting from her forehead to her left cheek. Her left eye became paler, she starts to grow her bangs to cover the left side of her face.

I got a call from Yonghwa that night, saying that Yoona is in the hospital. I rushed to my private plane and was just in time to see my first grandchild being born.

A beautiful, healthy baby girl, 49 cm, 2,95 kg. Jung Soo Jung. She looks just like Yoona as she was a baby. I stayed for a week at their place, can't have enough of my first grandchild. I think I made thousand photos of her.

That night as I got back home, A.J was still up, waiting for me to come home.

“How are you?”

“I'm fine” I ruffled her hair “You want to see my granddaughter?”


I took out the photos and gave it to her

“She's beautiful, isn't she?” I said

She nodded.

It was 7 years later that A.J and Soojung first saw each other. The day where A.J promised to protect Soojung for the rest of her life.

Seven years later
“Yes, Dad, 8.40 a.m”

“I'll send Wooyoung to pick you guys up, okay?”

“Okay, Dad”

“How's my little Princess doing?”

“Oh Dad, Soojung is so stubborn, sometimes I don't know what to do with her.”

“Hehhehee, she's a Jung”

“Was I like that as a kid, Dad?”

“Well, you weren't. But I was as stubborn as hell” I chuckled.

Yoona takes over Songqian so much, as Soojung reminds me a lot of myself as a kid.

Soojung turned 7 this year, A.J celebrated her 15thbirthday 2 months ago. And if I survive the night, I'll be the first Jung in 5 generations who's able to celebrate his 50th birthday. I refused the big party planned by the Jung's enterprise and said I want to celebrate it with my family only.

Yoona is coming with Yonghwa and Soojung tomorrow, this would be the first time Soojung comes to visit me. All this years I always been the one to visit them because Yonghwa has been quite busy with works. They are going to stay for the whole week which makes me so happy.

(Red Italics are sign language)

“Come in” I said as I heard a knock at my door.

“Do you have time?” A.J came in.

“Sure, what's up?”

All these years we both already get used to communicate using sign language, I don't even remember the last time A.J talked to me. She has grown so much, I let her took care some of my business from home even though she's just 15. She's in charge of the house now that Jongsuk is getting older.

I still remember last year as she came to me in panic, telling me that she was bleeding. That was the most awkward moment of my life trying to explain to her that she just got her first period and it's normal. At the end I called Max because it was too awkward for both of us.

Did I tell you that she turned to be so handsome? I joked around with her about it once, I was not sure how she feels about being called handsome, she's a girl after all. She told me she excepts it as the compliment. Her grew her bangs to cover her scar and her pale left eye. I asked her once if she wants to get a plastic surgery, she refused it.

“This scar makes me who I am” she said

One thing that didn't change through the years is that A.J only laughs when she's with Nero and Caesar. They are actually the offspring of my Nero and Caesar. A.J picked the two that resemble them the most and raised them with the same name. She's friendly to everyone, smiled politely but her eyes don't smile. I know a lot of our employees' daughters confessed to her, she turned down each and every one of them.

“What's up, A.J?”

She was informing me about the party preparation,there hasn't any murder attempts on me in years, but you never know and I don't mind the extra precautions because my family is coming over.

I don't want anything to happen to them.

Four of the boys will be sweeping the ground, Taec will be in change of the presents coming. A.J is going to stay watch in the backyard with Nero and Caesar. Everyone else is informed to keep away from there, because they are going to attack anyone that come near except for me and A.J.

I couldn't sleep that night, not because I was afraid something is going to happened but because I'm so happy to have my family with me. I woke up very early, saw A.J already taking a walk with Nero and Caesar. I took a shower, put on casual clothes, can't wait for my princesses to come home. There were hundreds of flowers and presents being sent, Taec couldn't handle it alone so he asked for A.J.'s help to check them for explosives and stuffs. A.J left Nero and Caesar in the backyard, told them to be on guard.

I couldn't stop smiling as I heard the car enter the house. As it stop, a small girl with black hair opened the door and flung herself into my arms “GRANDPA!”

“Hey, Baby Jjung”

“Happy birthday, Grandpa” She kissed me on the cheek.

“Thank you Princess”

Yoona and Yonghwa got out off the car “Hi Dad”


“Happy birthday”

Yonghwa hugged me and Yoona gave me a kiss

“Thank you” I said “How was the flight?”

“It was boring, Grandpa”



“Soojung told the stewardess to tell the pilot to fly faster because her Granddad is having birthday”

I chuckled “You did, eh Princess?”

“Of course, Grandpa. I want to be here as fast as I can. Your house is so big, Grandpa and so many people. Would you show me around?”

“Yes, but now let's go to your room first, okay?”

Yoona and Yonghwa are going to stay at the guest house, while Soojung is going to stay at Yoona's old room. We walked to the guest house first and I tell Yoona and Yonghwa to take a rest for a couple of hours. Soojung took my hand and was hopping around as she took a look around the house.

“Wow, Grandpa. Was this Umma's room?”


“Umma is so pretty” Soojung was looking at Yoona's child pictures.

“You are pretty like your Mom too, you know”

“NO, I am not”

“Of course you are, Princess.”

Soojung was happy hearing it. She stumbled to a family picture with Songqian on it

“Grandpa, it's Grandma isn't it?”


“She's beautiful”

“She is”

“Do you miss her, Grandpa?”

“I do, Soojung. But she's happy up there now”

Soojung gave me a hug “I wish I could met her”

I hugged her back. I still miss Songqian each day, I still love her even though it's been so long since she passed away. I feel my eyes are getting wet. I wish you were here, Song qian, I wish we can celebrate this birthday together


I wiped my eyes and stood up.

“You guys don't want to rest?”

“No, we would like to have some coffee with you”

“Want to go the garden for the coffee?” I asked them

We went down, Jongsuk prepared some snacks and coffee, was crying as he saw Yoona again. Yoona smiled and gave him a hug. Jongsuk cried even harder as he saw Soojung “She's just like you, Miss Yoona, so beautiful”

He was sobbing as he left. We all smiled.

After a while, Soojung couldn't take it anymore and got up from her seat

“Oh, adults are so boring” Soojung's pout

“Would you like some more orange juice?”

“No... Grandpa... can I go and see the rest of the house?”

“Sure, but don't go back to the backyard, okay? The dogs are on the watch and A.J is helping Taec right now”

“I'm good with dogs, Grandpa”

“But not with them, Princess. Just don't go there, okay?”

“Ummmh..” She didn't really gave her words and run to watch the flower.

“I would like to see A.J, Dad. You talk so much about him” Yoona said

“I'm sure he'll be finished checking the presents very soon. I'll introduce him to you.”

“I wonder if he really lives up his reputation. I mean the way you talk about him, Dad. Almost like you were talking about your own son”

“Hahhaha... he's just, he's been through a lot and I admire his spirit”

“I know, Dad. He reminds you of yourself, I think”

I smiled... Does she?

Suddenly I heard something that makes my heart race. Dog barks, Nero and Caesar are chasing someone, I can tell from their barks. My instinct tells me that's something wrong and suddenly I had Soojung on my mind

“Where's Soojung??!”

Yoona and Yonghwa got up, noticing the worries in my voice “She was just here...”

“Damn it, did she go to the back yard?”

I run as fast as I can with Yoona and Yonghwa following. And I was right, Nero and Caesar were chasing her. I tried to call them back, but they won't listen anymore. Soojung almost made it to the east gate as she fell to the ground, I wouldn't make it on time to protect her. I was still to far away.

I tried to call Nero and Caesar again, they still won't listen. Yoona was screaming in panic. My heart sunk as Nero and Caesar jumped to her, ready to sunk their teeth on her.

“SOOJUNG!” I screamed

Suddenly I saw someone covered Soojung's body, putting her body as a shield from Nero and Caesar.


She was covering Soojung, too late to stop the dogs from biting and they sunk their teeth on her right arm. I could see how her jacket tore. They might sensed that they were attacking someone they knew because they let go, they don't normally do that before either me or A.J pat them in the head and told them to get go. They were sitting next to AJ and licking her wounded hand.

“AJ! Soojung!”

I kneel down, even though the bites were brief, they had cause enough damages because I can see AJ flesh showing.

“You guys okay?” I said

A.J nodded, Yonghwa kneel down too and said to him “I'll take my daughter, okay?”

A.J loosened her arm on Soojung and Yonghwa took Soojung in his arms.

“Soojung” he said “Are you okay?” he stroked her hair

Soojung blinked a couple of times before realizing that she's safe now and on her Appa's arm. She starts to sob “Appa... I was so scared...”

“I know... you're save now”


Yonghwa handed Soojung to Yoona, who took her to the guest house to calm her down.

I helped A.J up and check her wounds. Yonghwa approached us and said to A.J “Thank you for saving my daughter”

A.J just nodded. The wind blew her hair, it was obvious that Yonghwa was surprised seeing the scar on her face. A.J looked away and stared at the ground. Yonghwa was still staring.

“Yonghwa...” I said

He realized what he had done “I—I'm sorry, I didn't mean to”

A.J made gestures with her hands.

“He said it's okay, he's used to it” I interpreted for her.

“I'm really sorry” Yonghwa bowed apologetically.

“He already said it's okay, Yonghwa. Go and check your daughter. I'm going to let the doc check A.J's wound”

He nodded. I called Max and told him what happened, I told him to bring some clothes with and to stay at our place after the birthday party

Max's POV

After I cleaned and stitched the wounds there was a knock at the door.

“Come in” I said

Yunho opened the door “You guys finished?”


“A.J, there's someone who wants to meet you”


Yunho entered the room with a little girl hiding behind him.

“She wants to say thank you”

A.J didn't know what to do, she was busy flattening her hair to cover his scar even more.

“She doesn't have to...”

“She wants to.” They both came closer. A.J could see the little girl peeking behind Yunho and saw him pat her on the shoulder, encouraging her to come forward.

“A.J Oppa....” the little girl said, hesitated a little seeing that A.J avoided looking at her “Thank you for saving me”

A.J just nodded.

Soojung got confused of his reaction. “Grandpa” she was tugging Yunho's pants “Is he mad at me? Why didn't he say anything?”

Yunho kneel down “Soojungie, A.J Oppa--- he got badly hurt when he was your age. A.J Oppa can't talk”

“He can't talk?”

Yunho smiles “He can't, but he can hear and understand you. Grandpa and the rest of the family here learned sign language so we can all communicate with him”


“A.J Oppa always has some paper with him, so he can write what he wants to say if the other person can't use sign language”

“Can you ask him if he's mad at me?”

“Why don't you ask him yourself and grandpa will translate what he said”

Soojung came forward again “Oppa... are you mad at me?”

“I'm not. I'm happy that nothing happened to you”

“Are you badly hurt?”

“No... I'm okay”

“Thank you again for saving me, Oppa”

A.J nodded.

“Happy now, Princess?”

“Yes, Grandpa”

“Why don't we let A.J Oppa rest for a while?”

She nodded and left the room but not before coming closer to A.J again and said “Oppa, rest well”

Yunho introduced Soojung to me before they left.

As the door closed I asked A.J

“You don't like kids? You were so nervous”

“I like kids, I just don't want to scare them because – you know”

“Stop being like this, A.J. You're a good person, the kids can feel that. If you already refused the plastic surgery saying that the scar is part of your life than you have to accept it. Stop hiding”

“I'm scared”

“Of what?”

“Of trusting another person”

“You trust Yunho... and me, I think”

“You guys are different”

“You never know if you don't try. Open up a little. You're so young, live your life”

A.J only nodded.

The party went well. I stayed at the Jung's place and after I checked A.J's wounds the next day, I drew home.

Amber's POV

I whistled calling Nero and Caesar, they jumped on me and threw me to the ground. I was laughing as they start licking my face. I stopped them as I feel someone was watching us from a far. I looked a round and saw the little girl hiding behind the tree in the garden.

I was thinking about what Max's said yesterday. I decided to try to open up a little and this little girl seems to be a brave one, maybe she won't run after she saw my face.

I told Nero and Caesar to sit down and I walked to the little girl. Jung Soo Jung... yeah Soojung, that's her name.

I wave a bit, she wasn't sure that I was waving at her, looked left and right before she waved back and came out from her hiding place.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote “Anneyong, Soojung”

“Annyeong, Oppa” she said

“You here to look at the dogs?”

She nodded

“You're not scared after what happened yesterday?”

“No, Oppa. Grandpa told me, they were told to guard the place and they didn't know me so they attacked me. It was not their fault”

I can't help it, my mouth formed a smile. This little girl is definitely a Jung.

“Want me to introduce you to them?”

“You'll do that, Oppa?” Her eyes got so big from excitement.

I nodded. I turned around and start walking to the backyard as I feel a small hand took my fingers and holding to them.

I startled at that. She doesn't know me and she took my fingers, showing that she trusts me, an almost stranger. For the first time in years I feel warmth in my heart. I took her small hand into mind. It's so small, I wonder if mine was this small as Yunho saved me.

Nero and Caesar barked as they sense a stranger entered they territory, they won't attack, but the barks was enough to scare Soojung. She froze at her spot. I kneel in front of her, took another piece of paper and wrote “Don't be scared, they won't hurt you. I'm here”

“I know, Oppa. Mianhe, but I'm scared”

“Want me to hold you in my arms first?”

She nodded, so lifted her and hold her in my arms.

I whistled to tell Nero and Caesar to come. I patted them on the head. Soojung was clinging tightly on my neck, I can tell that she's scared.

I sat myself on the ground still with Soojung on my arms. Nero and Caesar wiggle their tails, sensing that the little girl in no threat, that she's my friend. I took Soojung's hand and guided her to pat Nero's head. She hesitated at first, but than she saw that Nero was in playing mode. It didn't take long until they become friends. She was patting their head and playing chase with them.

“Soojungie...” I heard a voice.

Nero and Caesar start to bark again.

“Umma....” Soojung was running to her

I got up and bowed a little to Yoona.

She bowed back. “Can we talk a little? She said to me

I nodded. What does she want to talk with me?

Soojung was walking hand in hand with her. I walked behind them.

She sat with Soojung on her lap on a bank at the garden.

“A.J, right?”

I nodded.

“Yesterday I didn't get a chance to thank you for saving my little girl”

I didn't have paper with me anymore, so I tried to make some gestures with my hand to tell her that it's okay.

“But still, if it wasn't for you, I dunno what would happen to Soojung”

“EHH? You can do sign?”

“Every Jung can do sign, didn't Dad tell you?”


“Umma, teach me! Teach me!”

“You want to learn, Soojungie?”

“Yes, Umma. So I can understand A.J Oppa”

“You like A.J Oppa, Soojungie?”

The little girl nodded. I tried to hold back my smile, but I couldn't.

“A.J Oppa is cool, Umma. He introduced me to Nero and Caesar and now I'm friend with them”

“But don't bother A.J Oppa when he's working, okay Soojungie?”

“I'm not Umma! Really!”

“She's really not.” I told Yoona

“This kid is so stubborn sometimes, it comes from her Granddad. Maybe you can tame her a little”

I chuckled. Hey, I like this feeling. The Jungs are fun to talk with.

“Maybe she can come with me and walk the dog this afternoon if she wants to. I mean if you guys don't have any other plan”

“Oh, we don't. Lemme ask her”


“Yes Umma?”

“A.J Oppa asked if you would like to walk the dogs with him this afternoon”

“I DO! I DO!” she suddenly run to me and hug me. She was only as tall as my waist.

I stroke her hair.

“Come Soojungie, Appa is waiting for breakfast”

“Ummmm... I want to be with A.J Oppa” she pouted

“Soojung, let's go”


“Jung Soo Jung!”

“NO Umma. I'm not hungry anyway, I'm staying with A.J Oppa!”

Hahhahaha... she's really is stubborn.

“Can you translate for me?” I asked Yoona.

“Huh? Yeah sure”

I kneel in front of Soojung. “Hey, why don't you go with your Umma? I have classes anyway. We'll see us later and play some more with Nero and Caesar?”

Yoona translated for me. Soojung nodded and said “Okay, Oppa. We see us later today. Pinkie promise?”

I smiled and made the pinky promise.

I watched for a while how she was chattering happily with her Umma before I turned around and get ready for my classes.

I don't how what's different in that little girl, maybe it's her attitude. Maybe it's that Jung's blood, I can feel that she's comfortable around me, that she's not scared. That she wants to be my friend. Maybe it's because she's at the age as I was as everything happened, making me wants to protect her. So many theories, but one thing is sure, that little girl makes me smile and I like the feeling being able to be happy about something again.

 Yunho's POV

“Where's Soojung?”

“She's with A.J” Yoona said

“With A.J?”

“Yes. A.J promised her to walk the dogs”

“Really? That I need to see”

We walk to the backyard and I couldn't believe it. A.J smiles and laughs around Soojung. Times to times I saw her scribbling on a piece of paper but most of the times she was just making gestures with her hands and it seems Soojung understands her. Maybe Soojung is just what she needs to open up again, an innocent soul who doesn't judge people from what they look like.

They spent so much time together the next days. I was surprise how much sign language Soojung learned in such short time. That afternoon I was having coffee with Yoona and Yonghwa again.

“Is Soojung with A.J again?”

“Yes. I couldn't believe how much she changed the last days, she's more obedient. Somehow A.J changed her”

“I've been raising A.J since 7 years and he never laughs with me. Soojung makes him happy. I don't know, maybe he feels now he has a little sister to care of”

“Yeah,we think so too, Dad. Soojung now has a cool big brother to look up to”

“Well maybe you should give her a little brother or sister” I laughed.

“Haahahaha, I don't know Dad. You know there's a big possibility that the company is going to send me to head the branch in San Francisco, we want to wait first” Yonghwa said.

“But don't wait to long, I don't mind having two or three more grandchildren”

We all laughed.

Amber's POV

“Oppa, wait!” Soojung was yelling behind me.

I stopped and waited for her. I was about to show her my secret garden. I like gardening and I have a small garden at the far south side of the house, just behind the small lake. Almost no one comes here because it's quite far from the main house.

“Oppa, I'm tired”

“Want me to carry you?”

She nodded.

I bend a little so she can hop on to my back.

“Woooow, it's beautiful.” She said as she saw the small garden. I put her down. “You planted all these, Oppa?”

I nodded.

“They are beautiful, Oppa”

I smiled. That's why she makes me happy, her innocence, she got excited over small things. It feels like having a little sister I can take care of.

I sat myself and watched her smelling and admiring the flowers.


“Yes, Soojung?”

“Oppa, why do you always hide your face?”

I don't know what to say, my hand was already unconciously flattening my bangs to cover it even more.


I know Soojung wouldn't understand if I try to explain it with my hands, so it wrote

“I got hurt as I was little, and it leaves a scar. People are scared when they see my face”

“I won't be scared, Oppa. Because you are the nicest person on earth and I don't care how you look like”

I smiled weakly.


I lifted my head, she put her small hands on my face. “Can Soojung see Oppa's face?”

I pulled back.

“Please Oppa? I already said I don't care how you look”

Her small fingers brushing my bangs. I was looking at her, wondering how she reacts. There wasn't fear in her eyes, instead they were tears.

“It must have hurt so much” she was tracing my scar “And your eye, Oppa. Can you see?”

I shook my head.

“I'm so sorry, Oppa”

I shook my head again and smiled to her.

She flung herself on my arms, clinging on my neck. “I won't let anyone hurt you again, Oppa”

I patted her back. How are you going to protect me with those small hands and feet, Soojung?

But I'm going to protect you for the rest of my life, Jung Soo Jung. I promised.


Yunho's POV

A week has passed, they are going to get back home. Soojung was throwing a tantrum doesn't want to leave her A.J Oppa. Only after I promised that the next time I visit I'm bringing A.J with me was she agree to come home with her parents.

I walked them to the car, while Soojung was nervously looking around for A.J.

“No, Umma. Not now. I need to say goodbye to A.J Oppa first” she was refusing to get in the car

“Soojung, come, we're gonna miss the plane”


Just then A.J showed up next to me. Soojung run to him and hugged him. “Oppa....”

A.J patted her head.

She let go and tugged on his pants, telling him that she wants to tell him something.


“Yes, Princess?”

Princess, eh? I smiled.

A.J kneel in front of Soojung.

“Oppa, you like me, right?”

A.J nodded.



“Promise to marry me when I grew up?

I was laughing so loud as I saw A.J's face, panic and confused, she was looking at me for help. Yoona and Yonghwa were laughing too.

“Oppa, promise?”

A.J scratched her head.

Yoona yelled “Promised her, A.J. Otherwise we are going to miss the plane”

She was still unsure about what to say. I nodded, telling her to say yes. Soo Jung is 7, she doesn't mean it. She'll forget all about it once she's back home.

At my sign A. J nodded and Soojung was so happy “Chincha, Oppa? Pinkie promise”

After A.J pinkie promised her, she turned around and run to her parents. A.J was about to get up back on her feet as Soojung suddenly turn back around and kissed her on the lips.

“Saranghaeyo, Oppa”

Bwahahahahaha kids these days. I find it amusing, and laughed again. A.J was so shocked that she fell back. Soojung hop inside the car followed by her parents.

“Bye Oppa”

After they left, I helped A.J to get up, chuckled and said to her “Don't worry, she'll forget all about it once she's back home with her friends”

“She kissed me. It was my first kiss”

“Hahhahaha, A.J, she's 7. It doesn't count as first kiss” I ruffled her hair “You like her don't you?”

“She's different than the little kids I've met until now”

“Of course she is, you silly. She's a Jung” I grinned.

We walked back inside the house. I stopped just before I enter my room and called her “A.J?”


“Would you protect her as if she's your own sister?”

She nodded “I'll do that”

I smiled “Goodnight A.J”


Let me be your strength
Yunho's POV

Years passed by. YongHwa became the head of the Jung branch in San Francisco and moved there with Yoona and Soojung. The little girl was still asking for her A.J. Oppa months after she left Seoul, but with time she made new friends and stopped asking about Amber.

A.J also changed, she cut her hair shorter, still keeps her bangs a little bit long or wear a cap to hide her scar, but she told me she wants to go to college. I asked a friend in L.A to fake her birth certificate, she goes under the name Aaron James Lee. She enrolled in a private college with 17, got accepted in architecture and finished her study in 5 years.

Amber found out that her dad passed away from the newspaper as it says a drunkard found dead on the Han river. They found his ID on his back pocket. Because it seems that the man doesn't have family anymore the city decided for cremation. Amber didn't react as she read the news, but I saw her sitting staring at the lake the whole afternoon. Nero and Caesar sitting next to her, she stroke them times to times. She always does that when she's feeling sad.

Amber build a small house across the south lake, where she used to spent time with Soojung. I employed her to design our offices and took her with me on business trips around Korea. She's not keen on flying, that's why I never took her on business abroad.

I visited Yoona and Soojung regularly, at least once a year for Christmas and New Year. I can believe how Soojung grew to be a beautiful young woman, she resembles Yoona even more with the time, with a little bit more chic attitude.

The last 3 years we are having more problems with the Choi, especially after I signed a contract with one of the biggest designer company in the States. More 'accidents' seem to occur to me, flat tires, broken breaks, hit and run and even direct murder attempts. We lost Wooyoung last year from protecting me from being shot as I got out from my car, A.J got shot in the shoulder while they managed to put a bullet on my tight. The police still couldn't figure out who did it.

Surprisingly nothing happens on the last three months while we were expecting more to happen after I sign another contract taking over a company that used to be the Choi's. Yonghwa will head the company until I find someone suitable to take over.

10 years passed by since Soojung last visited us. It's autumm, it's getting colder. A.J will be 25 on a couple of weeks, Soojung is turning 17 this year. A.J agreed already to fly to visit them in San Francisco. It was a strange day, Nero and Caesar were howling the whole day, even A.J couldn't calm them down. I was talking with A.J in the library as the telephone rang. I got up and picked up the phone

“Jung” I said on the phone.

I heard what the other party said and I  fell on my knees to the floor.
Amber's POV

Today is a strange day. Nero and Caesar kept on howling, I don't know why. I couldn't figure out why, I couldn't calm them down. I was sitting on the library, talking to Yunho. The phone rang and he picked up. Seconds later his face was as white as chalk and he fell to the ground.

“Are you okay?”

He covered his mouth his his hand as if he wanted to throw up.

“What's wrong?” I was worried, I never saw him like this.

He stared at the floor “A.J...”

“What happened?”


“What wrong with her?”

“She's...she's dead”


“Yonghwa, too”


“Accident, their car fall off the cliff”

“And Soojung?”

“She's in a hospital, badly injured”

Yunho was still in shock

“Come!” I pulled him up “We need to fly there right away”

I'm not keen on flying, but I know he needs me now. I packed my bag, my passport and help Yunho packed his stuffs.

It was a long flight, after we landed we rushed to the hospital where Soojung is. The police were there and they took Yunho to identified the bodies. I went to see Soojung from behind the window. The little girl has grown a lot. Her right arm and leg are in cast, her chest rising up and down as the machine pump air in her lungs to keep her alive.

I touched the window, wanted to be the one lying there instead of her. I promised to protect you, Soojung. And I failed.

I turned around and saw Yunho approaching, his head hung low.

“I'm sorry”

He just nodded and asked for permission from the nurse to see Soojung. He sat next to her and I saw his shoulder rocking as he took her hand in his. We stay at the guest house next to the hospital. Yunho refused to eat, said that he's not hungry. I didn't force him at first but after 3 days without food, I had to do something. I bought him chicken soup and some mantou.


“I'm not hungry”

“Are you out of your mind? It's been three days since you last ate”

“I'll be fine... and beside I don't have anything else to live for”

I punched him hard on the face throwing him from his seat. He was looking at me bewilderingly, holding his cheek. I broke his lips.

“You coward! You kept telling me to live and fight and now you're gonna give up just like this?”

Without me wanting it, my tears are running down my cheek “What about Soojung? Should she give up just like you? Are you going to give up on her? FINE! Just die if you want to!”

I threw the food on the table to the floor. I'm mad, I'm sad, I'm disappointed. I hit the wall with my fist. I saw Yunho slowly stretched his arm, grabbing the mantou and start eating.

“Don't eat that. I'll get you something else” I kneel in front of him and tried to stop him eating the mantou from the ground.

He ignored me and kept eating.

“Hajima” I said.

He swallowed his food and said to me “A.J, be my strength, be Soojung's strength”

I nodded and helped him up. I went and get him some warm food. He has been my strength all these years and now I'm going to try my best to be his. We might not be connected my blood but our bound is stronger than that.

A month passed by without much difference. Yunho bought me a bread and put a candle for me to blow on my birthday. A week later Soojung opened her eyes but didn't respond even to Yunho. The doctors did a tracheotomie on her about 3 weeks ago, she is now attached to a smaller ventilator. Her lungs kept on collapsing. Each time the docs had hopes that the lungs are fine and removed the thorax drainage, they collapsed again after 3-4 days.

I always watch her from a far and only came closer when she's asleep. Her face didn't change much, her hands are not so tiny anymore though. I smiled looking at her. Don't give up, Soojung.

That night Yunho told me that I should go back to Korea and do some business on his behalf. In a month the Jungs lost 6 contracts to the Choi. Everybody in Korea is getting impatient.

“I sorry to bother you”

“No problem”

“KangTa will be at your side”

I nodded.

I packed my bag, getting ready to leave early in the morning. I need to take the earliest plane.

“Thanks A.J” Yunho said as he walked me to the door

I smiled “Just hang on there and bring Soojung home with you”

“I will”

I turned around as he called me back. He hold me tight “Thanks, kiddo.”

I patted his shoulder. I'll be the one who protect you this time, Jung Yunho.


Amber's POV

Another 3 months passed, Yunho is still in San Fransisco, he's staying with Soojung for her rehabilitation. Critical illness neuropathy, a disease that happened after someone lie in coma for a long time. She can't move her legs. At least she doesn't need the ventilator anymore, her stoma is starting to close.

I took Yunho place and make decision on his behalf. We haven't lost another contracts ever since. I know the rumor spreading, that I am Yunho's bastard. I don't give a damn about it, they can do blood test or DNA test. I even have the urge to offer them to do it. Yunho send me a message that he's coming with Soojung in a week. The rehabilitation didn't help much, Soojung can wriggle her toes but she's still paralyzed from waist down. He told me to move Soojung's bedroom downstairs and make a rehabilitation room from the guest house so she can continue her therapy. I did what I was told and have been anxious ever since.

It's been ten years already.Would she still recognize me?

Yunho's POV

“Soojungie, should I get you something to eat tonight?”

She didn't answer and just kept on looking out the window. She barely talks to me, sometimes she looks at me with so much hate in her eyes. She refuses to do the rehab most of the times. The more I force her to, the more distance she's taking from me.

I sighed.

It's been almost half a year since the accident, she never talks about it. She did ask me to take her to see Yoona and Yonghwa graves. She didn't cry. She didn't show any emotion.

That night at dinner I decided to tell her that I intend to take her back to Seoul.

“ What do you think if I take you back to Seoul? You can continue your rehab there and KangTa can be your private tutor”

“Do as you wish” she answered without even looking at my face.

“We have to move your room downstairs though and maybe we can make the guest room to a small rehabilitation room so you can practice. I can....”

“I told you just do as you wish, I don't care”

I stopped talking. My lively Soojungie has gone, she's being replaced by this hurt teenager.

“Ok, it's settled then. I'm gonna ask AJ to ready things up before we come”

At the mention of 'AJ' she turned her head to me. The first reaction she showed in months.

So you still care about your AJ Oppa, Soojungie? Maybe going back to Seoul really is a good idea, maybe she can open your heart again and bring back the Soojung I knew.

Soojung's POV

I hate grandpa. If it wasn't for him, umma and appa won't die. The last thing I remember was Appa screaming that the brake didn't work and as the car lost control, Umma took off her safety belt, jumped to the back seat and hold me close. Protecting me with her body as the car fell to the cliff.

Appa always checked on his car, there's no way that the brake broke just like that. I overheard sometime before the accident how he and Umma talked about the letter her received, saying that if he took the over the lead on the company Grandpa took over from the Choi recently, he's going to pay for it.

This is all grandpa's fault.

I didn't even care if I'm going to ever make it. Grandpa always look at me with that worry look in his eyes. He's the only one I got right now, I know I'm hurting him by doing this, but I just can't stop blaming him for what happened. I barely talked to him anymore.

I have no interest to get better, I did the rehab just because he wanted me too. I did have hopes that it's going to be better, the doctors said it's going to be better if I diligently train. I gave up after 2 weeks, this has no use, I won't be able to move my feet again.

Grandpa told me he wants to take me to Seoul. I don't care. He told me his plant to move my room to the first floor so I can move freely with my wheelchair. And he planned to change the guests house to a rehab room for me. I didn't really care until he said 'AJ'


Soojung's POV

It was painful to see how the people pity me as Grandpa pushed me on the wheelchair on the airport. Stop looking at me like that.

Oppa, is that why you always hide your face? Because you don't want people to pity you?

After a long flight we finally arrived in Seoul.

It was 9 pm as we arrived. I stretched my neck looking for him, I wonder how he looks like. I turned my head left and right trying to locate him.

“AJ has a late meeting today” Grandpa said.

I blushed. Is it that obvious?

“I didn't ask” I snapped but can't stop blushing.

Grandpa smiled. Minutes later I saw him waving to someone. I think Grandpa introduced me to him as I was little. I don't remember his name though. He's the doc who tend Oppa's wounds as he saved me.

“Soojung, remember Max?”

He smiled. I nodded to him.

“You've grown so much” he said. He turned his head to Grandpa and said “Ready?”


Grandpa pushed my wheelchair and helped me get inside the car.

“You should have seen AJ today”


I pretend not to care about it but kept on listening.

“I never saw him like today, as if his soul was somewhere else. He tripped 3 times this morning, spilled his OJ on his suit, he had to changed like 7 times before he finally ready to go to the meeting”

“Why is he so anxious about the meeting?” Grandpa said

“It's not the meeting. It's Soojung.”

I forgot I was pretending that I wasn't listening and blurted out “Me? Why?”

I realized it a little bit too late as I saw Grandpa and Max grinning already “He's nervous to see you. He was muttering to himself if you still recognize him after all these years”

Stupid face, stop turning red. I had to bit my lips to stop me from smiling. So Oppa is just as nervous as I am?

We arrived at the mansion. Suddenly I remember my parents again. The memory was so painful that even the thought of seeing Oppa can't cheer me up. The pain got worse as I saw the guest house where we used to stay. All the memory start surfacing up. If it wasn't for Grandpa, they might still be alive. Because of him I lost them. I hate him. If he's not a Jung, Umma and Appa would still be with me.

“Soojung! What---?”

I pushed away from him “I want to go home!” I screamed.

“But this is your home”

“Give me my Umma and Appa back! I want them back”

“Soojung...” Grandpa approached me slowly

The more he came closer, the faster I pushed the handrims to run away until a rock threw me out of my balance and I fell over from my wheelchair.


“STAY AWAY FROM ME! It's your fault! It's all your fault!” I screamed to Grandpa “Bring back my parents!”

He lost his words and stood there looking at me. I kept on yelling, screaming, blaming Grandpa for everything that happened. I threw everything I could reach at his direction. I was mad at him, I was mad at the world, mad at myself, until I suddenly felt someone's arms pulling me to a hug. The feeling I used to know, the warmth I missed, the scent I remember from long time ago. I tried to struggle but he was holding me so tight, I gave up fighting.

After I calmed down he loosened his arms around me. I looked up and saw the face I missed all this year. He grown up so much, but he still has this warm look on his eye. His scar is visible in spite of his long side bang. He stroke my cheek and I lost it. All the pain, the denial, all the hidden feeling surfaced up and I started to sob.

“Oppa.....” I weakly said his name, threw myself on his arms, buried my face on his chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

He hold me tight, stroking my hair, trying to saying that everything will be alright.

“I miss my Umma and Appa, Oppa” I sobbed on his chest.

I feel his arms around me and he lifted me up. I cling on his neck as he carried me inside the house. He kicked the door open and put me down on my bed. He sat himself next to me and looked at me

“Everything is going to be fine, I promise”

“But it hurts so much”  

I could see that he was surprise to see that I do signs.

“It'll go away. Trust me. I've been there”

“I'm scared...”

He gazed at me “I can't bring your parents back but I'll never leave your side anymore. I'll protect you from now on.”


“Pinky promised” he smiled.

At that time I realize how tired I am, my eyes start focusing out.

He patted my head and said “Go to sleep, Soojungie. Let's talk tomorrow”

He got up to leave but I was fast enough to grab the sleeve of her shirt.

“Oppa... don't go. Stay with me. Please”

He hesitated and looked at my Grandpa who stood at the door. He nodded.

AJ Oppa turned around and sit himself on the floor.

“Come here, Oppa” I pulled his shirt telling him to get on the bed.

He shook his head “You're not seven anymore, Soojung” He dragged a chair next to my bed. “I stay here and watch you sleep”

He took my hand on his, my eyes are getting really heavy. I muttered “Don't let go Oppa. Don't ever let me go” before I drifted to sleep.

Ain't giving up
Soojung's POV

I slowly open my eyes and smiled as I saw Oppa's sleeping face on the edge on the bed. He was still holding my hand tight. I brushed a strand of hair covering his face. He has grown so much, I can't believe it's been ten years already. I never forget about him, Appa was so busy with works so we couldn't flew to Korea. I secretly continued learning signs because Umma and Appa always teased me about it. Years went by and even that I never forget about him, the longing to see him faded away. His face didn't change that much though, his jaw lines became more prominent but he still has this softness on his face. He's handsome but beautiful in a way. I brushed his hair again showing his long scar. I wonder if his left eye is still as pale as I remember it. The warmth on his eye is the thing that doesn't change. The warmth feeling he gave me the first time he saved my life, his presence makes me happy, makes me think that everything is going to be just fine. I don't have a any sibling, I'm sure this is how having a big brother feels like.

He stirred the next time I brushed his hair. He smiled as he saw me, let go of my hand before he said

“Good morning”

“Good morning, Oppa” I signed back

“Had a good sleep?”

I nodded

He looked at his watch. “I got to go, Soojung. There's something I have to do.”

“Don't go, Oppa” I pouted

“I have to, I promised already. I'll be back as soon as I can”

“I don't want you to go”

“I really have to go. Why don't I picked you up after I'm back and we can go take a walk? It's said that the weather is going to be fine today. Want to go to the lake?”

“Yes!” I got all excited.

“I live there now”

“Eh? Chincha?”

He nodded “I built a house near the lake. And if you promise to be good today I might even...”


“I might introduce you to the puppies”


“Yes, Nero and Caesar offspring.”

“Nero and Caesar are...?”

“Yes, Nero died last year and Caesar followed months after. The puppies aren't that small though, they are about a year old”

“Ooooooh, how many are they Oppa'?”


“Seven? Omo... it must be hard finding names for them”

“I named them one to seven”


“I didn't have any idea at that time, so I called them with numbers and they got used to it”

I laughed “Your wife better be the one naming your children when you have children someday ”

He smiled.

“I'll be going okay? I'll send the maids to help you get ready. Behave yourself, okay”

I nodded.

He ruffled my hair making me laughed. He waved me goodbye and I waved him back.

After he left four maids came in and help me taking a bath and getting ready. I sit on the bed and read a book. I suddenly remember Grandpa. I should apologize. Uggh it's so stupid that you can't move by yourself and I'm not strong enough to move my body to the wheelchair. I rang the bell and the maids came back.

“Help me to get on my chair. I want to see Grandpa”

“Mr. Jung left to the office already, Miss”

“Oh” There's no use getting out right now, I’ll just wait for Oppa “I change my mind. You can leave.

It's 2 p.m already and Oppa is still not here. I'm bored as hell. I was about to rang the maids again as someone knocked on my door.

“Come in” I yelled. I was happy to see Oppa but pretend to be mad that he took so long and pouted.

“I'm sorry, Princess. It took longer than I thought”

I didn't answer

“Let me make up to you, okay?”

“How?” I said

“You'll see”

He put his left hand on my back and his right hand on my knees and scoop me up. I giggled and wrapped my hands on his neck as he took me to my wheelchair. He lowered me down and grinned.

“Ready, Princess?”

I nodded.

He pushed me all the way to the lake, to his house. It's not big but it's cozy. His bedroom is on the second floor. I was kinda disappointed because I wanted to see it. As if he can read my mind, he lifted me again from my wheelchair and went slowly upstairs

“Oppa, you don't have to. I'm heavy”

He just smiled, ahh he couldn't answer

“Am I heavy Oppa?” I changed my questions to yes or no so he can answer me with his head.

He shook his head. I smiled.

His bed room is very comfortable, big windows, a big bed in the middle. He put me down on the bed.

“Wow Oppa, this is nice”

“Thank you”

I looked up and saw that his ceiling are transparent. You can see the sky. I lay myself down and stared at the ceiling.

“Wow, you can watch the stars from here”

“You like it?”



“I think if this were my house, I'm going to be scared when it rains, Oppa. I'm scared of thunder and lightning”

He walked away “Oppa?” I called him

He pointed up, telling me to watch the ceiling again and he took a remote control on his hand and press a button and there's a layer coming out covering the ceilings.

“WOW, you designed all this, Oppa?”

He nodded.

After admiring hid bedroom, Oppa lifted me again and showed me the rest of the house. I like being in his arms. It He showed me the puppies, they are adorable. They have numbers on their chains, one to seven. Oppa put one of them on my lap and I giggled as he licked my face. Afterwards he pushed me to the lake. It's almost 4 o'clock, the sun start setting down, but it's quite warm for autumn. Oppa stopped the wheelchair and sat next to me.

“How's your day today?” I asked him

“It was fine”

He looked at me “Soojung, can I ask you a favor?”

A favor?

“What can I do for you?”

“I'm happy that you can do signs, but I would prefer that you talk to me normally. I love hearing your voice. We can sign around other people if you want to, but...”

“Ok, Oppa” I said

He smiled to me.

“I was at the hospital today”

“What? Why? Are you sick?”

“No, it's for you”

“For me?”

He nodded “You should continue your physiotherapy. The doc is coming tomorrow”

I avoided his eyes “I don't want to”

He touched my hand to make me look at him again“Why?”

“It's no use, Oppa. I'll never be able to walk again”

He frowned.

I turned my head to avoided his gaze, lost in my thought as Oppa suddenly kneel in front of me and start folding my pants.

“Oppa? What are you doing?”

He didn't answer and kept on folding my pants to my knees

“Oppa?!” I startled as he picked me up from my wheelchair, walk to the edge of the lake and slowly put me down. The water feels warm on my legs. He folded his pants just like what he did to mine and put his legs in the water too, start splashing and grinned.

I laughed and wriggled my toes. The water does feels nice. I turned my head to him as he touched my hand.


I shook my head “No, it's warm” I wriggle my toes again and I realized what he's trying to do. “I'm scared, Oppa” I decided to tell him the truth

“Of what?”

“I scared to try so hard only to realize that I won't be able to walk again”

“But you don't know that”


“Soojung, don't give up like this. Let's fight together”

“Oppa, I...”

“I'll be there. I'll be at your side at all time. I'll watch over you”

I looked at him, only to find sincerity in his eyes “Promise, Oppa?”


I rested my head on his shoulder, he patted my head.

I'll work hard, I want to be able to walk again. I'll stop being the pessimistic Soojung. I have Oppa with me, I have Grandpa with me.

Umma, Appa, please look after your daughter from up above. Soojung will make you both proud of me.

Yunho POV

I knocked on Soojung's door as I got back home from work. No answer.

“Ms. Soojung is with Mr. Lee, Sir” A maid said as I knocked on the door again.

“Thank you” I said to her.

She bowed and walked away.

I went to my room and changed my clothes. So Soojung is with AJ? She always fancies him..i mean her since she was little. I was lost in thought, secretly hoping that AJ can convinced Soojung to stop blaming me for her parents death.

“Come in” I said as I heard a knock on the door.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw AJ pushing Soojung inside.  AJ looked at me and nodded a little. I saw her patted Soojung's head and left the room.

“Soojung...” I said

She was looking down “Grandpa, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry....”

I approached her and kneel in front of her, her tears running down her face “I don't hate you, Grandpa” she was sobbing “I was scared, I'm sorry if I hurt you”

I lifted her face and wiped her tears “Grandpa is sorry too, Soojungie. I wish I could undo everything, I wish I could bring your parents back ”

My heart hurts so much seeing my little princess crying so sad like this “Don't cry, little Princess”

“I don't have anyone else but you, Grandpa”

I smiled “Of course you do, silly. You have your AJ Oppa, right?”

She smiles and cries at the same time.

“Let work this together, okay?”

She nodded.

“Grandpa, I want to go to school”

“KangTa is going to tutor you”

“No, I want to go to school. I want to live my life as normal as I could. Can you find a school that doesn't mind having a student with wheelchair like me?”

“Are you sure, Princess?” I was worried “It's not always easy being different”

“I know Grandpa. But I don't want to miss it. At least I want to try. Maybe I can enroll in a month? Just after the autumn vacation so I can still do my physiotherapy first?”

I raised my eyebrow. What had just happened? Is this the same Soojung I brought back from the States? Where did she get all this energy?

“Did AJ talk to you into this?”

“No, he just want me to continue my therapy. But he's right. I can't give up like this. I'm sure Umma and Appa are sad if they see me like this. Even if I never be able to walk again, I can show them that I tried hard. They must be looking from above, right Grandpa? I want to make them proud.”

I can count with my fingers how many times I shed tears in my life and this is one of them. I'm not sad, I'm being proud of my little Princess. I pull her to a hug and said “I'm sure they are proud of you, Soojungie. I'm proud of you too”

“I love you, Grandpa”

“I love you too, Little Princess”

I let go of my hug and smiled to her.



“I'm hungry. Can we please eat?”

I laughed “Sure, what do you want to eat?”




“Should we make one?”

“NO, Let's go to a pizza restaurant”


“Oh come on Grandpa, pleaaaase. And take AJ Oppa with us”

“You know your AJ Oppa hates eating outside?”

“He DOES?”

I laughed hearing the disappointment in her voice.

“Well, maybe if YOU're the one who ask....”

She grinned.

“Let's go Grandpa!”

“I'll go if you can convince AJ to go”

“No problem. AJ Oppa won't say no to me”

I laughed and pushed her out of the room.

AJ was sitting on the stairs and got up as she saw us.


I can't stop grinning seeing how Soojung persuaded her to come along with her to eat outside. AJ hates crowd, but I know from the start the she won't say no. She just has that weak spot for Soojung. She sighed but nodded.

“YAY! Grandpa, AJ Oppa agreed, come on!”

I laughed and approached them. It was one of the best dinner I ever had, not because of the food but seeing that my Soojung is back. She doesn't even care about people gaze as AJ lifted her, getting her back to her wheelchair. She was all chatty at the dinner and forced AJ to eat more and start feeding her. The later shook her head vigorously, but Soojung just forced her to eat. I laughed seeing it. Soojung was exhausted and feel asleep in the car already. AJ lifted her and put her to bed.

“AJ” I said as she was going to the door

She turned her head facing me

“Thanks” I said

She smiled “No need”

“Thank you for giving me my Soojung back”

“I didn't do anything”

“She looks up to you and listens to what you say. I want you to stay on her side from now on, help her on the physiotherapy. Maybe there's a chance she'll be able to walk again”

“Don't worry. I already intend to do that”

“She also told me, she wants to go to school again”


I nodded

“I think it's good for her to have friends of her age”

“AJ, can you take care of her for me? When she starts with school too? I know it's a big favor to ask, if you don't want to....”

“I promised her I'll stay by her side. She's like a little sister to me. Don't worry, I'll take care of her”

I nodded.

“AJ” I called her again as she was already outside the door “I'm glad that we met” I said

She smiled.

There's always a meaning behind every encounter and I guess the good Lord was merciful as He arranged us to meet. Because our faith entangled with each other.

Mine, hers and Soojung's.
