Enter the invisible killer

(y/n) POV:

The whole day whenever I went by Chad and his new bird I felt as if I was being watched. I tried looking at the others to see if they had noticed. Rukia was too busy entertaining the girls of the class. Ichigo had his same nonchalant face that he always had. Chad was hard to read considering we had just met. Speaking of Chad his personality made me think that he was someone who didn't live for himself. Even the way Ichigo described him gave off the same feeling. Ichigo had told us that when he first met Chad that he was getting beat up. Of course I found it hard to believe seeing how big he was, but then Ichigo told us something interesting. He said that Chad refused to use his fists to harm others, in any way even if it was self defense. The only times he would raise his fists was when he used them to defend Ichigo. While that seems chivalrous to most, it was idiotic to me. 

That way of thinking wasn't good, especially for the wellbeing of a person. If you think that of yourself your nothing more than a slave to your own ideology. Only willing to defend someone else and not yourself. But I'm getting lost in my thoughts here. The important thing was that no one besides me and the bird for some reason. It was creeping me out, the bird was acting as if he was more than just a bird. He was observing more than a bird would and to make it worse he seemed to be staring at me especially. It stared at me when I wasn't looking and then when I would turn to meet it's gaze, it would shy away like a person. I was starting to think my time fighting hollows has made me more paranoid. 

Speaking of hollows me and Ichigo had started taking turns on going out to fight hollows during class. The teacher didn't seem to care for whatever weird reason when Ichigo left and I just had my modsoul takeover for me. Ichigo is supposed to get his next week. With all this thinking I got caught up and didn't realize it was time to leave class until Ichigo had tapped me.

Ichigo: (y/n) it's time to go, school's over.

I nod and gather my stuff before walking out the door with Ichigo and Rukia. Chad had already left with his bird. I noticed that since Chad and the bird left that I hadn't felt the same weird presence I had been all day.  I decided to just shake it off and take a nap when I got home. I got home and looked around noticing that my parents weren't here but that was to be expected with them moving downtown near their headquarters. I was still adjusting to living by myself, it was weird, even though they weren't normally home anyways the house felt, empty. The absence of all the stuff they had in their rooms and the rooms in the house was weird to say the least. I went to my room and took off my clothes before laying sown on my bed.

*timeskip 1 hour*

I woke up to my phone ringing. On the first call I tried to ignore it, but immediately afterwards the person called me again. I answered the phone ready to yell but before I got the chance Rukia shouted at me through the phone.

Rukia: Where have you been you idiot I've been trying to call you for the past 30 minutes!?

(y/n): Could you not yell at me? I just woke up Rukia.

Rukia: So you mean to tell me you were sleeping while I was running for my life!?

(y/n): What do you mean your running for your life Rukia? 

Rukia: Remember that bird Chad brought into class today?

(y/n): Yes, why?

Rukia: Turns out it was the spirit of a boy and for some reason there's a hollow who insists on attacking me, Chad and the bird.

(y/n): Where's Ichigo?

Rukia: Ichigo is at home with his sister. For some reason after she touched the bird she started crying and bawling her eyes out. So Ichigo took her home.

(y/n): Ok tell me where your at so I can come help!

Rukia: We are a few streets down from the school! Hurry Chad can't see the hollow and I can't use my kido because of Chad being here!

Rukia POV:

After hanging up with (y/n) I ran to catch back up with Chad. I finally caught up with him after turning a corner and seeing him being hit across the street by the hollow who introduced himself as Shrieker. I let out a shout to draw his attention away from Chad and the bird. It proved to be a bad idea once he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

Shrieker: Are you really a Shinigami? If so why are you still in that pathetic human form!? Come out and fight me!

Before I could respond he gets knocked away by none other than Chad. At first I was in awe of the fact that Chad had managed to hit a hollow. I thought he was able to see spirits like Ichigo and (y/n).  At least that was my hope until I see him start to swing in the same spot even after he had sent Shrieker flying with the first hit. Shrieker shakily gets to his feet before he realizes Chad can't see him and only hit him on accident right before Chad punches him directly in the face again, toppling Shrieker. I look on in astonishment when I realize that Chad is calmly facing down an invisible opponent. Shrieker flies into the air before taunting me about my inability to reach him as he is now. 

Rukia: Chad run, you can't hit him now he's in the air! 

Chad: Rukia, can you see spirits?

Rukia: What does that matter you can't hit him while he's up there!?

Chad: Where is he in the air Rukia?

Rukia: It doesn't matter you can't hit him in the air!

Chad doesn't say anything back to me. Instead he  wraps his arms around a nearby telephone pole and begins to pull. Shrieker starts to glide down to attack before Chad suddenly pulls the telephone pole out.

Chad: Rukia where is he now?

I point up and a few inches in front of him. Chad slams the telephone pole into Shrieker, who is sent crashing to the ground underneath it. As the top of the telephone pole snaps off from the impact, Chad discards the rest of the pole. 

Rukia: Give up Shrieker! As we are speaking there are two soul reapers on there way to take you out now!

Shrieker: HAHA..... do you want to know the real reason I'm able to defeat Shinigami Rukia? 

Suddenly, dozens of targets leap into the air behind Rukia and Chad before pinning them both to the ground.

Shrieker: This is why I've killed so many soul reapers Rukia! Their always looking down on me, regardless of how many I've killed! Because of that your going to be the one I eat first!

Chad frees himself from the Targets holding him down by flexing his muscles.

Shrieker: You damn human, do you always use brute force to solve your problems!?

 After he says that he narrowly dodges another punch from Chad, which causes highlights his ability to fight despite his huge disadvantage. I tell Chad to kick the air above me, which he obliges, sending the Targets on her back flying away, and Shrieker takes to the air once more while cursing. I tell Chad I have an idea before telling him to hold me and throw me like he threw the telephone idea. He tries to object before I quickly shut him up. I point him in the right direction and give him the say so to throw me.

Rukia: Give up now Shrieker!

Shrieker: I promise I will, just spare me!

I let my guard down before a Target emerges from the fur on his neck shooting at me, they cover me and I am sent falling to the ground below. Chad runs forward and manages to catch me just before I fall and asks what happened.

Rukia: I let my guard down!

I get down to try and pull the leeches off my body.

Shrieker: They won't come off so quickly soul reaper!

Shrieker opens his mouth and extends his tongue before , which sends out a sound pulse that causes the leeches on my body to detonate, injuring me. 

3rd person POV:

As Chad expresses concern for a collapsing Rukia, Shrieker explains that the leeches are small bombs that explode in response to a sound his tongue makes and declares that Rukia's guard was wide opening. With a solemn expression, Chad stands up and walks forward to confront Shrieker, who notes that Chad wants to fight him before revealing that he has brought the bird  in his cage to the site of their battle, shocking Chad as Rukia realizes that Shrieker avoided them earlier to buy time for this.

As Yūichi(the bird) apologizes for getting caught, three Targets appear around his cage while Shrieker notes that Chad understands now before telling Rukia it is time for them to play. While the Target on top of the cage prepares to fire a stream of leeches at Yūichi if needed, Shrieker proclaims he will enjoy hunting down Rukia, who gets to her feet and warns Chad to not move from this spot because Shrieker will blow up the birdcage if he does. Chad expresses concern for Rukia, but she states that she gave her word to not screw up, which surprises Chad, before running off, prompting the Targets to give pursuit as Shrieker follows while claiming that this is getting fun.

Running down another street, Rukia sees two Targets flanking her, one on each side, and leaps into the air just before they fire two streams of leeches directly under her. As Rukia lands on a wall, a Target appears in the tree next to her and fires another stream of leeches, which hits her right side and causes her to fall to the ground below. Shrieker appears behind Rukia and proclaims that she is covered in leeches before sending out another pulse of sound with his tongue, causing the leeches on Rukia's leg and arm to detonate and injure her further. Laughing, Shrieker claims that Rukia looks pretty when covered in blood and that he can hardly wait before throwing a Target at her.

As Rukia dodges and resumes running, the Target splatters against the telephone pole that was behind her, causing its leeches to fall out. Giving chase, Shrieker keeps throwing Targets at her and asks her how long she intends to keep running before reminding him that she is free to turn around and attack him. Suddenly, Rukia comes to a halt in an empty intersection, prompting a confused Shrieker to stop as well and ask her if she has given up already. While Shrieker claims that this is not fun and tells her to keep running, Rukia states that she has not given up and points out how Shrieker said she could attack before proclaiming that she plans to do so. Seeing that she's not moving Shrieker fires Targets at her feet before opening his mouth and launching leeches straight before her feet.

Suddenly, Shrieker is pushed to the ground by (y/n), who has arrived and landed on Shrieker's head. While Rukia is grabbed in a bride's carry and moved out of the way of the leeches by Ichigo. As Rukia greets him, an annoyed Ichigo reminds her that she promised to not worry him by screwing up, only for Rukia to note that this is something that someone who is worried would say, which Ichigo admits is true. (y/n) makes a comment about their current position causing Rukia to blush and Ichigo to drop her making (y/n) laugh even more. Cursing, Shrieker demands to know how long (y/n) plans to sit on his head and gets to his feet, prompting (y/n) to leap off his head to the ground in front of him before introducing himself as the 15 year old Substitute Shinigami (y/n) (l/n) and the other Substitute Shinigami Ichigo Kurosaki. Ichigo claims he Shrieker had been chasing the wrong person, Shrieker then realizes he should have gone after Ichigo from the start.

Shrieker fires Targets quickly followed by leeches causing Ichigo to pick up Rukia once again and dodge while (y/n) jumps to avoid the tiny bombs. 

(y/n): Too slow!

(y/n) says before jumping up and slashing down on Shrieker's head with his duel swords.  Deducing that Shrieker used his bombs to pin down Chad so he could enjoy attacking Rukia, Ichigo declares that Shrieker is nothing but a pig, only for Shrieker to claim that this means Ichigo will be eaten by a pig.

(y/n): I feel as though I'm getting ignored here and I'm going to be honest, it kind of hurts!

As he approaches the battle, Chad spots Rukia off to the side and decides to ask her what's wrong. Noticing Chad, Rukia says that this is perfect timing and tells him to hide Yūichi somewhere safe. Rukia tells him to not worry because Ichigo and (y/n) are fighting right now. Elsewhere, as he and Shrieker create multiple craters in the ground, Ichigo cuts three Targets in half, causing their leeches to spill onto the ground. Praising him for this move, Shrieker reminds Ichigo that the leeches are still bombs and extends his tongue before releasing a sound pulse, causing the leeches to erupt in a large explosion. While this is happening (y/n) jumps into the air behind Shrieker before kicking hi down to the ground in front of Ichigo. Ichigo responds by dashing forward and slashing him across the chest.

 Ichigo leaps again and swings his Zanpakuto at Shrieker's neck. However, Ichigo stops his blade just before it cuts into Shrieker and asks him if he is the one who killed Yūichi's parents. Leaving (y/n) confused since he missed the earlier explanation. Meanwhile, Rukia expresses shock as Yūichi explains how Shrieker said it was his fault that Rukia and Chad got hurt because he wants to bring his mother back to life. As Yūichi apologizes, an unnerved Rukia asks him if someone said they had the ability to bring his mother back to life. Elsewhere, Shrieker confirms that he killed Yūichi's mother when he was alive as an infamous serial killer.

Shrieker proceeds to explain how Yūichi's mother was his last victim and kept running to protect him even while she could barely breathe. Noting that his mistake was chasing her onto the veranda, Shrieker reveals that Yūichi grabbed his shoelaces, which caused him to trip and break through the railing before falling to his death. As he claims that this an ignominious end for him, Shrieker states that he decided to pay Yūichi back as a Hollow and put his soul in a parakeet before telling him that he would bring Yūichi's mother back to life if Yūichi could evade him for three months. Ichigo is shocked by this, while (y/n) is enraged, but Shrieker proclaims that he does not actually have a way of achieving it.

Stating that Yūichi believed him anyway and started running, Shrieker sadistically explains how the best part of this arrangement was how Yūichi would give up and want to quit every time Shrieker killed the people protecting him, only to regain his will when Shrieker claimed that his mother was waiting for him to save her, which leaves Ichigo trembling with anger. (y/n) has already decided he heard enough and jumps down from his perch to slash his neck. Upon seeing this, Shrieker pushes Ichigo's Zanpakutō away from his neck and jumps back from (y/n)'s swords. Shrieker demands to know why he is sympathizing with Yūichi before firing two more Targets at Ichigo. As Ichigo blocks one of the targets with his hand and grabs the leeches it releases, Shrieker declares that this is the end for him.

However, as Shrieker prepares to unleash a sound pulse with his tongue, Ichigo runs up and shoves his hand full of leeches through Shrieker's teeth and into his mouth. Stating that Shrieker can have his bomb back, Ichigo tells him to go ahead and set them off with his tongue. When a stunned Shrieker does not, Ichigo proclaims that he will take Shrieker's tongue instead before ripping the circular end of Shrieker's tongue out of his mouth. While Shrieker howls in pain at the loss of his tongue, Ichigo tells him to disappear before slashing upward through through Shrieker's mask, while (y/n) does the same on his backside leaving  deep cuts that begins to glow as Shrieker's body begins to disintegrate before reforming.

Suddenly, Shrieker's wound begins spewing a torrent of energy as a large set of gates with the upper torsos of skeletons sticking out of the center of each door appears behind him. (y/n) gets in a defensive stance in front of a shocked Ichigo. Rukia, having appeared behind them, reveals that these are the Gates of Hell and explains that it is reserved for Souls and Hollows who committed sins in life, as the Zanpakuto only washes away sins committed after death. As the chains on the gates break apart, the gates open to reveal a red void within, and Shrieker screams as his mask is torn apart before a large arm wielding an equally large blade impales him from behind, causing the gates to close and shatter. Seeing that his job is done (y/n) heads home after saying goodbye to Ichigo and Rukia.

*timeskip to later that day*

Still 3rd POV:

 Ichigo, Chad, and Rukia gather around Yūichi as Rukia confirms that his has been completely severed, which means she cannot return Yūichi to his body. When Rukia assures a dejected Yūichi that Soul Society is a place better than the Human World where he will never be hungry and feel light all the time, Ichigo skeptically asks her if she can really say this wholeheartedly, leaving Rukia speechless. However, Ichigo points out that Yūichi will be able to see his mother again if he crosses over, which perks him up, and states that he will be able to go to his mother even if he cannot bring her back to life.

Yūichi thanks Chad for protecting him all this time by running around with him in his arms and manifests his Soul outside of the parakeet before noting that he should be going. When Chad asks Yūichi if he could run around with him in his arms again when he dies, Yūichi grins and agrees to let him to do so. Smiling at the sight of this, Ichigo prepares to perform on Yūichi. That night, as Karin lies in her bed, she tearfully thanks Ichigo while a flies toward the moon outside.

Author POV:

What is the next adventure for (y/n) and Ichigo? Will Chad question why he couldn't see Ichigo and (y/n) fighting? Who will they meet in the future? Find out next time on Bleachhhh!
