Short confrontation

Kurt was beautiful. His voice was angelic. His eyes were mysterious and full of emotion. His body was a whole other ball park. Blaine heard Wes and David talking about getting him on the Warblers when he was singing with his friend Rachel. Blaine couldn't agree more. Kurt seemed very talented.

But that kiss. Blaine had been replaying it in his mind over and over again since it happened.. It was almost exactly what it was like in movies and books except it wasn't. Blaine didn't see fireworks, but his body seemed to feel like a firework. As if his body had woken up. Blaine's face instantly went red like a ripened tomato. "That was nice." Kurt had whispered afterwards, sending shivers down Blaine's spine.

Kurt was so quiet and shy, his friends were the complete opposite. Kurt's friends were, what was the word, Eccentric? Loud? Weird? Maybe Lively. Lively Eccentric. Kurt did seem more happy when his friends showed up aside from the part where he yelled at the one girl.

'What had he yelled at her for again? Transferring back? Why would they get him drunk just to ask him to come back?'

"Blainers? You should stop staring." Trey plops down beside him. "I'm not staring." Blaine covered. "Well, you're practically having eye sex with Kurt." Ty informs him.

Blaine's face heated up instantly and he averted his eyes away from the taller boy across the room. Kurt was happily talking with the mohawked teen and the pretty blonde he danced with.

"If you want him that bad just go up to him and say-"one twin started "Kurt, are you an astronaut?" The other finished off. "Cause you're ass is out of this world."

"Oh god no. Thats cheesy and totally lame." Blaine ran his hands over his gelled back hair. "And I don't want him that bad." He chuckled nervously. "whatever you say." With a shrug, the twins left, talking about pranking Wes or someone.

"Y'know, Blaine. If you don't make a move someone else will." David leans in. "Maybe someone like that new guy, Smith or whatever his name is."

"It's Smyth" a new voice said from the doorway, making the Dalton boys silent. A tall, slim boy was leaning against the door frame with a smirk painted on his face. "Hey, Sebastian." Nick said, breaking the silence. "Hello, Warblers...and poor people I don't know." Sebastian so causally insulted the McKinley kids.

Sebastian took in everyone that was in the room until he spotted Kurt. "Oh, hello Kurt! I didn't notice you. Is that designer?" Blaine's fists tightened. Kurt had told him earlier how Sebastian made offensive comments. Kurt cleared his throat before answering "Yes, these are designer. Thank you for noticing." Kurt seemed stiff and not at all drunk. "Oh, well good for you! I'm surprised you can afford those clothes."

Kurt seemed unfazed at first glance, but if you looked deeper he was clearly embarrassed. Blaine wanted to get up and beat the smile off Sebastian's face. No one should make Kurt feel that way. Brittany was right beside Kurt, whispering something to him.

"Who the hell is this douche?" Puck asks as he sits up, his jaw clenched. "'This douche' is the son of some important people so I wouldn't lay a hand on me if I were you... unless you plan on returning to Juvy." Sebastian strutted into the room with the same stupid smile on his face. Puck was still tense and very much intimidating.

David's hand was firmly holding Blaine's arm back. He knew very well how Blaine felt about bullying and how much of a bad drunk he can be when mad. The Warblers took notice too. "You have to leave, Sebastian. Now." Nick said. His voice was demanding and firm. Everyone in the room glared at the rude boy. The Warblers and New Directions.

"Oh, Nicholas. You're no fun. I thought this was a party, not a charity event for the poor." Sebastian flopped down in the beanbag next to Kurt. He swung his arm around the teens shoulders and smirked at Blaine. "Kurt knows how to have fun. Don't you, Kurt?" Blaine was furious. His knuckles were white from the amount of force he was squeezing them.

All the Glee kids looked as mad as Blaine felt and the Warblers were clearly uncomfortable. Kurt was staring at the ground and was trying to shrug Sebastian's hand away.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. My. Brother. Now." Finn's voice was deep and threatening. Sebastian looks at Kurt to Finn before tilting his head to the side slightly. "You don't look related, with your height and Kurt's looks," Sebastian looks him up and down, making Kurt squirm. "defiantly not related."

Quinn and Rachel were holding Finn and Puck back while Wes and David were firmly holding Blaine back. "Cool it, Blaine." Wes said between gritted teeth. "I am cool, Wesley."

During all of this Sebastian was particularly proud of the mess e made and smiled. "This was fun. Warblers, I'll see you at practice. Peasants, hope I never see you again. Kurt, I'll see you on Monday in our dorm. Good bye." He winked at Kurt before standing and leaving the room.
