⠀⠀⠀ six


8th of October
Quantico, Virginia

    SCOUT LAID WITH her head pressed against the coolness of the metal table. Her head was throbbing, stomach growling at the lack of edible food. But she had to push through.

It would only be a matter of time before -

The door to the interrogation room swung open before it was slammed shut with a bang. Scout resisted the urge to flinch and look up at who had come in when, in all honesty, she already knew who it was.

She kept her head down, her hair covering her face like a curtain as the sudden screech of the chair in front of her moved. And then, it was silent again.

The feeling of being watched by familiar hazel eyes, the same eyes that her daughter shared, was practically burning through her skin. She had spent nights laying awake, wondering how this situation would pan out.

All of those nights ended with Scout falling asleep with tear stained cheeks and her body passing out from exhaustion and anxiety.

"And now it's Doctor Spencer Reid's turn to ask some questions, huh?" The brunette mumbled, still keeping her head down.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"There's a scent given off by wounded, feral cats. It's rather pungent, you know."

A fist came down on the table, creating a loud thump that Scout couldn't help but react to. Slowly but surely, she lifted her head up, mentally trying to keep herself together and not fall apart. She leaned back into the chair once more, lifting a leg up and slouching down. Looking indifferent would only anger him further, but she couldn't help it.

Her dark brown eyes collided with his hazel, an action that hadn't occurred for thirteen years.

"I miss the boy band hair. But I guess this long, sexy professor hair is second best." She said with a smirk, eyeing him up and down.

Spencer Reid had certainly changed throughout the time they had been apart. Although his physique had stayed the same, everything else was unfamiliar to her. His brown wavy locks were longer and unkempt, and could almost give Einstein a run for his money. The bags under his eyes had sullen in even further, creating deep crater-like crevasses in purple tones of skin. She never thought he could look any more tired before, but she was clearly proven wrong.

His gaze hardened, "I'm not going to play games with you, Wiley."

"And why not? I thought you liked it when I played games with you. If I can recall, you practically begged me sometimes."

Spencer's hand clenched into a fist, making the veins protrude and pop out. He was getting frustrated, she could tell. She could always tell.

"You're disgusting."

"I've always been aware of that fact. It's sad that it took you so long to figure it out." Scout cocked her head to the side, giving him a lopsided, almost sadistic smile.

"Or rather, pathetic."

"What are you doing here? And what are these?" Spencer opened the file that she had brought in with her, showing the pictures of the four dead people.

"Some more successful missions for your hit list?"

The brunette rolled her eyes, "I've already told JJ everything I know. I don't need to tell you."

"You're going to tell me everything I want you to. And that's going to start with these fucking pictures, you got that?" He snarled, a tone of voice she had never heard from him before.

"Like hell I am."

Spencer stood up from his chair, throwing the file at her and slamming both his hands on the table once more. His eyes were wild, practically red with anger and frustration.

A knocking on the blacked out window snapped his attention.

Pausing for a second, she watched as the male deeply inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm himself down. Her gaze followed him as he walked around the table, getting closer until he was in front of her, crouching down to her level.

Scout stayed still, flaring her nostrils. As much as she wanted to, she resisted the urge to back away from him. Showing fear was a weakness and she was anything but weak.

"Compared to the common serial killer, you are by far the coldest, most apathetic, heartless person I've ever encountered." Spencer whispered, almost growling in her ear.

The brunette narrowed her eyes, not backing down.

"You want to kiss me now, don't you?"

In that second, she watched as Spencer Reid snapped before her.

He lunged at her, grabbing her by the neck and pulling her out of the chair. Stumbling back until she felt her back hit the wall forcefully, Scout kept her eyes on him, never letting go of his gaze. She didn't struggle nor did she raise her hands at him. Instead, she kept completely still.

Of course, Scout didn't doubt for a second that she could take Spencer down with little to no force.


The door swung open to the investigation room, revealing Morgan and JJ hurdling towards them. He pried Spencer off of her while the blonde talked to him.

"Spence, let her go! She's not worth it! Let her go! She's just trying to piss you off!"

"I hate you! Morgan, let me go! Morgan!"

As soon as his boney had released her neck, Scout fell to the floor in a coughing fit. Her head hung, not bothering to watch as Morgan dragged the doctor out of the room.

"Are you stupid? Why did you do that? You practically egged him on." JJ mumbled, crouching down as she struggled to regain her breath.

"He - He always...wants to kiss - me."

The blonde rolled her eyes, "Oh really? Cause it didn't look like it from my side."

"He just doesn't know it yet."

"Right, I'm sure that's what that was."

JJ extended her hand out, signaling for her to grab it. With weary eyes, Scout watched and raised a brow at it. She grasped it cautiously, letting out a surprised yelp when she was pulled up from the floor.

"You've been working out?"

The blonde shrugged, "I haven't been as busy since Henry and Michael have gotten older."

"Michael? I'm guessing another boy, huh?"

"Yeah - a year after you left."

Scout straightened out her jacket, "You said you wanted a daughter."

"And you said you wanted a son." She smirked, picking up the chair that Spencer was sitting in.

"Que sera, sera."

"You're not going to tell me who the father is, are you?"

Scout paused before pursing her lips, "Not my choice really. I told Jude who he was and she ask me to not tell anyone."

"Because she hates him?"

"I don't know exactly why but I'm gonna guess that's the reason. I didn't feel the need to pry any further."

"That doesn't exactly seem very fair but -"

The door swung open once more, an action that Scout was finding rather bothersome and tedious.

"JJ?" Emily Prentiss called one the attention of the blonde, pointing for her to follow.

She furrowed her brow, "What's going on, Em?"

"Well uh -" The BAU leader stopped before shaking her head and pulling someone in front of her.

A young teenager, around the same age as Jude, waved at JJ. He smiled sheepishly but his blue eyes looked like they were practically embarrassed. There was crusted blood on his bursted lip, his jawline starting to form a nasty looking bruise and swelling quickly.

"Hi Mom."

The blonde palmed her forehead, "What the hell did you do now, Henry?"

"Your boy?" Scout chuckled.

"He's got his father's strong will and fighting spirit, I'll tell you that."

She shrugged, "Looks like he got his mother's tempter too."

"Mom! I swear it's not my fault. And I think I defended myself rather well. This crazy girl just randomly attacked me, but you should get a look at her. I was able to sneak in a few hits on her."


Scout froze, "Crazy girl? Oh fuck, Jude!"

The brunette sprinted towards the door, but was stopped when her forearm was grabbed and pulled her back. She glared at JJ, ready to push her back.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, Wiley? In case you forgot, you're still under arrest for questioning."

Scout shoved off her arm, "Fuck that. My 48 hours were up 20 minutes ago, JJ. I'm free to go and check on my daughter. Raphael too."

With a small nod from Prentiss, she jogged out of the room with her hair flying around. The space of the BAU was extremely familiar and hadn't changed much throughout the years. Most of the background people had changed and some desks were shifted around but if her gut was telling her correctly, she knew where her daughter was going to be.


She knocked on the door of Penelope Garcia's office, knowing that the computers would have been enough to attract the young teenager. When the door slowly opened to reveal her daughter, she was proven right.

Scout let go of the breath of air she hadn't realized she had been holding, "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"JJ's son, Henry -"

"Who?" Jude scrunched her nose, shifting her balance from one foot to the other.

The brunette eyed her daughter, "You're lying. You know exactly who I'm talking about."

"No, I don't."

"Oh really? Because Henry came in with a busted lip and said that the crazy girl who hit him looks worse than he does -"

"That lying weasel! I'll hit him again!"

Scout cocked a brow at the teen, proving that she had, in fact, been right. The girl narrowed her eyes, staring at her mother with her arms crossed over her chest.

"He deserved it!"

Shaking her head, she tucked a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear, "And I don't doubt you for a second, but you really have to learn to think before you punch."

"You don't."

"I don't have that kind of privilege."

"But he egged me on!"

Scout bit down on her bottom lip, feeling a sense of deja vu while listening to Jude. Hearing her daughter's remarks and knowing about her actions made her feel a mixtures unease and little bit of pride.

The young teenager truly was a mixture of both her parents; and that included the good and bad parts.

"Come on, let's go find Raph and we'll head out." Scout draped her arm around her small shoulders. "You're probably exhausted and hungry. We should have left you at the hotel instead."

"But I'd be alone."

"You like being alone. You're just saying that because then you couldn't have made a big scene like earlier. Which, by the way, I did not appreciate one bit. I thought you wanted to stay a secret?"

Jude shrugged, "I thought you were in trouble."

"And you came to my rescue without your knives? That's very brave of you. I never thought you could go anywhere without them."

"I forgot about them."

She chuckled, "I've noticed your IQ never matters whenever you act in fight or flight mode."

"I blame your genetics for that."

"Yeah, I blame my genetics for a lot of shit, really."

Once the pair stood outside the investigation room, Emily Prentiss opened the door for Raphael to walk out. He looked as equally tired as they did but the smile on his lips said otherwise. And while his black curls were unruly and his usually well dressed clothes were wrinkled, his obviously dashing good looks were untouched.

"There's my two favorite girls, how are you feeling?" Raph ruffled the teen's hair teasingly.



"Great! Glad that we're all feeling the same."

Scout shook her head and smiled weakly, "Honestly, Raph. I'm so sorry I dragged you into this. You didn't deserve it and I don't know how to make it up to you."

"Don't mention it, Paloma. You know that I'd do anything for either of you and this was no exception." He said with a wink, pressing a small kiss to her temple.

Scout nodded, "Thank you."

The brunette looked around the room, glad that her little family was once while again but feeling strange to be in the place of her past. It felt like two realities clashing together. Her brown eyes scanned again until they landed on all too familiar hazel ones.

Across the room, Spencer stared at the three. He was made aware that Emily has been interviewing a friend of Scout's that had came in with her. But the small teenager was new information.

She was the same girl that he had pried off of Henry earlier and now that he thought of it, it made sense that she was with Scout. Her aggressive nature did match hers.

The doctor turned to Morgan, who was standing next to him, "You didn't mention that the kid was with her?"

"Didn't seem all that important."

"Who is she?"

Morgan paused, looking away and seeing JJ walk out of the interrogation room. The two look at each other and had a small conversation with just their eyes. The blonde gave him a small nod before turning to Scout.

"She's uh - that's her kid."

Spencer scoffed, "Yeah, right. No, really. Where did the kid come from?"

Morgan raised his brow, signaling that he was,in fact, serious about the teenager. With clenched brows and dropped mouth, the doctor liked him him before staring at Scout and the teen again.

"No fucking way."

Scout watched Spencer and Morgan, aware of the fact that they were clearly talking about her but shrugged them off. She already had enough of the BAU for awhile and couldn't be bothered with any more drama. All she wanted to do was eat a burger and take a long nap.

The brunette smiled a JJ, noticing the fact that she wanted to talk alone, and turned to Raph and her daughter.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys in the car, okay? I'm just going to tie up some loose ends here and then we can leave. I promise I won't take more than 10 minutes."

"Make it 5 minutes."

"Only if you time me."

Raph nodded, squeezing her shoulder for comfort, "We'll be waiting for you."

She watched as they walked out the glass doors, not turning back or lingering behind. JJ, who has been watching, walked closer and leaned on the wall nearby.

"Just a friend? Because honestly, if I had him around, I don't think I could handle being just friends."

Scout rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Keep it in your pants, J. Raph has always been just a friend, which has been great. Especially since I don't know where I'd be without him."

"He must be a nice guy."

"He is, he really is."

The brunette pursed her lips, "So, what did you need?"

"I just wanted to check on you before you left. You know, since Spencer -"

"Went all crazy on me?"

JJ shrugged, "I can't blame him."

"Yeah, neither can I." Scout looked down at the floor, feeling extremely insecure suddenly. "Can I - Can I ask you a favor?"

"Depends on what it is?"

"Do you know where my Mom is?"

"Where's Jude?"

Scout came out of the bathroom of the hotel room after she had just showered. The steam of the hot water escaped as soon as she opened the door, making the room feel slightly humid. Her wet hair hung around her shoulders while a towel wrapped around her body, still damp and moist.

Raphael looked up from their bed before taking a second to pause and look into the conjoined hotel room. They had decided that the teenager needed her own space as well did the two adults. Scout and him didn't mind sharing a bed but Jude would not have enjoyed a sofa bed at all.

"She went to the cafe down the block, said something about the coffee here being really bad."

Scout sighed, "I think she just said that so I wouldn't have to smell it."

"You always have hated coffee for as long as I've known you."

"And I always will."

Raph slowly stood up from the bed, watching the female walk around the room and trying to get dressed. He closed the door to Jude's room, locking it shut. She cocked a brow as she watched him.

"What are you doing?"

"You've been stressed." The curly haired man eyed her, walking closer until they were face to face. She didn't back down from him and instead gave a rather playful smirk.

"Yeah, that's what tends to happen when you're been on the run from the FBI for 13 years. You tend to stress yourself out."

"Uh huh," Raph chuckled, taking a strand of her wet hair and pushing it back.

She sighed as he leaned down and placed his lips on her neck, "What - What if Jude comes in?"

"The room is sound proof." He mumbled, pressing and sucking on his skin.

"And if she tries to come in?"

"We'll have to be very, very, very quiet then."

Scout scoffed, "We've never quiet, Raph."

"We can try."

The brunette groaned at his touch, knowing that her stress was unbearable, but also knowing that her body craved to feel the animal-like instinct that lurked within the bedroom that she was currently in right now. Raph pushed her against the wall roughly, growling as the towel that covered her wet body had dropped suddenly from the force.

So it was with pain but overruling pleasure, that she felt her wrists were almost snapping under the harsh, brute strength her friend was dealing her, and felt the wall was cutting into her delicate arms.

She was suddenly turned around and Raphael had her face and chest first up against the wall. Her wrists bound tightly high above her head with just one of his hands, while his other one had slipped down her front - between her legs - to mess with her sensitive bud. The feeling was overwhelming good until she felt him drop his pants and lifting her up slightly before he fucked her ruthlessly from behind.


Her cry's of tainted pain did very little to get him to calm or become more gentler in his strokes, and if anything, it actually drove him to hammer at her harder. Needless to say, they were both enjoying themselves and releasing pent up frustration and anger from last few weeks.

Scout, feeling angry at the fact that she had to come out of hiding but mostly because she had seen the way Spencer had looked at her. He hated her and she was partially glad he did.

At least this time around, he would stay away.

Raphael, on the other hand, was frustrated at the death of his father in Argentina and upset at the fact that his small family had been targeted. He may only be a friend in relational terms, but he was protective.

"AH, GOD!!"

Helplessly flopping her head back against his shoulder, Scout winced - grinding her teeth down hard - as he bit down on her just between the shoulder and her neck area.


Scout shouted out that time, holding no sound of bliss with in her tone or the encouragement it normally did. It just held pure pain. Releasing her with his teeth, he could taste blood and knew that he might have over done it a little just then, but it still didn't stop him.

There was usually pain whenever they interacted like this, something that both had agreed with beforehand and welcomed.

Pulling out of her and twisting her round so fast, Scout barely had chance to realise the change in position as he instantly lifted her up against the wall - smiling wickedly as he was welcomed with her legs wrapping round him - and began fucking her front on.

Leaning forward and licking the small blood trail up off her puncture neck, Raph felt a shudder wash over him when he heard her sigh against his ear. Strangely enough, he felt all his pent up anger suddenly slip away when hearing her sound of pleasure so close against his skin; and now found himself moving against her with more care to 'her' needs.


Scout moaned, gripping and squeezing his shoulders, gasping at the gentler invasion he was dealing.

"What are you doing?"

She puffed, shutting her eyes in bliss, but fighting to opening them again.

"What," Raphael rasped, swallowing down a breath of agonising pleasure as he pumped her more fluently.

"What do you mean?"

"You're-- Ahh god!" She sighed, lulling her head back and shutting her eyes again - feeling as though the room had just ignited with a rainbow of colourful bliss.

"You're not hurting - ahh god, Raph - you're not hurting me!"

He made an odd expression at that, but couldn't help himself from licking up the pulse of her presented neck. He could see her perfectly in room, absolutely perfectly, and was liking the sexual expressions she was making now, a whole lot better than all the other ones.

They had done this before, all of which were now too many times to count. It always ended the same. The two would gasp for air, clean up after themselves, and thank the other. Although they were just friends, the feeling of sexual ecstasy was a necessity for the two adults.

"Are," Raph huffed, feeling both their climax rising in union and peeking to that wonderful place of intense delight. "Are you complaining?"

"No, not at all."

Just friends, and nothing more.

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Like I've said plenty of times before, all of my books are for mature readers! If you enjoy this kind of writing then please check out:

Spencer Reid One Shots

I just posted it today and need requests to start writing, so let me know if you're interested!

Also, special thanks to
@criminal.maniac18 & @nattiebxoxo
on Tik Tok!
They made very sweet tik tons about NUMB and NONE and I wanted to let them know how much I appreciate it! Thank you again!

a special thanks to readers who comment:

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