6 | All Your Life

Harry woke to the feeling of Draco wrapped around him, pressed up against his back, his knees tucked against the backs of his own, an arm over his waist. Slow, even breaths brushed against the back of his neck.

Memories of the previous night came rushing back and he tensed involuntarily, squeezing his eyes shut as if that could somehow stop the flood of hurt and anger that washed over him.

Draco's warmth was solid and grounding, and Harry found himself wanting to lean into it. He turned over to look up into his boyfriend's face.


Draco kissed him softly, murmuring a sleepy, "good morning."

Harry snuggled up against his chest, tangling his legs with Draco's as he wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead. "Breakfast?"

"Not yet. Just want you."

Draco blushed, smiling into Harry's dark hair. "Yeah? And just how do you want me, love?" He drawled seductively, running a hand down Harry's spine and back up to his neck.

Harry shivered slightly but shook his head. "Just like this for the moment."

Draco adapted quickly and began running his hands in soothing circles over Harry's back instead.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm..." Harry hesitated. "No. I'm not. I knew it would be that way, but it still... It still hurt, you know? And I was caught off guard because I didn't realize my Glamour had slipped, and I just wasn't ready. I should have listened to you. Ron and I could have stayed here and had a good time."

"There was no way to know for sure. If your Glamour hadn't come off, getting out might have been a really good thing. I was just nervous something would go wrong, and I didn't want you to get hurt." Draco moved one hand into Harry's unruly curls, gently massaging his head and inwardly cheering as Harry relaxed in his arms. "What happened with your Glamour?"

"Another werewolf vision. It was really quick, like a daydream. I must have only lost focus for a few seconds, but it was enough."

Draco sighed. "I'm sorry. How did it go before that?"

"It was alright," Harry shrugged. "I miss getting drinks with Ron, but it's different now. He doesn't want to talk about you, I don't want to talk about the Aurors... It was a bit awkward."

"Hm. I'm sorry. I, er... I may have shouted at him through the Floo after you fell asleep."

Harry winced. "You didn't."

"I'm sorry."

"It wasn't his fault, Draco. He didn't mean for it to happen, he didn't know—"

"I know," Draco cut him off, "but if you could have seen your face last night... If I'd come home looking like that after someone had sworn they would look after me, how would you have reacted?"

Harry huffed out, not a laugh, exactly, but something akin to one, and the corners of his lips twitched into an unwilling smile. "I'd have wanted to yell at them," he conceded. "Come to think of it, that was a pretty Gryffindor response, Drake."

Draco feigned shock and horror. "How dare you. I am pure Slytherin and you know it, don't insult me by suggesting otherwise."

Harry did chuckle softly at that, tilting his head up to kiss him. "If you say so."

"I do," Draco smiled back.

Harry sighed. "I really wish you and Ron would try and get along. I care about you both, and I don't want to have to choose between you. Please don't put me in that situation."

Draco nodded and sighed. "I'll try, love. I'm still a bit angry, but  in the spirit of that promise, I'll apologize to him for my outburst last night. For you."

"I can live with that," Harry closed the distance between them again, tucking his head under Draco's chin. "Thank you."


Draco's apology through the Floo after breakfast as met with a tight smile and a forced, "thank you," but he didn't know what else he could do.

Harry's plea for him and Ron to get along seemed like a hopeless cause.

Hermione had wrung her hands in the background, nervously suggesting that they all have dinner soon.

The resulting wordless conversation between her and Weasley made it clear how her husband felt about the idea, but she only doubled down, and Draco found himself agreeing to dinner at the Granger-Weasleys in exactly one week.

With one last sincere apology, he sighed and ended the call.


A few days later, Harry looked up when Draco walked into the kitchen. "Hey."

"Hi," Draco greeted him with a kiss, "it's nice to see you cooking again. Where's Jenkins?"

"Visiting his family. I gave him a few days off. I tried to get him to take a full week after how hard he's been working for me these past few months, but I only managed to talk him up to three days. House Elves," Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "I was happy to make dinner for Parkinson's visit tonight, though. I'm glad she likes Indian food since I've been trying out some of my grandmother's recipes this past year. There's fresh naan warming in the oven from that place we like on Diagon to go with the curry and rice. I didn't dare try and make it all myself. I'm out of practice."

"Hmm, yes," Draco murmured distractedly, resting his chin on Harry's shoulder and looking curiously into the pot, where the fragrant curry was bubbling.


"Nothing, dinner smells excellent."

Draco shifted and kissed Harry's cheek, then the back of his neck, trailing his hands down his sides and then slipping them up his shirt to trace over his stomach.

"Nothing?" Harry laughed, setting aside the wooden spoon he'd been holding and turning in Draco's arms. "Certainly seems like something."

"You're irresistible when you cook, you know that," Draco murmured, kissing him softly and slowly.

Harry turned off the stove top and waved a hand at the pot, presumably casting a stasis charm to prevent the curry from burning, but Draco didn't particularly care at the moment because now Harry's hands were free to run through his hair, and pull him tightly against him, which they did.

"Can I try it?" Draco asked, drawing back with a sly smile.

Harry looked slightly dazed. "Try... Um, what?"

Draco inclined his head at the pot on the stove.

Harry swallowed and nodded, picking up the wooden spoon and dipping it in the pot and then holding it out, watching as Draco licked it off with a positively wicked glint in his eyes. Harry's eyes were locked on Draco's mouth as he made a soft sound of pleasure and ran his tongue over his lips.

"Oh, that's good, darling," Draco drawled, taking the spoon from Harry's hand and setting it back on the countertop.

"Yeah?" Harry's eyes were dark as he watched Draco's next move.

"Very very good," Draco murmured, stepping close again and pressing a kiss to Harry's jaw, then another behind his ear. He backed him against the counter and Harry tilted his head back with a moan.


Draco followed, sliding a thigh between Harry's legs and trailing kisses down his throat, then back up to capture his mouth in a searing kiss that was returned with enthusiasm. He hooked an ankle around Harry's calf, an invitation he knew the other man wouldn't be able to resist. With a soft moan against Draco's lips, Harry's hands slipped down his back to cup his arse, and Draco jumped up to wrap his legs around Harry's waist, groaning when he was spun around and slammed against the nearest wall.

Draco loved this side of Harry; his hands pulling his hips flush against him, low growls of pleasure emanating from his chest as he kisses him in that way he always has, like kissing Draco is the only thing that matters, and nothing else even exists.

Lost in the feel of Harry's mouth, the hands cupping is arse, his own hands tangled in Harry's dark locks, Draco whines when Harry abruptly pulls back.

"Parkinson will be here any minute," Harry panted, dropping his forehead to Draco's shoulder. "We need to stop."

"Parkinson is already here, actually," a voice came from the doorway, startling them both, "Not that I'm one to turn down a free show. Damn, Draco."

"How did you...?" Harry was blushing furiously. He set Draco on his feet and ran a nervous hand through his already-messy hair. 

"Well, I knocked several times," Pansy smirked, "but apparently no one heard me. I wonder why."

Draco grinned and stepped forward to hug her. "Pansy! It's so good to see you."

Her face softened. "You too, darling. It's been ages since we've had a chance to catch up. Been a busy few months, has it?" She laughed as they separated, glancing meaningfully over at Harry.

Draco grinned suggestively back at her. "Yes, very much so."

"Tell me everything later."

"Well, not everything," Draco winked. "I think you've seen enough today."

Pansy grinned.

Harry shook his head, wide-eyed but smiling awkwardly. "Slytherins."

Pansy took a step toward Harry, holding a hand out. "Listen, Potter, about what I said, when Voldemort was..."

Harry smiled and shook her hand. "It's okay, Parkinson. I understand."

"Merlin, he really is noble," Pansy stage-whispered to her best friend before turning a genuine smile on Harry. "Thanks, Potter."

Harry was surprised how enjoyable their evening with Pansy turned out to be. Like Draco, she was sharp-witted and audacious, but her teasing and snarky comments lacked bite. Watching the two of them interact—trading friendly insults and gossip and endless banter—was amusing, to say the least.

They opened a bottle of red wine after dinner, Pansy's contribution to the meal, and moved to the sitting room where three of them relaxed on the sofas with their glasses.

Harry draped an arm over Draco's shoulders and leaned against him.

Pansy crossed one leg over the other and smiled at them from the other sofa. "I had a feeling this would happen," she chuckled. "The moment I saw you two dancing together at that club, I knew."

Draco flushed pink. "You saw that?"

"I know I was late, darling, but yes, I did show up. Right on time to watch you kiss Potter and then ditch me."

"You were over forty-five minutes late!"

"Beauty takes time, Draco. And aren't you glad I was late? Gave you the chance to shag your lifelong crush, didn't I?"

Harry, who'd been leaning against Draco's shoulder and fighting to keep his eyes open, startled fully awake. "Your what?"

Draco's blush deepened. "Panse, please shut up."

She practically cackled. "You didn't tell him? Oh, Potter. Draco has had a crush on you for a very long time. Since we were children, in fact. It was always 'Harry Potter this, and Harry Potter that. What do you think he looks like, Pansy? I bet he's handsome. I bet he's powerful since he defeated the Dark Lord as a baby, he probably knows every spell already. Blah blah blah.' And then when you rejected his handshake on the train, oh dear—"

"Panse, please."

She grinned. "Well, he didn't like that at all. So he channeled his crush into, well. You were there, you know."

Harry was glancing between Draco's decidedly pink face and Pansy's wicked grin. "Oh. I, um, I had no idea." He looked at Pansy for a few more seconds, then narrowed his eyes. "What were you channeling, then?"

"Ah. You are smarter than they give you credit for, aren't you?" She chuckled. "A little crush on Granger, obviously. But don't you worry, I've long since moved on."

Harry shook his head. "So there we were, thinking you two hated us, when you really just wanted..."

"Into your pants, yes."


Draco groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Thanks for that, Panse. See if I ever invite you over for dinner again."

"Don't worry, Pansy. If Draco won't invite you over, I will." Harry grinned.

She really did cackle then, clapping her hands in delight.

Draco sputtered, "Harry!"

Harry held his wine glass out for Pansy to clink hers against conspiratorially, and they drank in unison, eyes twinkling merrily.

"What have I done?" Draco lamented as he watched them.


An hour later, the two Slytherins were still talking, and Harry was drifting off against Draco's shoulder again.

"Go up to bed, darling," Draco murmured, as Harry's head slid off his shoulder and he jerked awake again.

"'S only nine o'clock," Harry muttered.

"And you're half-asleep already. Go on. I'll be up in a bit."

"Okay," Harry stood, yawning widely. "'Night, Pansy. Thanks for coming."

"See you later, Harry."

Draco shook his head as he watched him head for the stairs, marveling at how quickly he and Pansy had bonded.

She moved sofas and took Harry's seat beside him, looking slightly concerned. "Is he always so tired?"

"Lately, yeah," Draco sighed. "We've been doing some reading up on it. I guess it's typical to be overtired for the first few months while the body adjusts to the lycanthropy, but he should start getting some energy back. It's already been better, actually. He's been sleeping a lot less during the day. He still gets tired in the evenings, but it's a big improvement from a month ago when he was sleeping half the day as well."

"Good," Pansy smiled. "I like him. I forgot just how sassy that boy can be. It's delightful."

Draco smiled back. "I'm glad. Although I could have done without the 'humiliate Draco' portion of the evening. Honestly, Panse."

"Harry and I bonded over it!" She laughed. "Besides, I admitted to my crush on Granger, so it wasn't totally one-sided. How is the lovely Hermione, by the way?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "I'm not answering that. Tell me about this new lover you mentioned in your last letter." At this, Pansy actually looked slightly love-struck, and Draco grinned. "Oh, you like this one."

She blushed. "Yes, I do. Do you remember Daphne Greengrass?"

Draco nodded. "Of course."

"She has a younger sister, you remember? Just a couple years younger than us. Astoria?"

"How could I forget?" Draco deadpanned.

"Oh right, your father wanted her to be your intended," Pansy giggled. "Well she's mine now, so don't even think about it."

"Never." Draco shuddered bodily at the very idea. "Go on, I know you're dying to tell me everything, so spill."

Pansy talked about Astoria for a long time, and Draco was thrilled things were going so well for her. She deserved a bit of happiness.

Eventually though, the conversation circled back to Harry.

"You know I don't care about the werewolf thing, right?" Pansy said softly. "I've told you about my uncle, he's the Alpha of a pack in France. My parents refused to acknowledge his existence. Blasted off the family tree and all that. But I secretly contacted him once as a child. I got a very nice letter back—he answered all my silly questions and thanked me for writing but told me he wanted to respect my parents wishes to be estranged and wouldn't be able to write again. But I could contact him again now, for you and Harry. I know how much you love France. Harry could join his pack?"

Draco sighed and absently trailed a hand through his hair. "Thank you, but Harry is already connected to a pack here. Greyback's pack. Since he killed the bastard, he inadvertently made himself their new Alpha."

"Oh. Well that's... Oh."

"Yeah, it's a mess." Draco stood up. "Listen, Panse. It's getting late and I'm tired. Let's get together again soon though, okay?"

Pansy stood too, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "Alright. Listen, I could still write to him and ask for more information about werewolves, if you'd like?"

Draco pulled her into a hug. "That would be great, thank you."

She left, promising to write her uncle the next day, and Draco went upstairs to bed, his mind racing.


A few days later, Draco got an order request from the potions shop on Diagon, and Harry enthusiastically encouraged him to take it. He was feeling much better, and could definitely entertain himself for a day while Draco was working, he'd said with a smile.

He did seem better, and Draco had missed his work, and so he spent the day sweating over cauldrons in the spare room of his flat that he'd converted into a small potions lab. He sent the order off in the afternoon, took a quick shower, and Apparated over to Grimmauld Place.

Draco ran a hand through his damp, freshly-washed hair as he made his way up the stairs. "Harry?"

He took the steps two at a time and poked his head into the master bedroom, which was empty. "Harry? Where are you?"

"Up here!"

Draco followed his voice to the guest bedroom on the third floor. "Love?"

He poked his head into the room and froze in shock. Harry had just finished painting the walls a light grey, it looked like. A roller was set haphazardly on a nearby tray, and he was hammering the lid down on the half-full paint can, his clothes and dark hair spattered with the same shade.

Harry turned to look at Draco and stood, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Hi!"

There was a streak of paint across his forehead where he must have wiped at his brow with a messy hand.

Draco stared at him for a second, then smiled slowly. "You're painting?"

"Yeah, I had some energy this morning and I've been meaning to get a guest bedroom fixed up for when Teddy sleeps over. Put some toys in here, maybe some decorations? Ron's got him on a Chudley Cannons kick, so maybe some quidditch posters or something? Would you want to go shopping for some furnishings for him next week? I was thinking we could—"

Draco strode purposefully across the room and pulled Harry into a bone-crushing embrace, paint and all. Harry chuckled softly and hugged him back. "What's this for?"

Draco swallowed hard, attempting to clear the lump that had formed in his throat. "Just... For being you. I'm glad you're working on the house again."

You're back.

Harry grinned. "Me too. Sorry, I'm getting paint on you. Let me just... Scourgify!"

Draco kissed him hard, not caring a whit about the paint.

"How did brewing go?" Harry asked when he pulled away.

"Oh, fine. I got the order sent off this afternoon." Draco smiled. "It was nice to be back in my potions lab, even if it is a bit cramped."

"I was thinking about that," Harry grinned. There's a large cellar off the kitchen that I thought—I mean, it's filthy and full of spiders right now—"

Draco pulled a face.

"Sorry. But it's a decent size. I thought maybe if I cleaned it up, added some new lighting, maybe some magical windows to brighten things, It might make a pretty good potions lab..."

Draco's eyes widened. "Harry, that's..." He smiled so broadly his cheeks hurt from the strain. "I'd love that. Thank you."

Harry trailed loving fingers over his cheek. "Anything for you."

You're back, Draco thought again as he leaned forward to kiss him again. You're back.


Hermione opened the door with an overly-bright smile. "Draco, Harry! Hi! Come on in!"

With a nervous glance at each other and a reassuring squeeze of the hand from Harry to Draco, they entered the Granger-Weasley residence.

"We brought Firewhiskey," Draco leaned over and said conspiratorially to Hermione as they followed her to the living room.

"Good idea," she laughed. "I'm just going to finish the pasta and dinner will be served. Ron and Rosie are just playing in here, if you want to—"

"I'll help you in the kitchen," Draco volunteered.

Harry gave his fingers another squeeze, suddenly grinning. "I'll go see my goddaughter and give her this." He held up a brightly-colored ball that had seemingly appeared inside his pocket. It rattled noisily when he moved it.

"When did you— you said you weren't going to do that anymore!"

Harry feigned confusion. "Did I? I don't remember saying anything like that, and it certainly doesn't sound like me. I enjoy being the favorite far too much."

"Traitor." Draco growled, glaring at his back as he walked away. "I'll bring something better for her next time."

Hermione chuckled. "Try a book. She'll like the ball, but she's been especially loving books lately."

Draco grinned. "What a relief, she takes after her mother."

Hermione swatted at his arm, but there was no heat behind the gesture. "Come on, before everyone gets hungry."


Soon, the five of them were seated at the table. Rose screamed at every attempt to buckle her into a high chair, and ended up sitting in Harry's lap.

More proof that he was the favorite, and he was being inordinately smug about it, Draco thought.

"So..." Hermione began awkwardly. "How are things?"

"Good!" Harry and Draco chimed in unison.


"Harry's been working on Teddy's room," Draco said quickly.

"Oh Harry, that's fantastic! He was so excited to have his very own room at Grimmauld Place before—" She cut herself off abruptly in horror. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean—I just know how excited he was."

Harry smiled gently at her. "'Mione, it's okay. I'm...I can't stay in denial about this forever. And I have been feeling better. The lethargy has been easing up, just like your book said it would, so that's a relief. Thanks."

Hermione gave him a watery smile.

"So, what're you doing in Teddy's room?" Ron asked, joining the conversation for the first time.

"I painted it a light grey. It feels much brighter now without that dark wallpaper. Now I just need to fill it—furniture, decorations, horridly orange Chudley Cannons posters," Harry rolled his eyes at Ron when he mentioned the Quidditch team.

Ron laughed. "What can I say? The kid has taste."

After dinner, Hermione took the little one, who was drifting off against Harry's shoulder, chubby fingers tightly clutching his shirt, up to bed.

Which left the three men alone to clean up in tense silence.

Draco turned away from the others and immediately set to work on washing the dishes, flicking his wand at them as they began to scrub themselves.

"So..." Harry began.

Ron swallowed and turned to face him. "Listen, Harry. I'm really sorry, okay? I didn't think that anything would go wrong. I should've listened to Malfoy and done a better job watching out for..." He trailed off, looking miserable.

Harry gave his best friend the same forgiving smile he'd flashed Hermione during dinner. "It's alright, Ron. I just wasn't ready yet. Let's try again sometime in the future."

Ron nodded, looking relieved. "Next time we'll just stay at Grimmauld Place though. I'm really sorry about what that guy said, that was completely out of line, the bastard—"

"I know, but I'm going to have to get used to it. He's only the first of many, I'm sure."

"I wanted to hex him into next week," Ron growled.

Harry grinned. "And I love you for it, but it's better that you didn't."

The two men hugged, clapping each other on the back as they separated.

"Gryffindors," Draco muttered at the sink.

"You love us," Ron teased, looking surprised at himself afterward, and Draco spun around, startled.

"I most certainly do not," Draco drawled, giving him a small, teasing smile back.

Harry laughed and waved his wand, sending all the clean dishes flying into their respective cupboards.

"Firewhiskey, anyone?" Ron offered.


Overall, the night went rather smoothly, much to Draco's relief.

Maybe there was hope of being on friendly terms with Weasley after all, as strange an idea as that was.


A few days later, when Draco arrived at Grimmauld Place, he found Harry practically bouncing with excitement.

Harry pulled Draco by the hand, face flushed with excitement.

"Come on, it turned out even better than I hoped. You're going to love it!"

They reached the old cellar door in the kitchen, and Draco hesitated, a memory of Harry telling him it was full of spiders surfacing.

Harry grinned. "Remember how I told you I'd make you a potions lab in this cellar?"

"You really did it?" Draco breathed.

Harry's grin just broadened as he pulled the door open and swept a hand toward the short staircase. He clicked his fingers and lanterns along the walls flickered to life, lighting the stairs and the open room at the bottom.

Draco paused in the doorway, taking in the new lanterns and scrubbed stone walls, then bounded down the steps and froze at the bottom, staring into the potions lab of his dreams.

The room had clearly been expanded slightly using magic, and it was extremely clean. There were cabinets on the upper half of the walls all around the room, and plenty of counter space beneath, and a stone dais in the center of the room with plenty of room for him to have multiple cauldrons going at once. Bright lights lit the room from every direction.

Draco turned to look at Harry, who was clearly very pleased with himself.

"Spider free, I promise. D'you like it?"

"Like it? Harry, it's perfect!"

Draco threw himself at his boyfriend, wrapping him in a hug so tight Harry complained about not being able to breathe. Draco released him and kissed him happily. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Harry bounced on the balls of his feet, still smiling wide, when his expression changed unexpectedly, and he caught himself on the door frame, breathing heavily. He turned fearful eyes on Draco, who stepped forward to catch him as another vision of the werewolves hit.

"Gordon says they lost three pack members last full moon. Three. Belinda's pack lost two. Rumor has it a pack on the west side of the forest near the village lost five, but the rumor is unconfirmed."

"I don't see what that has to do with us." Lorcan retorted.

"Werewolves are being killed, possibly even hunted, and you don't see what that has to do with us?"

"Quiet, Grace. It is not your place to challenge me."

"It is when you're making poor decisions and you're not the Alpha," Grace argued back.

"I should be. I've led this pack for long enough—"

"With increasing instability, controlling behavior, and paranoia..." Someone muttered.

"What did you just say?"

"Harry Potter is our Alpha. He killed Greyback. Everyone knows that now." Laith interjected.

Lorcan snarled. "We'll see about that."

For the first time, Harry caught a glimpse of a brief visual before regaining consciousness, the exterior of an enormous old house.

Harry opened his eyes to see Draco watching him anxiously. They were on the floor in Draco's new potions lab, and he was cradling Harry's head and upper body in his lap.

"That one seemed especially bad," he murmured.

Harry swallowed, nodding and bracing himself for the wave of nausea that he knew was coming.

"It's Lorcan. He's even more angry than before, and he—he's... scared, but trying to hide it. And he really really hates me. But there was—" Harry sucked in a breath, "—something else. I saw something at the end. A house. I think it's where they are."

"There was a visual this time?"

"Yeah. An old house, surrounded by trees. I don't know where it is, but I saw it."

"Hm. Okay, let's not worry about it for now, then. How are you feeling? Any steadier?"

Harry shook his head. "Not yet, sorry. Should pass in a minute. Thanks for catching me. Again."

Draco smiled and brushed a hand through Harry's unruly hair. "Happy to."

"You've been doing that a lot lately. Catching me. Saving me. Thanks." Harry cupped his cheek, eyes soft and loving, and Draco couldn't resist leaning down to kiss him again.

"Anything for you."
