The following morning, Aurora begrudgingly walked to the Owlery as soon as she woke up, she wore her wooly hat, scarf and coat, silently hating herself for not bringing her gloves as well. The air was chilly as a thick layer of snow covered the ground.

On her way back from the Owlery, she felt so cold she couldn't wait to finally get inside and drink some steaming hot chocolate. But two loud laughs interrupted her cocoa thoughts.She glanced in the direction of the noise and saw Fred and George standing close to the Gryffindor Tower, their wands in their hands and a large pile of snowballs by their feet.

Aurora laughed gently as she quickly made her way over to the twins, her boots crunching in the snow causing them to snap their heads around in a panic, but relief quickly washed over their faces when they noticed it was just the girl walking over. George send her a nod and smile before he levitated one of the many snowballs in the air, and then made it fly towards the Gryffindor Tower. It flew through a slightly opened window and a loud 'Ow, Stop it!' was heard coming out of Ron.

Fred swiftly made his way over to Aurora, a large smile plastered on his face. She was glad to see him feeling better than he was the previous day, which caused her to smile widely at him as well. When Fred got to the black haired girl, he instinctively grabbed hold of her cold hand, he was surprised to see she wasn't wearing any gloves and he quickly dropped her hand back down to her side, whilst quickly taking off his gloves.

"Take these," Fred said placing his wooly gloves into her hands, "Your hands are freezing."

"Won't yours get cold?" Aurora asked, raising an eyebrow which Fred couldn't see due to the hat on her head.

"No, they won't, Miss Smarty Pants," He told her laughing, before he grabbed one of her hands again and tried his best to slip the glove on it. However, it didn't work as well as he had hoped it would; he constantly placed her fingers into the wrong hole, sometimes even placing two in one by accident. His bit his bottom lip as he concentrated on getting her hand into the glove, which caused her to let out a couple of laughs; that of course, made Fred laugh too.

"I'll do it," She told him before taking off the glove he half put on, and then placed her fingers through the right holes, slipping the glove over her hand and sighing in comfort at the instant warmth it provided her. She repeated the task with the second glove and then grabbed his large hand, intertwining it with hers.

"So, what on earth are you two up to?" She asked when the couple reached a laughing George.

"Be-Bewitching these hit Ron," George said, clutching his stomach as he let out a few laughs.

"Oh, come on, leave the poor kid alone," Aurora suggested, "Let's go get warmed up."

George nodded, but he quickly bewitched the rest of the balls that were left (only about eight more) and made them fly through the window. He quickly ran away as he saw Ron appear in said window, glaring down at them as he tried to shake off the snow from his hair and robes.

Aurora and Fred couldn't help but laugh before they followed George to the Great Hall, ready to devour some delicious food.

"Hagrid," Aurora muttered as she stepped foot in the Hall. She had already taken her hat and scarf off after feeling the warmth of the school, but kept the gloves on for a bit longer as her fingers were still feeling icy. She noticed the half-giant speaking with Harry and Ron, who were sat at the Gryffindor table, and she quickly ran over. Engulfing Hagrid in a large hug.

The half-giant was shocked at first, he looked down and noticed a mop of black hair which he instantly knew belonged to the one and only Aurora Black. He of course then noticed the ginger twins, who were making their way towards them which confirmed his suspicions of who was hugging him.

"Well, hello there, Aurora," He chuckled, wrapping his arms around the girl's shoulder and patting her head, before she pulled away and looked up at him, smiling widely.

"I'm so glad you're back," She told him, causing him to smile genuinely at the girl, "Where were you?"

"That, my dear, is a story for another time, yeah?" He said, sneaking glances at the large amount of students that were in the Great Hall at that moment. Aurora smiled and nodded her head understandingly. She moved to the side slightly as Hagrid excused himself, after greeting Fred and George.


The twins, Aurora and Lee finally arrived at the Room of Requirements, for their last Defence Against the Dark Arts meeting before the holidays began. Aurora looked at the room, which was now decorated with Christmas decorations. She felt a nudge to her side and looked at Fred, who pointed up above them where some Mistletoe hung.

Aurora chuckled as she saw Fred pucker up his lips, awaiting a kiss. She placed her hands on his cheeks and stood on her tip-toes, whilst Fred dipped his head down slightly until their lips finally met in the middle. Aurora's body felt as if it was on fire. Sure, they've kissed before, but she could never get used to the feeling that Fred gave her.

Fred felt exactly the same. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly. His body warmed up as soon as her lips met his, he could help to smile as they stood in the middle of the room, intertwined.

A loud cough finally broke them apart, both of their faces were flushed as they looked to the side to see George and Lee snickering. To the other side of them were all the DADA students. Aurora caught Harry's eye as he winked teasingly at her. The couple quickly pulled apart, their faces turned a deep scarlet colour.

"Right, if everyone's ready," Harry said, smirking at Fred, "Let's gather around."

The students all gathered around and faced Harry. Angelina sped walked over to Aurora and the twins, "We've replaced you," she simply said.

"Angelina, please, you're making us feel too special," Fred sarcastically muttered.

The Quidditch Captain just rolled her eyes, "Alicia Spinnet is our new Chaser. Ginny Weasley is our new Seeker, and our new Beaters are Andrew Kirke and Jackson Slopper," she said before she walked away.

Aurora smiled sadly at the twins, they all loved playing Quidditch, and all three of them were on the team ever since their second year. It was definitely going to feel weird being in the stands.

"Okay," Harry said, capturing Aurora's attention, "I thought this evening we would just go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's not much point starting anything new due to the three week break-"

"We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias Smith grunted, "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come."

"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you that, then," Fred said loudly causing a few students to snigger.

"If you want you can leave, it's not like we'll be lost without you," Aurora muttered, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at the Hufflepuff boy, who puffed out his chest and turned away from her and Fred.

"- we can practise in pairs," Harry continued, "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."

The meeting fly by, Harry congratulated everyone on their progress before wishing them all a 'Merry Christmas' as the meeting came to an end.

"We've been thinking," George said as Harry strolled past the twins, Aurora and Lee.

"We could always slip Umbridge some Puking Pastilles," Fred continued.

"Or, Fever Fudge," George exclaimed, "They give you these massive puss-filled boils-"

"Sounds great, guys," Harry interrupted, his eyes looking at something behind their shoulders, "Would you excuse me?" Before any of the seventh years could even answer, Harry had already slipped past them.

"How rude," Fred muttered sarcastically as the twins, Aurora and Lee began to walk towards the door, of course glancing behind them to see what had caught Harry's attention, Cho Chang.

Harry caught Aurora's eye, and she send him a small wink before she left the room with her boyfriend and friends.
