Part 0: The Beginning

As usual, it was another day in the mines. Kushinda was beginning to get used to the mines now. Day in, day out, the same thing. Work in the mines, make some money, buy food, and go back home. It wasn't as if she could turn to anyone. After all, who was left? Her parents? Gone. The villagers? What villagers; she never had any who cared nor wanted to get near her. It wasn't so bad though. At least with her spell Fallen Angel's Gate, she could get back home, bring the minerals, and get around much easier.

After returning from the mines, she teleported to Hage Village to sell her ores. They didn't have a ton of money to offer, but at least they threw in some food along with it. That was more than enough for Kushinda as she didn't have a ton of either.

"Leaving so soon?" asked an old man with white hair and a goatee. He was dressed in robes from top-to-bottom and wore a cross on his neck.

"Well, you can't just expect me to lie around here. After all, there's still more to be done."

"That is true, but I do feel awful for giving you so little. After all, you've done so much and we've barely given you enough."

"If you really do feel awful, then put more work into those potatoes, Orsi. They tasted worse than usual last time I ate them."

The old man was in shock after hearing this however, he quickly sighed. It wasn't uncommon for Kushinda to speak in this manner to pretty much anyone. That isn't to say it's entirely acceptable...

"Kushinda you really have to watch your tongue-"

Further away from the two, all the way at the church came a scream. All that could be heard was "Please marry me!". It didn't surprise Kushinda if the noise stretched far enough to reach the entire kingdom. Kushinda moved a little to the left, leaning over as Orsi turned around, a palm on his face.

"One step at a time old man. First thing's first is to teach Asta, not me. Then you can try to worry about how I speak to others."

"Don't use Asta's screaming as an excuse! That's the fifth time you've done it this week!"

"Yeah yeah, so what now? You got anything else important to say or are you gonna keep blabbering?"

Sigh "My original intent was to ask you how your training was coming along. Asta and Yuno are both making steady progress, and I'm worried how you're faring compared to them."

Kushinda laughed, shaking her head. "Comparing me to those two? You really are overestimating my abilities. One has the ability to nullify magic while the other has strong wind magic while I'm here with broken spatial magic. I'll be lucky if I make it into any squad at all." Kushinda didn't bother giving Orsi the time to speak. She just waved her hand and opened a portal, walking through it and heading back home.

After finishing her meal that yet again tasted odd, she went outside. Kushinda then went outside, drawing a blade from her grimoire and swinging it at a dummy. Without anyone else in the picture left Kushinda to consider her own abilities. She had spatial magic that could only be used for support, as no matter how hard she trained no attack spell ever rose. Regardless, Kushinda was confident she could do something. Especially when she looks down and looks at her grimoire emitting an ominous aura. After all, she was different. Unlike most of the mages in the kingdom, Kushinda possessed a 5-leaf clover, and just as the sayings go, this grimoire was indeed possessed by a devil.

Authors Note: This is my first time writing anything like this. I hope you readers enjoy!
