Chapter 4 - Life

So I apologise for this chapter being a little late, I've been super ill and caught up in reading manga whoops.

Anyway I think this may be the last chapter, I know this story is short as hell but honestly I have no idea what to write next and the ending of this is cute enough for the end of the story I guess.

Midoriya P.O.V

A few months have passed since I joined U.A, I've made amazing friends, I've never had so many people be so nice to me before and it was such a great change, but of course, the nicest person by far was my amazing boyfriend, the best boyfriend in the world. Shoto always made me happy, he'd always protect me if Kacchan was being mean and would always comfort me if I needed it.

Our relationship has been really fun. The first couple weeks we had fun learning different colours together, I never anticipated how big of a change seeing in colour would be. My mother was so joyful when I'd told her about this whole situation and she even helped us learn the colours whenever Shoto was over at my house.

He says his favourite colour is green because he loves the colour of my eyes and my hair, he likes to embarrass me and make me blush by telling me things like that.

Sho likes to tell me how cute I am a lot but I still think he's the beautiful one in our relationship. There wasn't a single thing about his hair or his body that I even slightly disliked; his hair was beautiful, the perfect split in the middle being so fascinating to me, his eyes were absolutely breathtaking - one resembling the beautiful calm waves of the tropical sea and the other resembling the swirling clouds of a rainy day - the contrast made it so mesmerising. His strong jaw was shaped like a God's, the way his smooth cheeks would flush pink when I said certain things was so cute. There was one thing he was always really insecure about - his burn mark - I stared at it a lot and he was always worried it was because I thought he was ugly, but that wasn't the case in the slightest. The burn made him so unique and I really thought it was just as beautiful as the rest of him.

I stared up at his sleeping face, as my head was laid on his chest. The remnants of a good dream was evident through the smile on his beautiful face.

After a while he opened his eyes, squinting at the sudden brightness he has to adjust his eyes to and yawned. I giggled at his yawning face and he smiled brightly, I sat up to give him more room to stretch out his rested limbs.

"Good morning Izu" while he said this he sat up and hugged me tightly, resting his chin on top of my head. He's only four inches taller than me but that doesn't stop him from making jokes about me being short and jokingly teasing me at times.

"How was your sleep?" I asked him, still snuggling my face into his chest, making my voice muffled slightly. He stopped hugging me to look into my eyes as he smiled, remembering the dream that had made him so happy he was smiling during his slumber.

Todoroki P.O.V

I had the best sleep I'd had in a while thanks to that dream. It was a dream about Izuku; us getting married someday in years to come.

"My sleep was amazing." I said before yawning. "I dreamt about our wedding, obviously it won't happen for a long time, but knowing one day I'll get to be your husband is just the best feeling. We can wear matching suits in different pastel shades, me wearing blue and you wearing purple. Although in my dream... you were a tad taller." I held back a laugh as I said that last sentence and watched his smiling face lunge into a fit of laughter.

He lightly hit my shoulder and said "I hate you" breathlessly in between laughs. His laugh was one of my favourite sounds, it was so cute and so full of happiness - and it was one of those laughs where you just feel compelled to laugh along with it. We often had times together where we would sit for so long just laughing at something stupid until we'd laughed so much we were in pain and couldn't breathe.

It was times like that I felt so blessed though. That may seem like an unusual scenario to treasure, but before I met Izuku I didn't often laugh, I was quite a serious person and wasn't particularly happy with life. He showed me how to be happy, how to laugh, how to love and simply how to live a good life.

I often think of him as an angel because he practically saved my life. I never really cared much about finding my soulmate, I believed I was fine on my own as long as I had a couple friends. However, if Izuku was absent in my life, things would be so different, my life would be nowhere near as good as it is with him by my side. He's my little green angel.

He was still sitting there giggling, trying to stop so he could breathe. "I know you're still trying to catch your breath but I just hope you know I was completely serious about everything I said, knowing we'll be married some day makes me so joyous and I don't want to imagine what my life would be like without you. I love you so damn much Izuku."

His breathing was still jagged but he smiled widely and replied anyway, "You've made my life a whole lot better too, you give my life so much meaning and being with you for the rest of my life makes my heart leap in joy. I love you too Shoto."

His words meant so much to me I didn't know how to properly express my thanks to him. I simply caressed his cheek and leaned in close until our lips were gently moving in synchronisation.

His stomach rumbled loudly making us both laugh and break the kiss. "Come on, I'll make us pancakes." I offered my hand to him after I stood up and he looked at me pouting.

"I don't wanna get out of bed! I wanna stay and cuddle." I smiled at his adorableness and decided the only way to get him out of his room was by picking him up. I carried him bridal style into the kitchen before placing him to sit on the table and I started gathering what I needed for pancakes. I spent a lot of time at Izuku's house so I knew where everything was kept and I knew how to clean and put everything away properly as Inko had taught me when I helped her clean a couple times.

I turned on the stove-top to make sure it'd be hot and mixed up the ingredients for the pancake batter. In the process of cooking I flipped the pancakes, them nearly landing on me occasionally which would be followed by Izuku telling me to be more careful - he knew that wouldn't stop me but it was nice to know how much he cared about me.

When I placed our pancakes on plates, two for me and a stack of five for Izuku since he was starving, I grabbed a can of whipped cream and a bottle of syrup and carried it all into his living room.

Midoriya P.O.V

I sat down on my couch, my pancakes on my plate and I shook the can of whipped cream, preparing to coat my pancakes in cream and syrup. I watched as Shoto turned on my TV and flicked through Netflix for a show to watch.

After putting something on, he sat down and let me snuggle into him before he held his plate of pancakes.

My feasting of pancakes resulted in me having cream all around my mouth and I thought I'd licked it all off when I heard him laughing at me, he wiped some cream off my cheek and my nose resulting in me blushing.

"You're so messy." he laughed, a laugh that always made me laugh along with him. It was a strong and loud laugh, filled with so much happiness.

"It's my speciality!" I said beaming a smile at him, this life really was gonna be amazing. A life that hopefully wouldn't be as messy as my eating habits.

I hope you all enjoyed this story, if you want me to either keep writing this one or write another story comment some suggestions and I'll try my best to be motivated enough to write :)

Thanks for reading!
