Chapter 27

The final review time always passes quickly, but what comes faster than the final is the college entrance examination.

Qiu Qiu was recommended to college and had never experienced the college entrance examination, but he knew the urgency of the college entrance examination, and several of his classmates were warriors who repeated the exam and fought again. The night before the college entrance examination, he made a special call to Hua Xiang and wished him extraordinary performance and admission to his ideal school.

Hua Xiang is a student with special talents, and he has to pass the art test before the college entrance examination. It is said that he passed the art test successfully in the first two times, but he missed the college entrance examination by a hundred or ten points. I don't know if he will get what he wants this time.

The "Super New Voice" program team is scheduled to rehearse for the regional finals on the evening of June 8. Hua Xiang finished the last comprehensive exam in the afternoon and rushed to the studio immediately after leaving the exam room without even taking a bite of food.

The considerate Qiu Qiu knew that he had not eaten dinner, so he specially made a sandwich for him. It was stuffed with a thick layer of beef and eggs, and it was so juicy when he took a bite. While he was eating, he chatted with Qiu Qiu about the test questions. He happily said that the tutor he hired this time was very good. He got the knowledge points of several big questions right, and he was almost certain to pass the mark.

"When I get into college, we won't be able to be alumni." Hua Xiang sighed, "The major I studied is only available at the Conservatory of Music, but it's all in a university town. It's more convenient to come back to you."

"What major do you major in? Vocal music or performance?"

"No, I'm majoring in drama."

"...Wu Sheng?"

Hua Xiang was extremely angry. It was about to be the finals. His good friend had not even watched the video of his own game. The friendship between men was so fake.

Hua Xiang was angry for a while, looked down at the half-eaten sandwich, and reluctantly decided to spare Qiu Qiu's life. "Forget it, you can't run away when I go on stage to audition later. You're not allowed to answer your godfather's calls, and neither is your biological father!"

Qiu Qiu quickly raised his hands and swore that he would definitely stand in the front row of the audience this time.

Today is a rehearsal without makeup. The assistant director is still wearing the yellow vest and running busy. One moment he ran to yell at the accompaniment band, the next moment he ran to find the lighting engineer, he was as tired as a dog.

Fortunately, the format of the regional finals is not complicated. Six people are still drawn and sing on stage, and the best will be promoted based on the scores of their instructors. Since it is a rehearsal, there is no need to draw lots. Each of the six contestants can audition on the stage for half an hour. If you hurry up, you can do it three or four times, which is enough to get used to the accompaniment band.

Now the remaining players have their own concerns. The elimination rate in the finals is half. Only three people can advance to the national competition. Everyone wants to be the final winner. Although each other's level was basically figured out in the semi-finals, after not seeing each other for half a month, who knows if the others have private training?

So when the assistant director handed over the microphone, no one reached out to take it for a while. They all wanted to see the level of others before performing on stage themselves.

There was a stalemate for a few seconds. When Qiu Qiu saw that no one was fighting for it, he smiled and took the phone.

He is strong and confident. He is not afraid of others spying on his trump card, and he is not worried about stealing other people's skills.

He walked out of the backstage holding his guitar and stood in the center of the stage.

This time was completely different from the last time. Last time, thousands of lights were on, the stars were shining on the stage, the lights on and off the stage were on and off, and there were crowds of people as far as the eye could see. But he was standing on the high platform, surrounded by countless loving eyes.

In order to save electricity and lower the temperature in the studio during the rehearsal, there was only a line of light on the stage, which happened to fall in front of the microphone stand. Because he was playing a guitar solo and did not need a band to cooperate, he was the only one on the stage, and it was completely dark under the stage. Apart from the light of the photography equipment, only the handheld monitors worn by the staff on their waists were flashing.

This was the first time... that he sang for himself in such a dim environment.

Qiu Qiu calmed down, held the head of the piano with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and tapped the resonance box with his knuckles. The guitar he uses is the most common wooden guitar. As he strikes rhythmically, the guitar body emits a transparent reverberation.

one two three four five six seven eight......

After eight beats, Qiu Qiu took a step forward and sang softly to Li Mai.

"You said you wanted me to watch the stars with you,

But I was thinking about the yellow and red angles mentioned by the geography teacher. 

You said you wanted me to travel around the world with you,

I am worried that I can only say hello in English.

You said you wanted me to play games with you,

But I can't leave my exercise book behind and stay up all night with you.

You're imagining us putting on suits,

But I hope,

After leaving school, there are still opportunities to chat, skip classes and climb over the wall. "

This time he chose a fresh song, but it no longer sang about pure first love, but about the various experiences of a student on campus. The high spirits when I stepped into the school, the anxiety and confusion when I was struggling with the sea of ​​problems, the excitement and longing for graduation, and the deep reluctance to face my mentors and classmates.

This ballad is not very difficult to sing, nor does it show off any skills, but it is more sincere and can make people cry while also making them hopeful. Qiu Qiu stood under the spotlight, singing this song softly and softly repeatedly, which evoked all the memories of the audience's student life. Especially in conjunction with the graduation atmosphere of everyone going their separate ways after the college entrance examination, it will definitely make the audience cry.

The programmer and the director exchanged glances. In fact, which contestants can advance to the national competition, in addition to singing skills, there are other aspects to consider. The votes in the hands of the judges are actually not as important as the thoughts of these behind-the-scenes staff.

Qiu Qiu is both good at singing and smart. There are glittering gold-lettered signs everywhere. Such a big gem is beautifully polished. How come no one picked it up twenty-one years ago?


After Qiu Qiu stepped down, Hua Xiang rushed up to hug him and cried. Damn, he just finished the college entrance examination, and he heard such an emotional shock. He almost shed tears, okay?

Qiu Qiu wiped the snot all over his nose and said helplessly: "Didn't you say that you have taken the exam three times and you don't feel anything at all?"

"I'm full of emotions, aren't I?!"

After Qiu Qiu finished singing, Qi Qiqi sang. The little guy still sang an ethereal hymn this time, with a fairy spirit. The little boy's voice is lighter than that of an adult, and the high notes hit the high notes effortlessly. Went up.

With his ability, promotion should be no problem.

After that, three more contestants came on stage to audition, and their performance was mediocre. Except for one female contestant who was slightly threatening, the other two were not enough to prove.

After everyone else stepped down, Hua Xiang was finally ready. He sent a wave of love to Qiu Qiu, left a message, "Just wait to hear my secret weapon," and rushed to the stage with his gold-encrusted microphone.

Qiu Qiu kept his promise and walked around to the first row of the auditorium. He sat upright and listened to his friend's live audition attentively. He really couldn't guess what Hua Xiang sang. Hua Xiang said that he studied opera and was not a martial arts student. Could it be that he sang Lao Sheng?

As a result, when the intro played, Qiu Qiu was speechless and discovered that it was a familiar and popular popular song on the street. It was not even played with live accompaniment, but with an accompaniment tape played in the background.

After the intro ended, Hua Xiang picked up the golden microphone and started singing along with the rhythm. There is not a single piece of good fabric in the clothes on his body. Either there is a cut here or there is a piece missing there. Paired with his black braids and the gold chain as thick as his thumb, he looks like a hip-hop singer who has wandered onto the wrong set.

How can I put it... the choice of this saliva song is very suitable for Hua Xiang's personality, but the whole song has no characteristics, the singing is quite satisfactory, and it is really not outstanding enough. Even Qiu Qiu felt that it would be very difficult for Hua Xiang to advance with this song.

Hua Xiang on the stage had no idea that his friend was distracted. He sang and danced on the stage, full of energy, and his moves were particularly coquettish.

However, just as the climax of the music was approaching, the accompaniment suddenly took a sharp turn, and modern pop music suddenly changed its tone. Traditional ethnic instruments replaced the Western instruments in the previous accompaniment. Jinghu, Yueqin, and Xianzi made their appearance, and flutes, shengxiao, The halls and drums appear in turn.

Hua Xiang was seen moving around on the stage, and when he turned around again, he was pinching lightly with his fingertips, his body was delicate, and there was no cynicism on his face, only the lively and naughty little daughter's expression remained.

Qiu Qiu covered her mouth tightly, fearing that she would scream.

Alas! We have been together for twelve years, but we didn't know Mulan was a girl!
