3 - The Shield

"What do you mean 'black spots'?" I questionned, still a little perplexed. Hikaru cleared his throat, "Well... just like you, every student that's expelled from other schools come here to resume education. The school protects trouble makers, basically. That's why the school's insignia is a shield." he explained, pointing to the shield crest on his vest.

"And what about high tiers?" I asked after several seconds of processing. Hikaru bites his lip, "The 'tiers' aren't really an official thing, it's just a term made by Horizon's students to categorize themselves." he said.

"What did you do to get expelled from your previous school?" he asked me. I shifted uncomfortably, "Framed for theft. I couldn't gather enough evidence in time..." I murmured. He nodded, "Small things like theft put the students who committed it in the first or second tiers."

"Verbal abuse goes in the first and second tiers, violence, depending on how severe, go into the third and fourth tiers, sometimes even higher." he continued on. I felt myself sinking deeper into the interesting knowledge.

"Other mini-crimes keep going up. But the highest tier, is the eighth tier. There are only two students up there. No one knows what they did." Hikaru lowered his voice while talking, crouching lower and keeping his face to the ground.

"Doesn't housing students like us go against the academic law?" I had to ask. "Nobody knows for sure how the school's been avoiding its end for so long, but I think I've got a pretty good idea of what's keeping us afloat." he whispered.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Money, of course." Hikaru sighed. "Bribes nowadays are so easy to conduct with all these power-hungry people running around with their pointless diamond encrusted watches and stupid fancy handbags."

I was silent for a few seconds before asking slowly, "If everyone here enrolled because they got expelled... what did you do to end up here?" I met his eyes suspiciously.

He smirked, "Playing with knives at the tender age of ten. I've been here ever since." he shrugged. I fell silent. "Oh, don't worry. Horizon has their colorful way of keeping us on a tight leash,"

Before I could exhale in relief, he murmured, "But that doesn't stop several of the higher tiers to mess around with other students, mostly for fun. Especially the four to eight tiers."

Before I could ask more questions, we stopped in front of a door near the end of the building. "Alright, room B-7, here's your stop. I'll see you in an hour." he walked off back the way we came.

I stood there for a good few seconds before pressing all my anxieties in a corner before walking in hesitantly. I instantly became aware of several eyes on me.

"Hm, who are you?" the teacher in the front asked. She must be Ms. Carole. She had long, red curls and glassy, bright blue eyes. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I just transferred." I tried to keep a steady voice.

"Hm, alright. Find an empty seat. We'll start soon."

Luka's POV

"Louder than bombs I break, ah ah ah~"

I swayed my head slightly to the music playing from my phone. My hands slid carefully over my face, spreading lotion over my cheeks and chin.

"LUKA!" I heard Juleka bark from outside the bathroom door. She banged on the door twice. "What's wrong?" I asked with concern.


I paused the music, walked to the door and unlocked it, "What happened?!" I demanded, facing my frantic sister. "Luka, we have to leave for the train station right now-"

"Calm down! Explain." I put my hands on her shoulders.

She took several ragged breaths before shakily explaining, "Adrien's leaving for London, the train leaves in twenty minutes. We have to go now, everyone's already there-"

"Adrien? He's leaving?" I loosened my grip on Juleka's shoulders. She nodded. "As in, he's going to live in London now?"

Something of both sadness and hope sparked in me, a confusing swirl of mixed emotions. "We don't have time to sulk about it! Let's go! Put on a shirt first, I'll be upstairs." Juleka turns and runs up the stairs.

I shake my head in a confused, perplexed manner, the grab the nearest shirt and put it on as I walk out of the room with my phone.

Jules was ready off the houseboat, sitting on her motorcycle, wearing a helmet. "Hop on! We're going straight to the station." she yelled.

"Let me drive," I insisted, walking up to her. "Nope, you drive too slow, we can't afford to be late." she objected. I frowned, then sighed in defeat, sitting behind her, murmuring, "You drive too fast."

I clutched onto her shoulders as she immediately bolted in the direction of the train station.


The clacking of Jules' and my footsteps rang in my ears, followed by several voices the closer we got to our destination. Suddenly, my eyes widened with a haunting realisation mid-run.

I slowed down, catching my breath. Juleka whipped around, "What are you doing, hurry-"

"If Adrien's leaving, will Marinette be there?"

Juleka frowned, "What?"

"Will she be there?" I jerked my head to the crowd up ahead, composed of most of our classmates. Juleka scoffed, "I don't see why she wouldn't. We have to go! Come on!" she grabbed my wrist and continued to run forward.

Uneasiness and panic rose in my chest. I felt an eerie sense of terror and anxiety as we neared the group, the glistening Sun Boy in the middle of all the commotion. He looked overwhelmed.

"Adrien, why are you suddenly leaving to London?" Juleka asked sadly. Adrien shrugged, "My father didn't say much, other than his business, my model career, and education would be better there." he said glumly.

"This is utterly ridiculous! Let me talk to your father, I'll smack some sense into him!" Chloe exclaimed. Adrien immediately chuckled nervously, "U-uh... no need Chloe! Really, I don't wanna burden him. I'll keep in touch, I promise."

Chloe's frown softened, "Fine... but I doubt that'll be easy. My Mom said the same thing years ago..." I could tell she was trying to keep up a composed, angry stance, but I caught the slight crack in her voice when mentioning her mother.

More people gave him their farewells when I spotted Nathaniel near the back. I quietly shuffled over to him, "Hey, Nath."

Nathan whipped around, grinning, "Hey, mate! Long time no see." I smiled, "Yeah. Hey, have you seen Marinette? Is she here?" I whisper, glancing around.

The redhead frowns, "Dude, I haven't seen you in five months and the first thing you ask me about is Marinette? Not even a "How've you been, Nath!"" He visibly displays disappointment.

I shift uncomfortably, "Sorry, how've you been?"

Nathan rolls his eyes, "Too late, man. Anyway, why're you looking for Marinette?"

I didn't meet his gaze, "Uh... I can't say much other than I want to avoid her." I whispered. Nathaniel shrugged, "Well that'll be easy. She's at school right now, so unless she skips class, she won't make it."

"School?" I asked in surprise. Did she find a new school? I felt my body relax at the news of her absence. Nathaniel nodded, "Her parents found her a new school, not very far from here, about three to four kilometers away from our school, actually."

"Huh," was all I could say. How convenient.

"Ah! We should really get back to school! Lunch break is almost over." I heard Alya grumble. Several other students in the crowd groaned.

"Aw, already?" Adrien pouted. "I'm sorry, Adrien. Be sure to visit us often! We'll try staying in touch with you." Mylene promised him. Nathan nodded, "Mhm, so go on, go enjoy London."

"Bye, Adrien!"

"Visit us soon!"

"Don't you dare forget about us!"

"Cya, dude!"

With that, everyone left the station, leaving just me, Juleka, Nathaniel, and Adrien. "Well, I'll get going. You can stay and talk with Adrien a bit if you want." Jules informed me. I gave her a short nod.

She turned to the redhead, "You coming?"

He shook his head, "I'm gonna stay and talk for a while. Just tell the teachers I stayed behind." he told her. Jules nodded, "I'll get going," she said as she ran off, waving.

And then there were three.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys..." Adrien murmured, puting on a sad smile. Nathan nodded, "Same. Be sure to tone down the lady-killing in London, alright? I bet tons of girls with crazy British accents won't hesitate to swarm you." he joked.

The model laughed, "Don't even joke! Haha," he turned his attention to me, "Take care of yourself, okay? Don't do anything stupid." he smiled.

Silence struck me seconds before I chuckled, "What do you mean by 'stupid'-"


Loud ringing alarm bells sounded in my ears. I froze when I heard that familiar, oh so painfully familiar voice.

Right here? Right now? Why must God play these stupid ironic games?!

"Marinette." Adrien breathed happily, turning to see the dark-haired girl running towards us.

Nathan narrowed his eyes, "H-how are you here?"
