Words of Sorrow

"Hey boys, it's time to wake up," Mr. Afton said. I sat up with Evan, stretching. I speak for both of us when we felt so refreshed. We had enjoyed our first night of sleep in what felt like forever. "It's time for breakfast! We made your favorite!" We both snapped our gazes over to Mr. Afton, Evan smiling. We immediately jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the table. We saw pancakes and bacon waiting for us.

6 days before the incident...

Both me and Evan got our pancakes and a piece of bacon. The same meal every time. We always pretended to feed Night and Fredbear, they needed to eat too! Most importantly, we made smiley faces out of blueberries on our pancakes. In no time, we finished eating and we ran upstairs with Fredbear and Night.

Evan had a smaller room than I did, meaning less places to check for nightmares, but I didn't mind my big room. We could tell that the nightmares had looked for Evan last night. The bed was messed up, the inside of the closet was scratched, the hallways were trashed. We only saw the decapitated Fazbear Entertainment plushies in places where his nightmares would appear from knocked over as a true sign they were there and the neighbors dog didn't get in again. If the dog got in, the plushies would be upright cause she never touched them. "By the looks of it," Evan began. "They're getting more aggressive." I hugged him and he hugged me back. What if these nightmares got him one night and we never saw him again? I thought of many horrible things that could happen with the growing aggression of these nightmares he had.

"We should be safe to play here unless you prefer going to the park," Evan said, searching his closet for some clothing I could wear. "It might be a bit big, but you can wear this and I will see if I can find you some pants or something." Evan handed me a shirt similar to his but in blue and went to search his middle drawer. I looked at the shirt and compared it to my torso size. He was right, it was a bit big. "Aha!" I jumped by Evan's sudden word and I looked up. He found a pair of shorts that were exactly my size from last year when he bought them. He handed them to me and I left to change in the guest room bathroom. It was more technically my room in their home since I always slept there, but we call it the guest room. I locked the door behind me and set the clothes down on the sink.

When I changed, I went to Evan's room to see him just standing there. Whenever he saw me, he ran out the door dragging me along with him. I knew where we were headed, the park. Evan told Mr. Afton where we were headed and we ran outside.

Walking along the sidewalk, the park was about a 20 minute walk. I supposed Mr. Afton would tell dad where we were headed so I could get picked up for lunch. Of course, it was Sunday so some older kids would be there to take things from kids. Luckily, we didn't have anything they wanted. We continued our walk down the sidewalk, stopping every so often to pet a dog. The people in the neighborhood are really friendly while we are passing by to the park. "Hello boys!" said the cookie lady. She was a kind elderly lady who sat on her doorstep giving away cookies to everyone. She was always so kind. "Hello cookie lady!" Evan said to her. We walked up to her, giving her a hug. "You boys are the first to stop by today, so the cookies are fresh!" She handed both of us a cookie, chocolate chip. "You boys be careful now! And be sure to stop back by for cookies for your families later!" She smiled at us and we bowed a thank you, leaving her lawn as we waved a farewell. We ate our cookies, our fingers intertwined as we walked. We do this in case a car comes and one of us is too close to the road. It happens. Some drivers care less about children's lives these days. When we finished our cookies, the playground was in sight and so were the older kids. We made it to the playground and just moved right by it to the park.

We made it to our tree, a willow tree surrounded by a lake. No one visits anymore cause it's hidden and hard to reach. It's a very comfortable area. Calm, and relaxing. Nothing can beat the relaxation you can get from this willow tree. We were sat in calming silence before Evan spoke. "My dad is planning on building us each our own animatronic and wanted me to ask if you want one," he began. "Your siblings and mine are getting our own animatronics and I didn't want you to be left out." Evan smiled. I thought for a moment. After a few seconds, I looked at him and nodded. "Okay. Do you need help drawing or describing it?" I nodded again.

Just then, dad and Sammy pulled up in the car. Evan stood up and helped me up as we crossed the lake and made it over to dad. "Allister hang on!" Evan said. He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. I looked at him in confusion. "Dad says that you give kisses to those you love, and well, we're best friends so of course I love you!" I took Night and Evan held Fredbear. I made Night kiss Fredbear's head and Evan made Fredbear do the same to Night. "Say young one," dad said to Evan. "Why don't we drive you home?" Evan smiled. "Of course! But we have to stop by the cookie lady's house!" He said. "We will Evan, we will!"

Me and Evan jumped into the very back of the car as we fastened our seatbelts. I began to grow tired for whatever reason and I passed out on Evan's shoulder. "Car rides always made the little brat tired," Sammy said with a smile. "Tell any of them I'm talking to you and you're dead meat." Henry jumped him. "You do not threaten anyone Sammy!" He scolded his eldest. Charlie just laughed while I was in the back sleeping.

When the car pulled to a stop, I stretched and sat up to see Evan leaving. I gave him a big bear hug, a special, and watched him leave.

Soon enough, we reached home. We were permitted to do as we wish until lunch, which was about 11:30 to noon. I went up to my room and went to sleep in my bed since it was only 10. About 11:45, we were called to wash up before lunch. I left for the bathroom and washed my hands and face before going downstairs to the lunch table. Today we had some pasta with meat sauce with some breadsticks. We all sat down and grabbed a reasonable portion for ourselves and a breadstick as we had 30 seconds of silence before we began to eat. After lunch, I helped dad clean up and wash the dishes. Afterwards, it was about 1, which was everyone's nap time. I might actually sleep this one through.

Nap time lasted until 3 which was free time until dinner at 6-6:30, then bath time. I went up to my room and closed the door with my star light on just in case. I cuddled next to Night and slept peacefully in my bed. Nap time was the one time I slept and it doesn't last very long compared to my 13 recommended hours. Very quickly, I fell asleep. I dreamed about what I wanted my animatronic to look like and some features.

I was woken by my dad moving some hair out of my face. "Allister, we have to go to the doctor," he said. "Your clumsy brother hurt his arm again." I sat up, stretching and yawning. I grabbed Night and went downstairs with dad, noticing it was only 2:35. He gets hurt a lot somehow, I never know how. We get to the car and Sammy's arm looks like a penguin flipper. "Try not to move your arm too much, we will be there as soon as we can." Dad hopped in the car and I tugged on Sammy's shirt. He looked at me and I leaned over to his ear so no one heard me. "Okay. No. Okay?" I said to him. He softened his teary eyes. "Thanks, bud," he said, using his good hand to ruffle my hair. I sat back and smiled on the inside, not on the outside.

When we arrived at the hospital, Ms. Naveah recognized Sammy in an instant. "Again Sammy?" She said. She took us back to her office and patched Sammy up just in time for us to get home, make dinner and wash up before bath time.

We make it home and go upstairs to gather our clothing for our bath and wait patiently for dad to finish our dinner. I could smell it already, chicken pot pie, another of my favorites. School starts again tomorrow. Everyone will know me was the pizza man's son, same with Evan. Today is when everyone shares about their week, meaning that I have to speak some words. If I can choke out at least a word about how it went then dad excuses me.

I went to go wash up because dad called us and told us to wash up. Tonight would be bad for Evan and I felt it was my fault. I had him sleep with me in the guest room of his house. I hope he stays safe tonight.

When I went downstairs, I sat down at my chair while dad gave us our piece with some left over in case someone else was still hungry. As always, we had our 30 seconds of silence before we started eating. "Sammy, why don't you start us?" Dad said. He had his hair up in what Micheal called a "man-bun." Sammy scoffed. "This week was the usual, hanging out with Mike, Jeremy, and Noah. Scaring Evan and Allister, watching cars pass, and taking Charlie to the store," he said. "We need to work on your bullying issue, but overall it seems like a good week! Thank you Sammy." I felt my eyes close, not really wanting to continue eating. "My week was great! I got to play with Lizzy and draw!" Charlie said. She was a year older than me and she loved hanging out with Elizabeth. "That's wonderful Charlie! I have worked this weekend and built animatronics with William this week." Dad looked over to me. "Better..." I muttered. I could see dad hinting regret in his face. "Try telling us what happened this week bud."  I dropped my fork and looked at dad. I struggled. I can't form words like a normal kid could, so I would always struggle saying things. I know that dad wants me to work on my speech, that's why he's doing this. "E-Evan... uhm.." I stuttered. I looked over at Sammy and he motioned under the table. He had taken his hand and reached for mine. I took it and I felt more confident that my brother was here to keep me calm for once. "Park.." I said a bit louder. "W-W-" I struggled. Sammy nodded and I felt calm again. "W-Willow.. Willow tree, uh, cookie.." I felt a bit more confident with Sammy here. "Robot!" I said in a normal voice tone. "Sammy, n-night- uh.. nightmares. Pizza, bear! Bunny!" My face was kept without emotion. "That seems like quite the week! Now, to-" I cut him off. "Sleep, n-no.. no ni-nightmares!" Dad just smiled. "Tomorrow is a school day, so let's finish and bathe so we can sleep and get up early in the morning!"

I was second to bathe, after Sammy. I was extremely nervous for tonight. Evan was all I could think about. I heard the door open with a gasp. It was Sammy, knelt before me. He had the brightest smile with tears in his eyes as he hugged me. "I'm so proud of you Allister," he said. I felt something wet on my cheeks. "What happened? I heard crying!" Dad said, rushing over to us. I looked at him and he was astonished. He hugged me as well. "W-why?" I stuttered out. "Allister, you're showing a form of emotion!" Sammy sounded really proud.

I learned that I was crying, a way of showing sadness and happiness. Of course, I was taken care of and reassured that Evan would be alright. That still didn't stop my nightmares that night. Along with Evan's nightmares, mine grew more aggressive as well. It was another sleepless night, and I was far more tired in the morning...
