9 - Court

Tommy woke up in intervals. The first time, someone was carrying him and there were a bunch of other people around arguing. The second time, he was in a bed, and someone was treating his injuries. The third and final time, he was in a different bed in a small cell where he could still hear people arguing. He lifted his throbbing head off the thin pillow he was given, and took recognition of his surroundings. He was definitely in a cell, the bars at the front of it a dead giveaway. He could see out the bars and into...the court house? How'd he gotten to the court house? He could see someone standing at the podium in front, he focused his eyes more to see who it was. Karl? He hadn't seen Karl in a while. Karl had a gavel in his hand, was he the judge?

"He slaughtered an entire village of innocent people! George and I found the village while we were pursuing him. He murdered a bunch of children and their families without a second thought! He should be locked up and never released." Who was that talking? It sounded a little like Dream, but a little deeper and raspier. Sapnap, maybe? His headache was not helping him focus on anything.

He looked better at the people in the room. Karl was in front, acting as judge. Sapnap stood in front of the judge podium, George standing at his side. They must be acting as witnesses to prove Tommy as guilty. Dream sat at a table a little to the right of the room, facing the judge, he had BadBoyHalo at his side. Bad must be his lawyer. On the table adjacent to them, sat Quackity and Tubbo, or rather, Big Law, Tubbo's lawyer counterpart. In the far right corner, there was a 5-8 person jury. Tommy couldn't identify all of them, but he definitely saw Ranboo and Captain Puffy among them.

Nobody other than Ranboo had noticed he was awake, and he was glad. He didn't want to have to defend himself with a splintering headache and this many people watching him. And probably because he wouldn't have defended himself anyway. He deserved to be locked away. He was useless without his wings and before then was only a burden to have around. All he ever did was start conflict. Everything he loved either got destroyed or taken from him. L'Manburg. Wilbur. His discs. His wings.


"Dream should at least be prosecuted for theft. He stole Tommy's wings against Tommy's will, and he is yet to share what he has done with the wings yet, care to tell the class, Dream?" Big Law had stood up from his table and stood where Sapnap and George stood seconds before.

"I burned them." Dream shrugged.

Tommy's anger bubbled inside of him. He couldn't bite his tongue before muttering, "you fucking liar."

Everyone's heads turned to see Tommy in his tiny temporary cell.

"Care to elaborate, Tommy?" Karl said. It was weird hearing him talk so seriously.

"Sure." Tommy straightened. "I know Dream is lying about burning my wings because he thrives off of seeing others in pain. He prospers off of psychological torture. But the formal term for that would be epicaricacy. He is a schadenfreude. He would not just simply burn my wings in his own time, no, he would wait until the perfect moment. He would burn them in front of me so he could see the pain and sorrow in my face as my most prized possessions burnt to a crisp. He's most likely hidden them in a secret hideout or something."

"Karl--err, your honor, if I may?" Bad stood up, a few papers in his hands.

Karl nodded toward Bad, and Bad went to the front of the room, facing in Tommy's direction.

"You see, Tommy, although that is a good point, you have no proof. Please provide an example of when Dream has displayed this kind of behavior."

"The L'Manburg war--"

"He was defending his land that had been stolen from him directly."

"My discs--"

"He was trying to control one of the worst criminals on the server."

"Forcing Tubbo to exile me--"

"He was persuading a fellow leader to do what was best for his country."

"Destroying L'Manburg--"

"He was ending something that was getting out of hand and needed to be ended."

"It's still wrong! Raiding a country and blowing the entire thing up!"

"You'd be surprised how many times that's happened."

Although Tommy wanted to argue, he knew he would lose either way, so he stayed quiet.

He saw Dream smirking in his chair and his anger only rose.

"You all are acting so hypocritical right now." the voice came from next to him, he looked to his right out of the cell and saw that Techno had been sitting in a small chair the whole time, with handcuffs on. "You are all acting as though you've never raided a village for its resources. I know for a fact that at least half of the people in this room have gone into a village holy and came out covered in blood. Whether it be for their terrible trades or the simple fact that their existence is annoying, you should not be prosecuting Tommy unless you all take the same punishment as he does."

"No one asked for your opinion, Techno." Dream sighed, looking bored.

"Oh yeah? Well I didn't ask to be handcuffed and forced to go to my brother's trial, now did I?" Techno spat at Dream. "If you would've warned me ahead of time, maybe I would've thought up an actually good defense."

Dream rolled his eyes and turned his head from Techno and back to Karl.

"Would anyone else like to say something in Tommy or Dream's defense?" He asked.

No one responded. Karl hit his gavel on the table and declared that court was adjourned for now. He stood up and said for the jury to go make their decision since it was overall theirs in the end. Everyone on the jury stood and walked out of the room. Tommy didn't want to go to prison for too long, but he knew that he wanted at least a few years. He didn't even think of the possibility of him being innocent, he knew it was simply not true and never would be.
