Chapter 3: The Visitor

Hanji's POV

When Levi wasn't working in the garden, he was sunbathing. A handful of months had passed since I rescued him. The thought of him leaving and continuing his life with someone else pierced a hole in my heart. However, I will see it through if that's what he wants. Suddenly, I watched Levi perk up from his usual sunny spot and arched his back. A man appeared, slowly walking toward my house. I recognized him: Erwin.

The second our eyes locked, I smiled and greeted him. "So, you finally came back. Miss this pretty face already?"

 He chuckled and shook his head as his eyes soon met Levi's cat form. "You could say that. Wait..." He pointed to Levi, flickering his tail left to right as he sat on the post. "Is that... Levi?" He knows?  Erwin reached his right hand to Levi, and he responded with a loud hiss. "Yeah, that's him. Hey, Levi."

"How would you know him?"

"I've seen him at Charles' place. As much as I want to help Levi, I couldn't break my bond with Charles' family."

"Well, Levi's safe." I smiled, reaching to him with the back of my hand. Surprisingly, Levi took it and purred as I caressed his beautiful black fur. "And until he's ready, he can continue with his life, free from Charles."

"You don't want him here?"

"If he chooses to, he can stay. I'm happy with Arian, and I don't mind another familiar to stay. But I will not go against Levi's wishes."

Erwin chuckled, nodding his head. His blue eyes glistened in the afternoon sun as they met mine. "Then, I advise you to keep him close. Charles is angry that his... I'm sorry to say this, but his preferred animal is familiar. He's searching, and if he finds you, which is very likely, he will get him back."

"I won't let that happen."

"He could. Unless Levi's bound to another witch." Erwin's words sent shivers down my spine. I've met Charles a few times, and I never liked his presence. He's the master of death, rolling a fog of plague that infects everything it touches. I want to protect Levi and keep him away from his previous master. "Hanji, I won't say a word, but be warned." He clears his throat, walking away, "Putting that aside, I'll come back next Friday for dinner if that's okay."

"I'm the one that's supposed to invite you," I chuckle, waving him goodbye. "But you are completely welcome to stop by that evening. Oh, and don't forget to bring me your world's famous blueberries. I've been wanting some before winter hits." Erwin nods his head, shouting his word of confirmation before he disappeared through the forests. 

I turned to Levi, who suddenly was in his human form. "He's coming back?" Levi asked, turning his back to the forest. "I don't like him..."

"Erwin's one of my oldest friends before I was banished from the coven."

"Banished? What did you do?"

"I strayed too close to the villagers. I was attached to this girl, Peony. She had an illness that was couldn't be cured, but I didn't want that to happen. I spent countless days experimenting for a cure. The coven didn't like a witch being sympathetic to people like them... so they gave me an ultimatium: leave the girl to die or be kicked out of the coven. I chose my path. The girl died anyways... I couldn't finish the experimental cure in time." I confessed, sighing, shaking my head free of those memories. 

It hit me like lightning. The sweet girl with auburn hair and hazel eyes. Her smile bright as the afternoon sun. Twinkling stars in her eyes. She was crafty with her hands, always knitting dolls as gifts. I kept all of them, retaining their names Abigail gave to them. I remember she was locked away from the world, hoping to keep me away. Her parents blamed me for keeping her sick when I had no connection to her illness. I wanted to heal her, not hurt her. Aside from my witch friends, Abigail was my other friend.

"But enough of that," I chuckle, stretching and walking back to the house, leaving Levi out in the garden. He stayed out there for the entire night and didn't come back in until dinner. He never said another word to me, but I know he wanted to.
