dante's inferno

"All hope abandon, ye who enter here."

Sean Teale
as Dante

Donald Sutherland
as Virgil

Sarah Bolger
as Beatrice

and for fun, we have the Nine Circles of Hell:

Dakota Johnson
as Limbo

the First Circle

Ana de Armas
as Lust

the Second Circle

Florence Pugh
as Gluttony

the Third Circle

Regé-Jean Page
as Greed

the Fourth Circle

Sam Adegoke
as Anger

the Fifth Circle

Sofia Boutella
as Heresy

the Sixth Circle

Andrew Scott
as Violence

the Seventh Circle

Jodie Comer
as Fraud

the Eighth Circle

Godfrey Gao
as Treachery

the Ninth Circle

Peter Fonda
as Satan

Peter Fonda is my established Satan fancast, I don't care how many times I cast him, he will always be perfect for the job.
