Ch. 11 911

The next morning Dan reluctantly said goodbye to Jordan, who had to leave Dan's house by 7am to have enough time to head back to her apartment, change, and get ready for work. Jordan planned on coming back next weekend, so Dan and Jordan would just facetime in the meantime.

When Jordan arrived at her apartment, on cloud nine after having a tender night with Dan, she found her apartment in shambles. Shards of broken glass, and fragments of Jordan's destroyed furniture made Jordan turn right around and call 911. As she waited for the police, she also called her brother, Chris, even though she was mad at Chris. It was simply her natural reaction to call her FBI brother when faced with something like this.Chris arrived shortly after the cops, and after checking on his baby sister, he walked into the apartment, flashing his badge to the other officers, allowing him to investigate the scene. Most of Jordan's clothes had been shredded into pieces, so she hardly had anything to pack, but she took what little she had left, and brought it with her to Chris's house.

Next, Jordan decided to call her work, and explain why she was missing in action today, which was so unlike her. When she spoke with her boss, her boss expressed how disappointed he was that Jordan had quit her job in the way that she did. Apparently Jordan had sent a rude email bad mouthing the company, and saying she was never stepping foot into work again. Jordan had in no way shape or form quit her job! She may not have loved her job, but she certainly didn't quit!! What was going on?!

Finally the last straw hit Jordan, when she went to drive her car to Chris's house, and she discovered her cars' tires had been slashed. In the past two hours Jordan had gone from being on cloud nine after working things out with Dan, to returning to chaos in all of the aspects of her life that had been settled. While Jordan had spent the last year feeling like she'd always be unlucky in love, she was constantly grateful that she at least had a cute apartment, in a neighborhood she felt safe in, a job that paid her decently, and a car she'd worked extra hard to pay for with her own money. Now, ever so quickly, all of that stability had been breached. Was the universe balancing Jordan's life out now that she felt more stable in the love department, which would mean she needed to be unstable with everything else... or could there be more at play?


A light thrum of soft rock music sounded around Chris and Jordan as the two sat at a red light watching the work day traffic pass by as Chris drove Jordan to his house. Normally Jordan would have filled the silence, being the more talkative sibling, but she had to remind herself, she was still mad at Chris over lying about Dan not wanting to see her.

"You okay Jordan?"

"I guess," Jordan replied to Chris letting out a sigh.

"I gotta ask, have you gotten into anything lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well all this stuff happening at once seems personal. Your apartment, your car, even your job. Seeing as you haven't had anything like this happen before, it seems like these events must be connected, and that they must be personal... Who'd you piss off?"

"No one," Jordan answered, feeling her stomach churn as she lied to her brother who was basically a human lie detector.

"You're lying."

"I am not."

"If you're going to lie, at least get better at it," Chris quipped as he pulled into the driveway of his house.


Meanwhile, Dan was currently walking on sunshine, as far as both he, and the medical/food staff at his house were concerned. Dan's primary doctor, Dr. Kim, was the first to finally comment.

"Dan, you seem to be in a very good mood today?"

"Yeah... I-I um, I had a really good day yesterday," Dan admitted as his face beamed, flushed.

"Really? And what did you do yesterday?" Dr. Kim inquired.

"Well... I... I had a friend over."


"No. A different friend," Dan admitted. Before Dan could elaborate, a government representative who only came around every blue moon seemed to appear from thin air.

"I believe you had a miss Jordan Matthews over, isn't that right?" the government rep, General Rick Foster, drawled with a thick southern accent.

"Hi General Foster. Um, yeah my friend Jordan came over."

"Now Dan, we both know that the pretty lady is more than just a friend to you, right?" General Foster spoke as if he was accusing Dan of lying on the stand.

"W-well yeah, but we just sorted things out yesterday."

"Oh my! Dan, you had your ex over?! The girl you've been so in love with?!" Dr. Kim exclaimed as she clapped her hands together in celebration.

"Yes, he sure did. I guess I can confirm that he didn't speak with his doctor, nor the military beforehand... Dan, I find this behavior irresponsible."


"Well... this woman has been known to heighten your emotions, so wouldn't it make sense to have some more staff here in case anything happened? I mean, according to our surveillance cams, the two soldiers on duty are lucky to be alive after the way you handled them yesterday," General Foster explained as he seemed to intimidate Dan, even though Dan was towering over the general and Dr. Kim.

"Oh, and Dan, nearly killing your brother is not acceptable. Now he's agreed not to press charges, but I need to remind you that assault is assault, and murder is murder. You may not, under any circumstance, hurt innocent citizens, whether they be your family, friends, or staff."

"I didn't hurt Dino!"

"He said you may not have realized it, because you were upset, but apparently he's dealing with three broken ribs from the way you grabbed him."

At this news both Dan and Dr. Kim gasped. Dan's jaw fell open, as Dr. Kim seemed to take a few steps back, as if uneasy to be around Dan now.

Dan noticed Dr. Kim's movement, and added that to his list of things to feel sorry for. Now he'd freaked out his doctor, who was finally relaxed around him, and apparently he'ds actually hurt his brother. No! Dan had never meant to actually hurt Dino. Sure he'd been upset... More angry with Dino than he'd probably ever been in his life, but he'd never wanted to actually physically harm him. And additionally, Dan hadn't even known. He was now so big that he didn't even realize he'd hurt Dino. This was all the more reason for Dan to finally bring up the topic he'd been thinking of ever since seeing Jordan.

"Sir, I- I promise I never meant to. I... I wanted to ask today anyway... Is there any way I could try the treatment you guys had talked about a few weeks back?"

"The shrinking?" Dr. Kim clarified, still stood further back from Dan.

"Yes. I want to try it as soon as possible. If I was smaller I wouldn't be so dangerous. I wouldn't have hurt Dino. I could maybe get a real life."

"Dr. Kim, am I to understand that there's an actual treatment that could shrink him?" General Foster asked.

"Well, nothing's been fully tested yet, but there is a team that has been working on this technology for years. I had spoken to Dan about participating in a trial. The technology is meant to downsize living beings, so who better to downsize than someone who could afford to lose some size?"


Jordan answered her cellphone after the caller-ID indicated that Dino was the one calling.

"I hope you're enjoying a nice stay at good old Chris's house," Dino greeted in a smooth tone.

"What do you want, Dino?"

"I wanted to see if you received any of my gifts today?"

Jordan felt her fist clench as she swore under her breath. The break in... the slashed tires... the bizarre message to her work... Dino was behind it all.

"Why'd you do all this?"

"I can't believe you have to ask. You ruined my relationship with my brother!"

"No, you did that yourself when you lied!" Jordan snapped.

"Dan is MY responsibility. I told him what he needed to hear at the time."

"He needed to hear that he was loved. He needed to feel like he could believe someone when they told him they'd stand by his side no matter what,"

"Enough Jordan. You'd be wise not to mess with me. Believe me when I tell you a wrecked apartment, some slashed tires, and a simple email is just a sample of what I have in store for you,"

Dino hung up, leaving Jordan fuming as she sat on the patterned quilt on top of the guest bed she'd be using at Chris's house. Not even 2 minutes later a knock sounded at Jordan's temporary bedroom door. While Jordan had expected to see Chris, she was delighted to see her sister-in-law Tess enter carrying her nephew, Spencer.

"Someone heard Aunt Jordan was here tonight!" Tess called as she handed Spencer to Jordan's awaiting arms. Holding Spencer caused a wave of emotions to stir within Jordan. Just a moment ago Jordan had been enveloped in tension and anxiety over pretty much everything in her life. Jordan was beyond angry at Dino, along with still being too mad to even speak to her brother about his betrayal. Additionally, Jordan still hadn't had time to even process her reunion with Dan. Of course Jordan was over the moon to reunite and work things out with Dan, but she was also overwhelmed with what Dan's new size could mean for their relationship in the long run now.

Of course ever since meeting Dan in person, he'd been outrageously larger than Jordan, but the size Dan once was back when 13 or 14 feet seemed overwhelming was nothing compared to how gigantic he was now. Compared to Dan, Jordan was now so small that she fit in the palm of his hand with room to spare. No more hugs, or feeling his arms around her. No more holding hands. No more nights in the park, or visiting Dan's family's restaurant... All of these worries seemed to be heighted as Jordan looked down at her tiny nephew, Spencer who was still cradled in her arms.

"Chris told me about the break in! That is so frightening Jordan! I'm just so glad you're alright,"

"Yeah... you and Spencer being here is helping," Jordan replied in a soft tone trying to fight the inner turmoil she was silently working through. Of course, her sister-in-law, Tess, could pick up on Jordan's energy.

"Are you okay Jordan?" Tess finally asked.

After skirting around telling Tess about everything, Jordan finally caved and spilled everything to Tess. Tess was flabbergasted to hear each twist and turn from stealing Dan's number off Dino's phone, to reuniting with a ginormous Dan, to hearing about the deception Dino and Chris orchestrated. By the time Jordan finished she found herself shedding a few tears that she struggled to wipe away as she continued to hold her sleeping nephew.

"I can't believe Chris would do that! And not even tell me! I mean, wow. You have every right to feel what you feel."

"It's not even just that though Tess. It's this," Jordan explained as she gestured down to the still peacefully sleeping Spencer.


"I want this, Tess. I want to get married and build a family,"

"You will!"

"I don't know. I even accidentally brought up having kids to Dan, and he didn't react well to it. I mean obviously we can't do things the conventional way... but I don't know... I probably shouldn't have brought it up after only just reuniting. I guess we do have time now, right?"

"Of course... And Jordan, I have to ask, are you sure about continuing to date Dan? I mean, listen, I'm never going to come between love, but I also want you to be able to have all the things you want in life. If you ever find that you can't build the life you dream of with Dan, it's okay to move on,"

"That's the thing- I don't think I'm capable of moving on. We've already been fake broken up for a year, and I couldn't move on. Then even now, with all his changes, Dan is all I want. It just... a lot."

"Well the good news is, you don't have to have it all figured out tonight," Tess concluded before heading to put Spencer down for the night. Of course, Tess promised to keep Jordan's secret, but she was certainly looking forward to having words with Chris about his deception.


Jordan accepted the facetime call from Dan as she propped her laptop up on some pillows, and sat criss cross on the surprisingly comfortable guest bed she'd be using tonight. As Jordan rocked an oversized t-shirt- and a top knot on her head, in preparation for her before-bed facetime with Dan, she decided to omit some of todays' events from him. Of course Jordan filled him in on the fact that her apartment had been broken into and vandalized, which is why she was at Chris's house, but she didn't add in the part where Dino was involved. Jordan figured Dan was mad enough at Dino, and didn't want to add fuel to the fire at this time.

Dan followed suit with omitting information about his rather long day as well. Ultimately Dan kept two major factors of his day from Jordan, in theory, to look out for her. First, he didn't share that he'd apparently accidentally hurt Dino when he'd grabbed him the day prior. Dan kept this from Jordan because he didn't want her to think that something like that would ever happen to her. Dan would never be anything but gentle with Jordan. He had to, for he now saw that with their size difference, it would only take a moment for him to harm her. The very thought of ever bringing harm to Jordan terrified Dan. Additionally, Dan withheld the details of his appointment regarding the shrinking trial. The scientist and doctors had warned him that it might not work at all, so he didn't want to get Jordan's hopes up too much until it worked, and oh how Dan prayed it would work!


Once the weekend came, Jordan was filled with joy as she drove her car, equipt with brand new tires, towards Dan's house. The winding road became quieter as Jordan moved further from the city, until finally, all that was left was the thrum of Jordan's car engine that hummed beneath the radio, playing classic 90s jams. The radio's tune was interrupted as an incoming phone call rang through the speakers. Jordan answered, delighted to hear Dan on the other end.

"I'll be there in about 10 minutes!"

"Great. I was just checking, because it looks like it's going to storm soon," Dan replied, as a smile spread across his face at just hearing Jordan's voice.

The two chatted as Jordan's once smooth and clear journey towards Dan's house turned into a rather treacherous drive through an abrupt torrential downpour.

"Oh God- it's really coming down. I can barely see," Jordan told Dan.

"How much further are you?"

"GPS says 5 minutes, but honestly I might have to pull over. I can't get my windshield wipers to stay on,"

"Oh no! Definity pullover. It's really coming down. I don't want anything-" Dan began to say when the phone call suddenly dropped. Hoping it was just a bad signal, Dan tried to call Jordan back but her phone went directly to voicemail.

1 minute passed. Then 2, 3, 4, until 15 minutes passed, and still no Jordan. Dan had called her at least 20 times, and each time her phone went directly to voicemail. All Dan knew was that Jordan should have made it to his house by now. Jordan should have been safely with Dan, but instead she was MIA. Naturally, Dan was overcome with worry and a feeling of helplessness. He wanted nothing more than to be a normal boyfriend who could jump in his car and go and find his girl. Hell, If Dan were normal Jordan wouldn't even have to drive so far out to see him. She wouldn't have to come so far away from the city in the first place. Ugh. This mental spiral Dan was on, was getting him nowhere. Dan needed to do something...Take some kind of action!


A pounding haze consumed Jordan as she attempted to orient herself. One second she'd been trying to drive through torrential downpour, and the next she was... here? Where was here?

"Hello?! Miss! Can you hear me?" A voice shouted.

Jordan knew she was upside down. Jordan knew someone was talking to her, yet everything felt blurry. Who was talking to Jordan? Why was her head pounding? As Jordan struggled to process her situation, a currently very worried man, Sebastian, was working hard to help her.

Sebastian had been on his way out of the city to check on his Mother when the rain had started. At first it was just a brief shower that Sebastian paid no mind to, until the casual shower took a dramatic turn. It was as if the clouds had split open and buckets of water were cascading from the sky. Luckily, Sebastian was not too far from his mother's secluded home, and there was hardly any traffic out this way. Outside of a few residential estates, this area really only led to a military base further west. If only Sebastian had gotten off work just a half hour earlier he would have beaten the rain. Of course, it wasn't so easy for Sebastian to get off early since he worked as a Doctor.

Sebastian carefully made his way down the winding road when he saw a little black car a few cars length in front of him start to drift. If it hadn't been raining Sebastian would have assumed this was a drunk driver from the way the car seemed to struggle to stay in its lane. However, it seemed clear that this tiny black car was fighting not to hydroplane off the road. Unfortunately the car didn't fare well, and as the road turned left the little black car slid off the road where it tumbled into a ditch leaving the car upside down.

Sebastian's blood ran cold as he watched the tiny car tumble off the road. He was so shaken from the image that he'd stopped driving and froze in the middle of the road. No, wait- why was he frozen? Sebastian couldn't freeze in the face of unfortunate circumstances. Sebastian was a doctor! He needed to call 911 and then do his best to tend to the driver in any way he could until EMT's could arrive.

The sinking feeling in Sebastian's stomach grew when he attempted to call 911 only to find he had no service. Not even a single bar. While he knew service tended to be spotty in the area, Sebastian was certain the rain must have only elevated to bad service at this time. Great. Just great. Now Sebastian needed to check on the passenger before even altering emergency services.

Rain drenched Sebastian from head to toe when he crouched down at the overturned car to see a woman who looked to be around his age passed out, upside down, still secured by her seatbelt in the front seat. Sebastian was crawling on top of shards of glass as he tried to unbuckle the woman from her seat so he could get her out. As he reached around the woman, she seemed to be fighting for consciousness. Eventually Sebastian was able to get through to her, and she unblocked her seat belt, causing her to tumble from her seat and land on top of Sebastian.

As Sebastian attempted to carefully pull the woman out from under the car he felt a vibration beneath his body. Was that thunder? Wait- there's another vibration, like you'd feel when a massive truck rumbles by. Whatever these vibrations were, they were growing stronger by the second. Sebastian was trying to ignore the growing rumbles, but as they grew to quakes it was impossible to ignore. Each boom seemed to shake the very foundation of the earth. The woman Sebastian was helping most likely had suffered a concussion, for she wasn't reacting to the rhythmic earthquake or the cold rain at all. Luckily the rain had subsided a bit while Sebastian was helping the woman. Now finally out from under the car, Sebastian scooped the rather petite woman up into his arms and headed toward his car, which sat on the side of the road with its hazard lights blinking like a beacon of hope. Sebastian needed to get this woman to a hospital and fast!

As he fought against the ground that seemed to quake below him, Sebastian felt a dark shadow rise from the trees on the side of the road. It was already dark out due to the rain storm. However, Sebastian could still make out the impossible figure looming high above the trees. The impossible massive being that seemed to move impossibly closer to the road.

HOLY SHIT! Sebastian had to get out of here! What was that thing?! It looked like... like... something that can't be real.

Sebastian ran to his car, placed the woman in the back seat, and jumped behind the wheel as fast as he could. Without even taking the time to fasten his seatbelt, the car was in drive. Sebastian needed to get to an area where he could at least get service to call 911. He needed to get away from that thing. He needed to get help for this poor woman. So much terror ran through Sebastian's mind, but at the moment all he could do was try not to piss himself. The massive being was following Sebastian, and no matter how fast he drove it wasn't making much of a difference. After just a few strides an impossibly large hand grabbed Sebastian's car. Sebastian heard the woman in the back seat scream as she finally seemed to be coming out of her haze. Wow. Perfecting timing for that. Sebastian wished he could just fade into an oblivious haze as his SUV was lifted into the air.
