Fourteen: Icy Dip & Halloween

Lucy's POV

Today, it's Halloween! I can't wait, every year me and Darcy go trick or treating together, and one or two of our bros go with us.

"Hey, let's go buy you two a Halloween costume each!" Tom comes into the garden, as me and Darcy are kicking a football around.
"Yay!" I say.
"Awesome, yeah," Darcy adds and we walk towards Tom.

We always get a new Halloween costume every year! Luke and or Leo usually take us to buy them, but, this time, it's Tom as Luke is out seeing his mates and Leo is helping one of his friends move house. Harry is doing homework and revision in his room as he's got exams soon.

"Anyone wanna sit in the front?" Tom smirks at us as we walk down the driveway to his car, which is a BMW type.
"Me! Me! Please!" Darcy squeals.
"No! Me!" I laugh, sassing back - we never get to sit in the front when Leo or Luke is around! There's no point asking them.
"Just don't tell Luke or Leo! They will literally kill me! And you can swap, one in front on way there and one in front on way back," Tom chuckles as we get into his car.
"Ok, me first!" Darcy says, I roll my eyes but get into the back.

The car ride was...interesting, that's one way you could put it! Tom had the music really loud, windows all down, and drove pretty fast! Honestly, without Luke and Leo near him, he's so immature - it is really funny though, he always knows how to make us laugh.

We go to a few shops and Tom makes us try on loads of different costumes!

"How about this one?" Tom holds up a little red dress with a devil horn head band.
"Oooh, that's quite cute, but I think I like this one," Darcy holds up a girl vampire costume.
"Scary but nice," Tom nods approvingly.
"Lucy, I think that red devil dress would suit you!" Darcy nods at me, grinning.
"Fine, I will try it on," I take it out of Tom's hands and pull it over my leggings and ti shirt.
"No, too short!" Tom frowns when I show them.
"I like it," I smile.
"Yeah, I think you should wear that," Darcy dazzles her eyes at Tom.
"No, because Luke and Leo will not be happy that I bought you a short Halloween dress!" Tom frowns.
"Aw, come on! Please! I like this costume!" I flutter my eyelids.

We come out of the shop with our costumes, eventually Tom caved in and let me have the dress, though he said he's not taking responsibility for it!

"Hey, did you get your costumes, for tonight?" Harry says, coming downstairs when we get back home.
"Yeah! I got a vampire costume," Darcy smiles, showing Harry.
"Nice," he comments.
"I've got a red devil dress," I hold my dress up against my body.
"Uh oh, it's quite short!" Harry frowns slightly, crossing his arms, "Tom..."
"Trust me, it wasn't me, they made me buy it - they gave me the puppy dog eyes treatment Harry!" Tom puts his hands up in surrender.
"Ok ok, but when Luke and Leo come home then your in for it," Harry smirks.
"Yes, ok little bro," Tom rolls his eyes, laughing.

"What are we having for lunch?" Darcy asks.
"Good question, how about sandwiches because that's the only thing I can make!" Tom says.
"Or I'll make some pasta," Harry replies.
"Yeah!" I grin, Harry was a better cook than fact anyone is a better cook than Tom!
"LUCY!" Tom yells, pretending to be angry but laughing.

I run through the house as fast as I can, I go outside and run around the other side of our huge pool, and I see Tom smirking, ready to run and chase me again, waiting, opposite me, on the other side of the pool.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I asked Tom, laughing.
"Yep!" He nods. "I'm coming to get you!" Tom runs around, and I squeal.
"NO! Please!" I giggle, sprinting down the longside of the pool.

Alas, my feet slip on the slippery surface, I scream, and over balance, before I know it, I'm falling backwards, into the pool. My body hits the cold surface, and I go under, it's so cold, it's nearly November! It's freezing! I try to swim up to the surface, but my clothes are weighing me down. I struggle, I can't hold on for much longer, I need air, I need to breath, it feels like a lifetime.

Soon, I feel hands grab me under my armpits and pull me up, out of the water.

"Oh my god, Lu I'm so sorry, I didn't think it would be that cold," Tom panics, as he holds me in his arms, close to his chest, trying to get me warm.
I cough and splutter, freezing cold, my teeth clattering, "it's ok," I shakily say.
"Here, get her wrapped in these towels," Harry says, running over, he and Darcy must have saw everything.
"Gosh, Lucy! Are you ok?!" Darcy runs over.
"Yeah," I nod in Tom's arms.
"C'mon, you need a hot shower," Harry says.

Tom carries me up to my bathroom and I soon have a hot shower. I get dressed in jeans and a top, dry and warm!

"Hey Lucy Lu, you alright? I hear you had a little fall?!" Leo says, looking concerned, but almost smiling, as I walk into the kitchen where everyone (but Luke, who I presume is still out,) is eating lunch.
"Yep," I smile, "thanks for waiting for me - not!" I chuckle.
"Sorry, but we were hungry, here, have some salad and pasta," Harry pushes a full plate towards me, as I sit on a breakfast bar stool.
"Who is coming with us to go trick or treat?" Darcy says, with a mouth full, as we are all eating together at the breakfast bar.
"I will go," Leo says. "Luke will be tired probably, and he might not be back. Did you get your costumes?"
"Yes," I  nod, "I can't wait!" I grin too.
"I'm a vampire and Lu is a red devil!" Darcy smiles.
"Ah, cute!" Leo says.

Six hours later

"Lucy! Are you excited?" Darcy says as she brushes her hair.
"Defo! I can't wait to get some candy! But, I like how our bros eat all of our sweets when we come home!" I smile as I pull on my red devil dress, and put my headband on my curled hair.
"Yeah!" Darcy finishes brushing her hair and she puts it up in a bun.

"Knock knock, can I come in?" Luke says outside our room, our door is closed.
Yay! Luke is home, "sure," I say.

I turn around and Luke comes in, smiling at us, looking cool and smart in a tight shirt and jeans.

"Hey baby girls! Excited for Halloween?" Then his eyes go wide, "Woah, Lucy, what are you wearing?!" He takes a step forward towards me, arms crossed over his chest, frowning slightly.
"Lukey, she's wearing her red devil costume!" Darcy turns around, saying it like its obvious, in her vampire costume, "she looks great!"
"No, the dress is too short. Way too short! I'm not letting you go out in that!" Luke shudders, starting to get agitated.
"Aw, come on! It's fine! It's only just above my knees," I argue back.
"Yeah, exactly! Hang on, who bought you this...?" Luke raises his eyebrows.
"Erm...well...I chose it," I quickly say.
"Who bought it?"
"Tom, but -" Darcy gulps.
"TOM, get up here!" Luke shouts.

"What?" Tom says, coming into our room.
"You bought Lucy a short costume dress! She can't go outside in that! Way too revealing," Luke groans, me and Darcy roll our eyes.
"I know, I feel the same way," Tom tries to console Luke.
"Then, why the hell did you buy it?!" Luke looks frustrated but smiles.
"Puppy dog eyes treatment! They bewitched me..!" Tom smirks, Luke rolls his eyes.

"How about I wear some tights and a jacket? Will that be alright for you? It's not like I've hit puberty! I'm tiny!" I say, crossing my arms.
"True. Hmm, ok, that could work," Luke agrees. "You need to go in like ten minutes by the way!"
"Is Leo taking us?" Darcy asks.
"Yep, think so!" Tom says.

They leave and I find some red tights, and a little black jacket.

"Ready?" Darcy says.
"Let's go!" I say excitedly.

We run downstairs, and see Leo putting on a jumper and coat, "Leo, we are ready!" I say.
"Great, you guys look cute," Leo looks at our costumes, Darcy raises her eyebrows at his answer, and she puts her hands on her hips, "I mean, you guys look really scary!"
"That's better bro," Darcy sassily replies, smirking.

"Girls, make sure you stick with Leo, and don't go too far, be back by half past eight, you've got an hour and a half, that's plenty, I'm feeling generous!" Luke says, coming into the hallway.
"Cool, let's go, let's go!" I say.
"Bye, have fun, be safe!" Harry says, walking to the door as we say goodbye and walk out into the night.

Darcy's POV

Leo walks closely behind us, as me and Lucy go round the neighbourhood, knocking on doors for trick or treat! It's so fun, we've had an hour or so now.

"Girls, this the last one, we should head back," Leo says to us.
"Sure, ok," Lucy says.

"Trick or treat!" I say, knocking on a big door, with glowing pumpkins decorated on the steps, I look behind us and notice Leo is on his phone, speaking to someone.
"Happy Halloween! Here you go," a motherly looking woman opens the door, and holds out a bowl of chocolate bars. "Take two, my dears."
"Thank you!" Lucy smiles.
"Thank you very much," I add, as I pick out a Mars bar and a galaxy caramel bar.

"Mum, have you seen my sword?" A very hot eleven year old lad comes to the door, I recognise him, he's in some of my classes, he looks at us curiously.
"No, I haven't, but you better get going soon."

Me and Lucy turn around to go, (Leo is still on his phone with his back to us) but someone tugs my arm.

"Hi, I'm Max, are you a Walker? Your cute," the boy flushes, as I look at him, Lucy behind me.
"Yes, I'm Darcy Walker, and this Lucy, my twin," I say, reddening too, he's hot!
"Hey," Lucy smiles.
"Do you girls wanna come trick or treating with me? I mean you don't have too, obviously."
"No, they are not going trick or treating with you, girls come on, let's go," an angry Leo comes up behind us and grabs our hands, and pulls us away.
"Sorry Max, thanks anyway!" I call, quickly turning around and giving him a wave.
"Don't worry! See you at school!" He shouts and goes back inside his house.

"Well! What the hell was that?" Leo says angrily, as we go round a corner, on our way home, Leo holding our hands.
"Chill big bro, it was just Max, he's in some of my classes at school; he was really nice," I say.
"He's got no right to talk to you, if he causes you two any trouble, I'll smash his face in. Guys have intentions you two, and don't forget that!"
"Jeeze, he's eleven like us! He's not exactly going to "try" anything!" Lucy laughs.
"Oh, at least he's the same age as you, but that still doesn't make it ok for him to ask you two to go trick or treat with him," Leo huffs.
"Honestly Leo!" I huff too, rolling my eyes.
"It's only coz I know what guys are like," he shrugs.
"Yeah, but we are eleven!" Lucy tells him.
"Hmm, age doesn't matter, boys still want girls to-" Leo says but I interrupt him.
"Yes, thank you, we don't need that!" I laugh.

We get home, and go into the living room with our bags of sweets.

"Hey! How much candy did you get us?!" Harry and Tom immediately come over.
"There you go," Lucy says, and we give our bags to Tom and Harry.
"Don't you dare eat them all!" I threaten at Tom and Harry who are now stuffing their faces with sweets, Leo also comes in and grabs some chocolate to eat.

"Did you have a good time?" Luke comes into the living room.
"Yeah, awesome! We got loads, but now Tom and Harry are demolishing the candy," I chuckle.
"OI! Guys, save some sweets for the twins! They are their's!" Luke grins, but crosses his arms.
"Don't worry," Tom says, his mouth full of gummy bears.

"Darcy and Lucy got asked to go trick or treating with a guy!" Leo says crossly, coming up to Luke and us.

I stamp on his foot, he didn't have to tell Luke - it's no big deal! Luke is the most protective! He will go mad...Leo was mad, and I think Luke and Tom are more easily over protective of us, as Leo is quite a chilled, calm guy, like Harry - but anything to do with us twins and boys, then all my brothers will go ballistic!

"WHAT?!" Luke looks at us, furiously. You see?!
"I need to beat him up!" Tom yells, "if he touched you two...then he's dead."
"It wasn't like that," Lucy says.
"Then spill," Luke says.
"Go on," Harry nods.

Leo tells them everything, before me or Lucy could get a word in, they all looked furious.

"Chill, he's really nice..." I tell them, after Leo finishes.
"Don't trust him," Tom grunts.
"Neither." Harry frowns.
"If that boy causes you any trouble, then we will beat him up," Luke adds, looking down at me and Lucy - why are we so so short?!
"Leo already said that!" Lucy says, looking annoyed.
"Good," Harry replies.

"Ok then. Right twins, go and get ready for bed, I will be up in a minute," Luke says and points to the door.

"He was cute, wasn't he?" I whisper to Lu, as we giggle, going upstairs.
"Defo, I think he likes you!" Lucy says quietly as we go into our bedroom.
"Really?!" I say excitedly.
"Yep," Lucy laughs.

I quickly get dressed in my woolly pjs.

"Night you two! Sleep well," Luke comes in, and kisses us each goodnight.
"Night!" I say.
"Goodnight!" Lucy yawns.

All is quiet and dark, as Luke goes and shuts our door behind him, I hear him go downstairs and hear all of our brothers voices.

I look at my phone and it's half past nine, way past our bedtime.

I fall asleep soon after...
