Pranali was all decked up as Harshad helped her with the dress of her, he was holding her dupatta

Harshad gave a loving look to Pranali as they both went to the stage...

Pranali showed him a glare which allowed him in making a pouty face,
"Pranali! I was asked to help you! And that's what I'm doing!"

He said as Pranali blushed in the deepest shade of red, keeping her hand on her face.

They were moving when Harshad accidently slipped and as he was holding Pranali's dupatta, she too falls.

They shared a smile as they both stood up. Harshad smiled lightly at first giving Pranali a sorry smile but busted into laughter when Pranali laughed.

"It's okay Harshii!" Pranali said as Harshad thanked to God giving good mood to his girlfriend.

Bigg boss: The order of ramp walk will be as the start will be with Aditi, Erica , proceeding to Aanchal, Jennifer ending up with Karishma and Pranali.

Pranali makes a face, as she hears Karishma's name, while Harshad pats her back wishing her best of luck....

The ramp walk went up in the continued order,

Aditi and Erica, started the ramp, they beautifully and very smoothly started up with the ramp....

Then Jennifer and Aanchal performed on the stage while Harshad looked all away from the stage at that time, he knew his girl's are going to be on him only....

Which was actually true, Harshad glimpsed at Pranali who was looking at him only....

Harshad gave a thumbs up to her as she was about to go on the stage, she knew now she'll slay for sure....

Both Karishma and Pranali went to the stage, but Karishma knew nobody was focusing on her, she impulsively tried to make her fall but by chance, she herself fall badly....

Pranali wanted to help her but Zain and Ashish helped Karishma, so that the ramp walk of Pranali shouldn't be disturbed,

Pranali gracefully gave her appearance, ending up the ramp walk show at a good note, while Harshad was the one who volunteered taking the pictures of the girls

Everyone smiles as the photo session was done....

When the photo session was done, all the contestants came inside....

Jai was helping Karishma, who was crying hard....

HarshAli tried to ignore the scene until Karishma called it out "You guys! How can someone be so ungrateful???Β  Can't you even help me up? Harshad! At least you...."

"What Karishma?? What do you want me to do? Should I give you a princess treatment? And when Jai is helping you out, then why're you making a scene!" Harshad said angrily, he was in a kick a** anger, his anger usually wakes up whenever he interacts with the duo, even one of them was enough to make HC's blood boil....

Pranali holds his hand as she came forward "What's it aunty!? If someone just don't want to stand along with you, so will you com-pulse everyone to stay with you!? We're not the investments made, and you clearly know what I actually mean by this" Pranali said glaring at Karishma

"What do you mean and how dare you." Karishma said angrily while Pranali went near her

"Look Karishma! You better lower your voice or then I know how to reduce this! We're not in a serial nor your deeds are going to be hide here! This is not our show's set where you can utter nonsense, and I'll keep hearing that. We're not sweet sisters here but opponents! And I know how to just ruin a person when it comes at that point." Pranali said as her eyes bursting in anger

"And we need to remind you this again and again, all the things you've done in near past, you've a good memory" Harshad said with his signature smirk on his face, as he looked at Jai and Karishma and immediately rolled over his eyes....

They went inside as Pranali hugs Harshad

"F***ingly unbelievable! I swear Pranali! These both are such a jerks! Complete idiots!!" Harshad said

"Harshad! You calm down na? Let's just ignore negativity!"

"And how can we keep calm di?" Nischay said as he entered the room, now the dynamical room system changed to 4-bedroom, where Pranali ,Harshad,Nischay and Ashish used to stay "and that Ms. Sawant is just too irritating! Her face ruins my day! I swear how'd you actually managed to deal with her"

"We'd given her many chances to change, but she's same as the character she'd in show.... You really never know when is she good, everything is sorted and just one day, she'll become like a crybaby!" Pranali said

Nischay nods. "I've a plan!" Nischay said with an evil smile

TBC! πŸ™ƒπŸ€

A/N: Guyz! Guys! Guyz! There will be a fan fest.... Do u have some questions which u want to ask from any of the contestant, it'll be fun! (Do tell it for all the contestants! If u won't then I won't write this part)

Something terribly funny is also coming haha! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ I need help to stop such ideas in my thoughts
