his appearance ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป

She fell on her knees. She cried.

"What do you want ?why are you disturbing me like this????".

Aanchal screamed and cried loudly. While that tall figure is standing behind her. Aanchal didn't notice him.he felt bad for aanchal.ย  Suddenly the cool air was blown. It's start snowing. When aanchal's tears are about toย  fall from her eyes , it was frozed. Aanchal was surprised to see that. The waterfalls was frozed so quickly.ย everything were filled with Snow. Aanchal felt the cold. She felt someone's cold palm touched her cheeks and called her name.

" Sumo"

aanchal was frozed by hearing that. Her eyes were sheds with tears. She can't believe how that was happened. she clenched her eyes to control her self.

" It's all your imagination aanchal."

She told her self. When she open her eyes she saw a tall man standing front of her and touching her cheeks with his palm. Aanchal realised that who is he and shocked.

" Shravan"

His name escaped from her lips.

She remembered her college days with shravan. Theย  tears start flowing from her eyes.Shravan rubs his cheeks with her's.

" I will never go from you sumo, And you can't forgot me "

Shravan told aanchal.

" Shravan you...you.... How......"

Aanchal tries to ask him with fear.ย  her body is shivering by fear. suddenly she faints there. Shravan's soul disappeared from there. When aanchal opened her eyes she found her selfย  in the same place. But that place was seemed normal like that when she came there. Aanchal quickly goes from there to her home.

At home.

Aanchal sat on her bed with her blanket. Tanuja came there with two cups of coffee and gave one to aanchal. She sat beside aanchal. Aanchal was seemed very scared andย  she got fever too.

" Aanchal where are you gone??"

Tanuja asked aanchal.

Aanchal keeps quite while tanuja asking her.

Aanchal, aanchal.....

Tanuja called her. Aanchal shakened by her voice.

Aanchal : haan.. haan..

Tanuja : what Happened to you yaar??.

Aanchal grabbed her forehead. And shouted a bit.

Tanuja : are you ok?(worriedly).

Aanchal : tanu I got headache.

Tanuja : can I call the doctor?..

Aanchal : no no I just need some sleep.

Tanuja : ok get some rest.

Tanuja was gone from the room.

Aanchal lies on her bed. She closed her eyes and tries to sleep.
She fully covered herself in her blanket. Some time later she felt someone pulled her blanket. she removes the blanket from her face but she can't see anyone else. Again she closed her face with a blanket andย  tightly hold it. Suddenly her blanket was totally removed from herself. she got scared and gets up. Slowly The blanket flies and fall over something. Aanchal saw a figure like man by that blanket. She was scared. Her body was shivering in fear. That blanket was removed from that figure. That is not a ghost it's Siddharth.

Sid : hey aanchal...

Aanchal heaves the sign of relief.

Sid : it's me yaar.

Aanchal : sir, you scared me.

Siddarth laughed. And sat beside aanchal.

Aanchal : when would you discharged from hospital ,sir.

Sidarth : after you met me and gone.

Aanchal : are you ok now?.

Sidarth : yeah of course, just a bit pain in my forehead.

Aanchal : can I bring you anything??.

Siddharth : no, no , it's okay.

Aanchal : then....

Sidarth : aanchal where are you gone from hospital???.

Aanchal remembers that what happened when she goes to the hills and panicked. Siddharth noticed her.

Shravan soul appears there. He watches them.

Sid : aanchal.....

Aanchal : haan...sir

Siddharth Raised his eye brows. aanchal starts coughing.

Sid : aanchal, are you ok.?

Aanchal : actually sir I have cold.

Sid : what?.

Sidarth touches aanchal's forhead to check her. Shravan got anger to see this.

Siddharth : hey aanchal your skin is boiling. You have fever. Come let we go to hospital.

Aanchal : no need shr.......

Aanchal realized what she is about to say. Shravan noticed her. He smiled as he knows that what she is about to say.

Aanchal : I mean no need sir. I already took medicines.

Siddharth : but..

Aanchal : sir..

Siddharth : ok aanchal take care I will go.

Aanchal : ok sir.

Siddharth got up from the bed and start moving.ย  Shravan stared at him. Suddenly Sidarth head start paining.

Aanchal : sir, what happened?.

Siddarth : nothing aanchal Iam ok.

Siddarth left.

At night.

Aanchal is in her room reading a book. She remembers something and got in to a flash back.

............. Flash back....................

After shravan saved suman from an accident. He takes her to the hospital.

At hospital.

Shravan and suman's mother wandering there and here while suman getting treated. The doctor came out and said that she is fine and they can see her now. Shravan and suman's mother goes to suman. Suman is sitting in the bed.

Suman' s mother : suman beta, are you ok??.

Suman : I am alright maaa.

Suman's mother turn towards shravan.

Suman's mother : shukriya beta, i can't think my life with out my daughter. She is my everything. You saved her. Thank you so much beta. ( Folding her hands ๐Ÿ™)

Shravan held her hands.

Shravan : no, no aunty ji , Don't do it. You are elder in age.

Suman's mother : suman, is beta ne mujhe aapako yahaan laane mein madad kee. (Pointed shravan)

Suman looks shravan.they fall in a momentary eye lock for a second.

Suman : thank you so much shravan.

Suman's mother : suman beta, are you already know him.

Shravan : yes Aunty jii, we are studying in the same college.

Suman's mother : theek hai beta.

After sometime suman's mother goes outside as she got call.

Shravan : wow sumo how bold you are.

Sumo smiled.

Suman : thanks again to save me.

Shravan : it's my pleasure. And sorry..

Suman : sorry??? For what??.

Shravan : I scolded you without knowing what happened.

Suman : it's ok. Leave it.

Shravan smiled at her.

Suman : then.

Shravan : then??.

Suman : can we have friendship.

Shravan : hello, excuse me I don't have friendship with junior.

Suman : what!!!!!.

Shravan : but I will be ready to have friendship with a super woman.

Suman : super woman??.

Shravan : I called her sumo.

Shravan and suman laughed.

Shravan rendered his hand towards suman.

Shravan : friends?.

Suman held his hand.

Suman : friends.

Suddenly suman start coughing

Shravan : can I call the doctor?.

Suman : no need shravan. I am fine. And If he come here. Then he give me more tablets. I just it hate.

Shravan : suman, doctor told me that you are not going to take any medicine.

Suman : wow, that's so gud. Thank god.

Shravan : but he told me that you have to get syringes.

It's make suman's eyes big and mouth to hung apart

Suman : wh,wh,what!!!.

Shravan laughed at her.

............ Flash back end..............

After sometime aanchal feels sleepy. She keeps the book on the table and and goes to off lights. While she was going. her room door opens in the process. Aanchal got shocked. She heaves the sign of relief as she didn't see any one there. She turns of the light and turns towards there door. She was scared as she see someone outside of her room. She realised that's shravan's soul. She turns on the light and see but she can't see anyone there. She turns off the light. She saw shravan's soul. Her fear was on it's peak. Again she turns on the light and off it. But she can't see him even the lights are off. She turns on. Suddenly the power was gone. Every lights were off. She got fear. she turns and saw everything is off she felt a cold breeze touching her neck, her body is shivering under it's touch. She slowly turns back. She sacred and screamed loudly as she saw a 6ft 2 inch tall guy is standing front of her.

The episode ends.

Guys sorry for delaying and sorry for any mistakes.
