2:Sustain The Hate

Jim's P.O.V

Senor Uhl called Claire over to talk,clearly not wanting to waste any time.Before leaving Ezira chimed in, "it was just a question sir. I get that alot. It's no big deal. Seriously. A simple sorry would do it." Claire looked at her shocked and so was toby and me.I expected Senor Uhl to yell but he simply shook his head, "no Ezira. Mrs.Claire needs to learn from her mistakes. Lunch detention. With no friends." After spanish I felt like Claire was angry at Ezira. Why would she need to be angry? Ezira tried to defend her for goodness sake!

Me and Toby were walking by the lockers when I noticed Steve Palchuk the bully of our school stuffing Eli into a locker, again. Toby tried to hold me back but I wasn't about to let Steve do this. "Well well well. Look who finally decides to show up! Where were you on friday?" I looked up at Steve,"didn't feel like it."That sent Steve mad, he slammed the locker shut and walked up to me. I moved back, I had never seen him this mad! "What did you say?" Before I could answer someone else spoke. "He said he didn't feel like it."

Ezira's P.O.V (Earlier)
It was my first day at Arcadia Oaks High. I was super excited, this was going to be great! I went to the front office like I was told to on the phone and received my schedule. I had spanish first with Senor Uhl. I made it to the classroom and over heard what I think was the teacher's voice.

I walked in the door, i'm a bit of a shy person so I kept my head down. "Please remove the hood." At once I obeyed apologizing. Once my hood was off I stuffed it in my bag and then looked around. People gasped others just stared, was I really that weird? After I introduced myself I let people ask me questions. A round chubby little redhead asked me what instrument's I played, others asked about volleyball or simply my life back in Texas.

Then this girl asked me something I didn't exactly expect but was used to. I didn't expect the teacher to get upset, but then again I'm probably the only person who would be alright answering a question that personal. Lesson went well and it didn't seem to different from my old school. After though, Senor Uhl called that girl, claire I believe over. I didn't want her to face punishment so I chimed in. Unfortunately she still got detention. Throughout the day many asked me questions or asked to see my drawings.

But I felt like someone was watching, like they hated me. After more lessons I headed on over to get a book from my locker when I overheard something. I hid behind a few people and listened.
Some guy was shoving a kid in a locker, I was about to step in but someone else walked up. I think the kids name was jim, he was talking to the kid, apparently named Steve. I watched as things escalated, and without thinking spoke.Not my best idea but I was not about to watch someone get beaten up, especially on my first day.
