The Anti Law 42069 Committee

(A/N: Sorry again for not publishing, finals killed me and I had a falling out with someone and have been very emo. Will continue until the end, Much love and enjoy🙏)

    As Farquaad and Quagmire slept through the rest of the early morning into the afternoon, Quagmire was stunted. He had just realized that he might have romantic feelings for Farquaad. Farquaad! These thoughts and dreams ate at his brain. If he actually had feelings for Farquaad, he wouldn't dare act on it. If he were to act on it, his life would be equivalent to a lie.

Quagmire forgets his dreams and 'what if's' as Farquaad wakes up and arranges a meeting for all of the survivors at his favorite restaurant- 'We are Definitely Not The Mafia'. Farquaad and Quagmire arrive at the restaurant late as they had just experienced a long night. The pair joined the rest of the survivors at that very booth Farquaad had always found himself in. Yet again, he swam through the sea of mobsters to reach the booth, but this time he had Quagmire by his side. "There you are, Farquaad!" exclaimed Shrek. "Sorry we are late, not much sleep." The group yawns, "Nobody got any sleep, it was a hard night." Shane turned to the group and cried, "Did anyone else get night terrors?" Trisha nodded in agreement. Quagmire didn't even want to think about his dreams from that previous night.

"Okay, what is our game plan?" asked Shrek. Farquaad answered, "Duloc will provide hospitality for as long as you need, but I don't know when U.S. airports will open publicly" Quagmire then added, "They're only letting government approved travelers and that doesn't apply to our situation" The group of people eat their meals and share their grief. "Can't you do something Farquaad?! I cannot be stuck here! I need to go home and tell Ryland's family!" Shane screamed, finally having enough of the others. Farquaad shook his head no, which initiated Shane to go on a tangent of rage.

"So, neither you or this murderous pilot can get me back to my life as if you hadn't just killed my love. You all can sit here in your hometown with your friends and family when I just lost everything! You will get me home even if you have to break laws!" Shane sobbed into Trisha's arms.

"I lost my crew..." Trisha began with Shane on her shoulder. "Farquaad, Shrek, Donkey, I understand your mission, but you killed people. The saddest part was that you justify the murder in the name of love when you killed this man's lover. Not to mention all of my crew's families, the passengers' families as well. You killed what might have been the only thing that mattered to them. You should never forgive yourself." Silence danced within the group.

"How dare you place blame on my dear friends!" yelled Farquaad, "Shane and Ryland were extremely lucky to even have the right to marry. The fact that Shane had the privilege to experience life with Ryland as his love proves that you don't understand how life in Duloc truly is for people like Shrek and Donkey. So Trish, don't preach the love game when you are criticizing it!" Trisha and Shane's jaws dropped in unison. The entire table started to fight with each other. Even the mobsters were staring at them.

"Guys!" Quagmire exclaimed to end the fighting. "Who's that?" Quagmire points at a woman walking into the restaurant. Quagmire, Shane, and Trish look in confusion, but Shrek, Donkey and Farquaad knew this woman all too well. "Fiona...." Shrek hatefully mutters. Fiona swims her way up to the group's booth. As she walks up, Quagmire asks, "Who is that woman, Farquaad?" Farquaad shushes him hastily. Fiona approached the table and pulls up a chair. "Fiona, what are you doing here...?" Farquaad said with condescension. "Don't give me attitude," Fiona snaps, " I know what you did..." Shrek and Donkey look at each other with guilt while the other survivors ponder with confusion. "What did I do now, Fiona..?" Farquaad rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what he did. "I know about the marriage. I know about your plan." Fiona stares down the newlyweds, especially her ex-husband. "I'm afraid to tell you boys that this sham of a marriage is not recognized in Duloc." Everyone at the table gasps. "What do you mean? They followed the law and returned under the two week mark?!" Farquaad inquires with a growing rage. "That was before the terrorist attacks in the United States..." answered Fiona. "What does that have to do with anything?" yelled Quagmire who was now invested with the conversation. He was always a fan of the dramatics. "After those attacks, it has been internationally proven that gay marriage or any form of gay nuptial proposals are a threat of national security." Fiona then continues her explanation as the others begin to panic, "Duloc takes that very seriously. Therefore, Parliament has decided to ban any form of that kind of type of person as they are a threat to Duloc."

Donkey begins to cry into Shrek's arm as Shane had been doing with Trisha. Everyone at the table were drowning in grief and Farquaad had experienced the guilt of the events. No amount of fighting would help his newfound group, at least not in an Italian restaurant. Farquaad knew he had to fight for his friends, but he needed the law on his side. So, as Fiona began to depart, Farquaad called for her. "What Farquaad? " Fiona responded. "If James Charles and Will Schuester are found not guilty, does that mean this new law and Law 42069 will be overturned?" Farquaad was asking for the impossible, but he had just witnessed his friends almost die for the love of Shrek and Donkey. Not to mention those on the plane who died in the name of Shronkey. "Farquaad, trust me. Proving those people to be innocent will be your only shot at overturning those laws and the likelihood of that occurring is equivalent to none. These are the most wanted and extreme criminals of our century!" Fiona explains with extreme confidence. Farquaad ignored everything Fiona said after the first sentence. He ran to the table and announced, "Guys, I have a plan!"

After a few coffee pots and venn diagrams, Farquaad had finished explaining his idea.
"So, we have to prove Will and James to be innocent?" clarified Donkey.


"That is impossible! They killed 4,000 civilians! Plus, there is no witness to say otherwise, everyone there was murdered!" Shrek inquired with the upmost concern. His future with Donkey was on the line here.

"Not everyone..." Farquaad turned to Quagmire.
"What do you mean 'not everyone'" Shane said.
"There was one survivor, the mystery pilot from the news. And lucky for us, he's on our side"

   Quagmire itched his collar. This is it. The happiness of Shrek and Donkey depended on him. Making sure those on the plane didn't die for no reason also depended on him. Quagmire started to sweat. He had just found people to accept him, he wasn't going to mess it up this time. He wasn't going to have another group of people think of him as solely a 'manwhore'

"We're gonna need one hell of a lawyer..."

"I already got his number. We are officially
the Anti-Law 42069 committee" Farquaad proclaims as he puts his arms around Quagmire. Farquaad's touch burns him. He cannot let him down.

"That's one subtle name" Shrek says, "But Donkey and I are in. To the Anti-Law 42069 Committee!"

"To the Anti-Law 42069 Committee" Shane and Trish say in unison.

Farquaad uses his pearl eyes to stare at Quagmire. God, how can one resist those eyes!

"To the Anti-Law 42069 Committee" Quagmire finally proclaimed and took one last sip of his coffee.
