Chapter 2: Battle On Metal Tower

It is already late morning when Jacen finally wakes up as the sun starts to shine right onto his face. He slowly sits up and stretches his arms above his head. "Man. How late is it?" he mutters to himself, not expecting an answer as he gets up and makes his way to the bathroom. There he looks into the mirrow and groans annoyed as he sees his bed hair.

"A disaster... But who actually cares." he says still half asleep and turns on the water tap, splashing some cold water into his face to wake himself up. He dries off his face with a towel that hangs next to the sink before looking back at the mirrow.

The first thing that would probably catch the eye on the shirtless boy are the scars on his left arm, chest and back as well as shoulder and slightly on his neck. Luckily he has no problem hiding them as long as he has his flannels on.

After a few more moments Jacen pulls his eyes away from the mirrow and walks back into guest room. He grabs his clothes from yesterday and puts them back on before putting on his belt and shoes as he walks downstairs.

As he walks down the spiral staircase to get into the basement when he hears Gingka talking to the others. "Are you serious? They took Sagittario? Those FaceHunters. They're really starting to bug me." Jacen jumps down the last stairs before looking at the other three in the basement. "What are FaceHunters? And what's a Sagittario?" Jacen asks as he walks over to the others and Kenta answers quickly. "FaceHunters are really bad guys around here. They steal people's beys and bey points! And now they took my bey Flame Sagittario." the greenette looks down sadly but Jacen pads his head.

"Don't worry, squirt. We'll get your bey back." the ravenette says comforting as he turns to Madoka. "By the way Madoka. Did you finish the maintenance on Chaos?" Jacen asks as he looks at the from his point of his view completely restored bey. Madoka picks it up and gives it to Jacen. "Yup. Just finished it before Kenta came in. But I'm still not fully done with Pegasus."

She was about to turn back to Pegasus but the bey as well as the ginger haired were both already half up the stairs. "Gingka! Where are you going?" Kenta yells as he runs after the older. "To Metal Tower! Duh. I'm getting Sagittario back. Those FaceHunters won't know what hit them!" the two dissappear up the stairs and Jacen just turns to Madoka.

"What's metal tower? I kind off feel left out." he says as Madoka takes off her work apron and grabs her small back pack. "I'll explain on the way! We should hurry before Gingka and Kenta do something stupid." she just says before following the group.

Jacen sighs and runs his hand through his hair for a moment before bolting after his three friends. "Well this is definitely not how I expected my second day in Japan to go down!" he mutters under his breath.


Once the four reach the top of Metal Tower Jacen was already done with his life again. "Seriously!?! I just got control of my hair and than those idiots have to challenge you on top of this tower where there is far to much wind?!?" the ravenette shouts as his hair flys into his face.

The ravenette would have kept on complaining if he hadn't noticed the guys standing on a plattform to their right. "What a pleasant surprise, Gingka Hagane!" A big guy with dark purple hair shouts and Gingka turns to the group. "FaceHunters." "Give me back my Sagittario!" Kenta yells and the big guy just keeps on grinning.

"Seriously? Am I the only one who is annoyed by the wind?" Jacen mutters to himself again as the FaceHunter guy says that he'll give Sagittario back, if Gingka beats someone named Kyoya in a battle. "Anyday of the week, buddy! So where's he hiding? Behind your skirt?" Gingka yells back as Jacen trys to hold back a laugh. "Dude. You just got roasted." the ravenette says still trys to keep his laughter under control.

"Hey Benkei! That's the guy from yesterday! The one who made that Flip thingy!" one of the FaceHunters, who is one of the guys Jacen beat the other day, tells the big guy. "It's called a half-twist backflip actually. And you could also have said the guy who kicked your ass." Jacen says with a grin as he gives them a two finger salut.

"Don't get cocky boy! And you Gingka. Your worst nightmare is here!" a guy with forest green hair says as he walks out from behind the FaceHunters. He wears a black shirt that doesn't even reach half of its stomach, a green coat and beige baggy trousers. "Me and cocky? NEVER! I just told them how it was. And the half-twist backflip was like nothing. If I want to, I could do a full-twist backflip without a problem. So better watch out, Yoya." he says with a laugh and sticks his tongue out on the boy.

Everything's silent for a moment as Jacen doesn't get what's wrong. "What?" he asks as Kenta trys to hold back a laugh. "His names Kyoya. Not Yoya." Gingka says and facepalms while Jacen looks back at the forest haired. "Really? I thought the big guy said Yoya... Must be the wind. But seriously again. WHY WOULD SOMEONE BE SO STUPID TO DO A BEY BATTLE UP HERE?!? My hair is killing me right now!" he first starts with a calm voice before he starts yelling as his hair is all over his face again.

Kyoya just ignores Jacen and turns back to Gingka. "I don't need to hide. I can handle someone like you all by myself. But can you handle it? Let's do this right now." he says with a smirk, that makes one of his teeth stick out, and holds his bey out. Jacen just crosses his arms with an eye roll. "Now who's getting cocky."

The ravenette turns his attention to the bey. Rock Leone 145WB. Defense type. Pegasus would have a big disadvantage. But why would he want to battle here out of all places... I got a bad feeling about this.

Gingka was about to agree to the battle when Madoka runs out of the elevator. "No wait! Pegasus isn't battle ready yet! If you fight now, it may never recover. What do you plan to do if something bad happens to Pegasus?" she more yells than asks as Jacen turns back to the FaceHunters. "Chaos is fully battle ready..." he says to no one specific.

The ravenette can literally feel all the eyes shifting to him and Kyoya starts laughing. "You wanna challenge me? I asked Gingka to come here and battle me. I don't even know who you are." he says and crosses his arms as he stares at the ravenette. "Jacen. Jacen Maddox Hunter from the U.S. And you can choose. Battle a not completely repaired Pegasus or a battle ready Chaos. Your decision. I have no problem with sitting on the sideline with some popcorn and watch your ass getting kicked. I just sadly don't have any popcorn." he says and shrugs a bit as he takes Chaos from its holster and balances it on his finger tip.

Kyoya just let's out a chuckle and looks at the ravenette. "You have guts boy. Gotta give you that." Jacen just raises an eyebrow. "You do realize that you aren't much older than me, do you?" he asks only to get ignored as the forest haired walks over to a bey stadium. "Fine. I'll except. But when i beat you, Gingka has to face me." he says as he attaches his Leone to his launcher.

Jacen smirks and is about to run over to the stadium when his phone rang. "Sorry. Just a moment." he says and looks at the caller ID before hanging up. He than runs over to the stadium and takes place right across Kyoya. "Let's do this." the ravenette says still grinning as he attaches Chaos to his launcher. Kenta, Madoka and Gingka stand behind him as everyone starts counting down.

"Three. Two. One... LET IT RIP!"

The two beys launch into the staium and while Chaos stays more on the outside, Leone directly takes the middle. "Rock Leone 145 WB... Wide ball performance tip..." Jacen mutters to himself as Chaos moves around the stadium without making a move to attack. "What are you mumbling about? Aren't you going to make a move?" Kyoya asks from across the stadium as Leone keeps on spinning in the middle of the stadium.

"Nothing important. Don't worry. Go now, Chaos!" Jacen shouts as Chaos moves in for an attack, but gets blocked by Leone without even touching the bey. What the...? "Again Chaos." he says and watches closely as Chaos gets thrown back again. "He clearly didn't touch Leone... So how..." the wind makes Jacen hair fly into his face once more. "Of course! The wind! Leone uses it like a shield." the ravenette says and tells Chaos to get back. He needs to figure out how to get through the wind before he uses all of Chaos' stamina for attacks.

"So you figured it out this fast. I'm actually impressed. But that still won't change anything." Kyoya says and has again that toothy smirk on his face. "Now Leone! Special Move! Lion Gale Force Wall!" he shouts and thr wind picks up even more until it form a Hurricane. Choas fast moves away from Leone as Jacen starts to grin. "A hurricane made by a bey. Impressive but seen better. Chaos!" his bey starts to glow in a faint black colour. "Special Move, Black Hole Crusher!" he shouts and Chaos shots in towards the hurricane and Leone. "You are wasting your time. Nothing can break through the Lion Gale Force Wall!" the big FaceHunter shouts.

Jacen just grins brighter. "You sure?" he asks teasingly as Chaos actually breaks through the wall of wind and hits Leone dead on. The balance type keeps on attacking while Leone counters with its one strength. "Come on, Chaos! Don't give in!" Jacen shouts as the two beys keep on clashing again and again, always creating big waves of wind and dust.

There was one last big explosion as the two beys hit before Choas is sent flying by Leone and the black bey lands directly in Jacens hand but the green bey stops spinning at the exact same moment. "So... It's a draw. Man. We really need to catch up on those 9 and a half months training, buddy." Jacen says and looks at Chaos as Kyoya picks up Leone. "What do you mean 'Those 9 months of training'?" The big FaceHunter asks as Jacen puts his bey into its holster. "Oh well. You could say there was an accident and i couldn't blade for 9 and a half months. This was actually the first real fight I had in over 10 months in total." Jacen says with a shrug before turning to Gingka, Kenta and Madoka. "Sorry guys. Guess you'll have to battle him anyways Gingka." he says and rubs the back of his neck.

Gingka on the other hand just grins at him. "Are you kidding me? That was one of the coolest fights I've seen in a while. And thanks to you I saw his special move even so I'll have to figure out a way to break through it like you did." he says and walks to the edge of the stadium. Jacen smiles a bit as he stands next to Madoka and Kenta. He apologized to the smaller for not being able to get his bey back but Kenta just says that he still fought like a genius. "Hey Jacen. How did you know how to break through the Lion Gale Force Wall?" Madoka asks as she watches Kyoya and Gingka get ready for their battle. "To tell the truth. I don't know myself. When I battle, I don't really think. I just do. I saw an opportunity and took it. Sadly that won't help Gingka very much." the ravenette says just before everyone starts counting down and Kyoya and Gingka launch their beys into the stadium.

Jacen was concentrating on the battle at first but as some point his mind just wondered off somewhere else. He was blankly staring at the stadium until Gingkas scarf flew into his face. "What the fuck?!" he yells out of suprise and pulls the scarf of his face only to see the battle being over, with Gingka being thr winner. I should stop daydreaming while other people battle. He thinks as he walks over to Gingka who just gave Kenta his bey back.

"Hey Ginger. You dropped something." Jacen says with a grin and throws the scarf into the others face. Gingka puts it back around his neck than before he turns to the ravenette. "Thanks Jacen."


Shortly after the four walk down the streets away from Metal Tower as Kenta keeps on thanking Gingka. But Gingka says he should thank Pegasus which somehow leads to Madoka making Gingka apologies to Pegasus. The whole time Jacen just walks along and is pretty amused by the others interactions.

"Hey Jacen. Can I ask you something?" Kenta suddenly asks as they kept walking. Jacen shrugs and just looks straight ahead. "you technically already did, but sure. Go ahead." "You mentioned that there was an accident and you didn't battle anyone for over 10 months. What exactly happened that you couldn't blade for such a long time?" the younger one asks as Jacen stops on the tracks.

"Oh that. Well... Ehm... I actually don't really know. My parents as well as siblings don't know what happened, because I don't live with them anymore, and I don't remember. The doctors said it's either because of an trauma or a partial amnesia, but i can't remember what happened the last three years. Well the last three years before the last 10 months. It's all just gone." he says and rubs the back of his neck as he looks at the other three who had stopped when he stopped walking.

"You don't remember anything during those three years?" Madoka asks and looks quite concerned. "Not really. There are a few bits and pieces but they don't make any sense to me. The doctors say it could be my imagination that is trying to fill the memory gap. But don't worry. I'm fine." he says with a grin as he walks past the others. "Now let's get something to eat. I am starving!"

Let's hope they buy that... At least until I can figure of a better lie. Or can tell them the truth. Whatever scenario comes first.


2502 words. Second chapter done. I hope you enjoyed it even so this was the worst chapter i ever wrote😅. I would really be happy about comments and votes and sorry if a few of the characters seem a bit OOC. I'm giving my best to stay true to their personalities but that's not as easy as people might think.


Ps: I would still love to know who xou would ship Jacen with so just leave your idea down in the comments
