A child?

You already know what time it is... he takes me to a room upstairs that had red led lights on and a huge bed and a dresser next to it.

Bakugo pushes you on the bed and starts to kiss you, he slowly takes your clothes off till you were left with only a bra on as he is kissing you all the way down to your belly. He takes his shirt of and spreads your legs and starts to eat you out. You start to moan softly as he eats you out. Then he starts to unbuckle his belt and take his pants off, and grabs a condom and looks at you to make sure it was ok. You nod your head and he rips the condom with his teeth and puts it on his 12 inch. He kisses you as he puts the tip in and you grunt in pain so he doesn't move until you get used to it. After you get used to it, he slowly pushes it in further and further until it was all the way in. He lets you get used to it because you were tiny and haven't done it in a long time. As you get used to it he starts to slowly stroke in and out slowly picking up the pace, your pain soon turns into pleasure and you start to moan loudly. He's going fast and your about to cum" I-I'm about t-to cumm" I say then he stops and says "you don't cum until I say so" and he starts to continue again, then you arch your back moan loudly because you just came and Bakugo feels you get tight. " I told you you don't get to cum in till I say so, now you will be punished"he says as he forces the whole thing in and goes soo fast. All you can hear is loud moans and skin clapping and Bakugo grunting. (Btw he on top)he continue to go fast as you and him cum at the same time but something don't feel right, you feel something warm inside"bae, take it out"he takes it out and his eyes widen "bae, the condom broke"he says and I reply with " well I kinda always wanted to be a teen mom ya know before it was too late before you can't have any" 
Bakugo just looks at me and says " hmm I guess so" he just goes on ahead and takes of the condom and y'all start up again lasting 5 more rounds. He finished inside you and starts to clean you up bc y'all weren't gonna sleep there. There was a bathroom in the room so y'all just soaked in the tub to ya know get it all off and got out and put your clothes on. Bakugo kinda had to carry you because you couldn't walk. He carries you to the car and he drives you home because Bakugo didn't bring his car he rode in kirishimas.He carry's you out of the car and to the dorms. When y'all get there midnight is sitting in one of the chairs waiting for y'all to pass by she says" mhm I guess y'all had a good time tonight huh" "umm yea" I say as Bakugo walks you to your dorm and lays you down in his bed as he gets you a tee shirt,his shirts were big so they looked like a dress on you. He hops in the bed with only boxers on and he spoons you big spoon style as his hands are around your waist and y'all drift to sleep.

~the rest off your week goes normal until it was that time of the month but this time it didn't come on time, you decided not to tell Bakugo because sometimes periods are late ya know , you wait 1 more week until you start to worry, another week passes and still no period, you start to get worried that you might be pregnant at 16!! You go to minas dorm and tell her what happened and y'all teleport to Walmart get 3 tests and leave (don't worry y'all payed)
You and Mina head back to my dorm to take the test. I pee in the cup and dip the test in and put the caps on and wait 5min, that was the longest 5 minutes in my life,I hear the timer go off and I pick up the test with Mina and slowly turn it over and it says.........pregnant, the second one had 2 lines and the last one said.......pregnant. It was silent until you start to cry "Mina what am I gonna do I'm only 16 and I don't want to abort it" "it's ok y/n you and Bakugo will get thru this and one question,can me and kirishima be the god parents?" I smile because that cheered me up and I say " of course y'all can". " you have to tell Bakugo" Mina says "yea I know, I'll tell him today before it's too late before I start to throw up"

You and Mina get ready for the day and it was still 2hrs till class started so you decided to get a box and put all 3 of the tests in them and give it to Bakugo after school. All your classes go normal you were just a bit nervous that's all. You finish all your classes and homework and then you call Bakugo, you tell him to come over and you have some important news to tell him. You hang up and he is on his way. You didint like to his stuff from Bakugo because you and him were really close and you told each other every thing (other than Mina) you hear a knock at the door and it's Bakugo, you get up and open the door and tell him to sit down on the bed."what's up y/n" he says,"I need to tell you something I-" you stop talking and just give him the box. He opens it and doesn't know wast they are at first until he flips he test over and reads the words PREGNANT in all caps on the test. His eyes widen and you start to cry in your hands sitting next to him at the end of the bed "what are we gonna do katsuki" y'all had enough money for a baby but you didint know if you were really ready yet "it's ok babe we will get thru this" he says and hugs me as I continue to cry into his chest. After a while of crying and talking you go get some food to calm you down. You get your half eaten chipotle quesadilla from last night and starts to eat that. At this point it was night time and you decided to go to sleep early so you could maybe sleep off some of this stress.

You wake up the next morning to get ready for class you go to brush your teeth and as you stick that tooth brush in your mouth you throw up in the sink then head over to the toilet to throw up some more your hair was in box braids and you tried not to get any throw up on them. I guess Bakugo heard you but he opens the bathroom door and sees you. He gets down with you to hold your hair back and rub your back as you continue to throw up "thanks bae" when your done you clean up and decided to take a shower since you smelled and got some clothes on.
You walk into class with Bakugo and y'all sit down waiting for Aizawa to say sum, but then you feel queasy and ask him if you can use the restroom,he says yes and you sprint to the bathroom and throw up again, then I get a text

You come back in 5 minutes and sit thru class feeling tired so you put your head down it's time to go and Bakugo wakes me up by tapping my shoulder. I get up to leave with him but Aizawa stops me and asked me "y/n ,are you ok?" "Yea in good " I say with a smile and walk out the door and head to lunch. You sit down but you don't eat because you are too tired to eat, you lay your head down and drift to sleep again. You slept thru most of your classes then went back to the dorms, for some reason your peeing ALOT so you just stay in your room peeing throwing up and sleeping the rest of the day....

Ok so umm yea.... ima actually release 5 of the chapters rn because I'm still working on them but I'll try to update 3 times a week and if I update it's gonna be 2-3 chapters or maybe just one bc these teachers be givin us too much work.....right now it's about 2:00 am on Monday so I hope y'all enjoy my next update will either be on Tuesday or on Wednesday.
Well that's all folks and I hope y'all enjoy. There will be many many chapters of this so stay tuned and I'll try to post often because sometimes I get caught in a book and it's not finished yet then I read another one then they update the book and I totally forget what happened.......is it just me?
Ok but Fr now cya  and sorry if I spell things wrong....... ok cya✌🏽
