telling Sara

Tony's p.o.v

These kids are amazing they are smart, funny, and obviously have my love for movies, even if it's just finding Nemo and minions.

I took them out for pizza and all I could think about was how am I going to tell sara?

It's not like I knew so how could she blame me? What am I gonna do I want all my childran to have 2 full time parent's. Should I divorce sara should I stay with Sara?

Why is life so hard?

I decided to text Sara

Tony: i have big news

Sara: good news I hope

Tony: in some sense

Sara: Tony can u just tell me! You have me so worried

Sara: Tony?

I stop in front of my door, deep breath and open it.

Sara immediately stands up "Tony what's the big news?" She says softly. "That I I'm a dad" I mumbled the last part but she has amazing hearing so I wouldn't be surprised if she heard me, "what? Tony we already know that! Is the reality just dawning upon you? Oh come here!' She gives me a hug obviously misinterpreting what I had said.

I push her away "Sara that's not what I meant," her looks darken "what? What is that supposed to mean?" I open my mouth to explain but before I could say anything she explodes "TONY! WHAT THE FUCK DO U MEAN YOUR A DAD! DID YOU CHEAT ON ME! I FUCKEN NEW IT! YOU FUCKEN ASSHOLE! HERE I AM CARRYING YOUR CHILD AND YOU GO OFF TO FUCK SOME SLUT!"

Right then I get a text but I know that she would get madder if I checked it. Instead I took her into my arms and whispered in her ear "i didn't cheat, I may be a asshole but I would never ever cheat on you or any women ever, I'm just not that man," she pushes me away and takes my phone checking the message reading it out loud "mommy's in er pls come get us,''

oh shit what happened! I grab my coat and run out. As I hop into my car I realized I don't know what hospital they are in, and I forgot my phone. Whatever I'll just go to the one closest and if they are not there well I'll go to the one closest to her place. As I drive I get more and more scared who's with them? What happened to Ziva? The questions keep on puling up. As I arrive at the ER I know she won't be there but at least I can ask them were the ER closest to her place is...

35 minutes later

I arrive at the next ER as j walk in I search for them but I can't see them. I run up to the desk "hey excuse me, I'm looking for my kids girl and boy twins around 8 do u know were I can find them? Their mom is here Ziva David," she looks at me like she could just kill herself, "yea just a sec I'll be back." Flat voice she must be ending soon or just started. She comes back after 4 long minutes "your kids are with your wife in room 212" relived that they were safe I felt the need to correct her "she's not my wife" then I walk off to room 212.

As I walk in I see Ziva asleep in the bed with a a bandage around her head and a cast on her leg a doctor was in the room with the kids. I watched as she entertains them, I walk in and the kids run up to me crushing me in their double hug. After the doctor talked to me I took the kids to their house to pack some clothes.

As I wait downstairs I hear muffled crying, I go upstairs to find tali crying into her pillow. I walk up to her and hug her not really knowing what to do in this situation seeing that I just found out that I am a dad yesterday.

"What's happening to mom? Why is she in the hospital? Is she gonna die?" Her face streaked with tears. How am I going to explain this to her? "Anthony! Come here I wanna talk with you!" Maybe it would be easier to tell them together, "so umm your mom is in the hospital because she fell down the stairs right?" They nod "well she hit her head on one of the stairs really hard. Now she is sleeping, but she's gonna be sleeping for a long time. And when her body feels it's time for her to wake up she will, but for now that's all she's doing. Sleeping," I hope I did okay I don't want to scare them.

They quietly nod and Anthony goes back to his room to pack while I help tali with her stuff.

Back at Tony's building

"OK guys listen my wife Sara remember I told you about her?"

"Yes" the answer in unison, so adorable.

"When I left to get you guys I forgot my phone, so she doesn't know your coming. Okay?"

They nod, they have been oddly quiet the whole ride, when I took them out before they couldn't stop talking. I get out of the car opening the door for them. Once they are out we get the carry-ons from the trunk.

Once we reach the door I remind the kids that Sara doesn't know their coming.

Sara's p.o.v

Where is Tony? After I read the text he ran out, was he going to pick up his kid? Why did it say us?

I was drifting off to sleep in the couch when I heard the door open. I sat up surprised to see 3 figures standing in front of me. 3? I blink a few times to clear the fog from my eyes, yes there are 3. 2 little kids and Tony. What's happening? I hear hushed whispering and they walk to the spare bedroom.

Tony came back soon after, by that time I didn't know what to think, I'm to tired and to much drama has happened within 24 hours I just can't seem to grasp.. Well any thing right now. Tony sat next to me holding me in his arms. I look at him "Tony what's happening? Who are those kids and why are they here?"

He wipes tears off my face tears I didn't even know I had, "remember when I told you about Ziva?" I remember when he told me about their goodbye "so apparently she well we conceived the twins then. She just never had the courage to tell me, I didn't know until today. But now that zivas in the hospital I need to watch the kids. Do you understand?"

I nod to tired to ask anything else, like why was Ziva in the hospital. I felt Tony lift me up and carry me to our bed, I drifted off to sleep to the sound of Tony getting ready for bed.


Hope you guys like this is one of the longest chapters I have ever done it's 1180something

Did anyone else hear that Michael weatherly is leaving ncis! I think Ziva is gonna pop up with a child idk cuz stupid Netflix hasn't got the 13th season and I can't find the DVD

If anyone has something to point out like if something doesn't line up with something else please let me know so I can fix it!

Another thing if u want me to update more often the u need to comment! Cuz idk how much of u actually like the story.

Comment here if u hate McGee

Comment here if u want a death (pls don't comment here I don't want to kill Gibbs (like I would) or Ziva or Tony or duck or Palmer and definitely not Abby so don't comment here)

Comment here if u want a plot twist

Comment here if u have any ideas u would like to share

