Chapter: 24

It had been five days since my mom had turned and she had been doing a lot better with me around because her mother instinct kicks in and newborn instinct fades out. We had already seen the power of mother's love in Harry Potter. So I wasn't surprised. Bella and Edward had come home two days ago too. And she was pregnant. She already had a baby bump which is growing day by day. A lot faster than normal. Bella was getting weaker too. So Edward and I did some research and suggested her to drink blood. The sight was at first repulsing for me but I got used to it. At day, I would go to school and visit the Cullens to check on Bella and my mom. At night, Seth said he would stay with me because the Cullens and the Quileute pack were at a fight. Sam and the others didn't want Edward Jacob/ Renesmee to be born. But Jacob, Seth, and Leah left Sam's pack and were protecting the Cullens. Although they won't let any Cullens go hunting. Only my mom was allowed because she was a newborn and it would be bloody if she stays hungry. For me, Bella and her kid. Probably some other humans too. Her eyes had already started turn yellow. 

I was at home doing homework when I decided to get a break. I was feeling restless lately. I couldn't concentrate on anything. So I picked up my phone and dialed Demetri's number. It rang and rang until someone picked it up.

"Hello?" It was a girl's voice.

"Hello," I said. "Can you please pass the phone to Demetri?"

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Alex," I said. "Who are you?"

"I am Heidi," she said, sounding bored. "Who are you to Demetri? Why haven't I heard anything about you from him?"

"Maybe because he doesn't share his personal stuff to everyone." This girl was making me mad.

She laughed in mockery. "Oh, darling, I am the closest person to him and ever will be. If you were important enough then I would've known. Now, stop wasting my time. I have to go back to work."

The line went dead. A light growl escaped my mouth. I dig my fingernails into my palm to calm myself down. There was no point at screaming or anything. I knew I shouldn't come to any conclusions before I can actually talk to Demetri and not anyone else. Yet, it was hard to concentrate so that I don't throw my phone on the wall. I wasn't sad. I was mad. 

I looked at my phone wallpaper. It was of mine and Demetri's. We were laughing at Emmett when Alice had clicked the pic. I changed the wallpaper to a pic of the Tenth Doctor and Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who. It may seem childish but I didn't want to see his face again when I open my phone.

Right then, the doorbell rang and Seth called, "It's me." I had given him an extra key because he was always coming in and stuff. "I brought dinner."

I jumped up from my chair and went downstairs. Anything was better than mourning over that guy. Seth was already pulling the dishes and stuff. It had been our regular routine. On weekends, we would cook together. On weekdays, Sue or my mom would cook us dinner. And we would eat. Today, it was Sue's. I asked him how was everything at the Cullens. He said everything was going great. 

"Seth," I said as we were washing dishes. "Do you know someone named Heidi?"

He frowned. "No. Why?"

"Never mind," I mumbled as I put down the last dish. He shrugged and walked away but I knew as soon as I go to the Cullens, Edward will know and that's why I will ask him directly. Because if I see her, I am punching her, in the face.


Author's Note: Hello, guys. This is for all the Jasper lovers out there. Check out Mistfire by LisaEPotterFF 
And once again, thank you for reading my story. Don't forget to give it stars and comments. Bye for now. Love ya. 

