Chapter 1 [edited]

First chapter here we go...
I don't own blue exorcist/ao no exorcist.
I don't own the characters either, the anime and the characters all belong to their original owner, Kazue Kato.
Okay lets start!

Why. That was the only thing on his mind. Who knew the 'innocent' citizens are the real monsters of the word. The young okumura got in another fight once again, because they insulted his younger brother.
His precious Yuki, the one he swore he'd protect with his life. Why they would hurt such a precious soul was beyond the mind of the 6 year old.

He didn't understand. Why? Why would they hurt him. Why would they hurt anyone. It didn't matter if they hit him or insulted him, he could take it. Even if he didn't do anything, he would take it if it meant little Yuki could stay safe. But he was just 6 and it hurt whenever they beat him up. He didn't understand why they would beat anyone up. He just wanted this to all be over, he just wanted them to stop so why didn't anyone ever do something to prevent this? Why didn't anyone help?

A few hours ago...

Yukio was heading home after studying at the library, his favourite past time, he was hugging his books close to his chest since they didn't fit in his bag. All in all he looked like a stereotypical nerd who'd get bullied and have their lunch money stolen from him. It was getting late, father Fujimoto and his brother was waiting for him at home. So with a smile on his face he started running home, but Yukio had always been a clumsy soul and ran into a boy and his group of friends, rather literally, who looked to be around 8 years old. Thats when things started going downhill for the young Okumura.

The boys towered over him, their eyes lit with enjoyment as they watched the younger boy squirm underneath their gaze, his fist clenched in anger as the unnamed boys insulted the Okumura twins, even though one of them wasn't present. Yukio wanted to stop them, he wanted to argue, to fight back, to tell them that his Rin was the best brother ever and a better person that they'd ever be. Even if Yukio couldn't understand why, why was it always him that got bullied? Then the mocking voice of the 8 year old cut through his thoughts.

"You should look where you're going NERD" the boy he ran into sneered at him and pushed him back a couple of steps.

He didn't understand why. Why him, what was so special about him? He wanted Rin, he wanted his brother to come save him.

"Aww is the little nerd crying?" Mocked one of the boys

Soon they all started chanting crybaby over and over and over and...

Rin knew something was wrong call it his brother sense or the sheer over protectiveness he felt over his brother that allowed him to feel this bond between the two siblings.

He heard it next the distinctive sound of his baby brother crying. They were the same age with a few minutes difference between the two and yet Rin always regarded Yukio as his baby brother, and so he bolted a singular thought in his mind 'to protect Yukio' that's when he saw them. 3 boys all around 8 years old were crowding around Yukio. Anger blinding him and powering his moves.


"Oh look at that big brother to the rescue huh?" One of them sneered. "What can you do about it DEMON BRAT?"

"You're all nothing but pathetic excuses of a human being! I'm the demon am I, well I'm not the one bullying people who are younger and smaller than them!" With that Rin kicked the closest one to him where the sun doesn't shine. Normally Rin wouldn't say anything and would just fight them, however he hated the 3 boys he saw constantly bullying multiple people his age, they took it too far when they decided to add his brother to their list of victims.

"You're just a brat you don't know what you're talking about!" The one he kicked seethed as he doubled over cradling his crotch.

"You're a good for nothing demon child whose only purpose is to save his weak and useless younger brother, you're nothing but a BURDEN!"

Although that had stung it didn't matter how much they insulted and berated him as long as they didn't hurt his precious brother...

Anger clouded his features and before he knew it a punch had connected with one of the boys jaw. A kick delivered to another's guts. An elbow strike connected with the stomach of another.

Repeat. Punch. Repeat. Kick. Repeat.

Which continued until the 3 boys fled crying about being bullied by the demon child, though Rin had his fair share of injuries, Yukio came first.

"Are you okay Yuki?"

"Yeh..Rin you didn't have to do that. You're all injured now, Father Fujimoto will be mad at you.."

Rin allowed his brothers rambling wash over him, he was just glad Yukio was without injury.

"Yeh yeh, I could care less about what the Old Man thinks. Let's go home before all the food's gone!" He gave Yukio his signature grin "you should really be more careful tho I can't protect you forever Yuki."

"You need to be more careful too brother, you can't always sacrifice your safety for mine!"

Yukio's rambling continued as they made their way home.

Yosh so I hope this is better for you all. I've decided to start writing in 3rd person mainly because I read fanfics in 3rd person now and frankly 1st person cringes me out a little. I might use 1st person later on if I want to show a character's thoughts but theres that.

