
NEW YORK CITY. a place where there's a ton of people who are either visiting or just living there in general. a pretty normal city right? nope. Olivia had thought everything was going good after her first attack with ghost face a year ago.

Olivia had been living with Tara and Sam because her parents had both abandoned her and her sister cici at the age of 5. Olivia didn't know where cici had went after their parents had left, she had just figured she left to her girlfriends house or left to another country.

Olivia didn't know much about her own sister. since she did leave when she was only 5. she did know that cici did get around a lot and had only came out a couple years before their parents left. she was known of getting around with plenty of women before, and not coming home a couple days later.

but the only thing liv knew about her relationship with her sister was that she was the same person as her. getting around with boys and hooking up with them for multiple nights but nothing ever past making out. that's one thing that liv never did unlike her sister. she never had sex. she wasn't ready half of the time and she was scared. but until the right boy came into her life.

she had known Ethan for a little while after she had started collage and knew that him and chad were roommates but she didn't talk to him before. she saw him in her study halls and Econ a couple times but she never talked to him.

but that changed when he had gotten closer to Tara and chad and when he started hanging out with them more along with the group, and him soon meeting Olivia who could change him. but she didn't know that yet and he didn't either.

I'm so ready to write abt them again eeeee

anyway if y'all want to please go follow my tt - lovrpotions.wp WHICH WILL SOON BE -emmiwrtiess!!

