Chapter 10

"No, I'm not... I'm sorry, Hayla. I feel like I failed, being that man you've always wanted me to be. A part of me, is still in love with her, Rania... I do love you too, Hayla. I don't want to be selfish, okay? I hate that I keep comparing you with her. This thought, it lingers in my mind every single time, Hayla. She was my everything before you, walked into my life. You're the best thing I ever had, and I've no, urm, regrets... I admit, I keep hurting you but, my dumbass keeps begging you and said that I'm going to fix the mess I've made. It was my fault, Hayla. Maybe I found myself fall, with the idea of you because, you're just like her,  Hayla. You and her, similar but different in a way I can't explain. Today, I  finally realised that. Hayla, even if we-

"Then, it's over. Good bye."

I can hear him screaming. The thing is that, he just stand there helplessly calling for me to come back to him. He didn't chased after me. Isn't that's what you suppose to do if you don't want to lose someone you love?? And, right from this moment, reality slaps me hard back into how shitty it's when it comes to love.

"This is it..."

My instinct is telling me, I've to leave and staying away from him. Being with him, after the confession he made doesn't feels right. I knew, this is going to happen but, I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to us yet.

I keep running, with my eyes filled with tears. I let my feet takes the lead this time without really looking where am I heading to. I unable to see things clearly and my vision getting unclear...

But, does that even matter now? I lost someone again today. It's sure, it hurts like hell. Why do I've to go through the same shit again? It was too good to be true to have someone that understand you perfectly. I should've trust my gut instead of keep insisting that he's going to stay.


"I've to go...." I said. "Hey. Let me send you home okay? You're all soaked and, I don't want you to get sick." Win added. I still wonder, how do I get here? He opens the door for me and,
"Shit... The green file... I'll be back in seconds, okay?" He walks back into the building, while me, sitting in the car hoping that Bright is going to show up and we're good. Nope, it's all in my head. The scenario I've created, it was just some stupid fantasy I've had.

"I'm sorry that you kinda need to wsit for me..."

"Yea, it's fine. Thank you."

"No worries, Hayla. I got you, always." He smiled. "I just had, a huge fight with Bright... He's breaking up with me and, I can't believe that he's actually being serious-

"WIN!!!" The car stopped abruptly. I place my hands, on my chest, push my invisible heart at the out, back to its place."Gosh, sorry... I was, surprised. You two definitely, are 'endgame'... Why is there a change of heart?? I don't think he's a type of a guy that, let a girl go that easy? Isn't he??"

"Bet the feeling, gone. He's, currently seeing his ex again... I saw it, Win. They were talking and, his smile fades when he notices me. I thought, he's my hope. A hope that makes me believe I still get to feel alive after what happened to dad. And now, the hope got crushed, on its own. I'm sorry, it's getting ridiculous-

"No, no, it's okay. I'm all ears, Hayla... If I was there, I'd definitely beat him up for breaking my friend's heart. Damn, too bad I didn't get the chance though."
