\ The annoying little child pt.2 /

{ tw-strangling,yelling,swearing,

A/N- Pt.2 of this. Sorry for the cliff hanger last time this time I'll actually finish it :)
Anygay, hope you enjoy the chapter.

☆° Deo pov °☆

Tommy was strangling me...I couldn't breath, my vision was almost to a complete blur " t-tommy..." I began not able to finish my sentence due to the lack of air " What!? You already betrayed my trust! You swore you'd never tell anyone!" tommy shouted into my face, the others where stood their speechless on what tommy was doing.

" tommy...let go of him now." Techno stated with his body moving forward,
" No I won't! Burn in hell b!tch!" tommy shouted to Techno not even caring about what breaks in him, I started kicking him but even that didn't work he just made his grip more tighter around my neck,

" s-stop l-let m-me exp-" I said being cut off by me almost falling on my back, I was dropped on the floor by tommy letting go of my neck " you have 5 seconds to explain or I'll strangle you to death," tommy said still in his demon-crow form, I was quite scared when he said 'I'll strangle you to death'  but knew I had to explain quick.

" tubbo,ranboo and fundy wanted to know why you were wearing long sleeved pants and shirt, I tried to keep my mouth shut but they were nagging me to tell them so I did..." I explained feeling ashamed on what I did, tommy knelt down...

(deo was on the floor still)

...and gave me a hug " It's okay I know you tried not to tell." he said with a new calming voice, " but can I tell you something?" tommy asked letting me free out the hug and putting his hands on my shoulders " yea, you can tell me anything," I say putting a smile on my face, "I have another secret, can you keep? I swear this one you'll save, but you better lock it in your pocket taken this one to the grave," he says with a devilish grin painted on his face.

Why wouldn't he have a devilish face on when he's saying that? He is a demon and the goddess of death's child. Also, notice anything about what tommy says? Here's a clue I took it off a song. you just need to guess the song

Okay I'll let you read again
Hope your enjoying so far :)

Then out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain in my back but nothing physical like a stab or something more emotionally, it was a feeling of guilt mixed with a bad feeling about what tommy was doing
" what are you going to do?" I asked oblivious to what his intentions where,

" your next...deo" tommy whispers then starts to giggle at his own words, he stands up and puts his hand infront of my face " come on silly, let's get your
a$$ off this dirty floor," he says now in his human skin, I take his hand and he pulls me up onto my feet,

" What did he mean by that?" I asked myself quietly getting nothing in return, me and tommy where talking while he was back in his hospital bed until security came in " sorry kid but we have to restrain you for violent intentions," one of them said, I turned to look at them with one of my eyes twitching uncontrollably,

" what the are on about? He didn't do anything that was a different kid." I say in a innocent, childish voice to try and successfully manipulate them, it looked so easy and maybe it was " sorry but we're not falling for that," he said moving closer towards us,

" I'm sorry did I ask? also don't you have to get parents permission?" I ask getting more annoyed by the second, they both look at each other " mrs can we restrain him?" the other asks looking at Kristen, " no, you can't restrain my poor child," she says acting as if he's dying, " whatever miss," one scoffs and walks away,

" mumza...you gonna let him talk to you like that? Beat his a$$," tommy suggested with a grin on his face, " oh no tommy, I get my revenge a different way. You see I control when people die so they can die right now." she says with a positive smile. Then out of nowhere we hear rushed footsteps, screaming and shouting.

" THEY BOTH JUST COLLAPSED!!" a woman shouted out of fear, I just start to laugh out of my control then tommy starts laughing with me we just get stared at by phil,Kristen,tubbo,ranboo,wilbur and Techno possibly thinking we're both psychopaths.

°{ time skip

Night fell and tommy had to stay in the hospital for the night so we had to leave him by himself which was sad to see
" hey tubbo,ranboo and deo, you can stay at ours if you want." phil reassured with a usual warming smile, the 3 of us agreed and went to the house.

We where in the car playing some songs on spotify having a full on vibe until we get to the house " damn I'm doing this more often," I thought to myself, we got in the house when Wilbur told us where the guest bedroom was.

The 3 of us had to share a room but that wasn't that bad the only bad thing about it was I didn't have anything but sense tommy lets me borrow all of his things then it's a win for me. I get into one of Tommy's hoddies keeping my pants on still and fell asleep as soon as I jump on the bed.

That's done with so I'm happy. Also, spoiler alert next chapter is going to be like this but skeppy's,bbh's .ect povs instead and it will be the day after the incident happened so keep that in mind please that's all I ask. If If you don't
Then that's fine I'll just put it at the start of the next chapter

Hope you enjoyed ☆

Bye my love

Take care and stay safe

Love ya <3

Total words- 1046

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night
