chapter 6.

(We gonna fast forward this story a bit bc it can't be summer forever so we are starting a new school year, it's gonna start getting juicy from here 🥳🥳)

*bzz bzz bzz*

my alarm rings waking me up from my slumber, summer was sadly over and it was time to return back to school, i groan before stretching and getting out of my bed. I head downstairs to see the house empty. that's weird, usually my parents are home at this time, i go towards the table and notice a note on the table "called me in for work early sorry that I can't see you this morning, there's food left on the counter - love mom Xx" said the note, I sigh before placing the note down and walking over to the counter to see donuts set aside. I pick one up and head upstairs to start getting ready for school. I put on my uniform, do some quick makeup and head out of the house, I began walking to school. I hear a car engine behind me, I turn around and notice Colbys car, suddenly he stops in front of me and rolls his window down "hop in" he says "I'm not sure that's a good idea" I say to him "remember our deal? we gotta play along a little" he says I sigh before going around to the passengers seat and hop in, hm I could get used to this I think to myself.

*time skip*

We finally arrive at school, we get out of the car and I feel stares at us, suddenly Colbys friend group comes towards us "hey guys" he says as he daps all them up "uhh you guys know abbie, sisters best friend" he introduces me to them and I shyly wave "oh yeahhh colby said a lot about you" one friend said "haha yeah remember the time he was drunk and kept yapping about how he wanted to da-" before his other friend could say anything Colbys mouth went over his face "okay that's enough! I'll see you guys later" Colby says as he grabs my hand and what's away from them "don't mind them they're a bit weird" he says.

suddenly the bell rings and we split ways and head to class, I walk in and see ali sitting at her table "heya girl" I say as I sit next to her "hey" she says as she yawns, yeah she deffo isn't a morning person. then class starts

*after class*

as I was walking to my next class, I got a notification

colby: come meet me in janitors office

I smile to myself and head over to the janitors office, I go in and notice it's dark, just then a hand gets out over my face I try to scream until I hear a familiar voice "chill it's just me" says colby , feeling slightly relieved I turn around "you scared me" I whisper-shout "sorry" he says "does the light not work here or something" I say as k try to flick the switch "already tried, it must be broken" he says "oh so what did you want me for?" although it was dark I could still see his figure, I could slightly mark out where his eyes were and I felt his stare on me the entire time "just wanted to see you" he says as he twirls a strand of my hair between his fingers "we don't have to pretend though right, jennifer isn't here" I say "what if I don't wanna pretend" he says and I feel him slowly leaning in, before anything could happen my phone started ringing, ruining our moment. It was ali.

"Hello?" I say
"Dude where are you, the teacher is being a pain and she won't start shit until you come." ali whisper shouts over the phone
"sorry im coming in now, i went to the bathroom i felt sick"
"Okay well hurry up, I gtg now before the old hag snatches my phone away" ali says as she hangs up on me

"Sorry i got to go" i tell colby before running out of the janitors closet and heading to class, as i get into class i feel everyone's stares on me. "Well well well look who finally showed up. Where have you been?" the teacher says "sorry miss, I felt sick wont happen again" I lie "do you have a note from the nurse?" she says staring at me "no miss I don't, I forgot to get one" I tell her "okay, don't do it again or there will be consequences." She says as she turns to speak to the rest of the class. during the whole class my mind was tracing back to what colby said in the janitors office. "What if I don't wanna pretend?" His words replaying in my mind. Before I knew it, class was over "POP QUIZ NEXT FRIDAY ABOUT THE MOVIE MAKE SURE TO STUDY OR THERE WILL BE DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL" the teacher says before everyone has left. I leave the class and tara catches up to me "don't worry I know how to cheat on it , I'll put you on if you want" Tara says to me "okay bet" I respond before walking to the canteen

*at lunch*

It was lunch time now, me, ali, tara, johnnie and sam were sitting at the table chatting. "Ugh I'm so sad that my boyfriend isn't in" Tara complains "how can jake miss out on the first day of school"
johnnie says as he stuffs a chicken nugget into his face "I don't know, guess he'll be repeating another year though" ali says and everyone laughs. Just then Colby arrived and sits beside me putting his arm around my shoulders "hey guys" he says as he steals some of my food. I notice everyone staring at us "why you all staring?" I ask them "so what's going on here? yall finally together??" sam asks "no theyre-" Alis words get cut off by colby "yeah we are" he states "oh wow! Well took yall long enough" Tara says "yeah I knew they were gonna end up together the tension was so visible" johnnie says. I look over at ali and notice a disappointed look on her voice "ya know guys I'm not actually feeling that well, I think I'm gonna mitch and go home" ali says as she gets up and goes towards her car. I slump in my seat, why would colby say that? we weren't actually really together? why did he lie to his friends too? millions of thoughts raced through my head.

*after school*

I ended up going home by myself. colby went off with his friends somewhere and ali went home earlier in the day. so i decided to walk home on my own to clear my head. I reach my house and peep over to look at alis windows, her blinds were closed. I thought she was lying about not feeling well but maybe she genuinely wasn't? I decided to leave her to it and go home, i was gonna check up on her later.

*time skip*

it was nighttime now, and i just came out of my shower, i decided it was time to check up on ali. she hasn't been active all day

abbie: hey, you alright?
abbie: how you feeling?
abbie: u wanna talk abt anything?
read by ali.

damn. What could she be upset over? could it be what colby said in school earlier? I decided to leave her alone and let her rest and go to sleep myself.
