Chapter 1 - before.


All the tears shed on this day, all the words said. I sighed as I packed up my bags. I am eleven now, and I'm moving to Arizona, away from all my friends, and from Sy. I felt warm tears starting to spill over my face, shaking my head to clean my mind of the thoughts. I tied my natural, long, dark sea-blue hair back from my face, but one very annoying piece of hair fell in my face, giving up I finished packing my things while my parents waited outside.

As soon as I loaded the last of my boxes I heard feet thrumming down the concrete. turning around I was trampled by my best-friend Sy. "Sy, get off me." I said, annoyed. she sat up, scratching her head in embarrassment. "Hehe sorry Ly~!" she said in her sing-song-ish voice. I shook my head. Sy stood up and held out her hand to me, which I took gratefully. she smiled, bit it disappeared quickly when she saw the car. fresh tears brimming, as her eyes shined. "So I guess you weren't joking?" she said, her sing-songy voice lost its cheeriness. I sighed. I was hoping the same thing. "No, guess not. but hey maybe I'll be back someday!" I said happily, making her smile. "Promise me something?" she asked me. "come back someday?" I didn't hesitate with the answer "Of course! I'll always come back to you Sy. You're my best-friend!" she held out her hand and motioned me to do the same, and I did. she put a friendship bracelet on me, and I noticed she had the same one but with a missing piece of a heart, I turned over my wrist and saw that the bracelet said friend. so I was guessing hers said best. I said, as my parents called me to hurry up. "Okay mother! bye Sylvia. see you someday!" I said as I opened the door, I noticed that she was crying. "Don't worry I never break a promise!" I yelled to her as we drove away.
