
She was obviously sad about Yul leaving her like that. Even when she laugh just now, I know it was just a fake laughter.

Krystal POV

When we were having lunch, everyone were talking about unnie and Yul. All this years, this is the very first time that they got into real fight.

Me and Amber finish our food first, so we decide to head upstairs go see how unnie is doing. I knock on the door twice, then Soo unnie open the door.

"Hey, is she okay?" I asked, she open the door revealing Sica unnie on the bed, sitting with her leg cross.

"Unnie." I sat beside her and hug her. Her eyes were puffy, her face was hot.

"I'm okay, don't worry." She pull away from the hug. She weakly smile, Soo and Am are standing in front of us. Amber was smiling at Soo like crazy. What's up with them?

"What are you smiling at Amber?" I said as I kick her leg lightly. Her expression immediately change and she chuckle softly. Amber came and sat beside me and Soo sat beside unnie.

"Feeling better Jess?" Am said as she lean forward to see unnie's face.

"Of course you felt better because I'm here." Soo tease Amber who jokingly made a vomit sound.

"If I were Jess, I would have kick you out of this room." Amber said jokingly, teasing her back. And surprisingly unnie let out a small laugh.

"She didn't." Soo stick out her tongue at Am.

"Enough guys, and yes Am. I feel better. I'm just upset that she left." Unnie said as she look down. I rub her back and look at Am and Soo who made an eye contact. Unnie rest her head on my shoulder.

"Soo and I gonna head out for awhile." Am rub my thighs which I could help but feel butterflies in my stomach then went out of the roomwith Soo. As soon as they step out and close the door, unnie hug my waist and snuggle closer to me.

"I don't know what to do Krys." She said sobbing softly. I've never seen my sister this weak. What have Yul got her into?

Meanwhile outside

Amber and Soo standing in the hallway, "You know what happened right?" Amber asked, Soo nod.

"Yeah, she told me everything. I'm so disappointed with Yul." Soo said as she clench her jaw. Am pat her shoulder asking her to calm down. Then smirk at her.

"Calm down or I will tell her that you like her?" Amber threatened Soo. Soo immediately hit Am in her arm and shh her. She look back and then back at Am.

"Shut up, someone might hear us!" She whisper-shout at Am who was giggling. They talk about Yul for a few minutes, then head back into Sica's room. They found Krystal and Jessica snuggling in each other's arm, they couldn't help but smile at their 'crushes'. Am sat beside Krys and Soo sat beside Jessica who was clearly sobbing.

"Hey, don't cry anymore. Your face is so puffy already." Soo said as she sat down and pinch Sica's cheek lightly. Which made Amber smirking at Soo like a mad kid.

When Sica saw them coming in, she immediately let go of sister and acted like she was fine, but the both of them aren't getting tricked. Sica didn't want to show her weak side to anyone, but her sister. Only Krystal knows how weak she can be. She always show her tough and cold side of her to everyone, but deep inside she's a little girl who is confuse of herself.

It's almost night time, Krystal, Amber and Soo left Sica to sleep in her room by herself hoping she will be fine tomorrow morning. While walking into their own rooms, Soo saw Krystal walking with Am to Am's room.

"Don't make too much noise, kids." She wink at the two of them then went into her room. Amber and Krystal walk into the room and instantly jump onto the bed like they haven't been to bed for days.

"Today is a big mess." Krsytal sounded as she stare at the clear ceiling. Amber chuckle then replied.

"Yeah, Yul can be a dickhead sometimes." Am said as she stand up and went to the closet to change into something more comfortable.

"Am do you have any sh--" Krystal got cut off by Amber by Am throwing a piece of oversized T-shirt into her face. She smirk then head to the toilet to change.

When she got back, Amber was snuggling under the bed sheet with her phone. "What are doing?"

"Trying to contact Yul." She said without leaving her eyes of tmher phone. Krystal jump beside her and shove herself under the bed sheet as well with Amber. Amber put away her phone, "Let's just hope she's going to reply." Amber turn and face Krystal who was looking at her all the time. They were lying down face to face, awkward silence. Then suddenly Amber sighed, and look up at the ceiling.

"I'm so frustrated." Amber said as she open her arm and Krystal straight away lay her head on it.

"Sexually?" Krystal whispered in Am's ears. Am couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She couldn't believe Krystal is pulling on her. Am turn her body and face Krystal who was shock by her action because their face now is really close. Which made Krystal couldn't help but glance at Amber's lips to see if she was going to kiss her or not.

"Now, you are sexually frustrated." Amber laugh as she push Krystal away from her face. Now it's the opposite round, Krystal was supposed to push Am not the other way round and Am should be the one flirting with her so called 'crush'. And yes, Krystal is sexually frustrated. By Amber.
