Poll Is Now CLOSED!

Hi, guys! ZairaDrayan is back with another author's note to assure everyone that I'm not dead and that I've read EVERY SINGLE SUGGESTION that you sent me. None of them have gone unnoticed unless if you didn't actually send it! Soooooo, here's the deal.

Due to reasons that are school related, updates might be a lot slower over the summer. I have been working on it little by little, but patience is going to be required! I know how much you all hate waiting... Sorry...

As for the poll for the date location, I have finally decided! Where is it? NO SPOILERS. At the moment you can't suggest new locations, but you can still suggest more ideas that you want to see happen. I love it when people suggest stuff because it makes me feel less like I'm being selfish and just doing whatever I want and not considering what the reader actually wants. Plus, a lot of your suggestions and comments have made me laugh and just make my day! I just wanted to thank all of you for your support on this story and I will be updating this eventually!

Bendy: WAIT!!!

Me: What, Bendy?

Bendy: What about Alice?

Me: ...

Bendy: ...


Bendy: Sammy?

Me: He's a crazy music director who steals your toothbrushes!

Bendy: Those ink blobs in the basement?

Me: They have secret council meetings to overthrow you when you're not looking.

Bendy: WHAT?! I KNEW IT! *runs down to the basement with an ax*

Me: Heh. Well, I've gotta get back to writing that next chapter, so thanks for everything! Until the next chapter everybody!
