An Egg-cellent Chapter

Bird on top of Glitz Pit:

As the weird ass bird crowed, the sun shone upon Glitzville, signaling several shops to open, while others like Bendy and the other male fighters slept in. That is, until Grubba barged the door open and started blaring an air horn into the room.


Bendy screamed as he woke up with such a fast start that he launched past Koops' bunk and got his head stuck in the ceiling. The rest of the fighters were groaning as they climbed out of bed, rubbing their eyes groggily. At the same time, Koops got out of his shocken stupor and helped Bendy get unstuck from the ceiling. Bendy climbed down to the floor, only for Grubba to blare the air horn in his ear.

Bendy: OW, FUCK!!!!! YOU BLOW THAT FUCKING HORN AGAIN, I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL RAM THAT FUCKING THING UP Y̶̰̼̾̽̀O̴̲̺̩̼̍͐͜U̵͕̯̹̘̐̕R̸̳̀ ̵̠̦̜̼̈̄̽̚Ġ̷̡͔̺̌̕O̵͎͈̪̲̺̽D̵̛̪̺̤͖̮͆́͒D̴̡͖͉̟͈̿̍̓̅̈́Á̷̗M̸̖͕͚͋͆̽̕Ń̵̼̀̕ ̷̛̳͇̥̫͋̑A̸̭͇̤̜͎̽̚S̴̢͆͒̿̈́S̵̖̀̇͋͝!̵͕̲͇̀̀̓̽͌!̶̳͙͙̦͂͋!̷̧̡̽!̴̭̹̖͖̾!̸̛͉͎̩̋̀̕̚!̷̺̖̚!̶̡̡̛̰͈͔̇͒̊!̵͎̈͐͌̊͂ͅ!̶̛̛͇̬͑͑ ̵̥͔͖͎͔̐ ⛥

King K: Oh, come on, Grubba, I haven't even reserved a match yet.

Grubba: Now, now, li'l possums, y'all know the drill! Everyone gear up fer battle now. I expect someone in here to reserve a match in ten minutes. Look alive, y'all!

Grubba walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, oblivious to KP Phil tossing a pillow at the closed door in agitation.

KP Phil: Man, this is the Glitz Pit, not stinkin' boot camp!

Bendy: Yeah, this sucks ass. Hey, you guys know where the bathroom is?

KP Paul: Oh, sure, B-man. *points to door* That door, right there. That's the men's room.

Bendy: *yawn* Thanks.

With a groan, he rubbed the sore spot on his head and his throbbing ear as walked into the bathroom.

Bandy Andy: So, who's gonna be the first to reserve a match today?

Koops: Y'know what, I feel up for a fight. *knocks on door* Hey Bendy, you wanna watch Team Gonzales fight?

Bendy peeked out of the bedroom, wearing a shower cap and his mouth frothing with toothpaste.

Bendy: You betcha! We missed all of the Team Gonzales fights yesterday, so it'll be a nice change of pace.

Koops: All right. Mario, you feel up for it?

Mario: Absolutely! Okey-dokey, who here is-a ranked at-a number 16?

???: That'd be us!

The voice came from a nearby Dull Bones, indicating his teammates, both Dull Bones like himself.

Dull Bones: The name's Bone-Dry, and these are my teammates, Ribcage and Skellomark, but to you, we're the Dead Bones! You must be the Great Gonzales!

Mario: That's-a correct! Prepare-a yourself, because we're-a going to battle first!

Bone-Dry: Haha! Can't wait! Let's reserve the match now!

Mario, Bendy, and Koops made their way to the monitor to reserve the match, Where they reunited with the females of the group. They were followed closely by the Dead Bones team as Mario pressed the button to call Grubba.

Grubba: Well, howdy there, Gonzales! Fixin' fer a fight, are yeh?

Mario: That's-a correct!

Grubba: Well, all righty then! Lemme just see here... Your next opponent will be, ranked 16th in the Glitz Pit – the Dead Bones! Now listen here, son – I want y'all to fight without usin' any o' those there items y'all got! KO means knockout, and we don't need any extra assistance from items to have a fair fight! Now get in there 'n show me sumthin'!

With the match reserved, both Mario and Grubba logged off of the monitor a returned to the locker room.

Goombella: The match is set, guys!

Goombella proclaimed to Team Ink Demon, having spotted them after entering the locker room from the hallway.

Goombella: It's Team Gonzales against the Dead Bones! Be sure to get good seats!


In the arena, the audience cheered very loudly and excitedly in response as Team Gonzales and the Dead Bones made their way to the ring, with Grubba announcing on his mic.

Grubba: HOOOOW-DAY, GLITZVILLE! Are y'all fired up today?

The crowd screamed in cheers, Bendy and his team can be seen from the stands, Charlie and even Bendy wearing cheerleader outfits.

Grubba: Well, do I got a treat for y'all! Fer our next match, we got the Merciless Executioners o' Team GREAT GONZALES, and the Bone-Bangin' Rockers, the DEAD BONES!


Bone-Dry: We're gonna take the skin off YOUR bones!

Ribcage and Skellomark laughed raucously.

Goonbella: Bring it on, Brain-Dead!

Grubba: All righty then! Git ready to BATTLE!

Mario: Remember-a, team, no items-a whatsoever!

Koops: Right!

With this, Mario dashed up to Bone-Dry and performed a double-jump on the head of the lead Dull Bones. The enemy collapsed to the floor.

Mario: Bone-Dry is-a down!" proclaimed Mario.

Bone-Dry: But I ain't out, Gonzales!

He turned his skeletal head toward Koops.

Bone-Dry: Hey, you in the shell! Eat bone!

Bone-Dry tossed a bone right at Koops, knocking him in the head and causing him to fall backward, shell first.

Charlie: KOOPS!

Goombella immediately ran to Koops's side. The sight wasn't what she was hoping – Koops was out cold, his tongue sticking out. He was breathing, at least, so that was a good sign, but that was quite a throw.

Bone-Dry: Bammo! How ya like that? Ribcage! Skellomark! It's all you guys now!

Flurrie: Vous shall pay for zat! Mario! Let us finish zis now!

Mario: Wait! Do not-a blow them out of-a the ring. We must-a conserve Flower Power, remember?

Flurrie: Very well. Let Madame try zis instead.

Flurrie leaped into the air intending to body-slam Ribcage and Skellomark, but they had anticipated this attack. With the voluptuous wind spirit in midair, Ribcage tossed a flurry of bones at her, sending her flying clear out of the arena. Everyone in the audience gasped in shock. Even Team Ink Demon was not expecting the battle to go the way it was going.

Bendy: Oh crap, Flurrie!

Bendy stood up in his seat to see where Flurrie had landed – she lay injured at the foot of the bleachers on the opposite side of the arena.

Vaggie: Oh no.

As Mario was distracted with the predicaments of Koops and Flurrie, Skellomark used this to his advantage and attacked Mario by swinging a bone, first at his knees, then his head. Mario was brought down, and now even he wasn't getting up. This left Goombella as the last one of Team Gonzales still standing.

Goombella: Oh, sugar honey iced tea.

Skellomark: So, Goomba brat, you ready to cave in yet?

Goombella: Not even in your dreams, Wishbone!

Charlie: Stay strong, Bella!

Grubba: Well, how 'bout that, folks? Such determination from the fiery li'l Goomba in the hard hat!

With this, Goombella dashed over to Ribcage and performed a double head-bonk, knocking him to the floor.

Vaggie: Alright!

From the backroom, Jolene watched the fight from a monitor.

Jolene: That's my girl!

Vivian: Ms. Bella did good, but she's still outnumbered, two to one.

As his last act before collapsing, Ribcage tossed a bone at Goombella, hitting her directly, but strangely not as severely as her downed teammates. Skellomark followed up with another bone toss, but this time Goombella looked down, allowing her miner's helmet to take the impact of the blow. She heard the sound of glass breaking, and became enraged when she realized that this previous attack shattered the light bulb in the helmet.

Goombella: Hey! This light.... Was a gift from...... my girlfriend! THAT TEARS IT!

The furious Goomba scholar charged at Skellomark, performing multiple head-bonk attacks and sending Skellomark collapsing, doing enough damage to keep him from throwing any more bones. But she didn't stop there, she bounced off of Skellomark and continued her assault on Ribcage and Bone-Dry. Vivian jumped out of her seat in excitement.


Vivian suddenly stopped once it registered in her mind that everyone was staring at her, including Goombella and the Dead Bones. Even Mario, Koops, and Flurrie - who had begun to recover - barely looked up to hear where the shouting was coming from.

Vaggie: *to Bendy and Charlie* We really need to limit the amount of time she spends with Angel and Blitz.

Vivian: Um... heh-heh, *sits down* Uh... go?

Goombella looked at Vivian quizzically, her eyebrow raised, before quickly rounding back on the Dead Bones and delivering one last multi-bonk to each one, rendering them too dizzy and disoriented to re-form and climb back up.

Goombella: Hell yeah! That's how it's done, skele-chumps!

Grubba: Wheeeeee, doggies! What a show! An amazin' comeback to boot, for the battle of the ages! How 'bout a big round of applause for Gumption Goombella and Team Gonzales!

Team Ink Demon and the crowd went wild, cheering, applauding, and even chanting Goombella's name over and over again. At the center of attention, Goombella began milking the adulation, striking various poses for the cameras and lights. By now, the remainder of Team Gonzales had recovered, and hoisted their Goomba savior up high in the air.


In the locker room, Jolene congratulated the team for their victory.

Jolene: Congratulations on your comeback victory, Team Gonzales.

She then noticed the sad expression on Goombella, who had her cap off and looked at the broken light on it.

Jolene: It's okay, honey. You did so good out there and I'm so proud of you. I'll see what I can do about your light. In any case, here's your fight money.

Jolene handed her and the other Team Gonzales members five coins each.

Jolene: Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going.

Jolene left the room, giving Goombella a kiss on the lips before she left. Once she had left, Bendy and his teammates approached Team Gonzales.

Bendy: Goombella, that comeback was amazing!

Vivian: Yeah, I'm sorry about my outburst earlier. I just saw how well you were doing, and I got super-excited, and...

Vivian: It's cool, Viv. Just try and control yourself next time.

King K: Whoo, man, I heard you knocked some blocks off! Slick comeback, there, Lady G!

Goombella: *cocky* Haha, thank you, thank you.

King K: Well, hey, keep bustin' heads!

Koops: We will!

King K: That goes for you and your crew, too, B-man. And if anyone gives y'all any lip, y'all just tell 'em King K said to back it up! Biz-OWWWW!

Charlie: *chuckles* We'll remember that, K.

Suddenly, the group heard a voice shout out from the hallway.


Everyone in the locker room gazed toward the direction of the loud, pained shouting. They could hear voices talking loudly, and from what Bendy was hearing, a fighter was seriously injured and being rushed to the hospital. That's when they heard Jolene speak from the hallway.

Jolene: Keep quiet, now.


Jolene: Oh, you'll be fine, just shut up. Apply pressure right there.


Jolene: Do we have a gag, maybe? *annoyed* Oh, come on; get a grip, will ya?

???: MOMMY!

Bendy: Oh shit, someone must've gotten hurt BAD.

King K: Well, hey, B-man, this is a brutal sport, sometimes, y'know? This stuff happens.

Charlie: Well, I hope the poor thing recovers.


The locker room door opened, revealing a rather upset and livid Jolene dragging Bandy Andy behind her by the strap of his mask.

Jolene: How many times must I tell you? That room is absolutely off-limits! Strictly forbidden! If you want to remain on our fight roster, you need to follow the rules and regulations!

Andy: Sorry, Miss Jolene.

Jolene: Oh, and don't think I haven't noticed you stalking me.

Goombella: He's been doing WHAT to my girlfriend?!

Jolene: You need to stop doing that, too. It's creepy and immoral, and it can land you in jail. If you continue to violate the rules, we will ban you from the Glitz Pit. Have I made myself clear?

Andy: Yes, Miss Jolene.

Jolene: You've been warned. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must be going. For real this time. *leaves locker room*

Bendy: Really, Andy? Violating a woman's private layers of privacy? Especially since she's with someone? What is wrong with you?!

King K: It ain't the first time either, Ink D.

Andy: Oh... hey, King K.

King K: Dude, seriously?! This shit again?! You're just a trouble magnet, aren't ya?

Andy: Yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring Queen Nag in here.

Goombella: HEY!

King K: Meh, don't sweat it, B-money. That Jolene can take that smug 'tude of hers and shove it up her nose. Seriously, though, man, why are ya always chasin' her?

Charlie: Guys, come on, she's only trying to ensure that we don't do anything stupid. Although Andy's pursuit of Jolene does raise some flags.

Andy: Hey, what's goin' on between me 'n Jo is none of y'all's business. But I will tell you this; when I first signed up as a fighter here, I had heard that there were some people who went missing from here a few years back.

Bendy and his friends were intrigued at this. So it seemed the Glitz Pit was surrounded in quite a shroud of a missing-persons mystery.

Andy: So I decided to humor myself and check it out for myself. But after a few trips of snoopin' around the place, I am beginning to suspect that there's something weird and off about the Glitz Pit. I want to investigate this mystery further. And with that, I gotta exit stage right.

Having finished his explanation and not wanting to be pressed for further details about his alleged pursuit of Jolene, Bandy Andy walked through the adjacent door and entered the bathroom to do his business.

Bendy: King, is this true? Have fighters really been going missing?

King K: Meh, don't worry about Andy. He's always blowing things out of proportion.

Charlie: Hey, guys, we got a little while before the deadline to reserve our next match. Anybody up for a little fresh air?

Bendy: Of course, sweetheart. A breath of fresh air would be a welcome change of pace from this rather stuffy locker room. Vaggie? Vivian?

Vaggie: Yeah, I could do with some fresh air. It stinks in here.

Vivian: *embarrassed* Sorry, Mama. Iggy didn't have a chance to go outside.

Bendy: Cool. Mario, guys, what about you?

Koops: Yeah, some fresh air should be good for us, little buddy.

Bendy: Cool. *to others* Alright guys, we're going out! We'll be back in about 30 minutes to an hour!

Master Crash: Sounds BOMB good, just remember to BOMB be back soon to BOMB reserve your next match BOMB.

King K: Hey, while you're there, check out Hoggle's place! I heard he's puttin' something new on the menu – a new type of hot dog?

Vaggie: Really? I like hot dogs.

King K: Yeah, it seems that this is a new type of hot dog, made with an egg that's only found in a tropical island paradise south of the mainland Mushroom Kingdom.

Goombella: Well, I'm starving, and I could drown my sorrows in food. Let's get us something to eat before the next match.

Everyone agreed, and within seconds, Bendy, Charlie, Vaggie, Vivian, Mario, Goombella, Koops, and Flurrie had left the locker room en route to Glitzville's main plaza, dodging the mob of fans, reporters, and camera staff itching to get pictures with Rawk Hawk and interview him for their media press outlets.


The group exited the arena, moving into the main park as they looked around.

Mario: Well, we've-a got some-a coins saved up. What-a shall we buy?

Goombella: I got me a hankerin' for some hot dogs. Maybe after breakfast, we could all go and catch a flick or something?

Charlie: Well, you guys can catch a flick if you want. But we've gotta reserve our next match, right, guys?

Bendy: That's right, babe. I must say though, these fights are actually a bit of a breather for us. No massive dragon or sociopathic military forces. Just life in a floating city of entertainment.

Goombella: Yeah, this Crystal Star quest does have its moments of fun time.

A voic then shouted out from one of the vendor's booths.

???: HEY! NO! BAD! SO VERY BAD! Behave yourself, you stupid egg!

Bendy: What the hell?

Koops: Look. *points to booth*

The source of the voice was a vendor, who resembled an anthropomorphic pig wearing a blue and white vendor's uniform. The sign on top of the booth read: "Hoggle's Hot Dogs".

Bendy: 'Scuse me Sir, but is there a problem?

Hoggle: Hang on; I'll get you your hot dog in a minute!

Charlie: What's wrong?

Hoggle: This blasted egg won't stop hopping around!

Hoggle frantically ran around trying to keep up with his imported product: a white egg with blue, pink, and green spots; the egg itself was over twice as large as a normal egg.

Bendy: Is that an egg? I thought this place served hot dogs.

Hoggle: Look, kid, I wanted to jazz up my menu a ways! So I imported this egg from the tropical island down south of the mainland Mushroom Kingdom – y'know, the one with the boots-wearin' dinosaur-like critters? – but for some stinkin' reason, this blasted falutin' egg won't keep still! Now how am I supposed to cook an egg that don't stay put?

From the news, Goombella's face became red with rage as she stomped up to the swine vendor.

Goombella: PARDON ME?! You mean to tell us that you were planning to cook a live animal that hasn't even been born yet?! You sick bastard!

Hoggle: Will y'all just help me catch the damn thing?! This thing don't even have arms 'n legs, and I STILL can't catch it! This was gonna be part o' my new Southern Fried Egg Dog o' Tastiness! But now... BAD EGG! To think I ordered this thing from that tropical island down south of the mainland Mushroom Kingdom! Even had to pay the shipping fees, too!

Hoggle raised his spatula as if to whack the egg, but it seemed the egg sensed this coming, as it hopped away, bouncing onto the canopy of a smoothie shop before leaping onto the roof of Hoggle's hot dog truck.

Hoggle: Most awfully bad! Get down from there this instant, you bad egg! What, am I supposed to just fly up there?

Bendy: Oh calm down, you two legged Hellhog. I got this.

Both Bendy and Mario assembled their teams, forming two "towers" of four members each; with Vaggie and Charlie carrying Bendy, who had Vivian on his shoulders; and Madame Flurrie and Mario carrying Koops. Ultimately, Goombella, using Team Ink Demon as a sort of "ladder," managed to climb up to the roof of the hot dog truck and roll the egg off the roof, leeting Bendy grab it.

Vaggie: Alright, mission accomplished. Let's give the egg back now.

No sooner had he said this, though, than the egg leaped out of Bendy's grasp and back onto the roof surface. Goombella walked over to the egg, standing over it protectively.

Goombella: Vaggie, we can't let that pig just cook it! *lovingly to the egg* There's a little baby in here.

Hoggle: Oh, fine, fine, fine. If you all want it, take it. Besides, most people don't like eatin' stuff that jumps all around the place.

Bendy stretched his arms to help the Goomba and the egg down from the truck's roof.

Bendy: There you go, little guy. You're safe and sound now, and free to go.

Vaggie: Okay, guys, now that the egg is safe, let's go reserve our next match!

Bendy: Got it Vaggie. ALright everyone, let us return to the Glitz Pit.

Both teams, assured that the egg was safe from any attempt to be used as an ingredient in any recipe, began making their way back to the Glitz Pit. Vivian, however, looked back and stopped.

Vivian: Wait, Dad! The egg! I think it's following us!

Bendy and Goombella looked back at the SIren. Indeed, the egg was following them, closely to Goombella, as if it wanted to go with them as a way of thanking them for rescuing it from being cooked.

Goombella: Gosh, Vivian, you're right! But why, though?

Charlie: Maybe it wants to come with us? Am I correct, Mr. Egg? You wanna to join us?

The egg responded by hopping in place excitedly, as if to say yes.

Bendy: Then it's settled. We now have an egg.

Koops: So, what do we do with it?

Goombella: I'll start drawing blueprints to a proper incubator for this little cutie. *nuzzles egg* In the meantime, I think we should keep it safe.

Bendy: Alright, I'm gonna reserve our next match. I'll just... *picks up egg* Ph jesus fuck, this weighs a metric shit load!

Teams Ink Demon and Gonzales each returned to the Glitz Pit, Bendy lagging behind as he was weighed down by the egg.


The day had gone by normally, with bith teams going against more and more matches. Bendy and his team had even faced off against Bandy Andy and his team, the Hand-It-Overs. As of now, the Ink Demon was now in bed, looking back at the events of his journey so far.

Bendy: Psst.... Hey, Mario? You awake?

Mario: Hm, oh yeah I am. Is-a something wrong?

Bendy: Kind of. It's just that.... It's been a wild ride these past few days. Going from a yacht, to a storm, to another fucking world and all this jazz. It's really weighin' on me. I mean, what if we run into something we can't handle? What if we finally run into something that'll make us bite the big one? What if..... WHat if we never get home?

Mario: Bendy, it's-a normal to feel overwhelmed about these-a things. I do all-a the time whenever I go to-a rescue the Princess. Don't-a think about what'll come-a, but instead think about what you've-a done so far. You've done so-a much, Bendy. It's incredible-a. 

Bendy: You know what? That helps a lot. Thanks. Mario.

Mario: Any-a time. Now, get-a some sleep.

Mario turned over as he fell asleep, leaving Bendy to lay by himself to think.

Bendy: I don't know what'll come next, but whatever it is... I'll be ready. I have to be.... For them.

