S1, EP 9: Sports Festival

We start off at the end of Kanna's class, and the teacher is currently explaining something.

Teacher: "The sports festival is coming up soon. Be sure to give that information I just handed out to your parents, okay?"

Kanna looks down at the paper in her hands as everyone else in the classroom begins to leave. She turns around to face Saikawa.

Kanna: "Hey Saikawa? What's the sports festival?"

Saikawa: "Hold up. Are you saying you didn't have them where you came from?" He puts her hands on her hips. "Oh my gosh! A sports festival is like one of the most fun things ever."

As Saikawa begins to explain some of the activities, both her and Kanna both think of different things. Their thoughts couldn't possibly be more different.

Saikawa: "Yeah! And lot's of other events where the whole class teams up together!"

Kanna gets really excited, and she pulls her fists up to her face in determination.

Saikawa: "Our parents get to come watch for the whole day too! You get to eat ouch with them and everything!" Kanna gets even more excited. "And you're the best at sports, so I bet you'll win it all and be the hero of the day! Your dad would be so proud of you after this!"

Kanna somehow becomes even more excited, and is now beyond determined to win the Sports Festival, despite having only found out about it a few minutes ago.


Timeskip: Later That Night

At the apartment, Kanna has just finished telling Ben about the Sports Festival. He is currently laying face down on the couch, seemingly tired as he rests his chin on a pillow.

Ben: "I'm sorry. I have to work that day."

Kanna is incredibly disappointed, and she has a very shocked look on her face. She starts pushing on Ben's back.

Kanna: "Papa. Take the day off for me. Please."

Ben: "I'm sorry, sweetie. There's a lot more work that needs done that week, and I'm not just going to leave everyone on their own."

Tohru enters the living room, and Kanna stops pushing on Ben's back.

Tohru: "Kanna, he is in the middle of his death march and is on the verge of facing Hades. Give it up already!"

Kanna: "No!"

Ben sits up on the couch as Elma enters while eating a bowl of chips.

Elma: "What's going on here?" She sits down next to Ben. "Kanna seems upset."

Ben: "She's upset I won't be going to her sports festival."

Elma: "Oh." She thinks for a moment. "What is a Sports Festival?"

Tohru: "I was wondering that as well."

Kanna: "It's when you train a lot alongside your peers to defeat strong opponents."

Ben: "Not exactly. That's a bit exaggerated."

Kanna begins to push on Ben again, now pushing on his leg.

Kanna: "Defeat Hades faster, papa." Ben looks down at her in partial pity and guilt. "Then you can come watch me."

Tohru: "Kanna, don't be selfish. Besides, me and Elma can come watch you."

Kanna looks over at Tohru with a look of disappointment, her eyes turning dull.

Kanna: "No."

Tohru, in response, picks Kanna up and starts drilling her finger into Kanna's cheek, a slight glare on her face.

Tohru: "Why's it got to be Master, anyway? What am I? Chopped liver?"

Elma: "What about me?"

Tohru: "You are chopped liver."

Elma grumbles is response as Kanna gets her face away from Tohru, then looking down slightly.

Kanna: "No, it's not you. It's just that Saikawa said our parents could come with us for the day. You and Miss Elma are like big sisters, and I already refer to Ben as papa."

Elma: "That explains why she really wants you to go." She whispers to Ben while eating a chip. "I haven't known her for very long, but she seems to really like you."

Ben nods and turns back to Tohru and Kanna while standing.

Ben: "Regardless, I still can't go. You're going to have to make due with Tohru and Elma."

Tohru & Elma: "Really? Make due?"

Kanna: "Forget it!"

Kanna gets out of Tohru's grip and runs off into her room. Ben sighs as he takes off his glasses, before rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Ben: "I never thought a parent showing up to an event like that." He puts his glasses back on. "I didn't realize she would care so much about this."

Elma: "Well, she sees you as her father. And you have also openly accepted that title."

Ben: "I know, it's just..." He sighs. "It was pretty rare for both of my parents to attend those kinds of activities that I participated in. They were often too busy working, so I never got too upset about it. I understood what they were doing was more important."

Tohru: "Well, Kanna's parents basically gave her free reign. They felt a dragon would grow up strong all on it's own."

Ben: "That doesn't make any sense. How can someone grow strong completely on their own?" He scoffs. "It doesn't matter if you're a human or a dragon. You still need guidance from your parents, or some kind of parental figure."

Tohru: "I agree, but since she bears the name "Kanna Kamui", I'm sure they told her she had to make sure to become super strong." Ben gets somewhat annoyed at that. "But all she wanted was her parent's attention, which is why she always played this silly pranks."

Elma: "But all it did was get her banished, taking her further away from the attention she craved."

Ben: "And now that Kanna has me, she wants as much attention as she can get from me." Ben groans in frustration. "I'm gonna have to figure something out."


Timeskip: The Next Morning

At Kanna's school, Kanna is laying her head and arms on her desk, still upset about last night. Saikawa notices this behavior, and she goes over to Kanna.

Saikawa: "Good morning, Kanna. Is something wrong?"

Kanna: "Papa won't come to the Sports Festival."

Saikawa: "Wow, really? That's alright. There's more to the festival than parents." She crosses her arms. "We get to work together as a class to win, and that's super fun!"

Kanna sits up and gets a bit more excited.

Kanna: "It does sound fun."

Boy: "Except your version of working together is different from ours."

Saikawa: "You shut up!" She blushes in anger. "No one asked you!"

Boy: "No one has to ask me for my opinion for me to give it."

Saikawa: "Liar! You're still talking! Oh my god, shut up!"

As Saikawa argues with the boy, Kanna looks down at her desk, still upset about Ben not going to the festival.


At the plumber's base, Ben and Rook are hard at work as they type furiously at their computers.

Rook: "Sports Festival, huh?"

Ben: "Yup."

Rook: "It is a shame that it falls right on when all those reports need to be done by, huh?"

Ben: "Yeah. Of all days, it had to be that day. And I feel like I have to go."

Rook: "Do you not want to actually go?"

Ben: "No, but it would be nice if I could go."

Rook chuckles, and Ben turns to him.

Ben: "What's so funny?"

Rook: "Nothing." He turns to Ben. "It is just that I have never seen you worry about something like this."

Ben: "Seriously?" He thinks on it a bit. "Dang. I guess you're right."

Rook: "In my eyes, it is more of a question of whether you want to go rather if you can go."

Ben sighs as he and Rook get back to work.

Ben: 'Do I want to actually go, or do I feel obligated for Kanna's sake?'


At the apartment, Tohru is skipping around while carrying a basket of freshly cleaned clothes.

Tohru: "La, la, la!~ I'm the cutest, most adorable maid forever and ever!~"

Tohru sets the basket down in the living room, before grabbing one of the shirts and giggling. As she is about to do something with the shirt, Kanna announces her presence, getting Tohru's attention.

Kanna: "Hey, I'm home."

Tohru: "O-Oh, I didn't hear you come in." She notices that Kanna has a slight scowl on her face. "Kanna, are you still in a bad mood? You should let it go."

Kanna: "Lady Tohru, perception block me."

Tohru: "Huh?"

Kanna: "Use perception block on me."

Tohru is taken aback, but she eventually complied with Kanna.


Kanna, now in dragon form, while being covered in a green glow, has landed in front of the Plumbers HQ. She watches as Ben works hard, all while helping other employees with things they are stuck on.

As Kanna continues to watch, she begins to understand why Ben isn't going to attend her Sports Festival. Now satisfied, Kanna flies off, not realizing that Ben had noticed her there when she first landed.

Ben: 'What am I gonna do with her?'


Timeskip: Later That Night

Ben eventually make it back home later that night.

Ben: "I'm home."

Tohru & Elma: "Welcome home!"

Ben sits down on left side the couch, quite exhausted. Elma is sitting on the other side, eating some popcorn.

Tohru: "I'll get your dinner ready."

Ben: "Thanks." He stretches, before relaxing into the couch. "This is much better."

Kanna, who has her hair down and wearing a yellow nightgown, approaches Ben.

Kanna: "Papa." Ben turns to look at her. "Don't worry about it. Attending the Sports Festival, I mean."

Ben: "Huh?"

Kanna: "It will still be fun to be able to work together with everyone in class." She clutches the sides of her nightgown, which Ben notices. "It's fine, and I hope you make your deadline."

Ben: "Oh. Thanks."

Kanna: "Good night."

Kanna turns around and heads to her bedroom, leaving Ben feeling even more guilty than before. At this time, Tohru walks up to Ben and Elma.

Tohru: "You saw her, right? At your work?"

Elma: "Yeah, I saw her." She munches on her popcorn. "I tried to tell Ben, but he said he already say her thanks to that special charm."

Ben nods his head as he sinks down further into the couch, leaning his head back.

Ben: 'Guilt. One of the worst emotions any living being can feel. It feels like there's some hole in my stomach. That needs filled.' He smiles slightly. "Torhu? Elma?"

Tohru & Elma: "Yes?"

Ben: "From here on out, I'll be coming home even later."

Tohru: "Do you mean?" She smiles. "Okay!"

Elma: "Is it alright if I assist you?" She sets her empty bowl aside and scoots closer to Ben, making Tohru jealous. "I have the day off on the day of the festival, so I would like to help as much as possible before then."

Ben: "Of course." He pats Elma's head. "I would appreciate any help."

Elma coos as she is pat, and she pushes her head slightly into Ben's hand. She also lays her head and hands on Ben's lap. Elma looks over at Tohru with a smirk, making Tohru more jealous.

Tohru then goes to the other side of Ben, on her knees and hands on the arm of the couch. She hangs her head a bit, showing that she wants some head pats as well.

Ben: "You want some pats, too?" Tohru only nods her head, and Ben starts petting Tohru's head. "The two of you are so cute."

Tohru and Elma don't respond, as they are too busy enjoying Ben's pats.


Timeskip: 1 Week

Throughout the week, both Ben and Kanna work hard on both ends for the Sports Festival. Ben, with the help of Elma, is working to get all of his work done in time. And Kanna training hard to participate in the Sports Festival.

Right now, Kanna is practicing jump rope with her class.

Class: "35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40!"

After that, they put the jump rope away and stand in front of their teacher.

Teacher: "Alright! Great work kids, but that's enough for today! You should all be so proud of yourselves! Look at how long you can jump now! All you have to do now is keep this up and we'll win the Sports Festival easy!"

Class: "Yeah!"

Saikawa: "Kanna!" She walks up to Kanna. "We're not gonna let them down, are we?"

Kanna looks down at her hands and balls them up into fists.

Kanna: "No way."


Timeskip: Later That Night

Elma, Ben, and Rook, in that sitting order, are working late tonight. The office is empty, and the blinds are shut, with the only light coming from their computers.

At this point, Rook stretches a bit as he takes a breather. He looks over to see Ben and Elma still hard at work, with the latter looking exhausted.

Rook: "You are really tearing it up."

Ben: "Yeah, I'm trying." He looks over to Elma. "You alright?"

Elma: "Y-Yeah." She yawns. "N-Nothing that a dragon like me can't handle."

Ben: "If you say so."

Rook: "So, are you two going to Kanna's Sports Festival?"

Ben & Elma: "Mhm/Yeah."

Rook: "Did you decide you wanted to go, or ought to?"

Ben & Elma: "Both."

Rook smiles at their response, and he gets back to his work.


Timeskip: Even Later That Night

Kanna is staring at a calendar, with tomorrow being the day of the festival. Ben, from behind, pats Kanna's head, making her turn to face him.

Ben: "I'll be there tomorrow to watch you, Kanna."

Kanna's eyes sparkle a bit.

Kanna: "Really?"

Ben: "Yep, really."

Kanna: "You beat Hades already?"

Ben: "Mhm." He points behind him, and down the hall is a tired Elma passing by. "You can thank Elma for that. She has been a real help."

Kanna, absolutely ecstatic, hugs Ben and rubs her face against his stomach.

Kanna: "I love you, papa!"

Ben smiles as he pets Kanna's head. Both Tohru and Elma watch from the doorway, their hearts melting from the sight.

Elma: "That's so cute."

Tohru: "Sometimes I forget that Kanna's still a child."


Timeskip: The Next Day, Sports Festival

Everyone has made it to the festival. The whole place is filled with families of the contestants.

Announcer: "Welcome to the 43rd Annusl Oborozuka Elementary Sports Festival! The events will begin now. First up on the program is the opening parade!"

Music starts playing as each of the grades start marching around, starting from First Grade and going up. From the audience, Ben, Tohru, and Elma watch. Ben is wearing a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap.

Elma: "There!" She points at Kanna. "There she is!"

Ben: "Where?" He squints his eyes. "I can't seem to find her."

Kanna, in her group, is constantly glancing at her family.

Tohru: "There she is! She's looking at us!" She raises her arm up. "Heeey!"

Ben: "She's probably making sure I showed up."

As Saikawa is walking the parade, she hears her mom and sister calling out to her.

Mrs. Saikawa: "Riko!"

Georgie: "Little miss!"

Saikawa looks over to see her sister and her mother calling out to her, with her father staying quiet.

Mrs. Saikawa & Georgie: "You're gonna do great!"

Saikawa then has a determined look on her face, with her forehead shining a bit.

Lucoa: "Shota baby!"

Ben: "Is that who I think it is?" He looks over in the direction of the voice, seeing Lucoa. "Yup. There she is."

Lucoa is jumping up and down, which makes her....assets bounce. This distracts the men, and makes the women jealous while also making them mad at their husbands/boyfriends.

The bouncing assets also distracts the children, especially the boys. It also makes Shota very embarrassed as well.

At the end of the march, all the classes join up to do the pledge.

Students: "The pledge: We athletes hereby pledge to honor the spirit of good sportsmanship and compete fair and square with all participants until the very end of the competition."

After doing the pledge, the parents and student gather at the track, where the announcer announces the next stage.

Announcer: "First on today's program is the three-legged race by the third graders."

Tohru: "You can do it, Kanna!"

Elma: "You got this!"

Ben: "Don't let the pressure get to you!"

Mrs. Saikawa: "Riko! You got this!"

Georgie: "Do your best!"

The first group of people line up, and a starter gun is set off to start the race. At the end of the line of students waiting for their turn, Kanna and Saikawa are paired up.

Saikawa: "Um, okay. Let's tie our legs together."

Kanna: "Mhm."

They both sit down on the ground, and the moment their legs touch, Saikawa has a cuteness overload as Kanna ties their legs together.

Kanna: "Done."

Kanna stands up, but Saikawa is still sitting on the ground. Her face is red, and she is shaking slightly.

Saikawa: "Y-Yeah. Thank you, Kanna. You're the best. We still have to hold onto each other's shoulders."

As Kanna helps Saikawa off the ground, Saikawa puts her arm around Kanna's shoulder and Kanna's arm wraps around Saikawa's back. Because of this, their chests touch just a little bit. This makes Saikawa go into cuteness overload.

Announcer: "Okay, next pair!"

Kanna: "C'mon, Saikawa. It's our turn to go."

Saikawa doesn't respond, because she is too busy being enamored by her situation.

At the end of the race, the pairs are put next to flags signifying the place they got. Kanna and Saikawa got dead last, in 4th place. Saikawa is currently on her hands and knees, on the verge of crying, utterly ashamed of herself.

Saikawa: "I-I'm sorry, Kanna. I was just too happy."

Kanna: "It's okay, Saikawa. We'll get them next time."

In the audience, Saikawa's parents are a bit upset.

Mrs. Saikawa: "Geez, Riko." She puts her hands on her hips. "What are you doing out there?"

Saikawa's father only screams out in frustration.


Announcer: "Seventh on our program today is the fifth grader's treasure hunt!"

Shota runs, with other fifth graders of different classes, up to a table with slips of paper on them. When Shota grabs one, he is a bit annoyed.

Shota then runs over to Lucoa and beckons her over.

Lucoa: "What? You want me?"

Holding hands, Shota and Lucoa run over to a referee. All the way, Lucoa's assets bounce along the way.

Shota hands the paper to the judge, and he opens it to see "World Class" written on it.

Referee: "Yep. Perfect."

Shota's classmates cheer, happy that Shota won the scavenger hunt.

Classmate: "Shota! You're older sister is incredible!"

Shota: "Y-Yeah."


Announcer: "We'll now be taking a break for lunch! Parents and students, please enjoy your time together. Everyone make sure you're careful of heat stroke and drinking lots of water. We'll see you back in a bit."

With Ben and his group/family, there is a lot of food. About half of it is for Elma, and the other half is for everybody else.

Kanna: "Oh my gosh! This looks yummy!"

Ben: "It sure does." He turns to Elma, who has already started eating. "How's it taste?"

Elma: "It's good!" She stuffs her face. "Like, really good!"

Tohru chuckles a little, quite proud of herself.

Tohru: "I'm not just your everyday dragon maid."

Kanna: "Thank you!" She takes a big bite, and her eyes sparkle. "Lady Tohru, Miss Elma was right. It is good."

Tohru: "Thank you for saying so." She turns to Ben, holding up a piece of her tail meat. "Master, say ahh~"

Ben rolls his eyes, a smile on his face.

Ben: "Ahh~" He eats the piece of tail. "Mm. That's good."

Tohru got really happy, and she flashed a smirk at Elma. This makes the girl a bit jealous, but she continues to eat her portion.

At the same time, Kanna continues to eat.

Kanna: "Yeah. This lunch really is especially tasty."

Tohru: "I'm glad you like it. Eat enough to make sure you have plenty of energy."

Kanna nods in agreement.

Kanna: "I'll turn things around after this."

Ben: "I'm sure you will, sweetie." Ben looks over at their score, which is at 41, last place in the third grade group. "I know you will."


Announcer: "It's now time to start today's afternoon segment. Coming up fifteenth in our program, we have the third grader's jump rope."

The four groups of third graders line up, with each group having two classmates man the rope.

Announcer: "Everyone ready? And, go!"

The jump-rope starts, and Kanna's team is doing great.

Tohru: "Go Kanna!"

Elma: "You got this, Kanna!"

Ben: "Jump, Kanna, jump!"

Mrs. Saikawa: "Riko, keep those feet up!"

Georgie: "Do your best, little miss!"

As the jump-roping continues, two classes mess up.

Announcer: "Classes 1 and 4 have tripped over their ropes!" Another class messes up. "Class 3 has tripped on their rope, too! But what's this? Class 2 is still going strong!"

Kanna's class all keep jumping, being hyper-focused on winning this segment.

Ben/Tohru/Elma: "Keep on jumping!"

Mrs. Saikawa & Georgie: "Don't stop now!"

After a couple of moments, Class 2 trips on their rope as well after jumping 60 times. But since they were the last ones, they still win.

Announcer: "Finished!" The audience begins to clap. "Class 3-2 wins! I can't believe they jumped 60 times."

Tohru & Elma: "Did you see that!?" They each are pushing one of Ben's shoulders. "We just won!"

Ben: "Yeah. It was very impressive."


Announcer: "Nineteenth on today's program: Fifth grade boys Calvary battle."

Shota's team consists of six groups of kids, each group having three at the bottom, and one on top. Shota is on top of one of these groups, and they're facing off against another team.

Shota's team is blue, and the other is red.

Lucoa: "Shota baby!" Everyone looks to see her bouncing up and down. "You can do it! Kick their tushies!"

Shota looks away in embarrassment and focuses back on the game. A referee raises his arm up, making both teams prepare to charge. The referee then shoots his arm down.

Referee: "Begin!"

Both teams charge at each other, murder in their eyes.

Lucoa: "Yeah! Go Shota!"

Team red is distracted by Lucoa's assets at the last moment, which starts the absolute massacre of red team at the hands of Shota, who steals each of red team's items.

After the red team is down, thanks to some help from Lucoa, blue team is victorious. Red team is currently on the ground, possibly knocked out. The referee blows the whistle, signifying the end of this segment.

Announcer: "Finished! Class 3 with an overwhelming finish!"

The audience, and Shota's classmates, all cheer for blue team's victory.

Classmate: "Shota, you're so lucky! Your sister's awesome!

Shota: "Y-Yeah."


Announcer: "Now for our twentieth event, the third grader's tug of war!"

Referee: "Class 1 and 2, ready?" Both sides prepare to pull. "Go!"

Both side pulls with all their strength, except for Kanna, who has been holding herself back to human strength this entire time. They all chant "Heave, Ho" as they pull the rope.

Ben: "Come on, Kanna!"

Tohru: "Win the tug of war!"

Elma: "You have this in the bag!"

Mrs. Saikawa: "Focus, sweetie!"

Georgie: "Do your best!"

As the tug of war continues, it remains at a stalemate for some time. Each side is not willing to let the other win.

Suddenly, as they're pulling, Kanna's head pulls back far enough for Saikawa to smell it. It smells like flowers, and it sends her into a cuteness overload. As she screams out, she pulls backward, pulling the rope with her. This extra pull helps her team win the segment.

Referee: "The winner is.." He raises a red flag. "Class 2! Congrats!"

Class 2, and the audience cheer. Kanna hugs Saikawa's neck as the two bounce up and down in excitement, which doesn't help Saikawa's current state.

Kanna: "Saikawa! Can you believe it!? We won it!"

Tohru & Elma: "Hooray!"

Ben: "Hell yeah!" He claps. "She's doing incredible!" He pauses for a moment. "Is this what parental pride feels like?"

Tohru: "Keep up that winning pace, kiddos!"

Elma: "Don't relent for a single moment!"


As the festival continues, both Kanna's and Shota's individual classes each make their way up the leaderboard. They win segment after segment, being cheered all along the way.

Ben's pride in Kanna both shows and grows, as he is cheering the loudest out of the whole audience

After everything, Kanna's class has managed to reach 2nd place, with a total point value of 109.

Tohru: "Kanna's class has made it all the way to second place!"

Ben: "They'll definitely be in first after this game."

Elma: "You sound very confident in Kanna. In fact, you seem to have become a lot more prideful of Kanna since the beginning of the festival."

Ben: "Yeah, I guess I have." He rubs the back of his head. "I guess it's just another perk of being a parent."

Tohru: "That makes sense."

Elma: "Woah!" She is event on some popcorn. "The last event is about to start!"

Announcer: "Thirty second in today's program is the third grader's relay."

Each of the team starts to get their members situated around the track for the relay.

Saikawa: "Hey, Kanna! If we take first place here, we'll win!"

Kanna nods quietly as eveyone situates themselves in their positions.

Announcer: "This will be the final event for the third graders. Family and friends, they are going to need your support more than ever."

The first kids line up at the start, and they get into a runner's position, each holding a differently colored baton in their hands.

Referee: "First female runners. Take position. Ready."

The referee shoots a fake gun into the sky, which starts the race. Each of the participants gives it their all for the race.

Saikawa: "Go Iida, go!"

Kanna: "You can do it, Iida!"

As the race starts, each of the participants is very close together.

Announcer: "All of the classes have started strong. Right now, Class 1 holds the lead. Right behind them are Class 2, 4 and 3 in the rear."

The first runners finish the first lap and pass their batons to the next runners.

Announcer: "The baton pass to the second runners. Class 1 remains in the lead."

Kanna: "Makishima, keep up the pace." Saikawa stands up, and Kanna looks up at her. "Saikawa. You're going to do great."

Saikawa: "Well, yeah! I'll be passing you the baton from first place!"

Saikawa then goes over to her place next to the other runners.

Announcer: "Class 1 and 2 are neck and neck! Watch out, ladies! Keep it up!"

Saikawa and the other contestants start running, grabbing the baton from behind them.

Saikawa: "Here I go!"

Saikawa starts running with everything she has, already passing the person in front of her.

Announcer: "Woah! Class 2 is closing in fast!"

Saikawa continues to run, panting a lot. However, she suddenly stumbles, which makes her drop the baton.

Announcer: "Oh no! What a disappointment! Class 2 dropped the baton!"

Saikawa quickly picks it back up, before running as fast as her legs can possibly carry her. Al the whole she is on the verge of tears.

Announcer: "Class 1 is in the lead. Behind them are Class 4, 3, and lastly 2."

The other runners reach their partners and they start running. Kanna waits a little bit longer for Saikawa, before she starts running as Saikawa passes her the baton.

Saikawa: "I'm sorry!"

Kanna: "I got this!"

As Kanna runs off, Saikawa does to a stop, before crouching to the ground as she tries to catch her breath. Her face is red, and tears still threaten to fall.

Announcer: "The anchors are all fighting for the win, but look at Class 2 go!" This gets Saikawa's attention. "She's passing the others with no problem."

Saikawa looks over and sees Kanna easily catching up and passing the other runners. Saikawa is incredibly amazed at this.

Saikawa: "She's so fast."

Kanna starts gaining on the runner in first place, all while not breaking a sweat. The crowd has gone completely wild.

Ben/Tohru/Elma: "Just one more!"

Georgie/Mrs. Saikawa: "You can do it!"

Kanna is very determined, which only fuels her to keep moving.

Class 2: "Kanna!"

Kanna and the other runner make it to the finish, with Kanna passing by the other runner just in time.

Announcer: "Finish! The winner: Class 2!"

The crowd goes even crazier, with Ben being prominent in how wild it is. Kanna's class also cheers for their star classmate as well as they go up to congratulate her.

Classmates: "You're the best, Kanna!"

As Kanna's class congratulated her, Saikawa attempts to approach her, but stops short. She turns to walk away, but Kanna stops her by going over to her and licking her face. This catches the girl off guard, and her face gets really red.

Saikawa: "AHH! Kanna! You licked me!" She composed herself a bit. "B-But, um, I'm sorry! I messed up really bad."

Kanna grabs one of Saikawa's hands with both of hers, an attempt to console Saikawa.

Kanna: "No, you kept running. If you had given up, I would have stood no chance at winning." Saikawa looks up, stunned. "Thanks for not giving up. You're a great teammate."

Saikawa smiles, before lunging at Kanna and giving her a big hug.

Saikawa: "Oh, Kanna!"

Back at the audience, Ben and his family are clapping for Class 2's victory, as well as Saikawa's and Shota's families. In fact, the entire audience is clapping for their victory, some more so because of the stunning comeback.


Shortly after the award ceremony, Ben and his family are resting at a bench before they head back home. Kanna is wearing a gold medal around her neck, and she inspects it.

Ben: "Here you go, sweetie." He hands Kanna an orange popsicle. "You did amazing out there."

Kanna: "Thanks." She takes off the wrapper. "I had a lot of fun."

Ben sits down next to Kanna, with Elma on his right, and Tohru sitting next to Kanna.

Ben: "You worked hard out there, too."

Kanna: "I know. Everyone in our class worked hard. That's why we were able to win."

Tohru: "I imagine it's less satisfying not being able to go all out like you normally do."

Kanna: "No, it was fine. I liked playing with all the other kids." She looks up at Ben. "Papa?"

Ben: "Yeah?"

Kanna: "Thank you so much for coming. Really."

Ben smiles, and he pets Kanna's head affectionately for a few moments.

Ben: "You're welcome, sweetie."

Kanna turns to Tohru.

Kanna: "And thank you for lunch, Lady Tohru." She turns to Elma. "And you too, Lady Elma, for supporting me as well."

Torhu: "No problem. It was hardly anything."

Elma: "You're welcome. I must say, the festival was really fun to watch." Her mouth starts watering. "The food they sold was great as well."

As the three talk, Ben looks off at some kids running by.

Ben: 'Who woulda though I would participate in a Sports Festival as a parent.' He looks up at the sky. 'If I had told myself a year ago about this, he would have never believed me.'

Kanna suddenly stands up.

Kanna: "Although, I guess it would be rather nice to let loose a little bit more today."

Tohru: "I agree. I'm so down. It's been too long."

Kanna: "Let's get to it, then."

Lucoa suddenly pops up from the bush behind their bench.

Lucoa: "Hey! I want to play, too!"

Tohru: "Oh, how fun! The three of us together!" She turns to Ben. "That okay, master?"

Ben laughs a bit.

Ben: "Yeah, sure. Just go somewhere where you won't bother anybody."

The three dragons cheer as they start talking about what to do. Ben turns to Elma.

Ben: "Elma? Don't you want to play with them?"

Elma: "No." She shakes her head. "I'm not interested in causing senseless destruction."

Tohru: "It's not senseless if it's fun!"

Elma: "How can causing destruction be fun?" She scoffs. "Typical Tohru."

Torhu: "What did you say!?"

The two growl at each other, their gazes clashing agains the other's, causing lighting to clash between them. Ben sighs as he facepalms.

Ben: "And you two were behaving so well up until now."

After a while, Ben is able to pry the two away from each other, before they all leave so Tohru, Kanna, and Lucoa can play.

That's the end of the chapter. See you in the next one!
