
"Ella! I'm home!!" Ben yelled as he walked in.

"BEN!!!" You screamed as you sprinted up to him and jumped up into his arms.

Ben had just gotten home from practice today. Over all he seemed happy, but you could tell he was trying to hide something.

"Whats up babe? Something happen at practice?" You asked.

His expression immediately went from happy to almost in tears. He looked up at the ceiling and then back down at you as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I gotta traded Ella." He whispered.

"What? Why would the Hawks trade you! Your an amazing player!!"

"Yeah, I got traded. And thanks for the encouragement, baby, but I don't think it's gonna help."

"Im sorry... who did they trade you for?"

"Some guy named Andrew Desjardins. He was at practice today."

"What team did you get traded to?"

"San Jose Sharks... Babe, we have to move to California."

"It's okay Ben. I don't care where we live as long as i'm with you."

"Thats sweet but I know it's your dream to live in Chicago and grow old in the Windy City." He said as he looked down at his feet and began to cry.

"Ben, I honestly don't care where we live. We could live in Vancouver for all I care... As long as i'm with you, I don't care where we are."

"Ok.... I love you."

"I love you too Ben. Hey, lets go out and do something."


He dropped his hockey bag onto the kitchen floor, the two of you walked out of the house hand in hand and walked the short distance into the city. He decided he wanted ice cream so you two walked to his favorite ice cream parlor, Sprinkles and Skates, a hockey themed ice cream shop. The two of you spent the rest of the day in the city and when you two got home, you guys watched your favorite movie, (your favorite movie. With you sitting in his lap with your head resting on his chest, the two of you fell asleep together peacefuly.

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