Finale Part Two - Darling

Whoop whoop. There will be a short epilogue after this but here is part two of the finale. (Current publication time 02:42am)

"He isn't your dad."

The words hung in the air like a bad smell for ages after they were spoken. Lily stood. She breathed in. And out. And in. And out. Starla didn't say a word, she only stood there, watching her girlfriend process.

"You knew." Lily finally spoke. Starla nodded. "How long?" Silence. "How. Long?"

"Since Christmas." Starla looked down and began to cry, it wasn't long before she could hear Lily's voice crack with tears too. It only made Starla want to cry more.

"Ch-Christmas? 7 months? Seven. Fucking. Months. Were you ever going to tell me?" She spat, Starla could no longer see love in her eyes, just hatred.

"It wasn't up to me to tell me. I walked in on your mum and dad having a conversation, more like an argument, about it on Boxing Day. They begged me not to say anything. So I didn't. They said they would, they said they would do it when the time was right. I didn't think it would go on for this long." Starla cried harder and through the blurriness it took her a while to notice Lily was no longer crying or choked up, she had flames in her eyes and everything about her was angry. "I swear."

"You also swore to never keep secrets from me. Remember that? Valentine's Day? We spent hours under the stars talking about never keeping things from each other. I told you everything about me! And you knew and didn't say anything." Lily began to turn and walk away when stale reached out to pull her back. Before Starla could kiss her though the whole building shook and what sounded like an explosion came from the front of the house. "Bella!" Lily ran off and Starla took off after her.

They made it to the kitchen and Lucia and Rhea were gone. They burst through the doors and found it empty, the remnants of labour still on the floor. Liquid from when Bella's water broke, wet towels abandoned in the sink and a pillow thrown halfway across the room.

"Where are they?" Starla asked from behind her. Lily whipped round, her face still a storm of anger.

"How the hell am I supposed to know I've been with you all night. Which means one thing." She started to walk towards the door. "I know as much as you do. I'm assuming."

Lily kept walking, her want at the ready until she heard the screams of a fight. Then she began to run. Lucia rounded the corner in front of her, followed by Rhea. She ran to them and stopped them. "Where the hell is Bella?" She screamed.

"Safe, But I don't think we are. Let's go." Rhea said to her. Lily stopped and stared at her. All this time thinking she had a half sister. Now she's just a step sister. Barely even a relative. She'd always wanted a sister. And hers had just been ripped away from her. "Are you okay?" Rhea snapped her back just as Starla came running around the corner.

"There's Death Eaters everywhere." She said.

"Yes thanks for that little nugget of information. I guess you get to pick and choose what you tell us don't you?" Lily glared before stalking off towards the fighting. Lucia got on her heels. Rhea stayed behind and looked at Starla.

"What was that?" Rhea asked her. Despite never feeling like a part of the family, she was beginning to like this big dysfunctional mess very much.

"Later." Starla replies before following the others.


Just breathe. In, out, in, out. It was the best Sophia could do as the man continued to paw at her. Her broken right arm was trapped behind her back and her good hand was squashed in between herself and the round belly of her attacker.

"You are very pretty aren't you. In your prime too. You'll be perfect for the new generation of Death Eaters." He kissed her cheek then flipped her so her front was against the wall. Her broke arm still behind her back, now being mauled by the man. He kissed her earlobe, then down her neck and then to her shoulder blades. After that he began to pull her jacket down and she didn't have the strength to fight it.

But before he could get the jacket all the way down he was shot in the back with a flash of green light and crumpled to the floor. Sophia breathed out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and turned around to find Lucia looking at her arm. "This is broken." She said, her Auror ways kicking in. "Make your way to the dining room and hide in the fireplace with Kirsty. I put a first aid kit in there, use it. Now go. Hurry." Sophia nodded, she slipped through the fighters and back through to where she came from. She saw George be disarmed and his opponent point his wand at him. They were standing on a table and George just put his hands up.

Sophia pulled out her wand, willing it to work with her left hand. "Stupify." She whispered and pointed the wand towards the man. She kept herself in the dark corner of the dining room as he fell, stunned. He fell off the table and cracked his head on the tile flooring. Even in the dark Sophia could see the blood running from her head and had to close her eyes and keep running.

Then she saw him, hand to hand combat and being mauled by a man much bigger and stronger. She guessed wands must have been lost and Arron was left to fight for his life with his bare hands. She snuck her way as fast as she could through the shadows and got close enough to them without being seen. She could see the fire place and because she was looking for her, Kirsty, crouched behind the logs.

She turned her attention back to Arron and pointed her wand once more. "Stupify." She said again and Arron's attacker fell to the ground. Arron's looked around shocked before seeing her silhouette in the shadows. He turned back to the man on the floor and picked up the fireplace shovel and hit him over the head with it before retreating to the shadows.

"Fireplace. Get me to the first aid." She whispered and the two snuck their way around the perimeter of the room and to the fireplace.

"Hey, psst Kirsty, let us in. It's Arron and Sophia." A few seconds later the latch was gone and the grate in front of the fire opened. The two slipped in and Kirsty moved further back. "Soph, get the latch." He said once they were in.

"I'm go glad you're alive." Kirsty hugged Arron and accidentally hit Sophia's broke arm in the process. Sophia let out a stifled scream and breathed in sharply. She didn't let go of the breath until she was sure she would make a sound. "What's up with you?"

"I broke my arm. Is there bandages in here?" She replied, ignoring the icy tone.

"Yes Lucia put some behind all the fireplaces. Here." She handed the first aid kit to Arron who opened it and pulled out a Bangladeshi and a rag.

"Bite on this, and don't make a sound. Kirsty take her good and hand don't complain when she squeezes. I have to move her arm and it's going to hurt." They all did as he had said and he shuffled to better position himself. He then took her right hand and placed the bandage roll at her wrist. He wound the roll up her arm and saw the pain in her eyes. "It's okay darling you're doing great. Just a little bit more. I'm going to bandage it to your chest okay? Just keep breathing darling it will be over soon."

Once he was done he put the remaining bandages back in the kit and pulled out a small bottle of whiskey. "For the pain." He said and watched at Sophia took a large swing of the bottle. "Where do these tunnels lead?" He asked Kirsty while taking the bottle back and returning it to its place.

"All over the place, on this level they go to all the fireplaces. And there are stairs further back that take you to the upstairs fireplaces and the roof." Kirsty said, taking the first aid kit and clicking the box shut properly. "Why?" They could still hear the fighting going on outside and every so often someone would fall in front of the fireplace and they would be terrified they would see them. They were far enough back from the opening that it would be hard to see but they were still scared.

"Your families have magic, they know these people and their ways. Mine don't. I need to did them and get them to a safe place." He said, Sophia took his hand and gently ran her thumb over the back of it. "So we find them and keep them in these tunnels. Along with the muggles of Bella's family, her aunt and cousins. Even Alice, she's too young for this. They you two will stay with them and I will go and do my bit, I'm not injured and they need me. No! Sophia it's final." She didn't even have to say anything for him to know she was going to object. However the next words from her mouth were a really big shock to him.

"Okay, it's a plan."


Bella has now been in labour for 7 hours and was only 8 centimetres dilated. Two more before she could push. She was currently on her knees on the floor in front of the couch, her arms resting on it and her head in her hands. James was on the floor beside her, massaging her back. Draco was by the door and Narcissa was using the little sink in the corner of the room to run some more warm water for towels.

They could hear the fighting above them and Bella began to pray. She muttered under her breath but James could still hear her. "Dear Lord, I haven't been praying to you long but over the past few months I have felt a great deal of comfort in knowing that you might be listening to me.

Tonight I do not pray for myself, even though I am sure no one would blame me if I did, instead, however, I pray for my family and friends who are risking their lives to protect me and mine. To them I am eternally grateful and to you I will be indebted if you do not take them to your glory just yet. Allow them to stay a little longer. Give them strength when they are weak, give them hope when they are lost, give them life when they are broken, help them get through this night, I beg of you."

James nestled his nose into her cheek. "Amen." He said, finishing her prayer with her. "That was beautiful." He whispered and she smiled a little. "I love you." He continued. It didn't even come as a shock, it came naturally.

And so did her response.

"I love you too."


Lucia was battling a very stubborn Death Eather when the strangest thing happened. They all stopped fighting. The answer to why came soon after.

"That's enough," the woman she was fighting stood tall and smirked before walking away. All the Death Eaters did. They all kept walking until they were out the door. Lucia had a gut feeling they were still in the hall so she didn't relax as quickly as some of her family did. She saw Molly Weasley in the corner of the ballroom holding onto one of her finger haired grandchildren and smiling.

Don't smile yet. It's not over yet.

She turned to face her father without an ounce of fear in her face, even thought she was trembling inside. He still frightened her.

"My dearest daughter." He took a step forwards and ran a cruel finger down her cheek. "You would never lie to me." He continued. By now everyone else had tensed again and had wands ready. Lucius grabbed her face and pulled her forward. Inches apart she could smell his breath and it made her feel sick. "Where have they taken my granddaughter?" She heard someone shuffle to her left and Lucius turned towards the noise, still gripping her face.

Lily potter stood tall, her finger hair now streaked red with blood, her eyes the darkest they have ever been and a open gash dripping blood down her face. She looks positively awful. But she also looked the strongest she ever had.

Lucius dropped his grip on Lucia and she stumbled backwards. "You!" He growled. "You have spoiled everything I have done since escaping prison." He moved like a snake towards her, hardly looking like he was moving at all. Working the blink of an eye he was in front of her but she didn't back down. Her back was straight, her fists were clenched and her eyes full of determination. "Come to ruin another plan? I don't think so."

"You will never have that baby." She spat at him and he wiped it away with a chuckle.

"Oh dearest Potter child," for some reason she flinched at the name and Lucia didn't understand why. "In order to foil my plan. You must know my plan. I didn't come here for the baby, although true it would be a nice touch to have a thing I can control from birth by my side that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to see this." He threw his arms out wide and denatured to the room. Arron, who has rejoined the fight was pressing a hand on Hugo's bleeding arm. Harry and Hermione were standing helping the younger ones stand. They all looked pitiful. "I wanted to tire you out. Bleed you dry. I don't care how many people I lost today because you lost yours. And it may not have worked just yet. But I am going to break your spirit. It's worked on everyone else, it will work on you."

And just like that he burst into a cloud of smoke and flew off, crashing through the window. And they could see all of the Death Eaters following him into the sunrise. Arron handed Hugo to Ron and made his way to the fireplace.

"Soph, darling you can come out." A latch clicked and the grate opened. Out came Sophia with her hand bandaged messily to her chest, Kirsty looking paler than ever, all the Swan clan, Lily walked over to his sisters all varying stages of too young to see this. His parents emerged after and envelopes him in a hug. Then Bella's aunt and her kids.

"Let's do a check. If you have children please find your children and stand in your immediate family groups." Lucia said as more people came through from other parts of the castle. The Swans grouped together with Sophia until her mum and stepdad came into the ballroom. She ran to them and they hugged her. Lily was sure her stepdad had never shown her an ounce of affection. He used to be a Death Eater like Pansy but ran away when they tried to kill his wife.

Lucia watched as family's grouped together. Scopius came up to her and Rhea followed shortly after. Charlotte appeared from somewhere and joined them. The potters all went together, without James of course.

All the Weasley children found their wives and children. Sophia let out a sign of relief when she saw George walking over to Angelina and their two kids. She kissed him on the cheek and then kissed her son, Fred II and daughter, Roxanne. Sophia was suddenly reminded of Roxana, the girl from the party. She would have to reach out to her over summer, maybe invite her to the wedding. If there was still going to be a wedding.

In all the excitement of families mulling around Lucia didn't notice who was missing until everyone had found their place.

"Okay, this is the hard part, who is missing someone they should have with them?"

"My mother," Lucy said from the side of the room with her dad and sister. "My mother isn't here.

"You mum was never here Lucy, she didn't come remember?" Lily said from the other side of the room.

"She was here I saw her." Lucy said. "She was who you were fighting Lucia. My mother is one of them."


"10 centimetres Bella. We can now start active pushing. Your baby will be with us soon." Narcissa called. Bella started shouting and grabbed for James' hand, she was now back the way she had been in the kitchen but on the sofa this time.

Draco was on her other side, holding her other hand when he turned unusually pale and passed out on the stone floor. Narcissa just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It's okay sweetheart you can do this. One big push for me. Keep pushing."

"AGGGHHAHAHAHGHHHHGGGG!" Bella screamed, sweat dripping down her forehead. She curled herself sideways and put her face in James's neck again. He kissed the top of her head, not caring about her hair being sticky with sweat.

"You are doing amazingly Bella, you can do this." He whispered into her hair. She nodded against his skin and pushed again.

"I can see the head, we're almost there." Narcissa strokes Bella's leg and beamed up the them. "Come on, one more big push for the head and then we're will be done."

Bella did just that. Screaming bloody murder, James was positive they could hear them upstairs but the battle cries had stopped. It was eerily quiet up there.


"It's a girl," Narcissa said, putting the screaming child on the duvet on the floor in front of the couch. She pulled a knife out of her boot and squeezed down on the umbilical cord. She'd forgotten to get scissors or anything to clamp it from the kitchen so this would have to do. They would get her checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

Once the cord was cut Narcissa wrapped the baby up in a clean towel and smiled down at her. "Oh she is just precious." She went to hand the bundle to Bella but Bella turned away.

"I can't. I don't want to get attached. I can't keep her. It isn't safe and it's already decided. She's going to a muggle family to keep her away from this world for as long as possible." Bella said, collapsing her head into James' shoulder. He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "I do want to name her though. They said I could name her if I wanted to."

"Of course, what do you want to name her?"


