25. Daddy Delivers Baby

Avery and Colby Master Bathroom 2:30 am

Avery POV


Colby: "Breathe beautiful "

Me: "do you know what your doing baby"

Colby: yes beautiful your fine and baby is fine I got you"

She smiles

Me: "ugh pushing down laying on her knees in the bathroom floor"

Colby: "that's it beautiful

Me: "ouch screams softly pushing again

I feel him gently put my feet on his shoulders

Me: "Argh ouch"

Colby: "rest for a minute baby and breathe"

Me: pressure ahh pushes

Colby: "good job love I can see the hair keep pushing"

Me: "I'm trying to baby I feel like I'm dying right now

Colby: "your not dying baby your having our baby girl or boy smiles

Me: oh no here comes other here comes other breathes heavy bares down"

Colby: "Good job beautiful your so strong"

Me: "Ugh babe get me off my knees please I'm falling

Colby: "I got you beautiful"

He lays down gently in the shower letting it run down my back as I push against his hands

Colby: come on sweetheart get the head out"

I push with all my might

Colby: "Good job one more strong one and the head will be in my hands

Me: "I can't baby

Colby: if you have to sweetheart we have to get this baby out of you  come on

I listen to him pushing down hard

Me: "Arghhhhhbbbb get it out

Colby: "it's coming sweetheart it's okay relax

I felt the baby shift in inside me making me bare down again so I did

Colby: "Easy gentle

I blow in and out

Me: "owe baby catch the baby

Colby: "I got it sweetheart keep going

I push feeling the head slip in my husband hands

Colby: Good job almost done

I pushed one more time and hear our child cry

Colby: "you did it beautiful"

Me: "I did"

Colby: "we have a beautiful baby boy"

I smiled exhausted crying softly as he kissed me softly

Welcome Baby Boy Jayden Colby Lopez

Surprise Chapter 25

Enjoy Loves 🙂

Dani ❤️
