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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on may 21st, 2022 @ 4:33am



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"ARE WE REALLY GOING TO YOKOHAMA NOW?" Takemichi questioned as he was on the back of Smiley's motorcycle.

"Yeah, the Tenjiku are a sea of chickens." Smiley responded.

"Sea of chickens?" Takemichi repeated.

"Anyways Chifuyu! You got beaten up by Mochi, didn't you?" Smiley asked.

An irk mark appeared on Chifuyu's face. "Huh?! I won't lose that easily! I just got punched once! It's not a real defeat." He claimed. "And now is the time for revenge, right?"

"But you fainted after that, so it's better for you to take it easy." Angry informed.

"Stop being tough, Chifuyu..." Smiley added on, causing Miyasato to snort. "Mochi is so fucking strong. We lost to him once."

"Eh?" Chifuyu said in shock.

"The two of you lost... to that Mochi guy? He's that strong?" Takemichi asked.

"Yeah, we knew him since way before we got into Toman." Angry replied.

"It was around the time when we formed our team, 'Sugoaku.'" Smiley explained. "We always got beaten up by a Kawasaki team called 'Jugemu.'"

"We really couldn't eliminate that team. One day we assembled at the riverbank. And back then, Jugem's captain was 'Mochizuki Kanji', AKA Mochi. It was an utter defeat."

"Then I challenged him too, and I immediately went home." Angry added on.

"Angry's eyes were all white."

"Smiley, too!"

"Why are you guys having fun, talking about your own defeat?" Chifuyu questioned.

"We don't fight to win." Angry responded.

"This time, we're going to fight them together, Takemitchy." Smiley added on. "Anyways, if Tenjiku is already sending out their strong offense teams like Mochi Toman have no choice but to win, right?"

"Look, Smiley."


Two Tenjiku members were seen walking by. "Tenjiku!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"Oi oi, talk about the devil..." Smiley said. "Get off, Takemitchy."


"I'd like to "find out" where Tenjiku's hideout is." Smiley informed.

"You guys wait here, okay? Sorry." Angry said.

"Wait up you assholes!"

"Ha ha." Chifuyu said.


"'Find out' he said." Takemichi muttered.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go with them." Miyasato muttered, following the twin brothers.

"Wait you fuckers!"


"Hey! We know where Tenjiku's hideout is!"

"Get on the bike."

"So what kind of gang is Tenjiku?" Takemichi asked.

"They were created recently so we don't have much info on them. Right Angry?" Smiley replied.

"Yeah but we're sure they're dangerous. They may be a new gang but they have already conquered all gangs in Kanagawa." Angry answered.

"Well, not all of them are monsters like Mochi... They are a lot, Toman can barely be a match." Smiley added on.


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"So this is their hideout."


"Wow... That's more than I thought. I don't mind beating up this many." Smiley commented.

"Let's leave if we get badly injured." Angry said.

"It's much more than we thought... That means..." Takemichi thought.

"So this is their hideout... or rather." Smiley began.

"We've fallen in their trap." Angry finished.

"They've been waiting for us." Chifuyu claimed.

Miyasato looked around, scanning the Tenjiku members until he finally spotted who he was looking for.

"Kei!" He shouted out, seeing his best friend on the ground, bloodied and bruised.

"Huh? He looks familiar..." Takemichi muttered.

"So you've come."

Tenjiku's Heavenly Kings "Fighter."

"Eh?" Takemichi exclaimed. "How many are there?"

"100." Kakucho answered.


"5 vs 100, huh?" Chifuyu smirked.

"Get 'em, guys."

The rest of the Tenjiku members walked away, leaving only him.

"5 against 100, that would be a bit unfair, no?" Kakucho asked. "Let's do a 5 against 1."

"Woah, you got balls, huh? Shithead." Miyasato spoke up, pounding his fists together. "7th Division Vice-Captain, Miyasato Toru. But if you're gonna fight by yourself, then I'll do the same. After all... I can't forgive someone who kidnapped Kei."

"Nah, oya!"

"What! That's unfair!"

"Good luck, Miyasato!"

"Heavenly King of Tenjiku, 'Kakucho.'" Kakucho introduced himself.

"Let's go!" Miyasato charged forward.


Kakucho threw a kick at Miyasato before he retaliated with a punch.

"Yeah! Uppercut!" Chifuyu shouted.

"Kick his ass, Miya!" Smiley cheered.

"My heart can't handle seeing more." Angry said, peeking through his fingers.

"Incredible... These two are fighting tirelessly." Takemichi noted. "Now that I think about it, I've never seen Miya-kun's strength in a one-on-one."

Miyasato then sends both of his feet towards Kakucho, sending him to the ground.


"Go, Miya!"


"It's true that you're strong, Kakucho." Miyasato spoke up. "Heavenly King, huh?"

Miyasato walked over towards Keiji and hoisted him on his back. "You always cause so much trouble for me, don't you, Kei?" He questioned.

"Alright! Let's go back to Tokyo!" Smiley announced.

"I have some plasters, Miyasato." Angry informed.

"Well, he was a good guy anyway." Chifuyu added on.

"Somehow... There's something I can't get out from my mind about this Kakucho..." Takemichi said to himself, looking back at Kakucho before he turned around. "Oh well. Maybe I'm overthinking."


"That's annoying, Takemitchy!"


"I will beat up all your enemies, Kaku-chan."

"Kaku?" Takemichi exclaimed.

Kakucho sat up. "So you finally remember. Idiot-michi." He said.


Takemichi thought back to what Kakucho said to him. "Once again... Am I being played around by Kisaki?" He asked himself.

"Tokyo Manji Gang emergency meeting, begin!" Draken shouted out.

"Hopefully in this meeting... I can get a clue..."

"Yesterday, our members were raided all over Tokyo. By Yokohama's 'Tenjiku.'" Draken announced.

"Tenjiku? You know them?"


"Yokohama? Why would a team from Tokyo come to Kanagawa?"

"Tenjiku is a gang that was formed recently. We have no clue how the gang is like." Draken continued on. "We are looking for any new information about them from you guys. Therefore, first off all, report yours, 1st Division! Please step forward!"

"The ones who attacked us were called the 'Mochizuki unit.'" Chifuyu announced.

"Mochizuki unit?" Draken repeated.

"It's a unit lead by the former Jugemu captain, Mochizuki Kanji." Smiley explained. "They're probably Tenjiku's strongest unit."

"Kawasaki Jugemu's Mochi... isn't it?"

"He's famous!"

"He's one of the S62 Generations!"

"S62 Generation?" Takemichi thought.

"Tenjiku's strongest unit isn't Mochi." Mitsuya spoke up.


"Tenjiku... also has the Haitani Brothers." Mitsuya announced.

"Haitani Brothers..."

"The brothers who own Roppongi?"

"These are all people from "S62" aren't they?"

"Oh? So Rin-chan and Ran-chan are apart of this? How interesting..." Keiji hummed, causing Miyasato to look at him.

"Mikey. Does this align with the rest of our members who got attacked? They got beaten up by Madarame." Draken informed.

"I see... Toman is getting crushed by the ghosts of 9th Generation Black Dragons..." Mikey said.

"Madarame is also a S62." Muto announced.


"Which means, Tenjiku is a team formed by a bunch of "S62 Generation" guys who never teamed up. And now they formed a team together..." Mikey said.

"They must have a really deep connection with Toman." Draken added on.

"Anyways, I don't give a shit if we're getting beaten up! We are going to attack Yokohama next!" Mikey announced.

"Eh?!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"I see!" Draken said.

"No way." Takemichi muttered, getting Chifuyu's attention.


"Kisaki expected this fight to happen." Takemichi said.

"So? Things don't have to follow his expectations." Chifuyu informed.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Man, you're truly an idiot!" Chifuyu insulted.

"What the fuck man?!" Takemichi exclaimed in irritation.

"You can find out what happens in the future, right? You swore not to time leap..." Chifuyu stated. "But it should be cool to go back when you really need to."


"Toman will go to war with Tenjiku!"

"Have a talk with Naoto in the future. He should know something." Chifuyu said.


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"I explained all the new events I learned in the past to Naoto." Takemichi thought.

"I see... So if Kisaki truly is a time leaper..." Naoto then had a serious look on his face. "We have to kill him."

"Eh? B-But Naoto..."

"I'm kidding."

"Naoto, can you read the situation?!"

"There's no point if he keeps on messing up the things you've fixed... Therefore killing him in the past is the only solution." Naoto informed.

"No way."

"I wonder what the hell was Kisaki aiming for?" Naoto questioned more to himself.


Naoto was silent for a moment before he slammed his hand on the board. "12 years ago, Kisaki used "Tenjiku" to take over Toman. But in this timeline the name "Tenjiku" wasn't even known to the police, plus, Kisaki is already dead." He announced.

"Then that means... Kisaki failed?" Takemichi questioned. "Maybe Kisaki had miscalculated something?"

"Hm?" Takemichi noticed a picture on the wall. "Kurokawa Izana?"

Takemichi then recalled somethin Kakucho had said.

"Tenjiku's captain is Kurokawa Izana."

Takemichi suddenly screamed as he pointed at the photo. "Naoto! Who's that "Kurokawa Izana" person?!" He exclaimed.

"Ah... He's Toman's one and only executive. If I'm not mistaken, he was the Black Dragon's captain..." Naoto replied.

"Eh?! The Black Dragon's captain?!" Takemichi repeated. "What are you saying, Naoto? The person was Tenjiku's captain!"


"What's going on? Was I seeing things wrong in the past?" Takemichi asked.

"This guy is Tenjiku's captain?" Naoto questioned as Takemichi stayed silent. "Kurokawa Izana... seems like he's important to investigate on."


"I will investigate through the police network right away!" Naoto informed.

"Ah, okay! I'll investigate things myself, too." Takemichi said.


Later, Naoto and Takemichi were meeting up with an older Taiju. "I won't tell you who won that prolonged conflict. I'll end this discussion with how Toman and Tenjiku merged." Taiju said.

"Sano Manjiro is the top. Number 2 is Kisaki Tetta. Number 3 is Kurokawa Izana." Taiju explained. "A group of history's worst gangsters was born."

"Again, he's there. In the end, Kisaki is still in Toman..." Takemichi noted.

"Hm? But yeah, Kisaki is dead." Takemichi said.

"Is he really dead?"


"Are you sure Kisaki's dead? Tachibana Naoto." Taiju spoke.


"Takemichi. I've investigated things about Kurokawa Izana. Kurokawa somehow has a huge amount of influence on the police."


"Kurokawa is a much bigger person than we first thought."

"Kisaki was made to be 'dead' right?" Taiju questioned.

"Murder, assault, theft. Kisaki was alleged with various crimes, so he escaped overseas. Having prepared a dead body to pass as 'Kisaki.'" Naoto explained.

"That's impossible. So Kisaki is..." Takemichi trailed off.

"Alive." Naoto finished.

"Sano is dead. Then Kisaki is overseas. Therefore, Toman's top is now Kurokawa Izana." Taiju explained.

"This guy... is Toman's number one?! Why... why him?!" Takemichi questioned.

"I don't know but Sano trusted Izana more than Ryuguji Ken." Taiju replied.

"More than Draken?!" Takemichi repeated in shock. "What the hell are you?! Kurokawa Izana?!"

Footsteps were soon heard. "If it isn't my former bosses. Having a private conversation, aren't we?"

Kokonoi and Inui had showed up, with Toman members behind them. "That sucks..." Kokonoi finished.

"No way!" Takemichi exclaimed. "Koko and Inupi!"

"You fuckers. Bringing in an army of Toman's minions. What do you want?" Taiju asked.

"Under Kurokawa's orders, we've come to seize you all." Inui announced.

"Not gonna happen!"

All of a sudden, Toman members began dropping like flies.

"It's him!"

"No way!"

The newcomer lands in front of Kokonoi and Inui, keeping them from advancing on Taiju, Takemichi, and Naoto. "You're late, Miyasato." Taiju told the newcomer.

An older Miyasato looked over towards Taiju in irritation. "I'm here, aren't I?!" He exclaimed.

"Miya-kun?!" Takemichi thought in shock. "He's still alive?!"


A/N: Another chapter is finished! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1931 words.
