Chapter 2: "Here goes nothing.."

(Chapter 2 is out people!)

Genya's POV (Bet you weren't expecting that ey?)

It's already dawn, we came to rest earlier 'cause we found Tomioka injured, but now were headed to the Ubuyashiki Estate to cooperate with the Hashiras, with my best friend of course, I mean friends, she's clearly the reason to why I am here right now.

We took a halt to observe the beautiful dawn, more like Jirou did, she smiled softly following "Another day, another blessingβ€”" She muttered under her breath, I took a glance at her then putting back my attention at the blissful dawn, I also saw Tomioka stare at her for a couple of seconds and turning his face back at the wonderful scenery, then he smiled, what in the actual- I just shrugged it.

I hope Zenitsu and Inosuke are okay...

With Zenitsu and Inosuke

"WAAHHHHHH!!" "Shut up CRYBABY!" "We lost the strong ones! UWAHHHH!!" Zenitsu wailed "The crow came here from earlier, so we need to continue to the king's temple" Inosuke said reassuring Zenitsu in a bad way (ya can say that). "STUPID! It's the Leader's Estate, not the king's temple!" He replied *insert crying noises* Inosuke sighed then continued to move at their destination.

Tanjirou's POV

Mhm, I felt the warm breeze brush off on my skin, I sighed then signaled for them to continue. I felt pretty lonely doing my missions previously, but, now I have loyal and supporting friends! I could never felt this blessed, I smiled at the thought, remembering those moments made my stomach flutter butterflies, Nezuko also supports me while on my mission, despite being asleep for 2 years, I enjoyed spending time with her, I wonder what my family thinks of my circumstances right now, Mom, Dad, all of you, I'm going to bring the demons to justice!

30 minutes later...

We jumped tree to tree, enjoying the rays of dawn, while suddenly "Genya! I can smell the faint aroma from the wisteria trees, we're near!" I exclaimed, Genya nodded in reply while Tomioka-san keeps his blank expression, he seems to have a reserved personality, he might not be friendly nor welcoming that much, but he is reliable.

"We need to get you to the B. Mansion so that your injuries can be treated" I said "I'll go there by myself" he said in reply, geez, did you seriously reply that cold, I know people call me beet haired but this is uncool.

We arrived after a few minutes, we waited for Inosuke and Zenitsu while Tomioka-san went to the B. Mansion, me and Genya talked for a while then we heard screeching, yep, they're here! The screeching came louder as we saw 2 figures jumped out of the trees, I merely covered my ears as Zenitsu wailed as he soon land "What the hell!? Can you at least stop wailing we're here!" Inosuke scolded Zenitsu as me and Genya sighed at the 2 "Is Nezuko ok???" Zenitsu said wiping his tears off "Yea yea, she's fine, now let's go, I don't wanna miss this opportunity!!" I shouted as I jogged, followed by everyone.Β 

The children who we have met in the Final Selection greeted and escorted us to where Mr. Ubuyashiki was, we were in front of the door, we took a deep breath and said "Here goes nothing..." I opened it and saw the man sitting in the opposite direction and it feels like he knows our presence already, it's kinda creepy.."I'm amazed' He paused for a little bit"I only heard faint steps and the door opening, you hardly even made a sound, impressive" He said as he stood up and came at our direction, I gulped as he came towards us "Mhm, Welcome to the Ubuyashiki Estate, I'm Ubuyashiki Kagara, as you may know as the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, I proudly welcome you here, take a seat" I smiled and gave a simple 'Thank You' and sat down, followed by the others, Mr. Ubuyashiki smiled and glanced at us saying "I'm glad you accepted our offer, you're fully welcomed here at the Estate, later on you'll meet the Hashiras, also known as the strongest demon slayers at the corps" "Uhm speaking of Hashiras, we encountered one of them on the way here, I believe he's Tomioka Giyu known as the Water Hashira, I do hope myself that I made a good first impression" I said nonchalantly, I received some stunned looks from others, including my friends, and people at the door, eavesdropping, yes, I can smell them from here, somehow even Mr. Ubuyashiki is shocked "Aah, I see, you have a nice choice of words, and I believe you made a first good impression, as I too" I blushed and gave him a soft smile.

We talked for a while, well, mostly me though, the others are probably feeling like they have no rights to talk to a high sector person like that. We got out in the dining room for a bit and meet them at the front of the estate, I snorted a laugh receiving jealous nor frustrated looks from my friends "HOW UNFAIR OF YOU NEE-CHAN" "You got all the attention! How selfish of you ne-tan!" Inosuke and Zenitsu complained, fighting each other, I blushed a bit with the new nicknames they gave me, I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics, while Genya placed his hand at my shoulder, I merely winced at the sudden action "You did great, Imoto" I blushed furiously, now they're laughing at me, great just great, "What's up with nicknames..?" I groaned while asking that "I mean why not, Nee-chan" Zenitsu teased, I turned into a tomato, they continued to tease me "Nee-chan, Nee-chan, Nee-chan" Zenitsu chanted, followed by Inosuke, chanting it wrong, then Genya joined in, you gotta be kidding me.. "Imoto, Neechan, Imoto, Neechan Imoto, Neechan" They continued as I groaned at their actions, they're so childish sometimes...

Then we got called, probably to introduce us to the Hashiras, now I'm even more nervous, but I managed to keep my calm expression, I scolded them to be quiet 'cause this only happened once in a lifetime and we ain't losing it! We came up out front and saw 10 people, including Tomioka-san, I smiled then introduced ourselves.

It was going great actually, I was able to befriend them in such a short time, most likely Tengen-san, Mitsuri-chan, Gyomei-san, Shinobu-san, Rengoku-san and Iguro-san, he was forced to though (you know who, wink wink) I was able to talk to Genya's brother, without having a fight, he even told me that Genya mentions me around that time when he visited him, then a question popped out his mouth "Are you guys- you know.." He questioned, me and Genya nervously chuckled and gave him a simple 'no' he saddened as he glance at his brother.

Meanwhile with Zenitsu and Inosuke, they were able to befriend them too, also Inosuke got along with Shinazugawa-san very quickly, I wasn't surprised in all 'cause wondering how similar they are.

Zenitsu meanwhile also got along with them, mostly Shinobu and Mitsuri, since they're both girls. He also tried impressing Muichiro-san but realized that he was a male! Eep! I kinda like it's face tho, both Inosuke and Muichiro are femboy (Faces-) So we got along then, I also talked to Tomioka-san, he smiled a bit and almost everyone was shock, except for the 5 of us of course, "D-did, d-did you just-" Shinobu-san stuttered "SMILE!?" Mitsuri-san squealed "Wow, the first person who likes you" Shinobu-san said cheekily "No one hates me though" He deadpanned, I laughed at their antics, honestly, that smile is more like a gentleman-like. I could feel a faint blush in my cheeks as I thought, I shook my head while Shinobu-san instructed us to stay at the B. Mansion. We all nodded and explored the place for a while.

We were done and went to the B. Mansion, we were welcomed cheerfully and met 4 girls that's just adorable as ever! I believe their names areΒ Sumi,Β Kiyo, Naho, and Aoi. They are so cute!! They prepared some meal for us and some beds we could sleep in, we couldn't thank them enough.

Some of us are already asleep, Genya wasn't here though, he went to visit his brother. Upon thinking, I decided to go out and take some fresh air, since I couldn't sleep. I was at the backyard, it was beautiful, I also smelled another scent above somewhere, I walked outside then saw a girl with a butterfly pin tied onto her hair, she was at the roof, I guess she took some fresh air too.Β 

She noticed me and said a simple 'hello' and 'who are you?' following 'are you a girl from here?' She smiled, she didn't replied though, maybe she's mute or something? I sat beside her and enjoyed the lovely moonlight shoot at us, it was silence, it was peaceful silent.

I saw her fidget a bit then she took something out of her pocket, a coin? She flipped it, it sprung in the air, then catched it then she saw heads "Hello, My name is Kanao Tsuyuri" She said, I was surprised, I smiled at her softly then I hold her hands with both of mine saying "It's okay if you don't want me to talk, Shinobu-san already told me about your condition" She sat there wide-eyed staring at me, I laughed a bit then she smiled at me, she looks a bit like mom.

We filled the silence with a few talks and giggles, it was nice knowing her, I barely even talk with other girls. We each exchanged goodbyes and went to sleep, what a wonderful night...


