Dreamnotfound snippet

Dream woke up in his bed in pain, his arm to be exact. He groaned and tried to move it but something heavy was on top of it. He looked to side of him to see George fast asleep, unaware that he was harming Dream's arm.

Not wanting to upset George, Dream gently pushed him off his arm. He slipped out of bed and out the bedroom. He flexed his arm to ease the pain but it was just not working. He grabbed some ice before hearing a knock on the door.

He opened it to see Sapnap standing there. Dream raised his eyebrow, usually Sapnap wasn't up this early. He sighed and let his friend inside.

"What happened this time, Sap?"


"Well, what..?"

"I made Karl really upset..."

"I figured as much"

He started making coffee and breakfast. He already could easily know what's going to happen next. Sapnap was going to tell him what made Karl mad, he has to give him advice, George will come downstairs, ask what's going on, he'll explain, George will make fun of Sapnap, They'll fight, and George being the scared idiot he was will ask Dream for help.

"Karl has been having these really bad mood swings, Me and Alex been trying to figure out why..."


"I may have ate some of his mood food without knowing...and today was "That kinda day". He got really pissed and Alex had to help me escape out the house".

"Wow, Never knew Karl was capable of scaring you two".

"Me neither but me and Alex bare with it cause we know he doesn't mean to be this way"

"Sap...I think your boy is tired of you messing up the place"

Sapnap blinked for a second before throwing a punch at Dream. He started at him, causing Dream to wheeze out in laughter. He grabbed Sapnap's arms.

"What the hell, Dream?! I may be pretty irresponsible but not that irresponsible!"

"I was joking, Idiot. It's just that male mood swings are pretty, y'know, unusual".

"I guess but I don't think that would be the reason for this. He has been pretty stressed lately"

"About what?"

"Well, he's overthinking everything. When we built our house, we had to destroy and rebuild like three times, he kept wondering so many things like 'Will the house be big enough?' 'Is the decore good?' 'What if everyone thinks it's ugly?!'. It was so exhausting"

"Hey, I mean it's not like he can rely on you two to make things nice"

"Oh, well, it's not like George can rely on you to make things nice"

"Fair enough..."

"Where even is George?"

"Sleeping. We had cleaned up the whole house last night and hung out with Bad"

"How are you not tired?"

"I can't oversleep for some reason"

"Well, anyways. Can you help me with Karl?"

Right, there. Sapnap finally asked him for advice. Dream still had a hard time comprehending how Karl out of all people got mood swings. He thought for a moment.

"Well, you said he's been stressing out so could he be...depressed?"

"But me and Alex love on him and give him support all the time! How could he be depressed?"

"Depression can still happen, Sapnap. Maybe just sit down with him and just chat"

"Well, what do you do when George os all depressed?"

"Um, I don't really have a big of a problem with George being depressed. He just whines when he doesn't get his way like a spoiled brat"

"You say he's spoiled bit you still give him what he wants"

"I know...You don't have to rub it in"

Sapnap and Dream chat for a while before hearing George walk in. He was in his blue pajamas. He was holding a blob plushy in his hand. He looked like a little kid when they wake up on Christmas day.

"Morning Gogy"

"Morning, George"

"Morning Sapnap...Morning Dream"

He sits next to Dream and takes his fork and eats of his plate. Dream sighs letting him eat it, knowing George will whine if he remotely tries to take it.
