V woke me up early in the morning.

"Wake up!!"he shouted but still I'm not waking up.

"BABY!!!!!WAKE UP!!!"he shouted again.

"*Groans*what?"I ask

"Let's go"


"Let's date"

"Early in the morning??"


"No.i can't it's too early!!, I'm sleepy"

"Go take a shower"

"No!! I'm going to sleep"

"Go take a shower or I'll cancel our marriage!!"he said,I quickly stand up and take the towel and go to the bathroom.

After that I wear this.

And go to the bedroom.

"Ready?"v said


Then he take my hand and go to the living room to say goodbye.

"Bye!"v said

"Where are you two going??"jimin said

"V wanted a date today"I said

"Yes! I want a date before our wedding"v said excitedly.

"Oh okay bye!"jk said

Then we left.


"You can take a nap."v said which I immediately do.

( A few hours )

"Babe wake up we're here"v said shaking me.

"What is this place?"I ask

"You'll know when we entered"

We got off to the car.and v take my hand once again and enter the cemetery.


"Hi! grandma! This is y/n my soon to be my wife."he introduced me to he's late grandma.

"Hello,halmoni.(grandma)"I said

"Grandma.are you happy there?I have fulfilled your request. you said you want me to appear on TV and watch me doing performances right? I have fulfilled it. And I am happy. Because I know that even I can no longer see you,talk to you. I know you are watching me above."he said and cry.

"The next time I visit you again, I'll bring my children here so you can meet them."he added and wipe he's tears.

"So grandma.i have to go now"he said.

"Bye halmoni"I said

"Let's go"he said

Then we went to the parking lot.

(A few hours)

We are here in the restaurant.


We find a seat and sit there.the waitress approach is to take our orders.

"Hello.goodmorning sir"she said,with a flirting voice and she only look at v as if I'm invisible.i'm god damn f***ung mad right now.and v notice it.

"Uhm good morning."he said nervously, my fist is curling into ball(🤛🏻). I'm glaring at the waitress.

"What is your....order??"the waitress said seductive.but I know v wouldn't fall for it.

"What do you want?babe?"he ask me, while the waitress rolled her eyes on me and glare at me.

"A steak that's all"I said and my voice sounded angry and cold.

"Ok.2 steak pls."he said to the waitress.

"Drink's?"she said while flipping her hair.bruh!do it again I'm gonna rip your skull.

"2 ice tea "v said and the waitress write it done on her paper then before walking away she wink at v.

"F*** you, little slut."I whispered to myself but loud enough to hear.

( A few minutes )

The waitress came again with our orders.

She place carefully V's plate and mine just put it to the table and glare at me.i just let it slide because I'm kind.

V's pov:
Bro. In any minute I will really laugh hard here.

Y/n is so angry and jealous! HAHA
The waitress keep flirting on me and seducing me but that's not gonna work on me because I'm y/n's property.

(Author:how I wish all the man on Earth is thinking like that)

Y/n pov:
The waitress is keep looking at my boyfriend soon to be husband.

(Author:yeah!!we know that your going to marry him so stop making us jealous!)

Sorry I'm just a little mad.

(Author:you call that"a little mad"? How bout you already rip her skull can you also tell to the police that you just "a little mad?")

Fine! I'm freaking mad, happy?


After we eat we called the waitress.

"Yes sir..?"she said

"We're going to pay the bill"v said,and give her the money.

Then she take the money, but she really make sure that her hands are going to touched on V's hand.then she place a paper on the table.its her number.

That's it.i'm about to beat this b**** up

"THE F*** ARE YOU DOING???. CAN'T YOU SEE HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!BUT YOU DIDN'T CARE YOU JUST KEEP FLIRTING ON MY BOYFRIEND!!"I shouted,she was shock at my actions.huh?I guess she didn't expect that.then the manager came to us

"Uhm ma'am? what's going on here?"the manager said


"We are really sorry, I'll make sure that she ge-"


"Yes I wil fire her now, I'm sorry for what my employer did to your boyfriend"

"Lets go"I said to v,I take he's hand and go to the car.

"Are you jealous?"

"Does my actions look like I'm not jealous?,of course IAM!I can't bear to watch that like her are flriting on you"

"You know that I won't fall for it"

"I know."

"Let's go home"he said


"How's date"RM asked

"Don't even bring that up, it's just give me headache"I said

"Why?"jin ask

"Well while we're at the restaurant a waitress is flriting on me,then y/n was so mad that she almost killed her"v explained.

"That's right my girl"suga said

"Hey! She's not your girl"v said

"Such a jelly"I said

"You too"v said

"Don't try to fight on y/n,when we argue y/n was like a monster she just looked like an angel but that's false"jisoo said

"Wtf?"I said and she started running I chased her.
They all laugh at our actions.

That night was full of laugh.

(The next day)

I woke up 8am,I spread my arms expecting that v is still beside me but no he's not.

I stand up and go to the living room.

V was talking to someone they are laughing.

"Mom?, auntie?"I said

"Jeez don't call me auntie okay?I'm soon to be your mother in law,so you better call me mom"V's mom said

" the way.wheres dad?"I ask on V's mom.

"He's at work."she said I nodded

"How bout you mom?how are you?"I asked

"We are fine y/n don't worry on your wedding your dad will be there for you."she said and I smiled

We talk until they bid there goodbyes

"Where is everyone??"I ask

"They went to bighit entertainment."v said

"Did you already eat?"


"Let's watch some movie or k drama"

"Okay, since I don't have much to do, I'm kinda bored"

We went to our shared bedroom

"Let's watch... Waikiki..or backstreet rookies!"I suggested

"You should watch hwarang!"

"Why? because your there?"

"Yup,why? don't you wanna see how great I am?"

"I know your good at acting but..I wanna watch other too,I already watched hwarang like 100 times."

"Fine go watch Waikiki"

"Yiee thank you!!" I said and played the k drama and sit beside v.

We laughed at the k drama.

(A few hours)

We heard shouting so we went to the living room.

"What did you do all day?"jisoo ask me

"We watched kdrama while waiting for you all."I said

"Hey kiddo's the food is ready"jin said

We eat out food's and talk random things.

"You have only two days before your wedding"RM said

"Yes"I said excitedly

"How I wish I have too"jk said

"How are you gonna have a girlfriend?if your afraid on girls."suga said

"Woah!!as if you have a girlfriend"jk said

"Yeah I have"suga said which our eyes widen.

"You have!!?"jimin said

"Yeah"suga said

"Can you show her pictures?"jhope said

"You already saw her"suga said which made us confused

"Saw?when?"jk said

"She's in my bedroom"suga said

"What?!"I said

"What is her name?"v said

"Her name.?bolster"suga said

We face plam our self

"I can't believe you hyung"jk said

"We really believe that suga really had a was just a bolster."jimin said

Me and jisoo laugh really hard because we believe at suga

(Author:if you are confused what is bolster.bolster is a long pillow that look like a is the picture.)

After that we washed and clean all the mess and go to our separate rooms
And take shower..and wear our pajamas.

(Bed room)

"Our wedding is getting close"v said while hugging me.

"Hmm going to be"

He laughed.

"We should get sleep" v said

"Yeah we are early tommorow"

Then before we sleep he gave me a goodnight kiss.
Then we slept.

As I promised,here it is the long chapter,hope you enjoy.and I granted what my reader want."a goodnight kiss"
I hope you enjoy my chapter NicoleDelaCruz985,vote and follow me.
Love you all reader's!! borahae 💜💜

Author jeon kim~~
