Chapter 19

Lucy's P.O.V

My eyes suddenly snapped open to be attacked by the sun that had squeezed it's way through the tinted window

I groaned internally and rolled onto my left side so my face was inches away from the cold ass wall

Wait a second... That's not my wall...

Where the heck am I?

I quickly scrambled to my feet ignoring the sharp pain in my leg and looked around me taking everything in.

I'm still at Jason's, right?

At the back of the room there was a medium sized window with a white window pane

It looked out onto the emptiness that most would people call a field.

There was a small mattress in the corner which was beside a tall, dark wooden door

With out hesitation I sprinted towards it and twisted the handle with all my strength, which isn't a lot come to think of it

I heard a small click come from within it meaning it was open

Praise the Lord for unlocked doors!

I creeped down the long empty hallway that the door had led me to aimlessly hoping to find the nearest exit AKA the front door

At the end of the strangely plain corridor was a door which looked the same as the last one. Is it a theme or something cause my doors sure as hell don't look the same

I pushed it open to be greeted by a very familiar looking room

There it is, the front door! AMEN! PRAISE THE LORD ABOVE!

I sped up my pace as I inched towards it. In the corner of my eye I noticed something.

There was small glistens of water around it, huh? Did it pee? Nasty

It was making weird sounds that made it sound like a mentally challenged elephant

I turned around to fully examine it

That was the Wrong move to make!
