End of The Beginning to The Middle of Nowhere

Well the place looks clean enough I think to myself as I look around the store.

"Yah I really appreciate your help Jayce, it's just me here, so it was nice having some company"

What about Joy? I ask, doesn't she work with you? "Yah of course she is a great boss it's just,"

"Just what", Joy says coming out of the kitchen with two bags in hand. "Don't be stupid, just when I started to warming up to you"

His facial expression made me
Wish I was recording. "He is right tho honey, your help was much appreciated."

"I packed you boys some food to bring home. I expect to see both of you here next week".
Both of us?  I think to myself.

"What do you say hon" Joy says as she hands me a bag full of food.. "would you like a job here? I'm not the way I was when I first opened this store and as much as Stevens work is appreciated I feel I put too much work on him".

"I'll think about it", I say with a smile.

"Excellent" she says, "well you boys ought to get going, have a good night!"

"Need a ride?" Steven says as we exit the store

"Sure but this time you drive".

I already let my Aunt know I would be home late so no need to worry about that this time I say with a laugh thinking back to her reaction last time

She is spending the weekend in the next town over for a work conference. She won't be back till Monday, I had to convince her she could leave me alone for two days without the world ending.

She works really hard, it's been just me and her for longer than I can remember. I think about it as me and Steven drive down the road towards my house, I am glad I had my aunt there for me, I guess I never fully appreciated the weight of what she went though when my mother passed, I may have lost a mother, but I forget she lost a sister.

And I think to why we came to this town in the first place, she moved her entire life to help me get better. I am going to start giving this town my best shot, for my aunt, and for my parents. I think to myself as I look out the windows, the great thing about the ride home is there there are almost no lights, you can really see the stars. I wonder if my parents can still see the stars, from wherever they are. I wonder if they can see me...

We pull Into my driveway, the light from the car illuminating the front porch of my house. He turns the lights off and as we sit in the car Steven looks nervous.

"Can I ask you something?" Steven says looking at me now, "sure" I say now feeling a pit rising in my stomach.

"Who was that guy you were with tonight? and if he wasn't your friend why did you come in with him?"

I didn't really feel like telling Steven what happens tonight, tell him I've been bullied since I've gotten to this town.

"He is just a classmate, we were supposed to work on a project but he needed to leave." I tell him while doing my best to not let my emotions show in my voice.

"Well okay, but hey I hope you decide on taking up that job offer at the bakery. We can totally use your help there, I could use your help."

I'll think about it I say as I open the car door.

Goodnight Steven, thanks for the ride, "don't mention it, I'll see you around."

I watch as the lights from his headlights fades into the tree line, I walk up to the door, it's hard to see so I use the flashlight form my phone to see, I feel around my pockets but I can't find my key

I try knocking on the door when I remember my aunt isn't home and won't be for a few days

I pick up my phone to see if I can call someone when my phone dies. The flashlight must have drained whatever battery I had left, a drop of water fell on my now black screen, I feel another dip hit against my neck and arm. I walk under the porch, to see it is now completely raining outside, luckily I won't get wet as long as I'm under the porch but it's getting really cold.

Half an hour passes and the rain hasn't let up, I can see my breath as I exhale, I let out a small cough, I decide to take a chance and see if there is another way in, as soon as I step off the porch the cold water begins drenching me, I wipe my hair that is now falling Over my eyes, I go to the windows but they won't budge, I run to the back of the house but the back door Is locked. The river behind my house is rushing violently.

I'm starting to feel tired as the cold is draining me. The wind is picking up heavily now. But I remember that the window to my room is unlocked. I go to the side of my house where my window is.

It's two stories up, I begin to look around for a way up there. My whole body hurts, I can barely feel my fingers now due to the cold. I give up and make my way back to the porch.
My body is shaking from the cold, I can barely see as the water is coming down in torrents.

I can see a ladder near the back shed, it was probably left behind by the movers. This isn't safe but I'm going to freeze if I stay out here any longer. I pick up the ladder and begin bringing It to the window.

I take my first step on it and my foot slips
I try again this time more careful, I could barely breathe from exhaustion, I can almost reach the window when my leg slips once more I can feel myself falling before I hit the ground and as the air is knocked out of my lungs everything goes black.

I flash back to that night, the night my parents drowned we were on our way home from the beach, I begged my parents to take me. It was getting cloudy, when it began to rain my mother wanted us to leave but I refused to go. On our way home we drove through the cliff side. All I ever remember was seeing a bright light, and the sound of my mother screaming for my father to turn, before I knew it our car was submerged in water, I could hear myslef calling out to them, but they weren't moving, when the windows broke I could feel the cold black water rushing in. I don't know how I got to the surface

I wake up
I tried moving but as I shift my leg a searing pain shoots up my leg, I look down and realize I fell. I can't move my leg. I begin to crawl using my upper body in attempt to get back to the porch. Every movement sends waves of pain from my leg, I don't even try to muffle my screaming as no one is around to hear it. I haul my self up the steps to my new home.
In finally under the Porch now, I'm completely wet by this point, I lay down on the wooden floor. My breathing is slow and staggered, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open as I lay down on my side. My eyes feel heavy and I begin to lose consciousness from the pain, my whole body begins to go still.

A bright light begins shining on me, When I close my eyes and I feel myself let go.

Thanks for reading up to this point.
Next chapter will be a big one. Plenty more to come. Sorry this chapter was shorter then others but bear with me 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

More to come soon!
