The dinner scare

Addams picks up the fallen tree in the model before putting it back in place "I told you it was a bad idea mom"Tracey says paceing back and forth.

Barbara nods her head"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sweetie and we can do this stuff on our own"she says as they were back in the attic."plus after what that guy pulled with our daughter I'm not exposing that little girl to that pervert down there"she adds.

"We did call him and he seemed awfully pissed off"Adam says.

"I don't care I've changed my mind. Listen I think we all can scare them off ourselves tonight "Barbara says as Tracey and her dad share a look before they walk out the attic as Barbara tells them her plan.

They wait in the shadows. So her mother and father were gonna possess them while she was gonna scar them with there dinner.

The deetz were shown sitting around a grand dinner table with otho and a few other people."I think what you did with the place is wonderful"the women by Bernard says to Charles with a smile who mouths 'not me them' as he points to otho and Delia.

Bernard was sitting on the end by deila who looks back at her sculptures before facing him"so"she asked him as he looks at her latest sculptures."oh. Um...."he didn't know what to say.

Delia smiles"you like them"she says as he awkwardly smiles.

Otho was sitting by a woman who was smoking as he side glanced her"I just hope it wasn't yet another one of your dreary suicide attempts you know what they say about people who commit suicide in the afterlife they become civil servants"he says as the women blows smoke out while he and Delia chuckle.

"Otho I didn't realize you were in to the supernatural"Bernard says.

"Oh of course you remember after my stint with the living theater...I was one of new york city's leading paranormal researchers...until the bottom dropped out in 72"otho says.

"Paranormal is that what they're calling your kind these days "the women beside him says as otho rolls his eyes."don't mind her she's still upset because somebody dropped a house on her sister "he says as Delia was the only one who laughs.

Before she looks to Charles as he smiles grabbing his dinner utensils"well this looks really good"he says.

Lydia leans forward "I saw some ghost"she says gaining there attention as deila chuckles "it's a little private joke Lydia and I share"she says lieing.

"It's not a joke"Lydia says.

"Yes it is just today she tried to convince me that the house is haunted kids you know I love them"deila lies before laughing with a fake smile.

It was silent before the women by Bernard speaks up"by ghost?'she asked.

"In my designer sheets no less"deila adds before quickly looking to Charles to do something.

"I'd like to propose a toast to our friends who braved the expressway and two dozen tollbooths to be with us this evening may your buildings go condo"Charles says holding up his drink as the others held up there's as they toast.

"Now Lydia favor is about these ghost"otho says bringing the topic back on about ghost before Delia rolls her eyes sitting down her drink"no I am sick of that subject"she says.

Otho huffs"oh deila lighten up"he says.

She smiles"I would rather think about --"she sudden stops as she was confused.

Tracey smiles from the shadows as her parents were starting there plan as Lydia suddenly starts singing"day-o"she sings with a males voice as she looks confused looking at the others as she continues to sing confusing the others who sit there awkwardly.

"That's cute deila"otho says rolling his eyes before deila who was slightly freaking out as she continues to sing against her will.

Charles chuckles before quickly looking under the table before sitting back up while Lydia was smiling."otho are you doing this?"Charles ask before soon he and Delia were forced out of here seet dancing and singing as the guest were freaking out as they started moving against there will as Tracey laughs watching her parents make them dance and sing.

Soon it was her town as the song was coming to an end just as they all sat back down she made there shimo dinner come alive in the form of hands making the people scream as it grabs them except Lydia who stands by the wall smiling while the others were grabbed by the face pulling them down before pushing them back as they all fall back to the ground with there chairs.

Tracey and her parents laugh as they run back into the attic."we did it"Adam says as they all cheered before rushing over to the window "let's watch them scatter"Adam says as they wait for them to run out of the house but they don't before a knocking on the attic gains there attention."it's me Lydia".

Tracey opens the door as Lydia stands there as she leans against the wall "they want you to come down stairs"she says as the mainlands share a look.

After telling her what to say they sit around to wait before they here rushing footsteps coming to the attic before they hold on to the window seal as they hang there hiding until the humans were gone before they here a familiar laugh"oh boy you guys day really a family of spooksters aren't you now let's turn up the juice and see what shakes loose"he says disappearing as Tracey pulls her self up fast before helping her parents.

"Otho you get maxie on the phone we've really got something here we can turn this whole place into the world's leading supernatural research center. An amusement park.ill do a presentation Lydia will bring the ghost."Charles says as he,deila,otho and Lydia walks down the attic stairs.

"I can't bring the ghost dad they're not here"Lydia says.

Delia huffs"otho can't you do something "she asked.

"Perhaps if I'm properly motivated "otho says as Charles grabs him by the tie as they walk over."just what type of motivation do you require otho"Charles asked as Delia walks forward with her hand on the balcony rail as it seems to get thinker with scales as she sighs before hearing a rattling like a snake before looking down at the rail she was holding seeing snake scales as she quickly pulls her hands away before falling the lining as she looks up with a shocked expression as she gasped gaining the others attention as they looked shocked as well.

There was beetle juice as a snake as he hisses "hi". As Charles backs into a wall with fear.

Otho screams backing up as Lydia gasp backing up to. Beetle juice moves as he detaches from the railing as Delia gasp looking down when he laughs sliding in between her feet before she quickly runs into the room closing the door.

Otho then trys to run past the snake only to get smacked in the back as he falls down the stairs with a groan. Beetle juice then turns to Charles who smiles nervous before making a room to the bedroom only getting the door open when beetle juice grabs him by the leg pulling him back as Charles hops before he was held over the balcony above the bottom floor "we've come for your daughter Chuck"beetle juice says with a laugh as he lets Charles drop with a scream.

Beetle juice then turns to Lydia who backs away with fear before Tracey appears breathing heavily "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice"she says quickly as beetle juice whirls around "oh no!"he hisses before disappearing as everything goes back to normal.

Tracey then looks at Lydia who had tears in her eyes"why are you doing this? Just leave me alone all of you"she cry's before running off to her room.

Tracey tears up she may have just lost her first friend before rushing back up to the attic "I hate him"she says as Barbara pulls her daughter into a hug before all of sudden a truck in the model knocked over a street light as they all look down at beetle juice who gets out of the car.

"You bunch of losers. How dare you interrupt a professional while he's working"beetle juice yells up at them as steam comes from the car.

"I'm not fond of Charles deetz but you could've have killed him"Barbara says.

"Hey I'm just doing my job besides I thought we had a deal"he yells stomping his feet."hey it's okay you know why I don't want to do business with you deadbeats anyway thank you. The only two who I can deal with is your firey daughter and Edgar Allan poes daughter "he says.

"Drop dead"Tracey says with a glare before her mother reaches down as she picks beetle juice up in her hand"you leave both of them alone you"she goes to say when all of sudden spikes pop out him as she drops him "ow!"she says shaking her hand.

Beetle juice falls on to the grass of the model as he struggles pushing him self up before he was able to fully stand up"go ahead make my millennium"he says with a laugh.

"Yeah I'm feeling a little uh ooh anxious if you know what I mean it's been about 600 years after all. I wonder where a guy, an everyday Joe like my self...can find a little action "beetle juice says when suddenly there was a red glow behind him as he turns around with music.

Beetle juice smiles"yeah"he says nodding his head a devil's whore house was shown with gholes waiting for him as he combs his hair back before he danced as he makes his way towards the whore house "oh yeah here I come baby.  Oh yeah hey Adam nice move"he says.

Tracey looks at her dad in disbelief"dad"she says as Barbara nods her head"she's right Adam why did you build that"she says.

"I didn't it"he says when all of sudden there was a gust of wind before a bunch of papers were shown blowing away before the Juno's office was shown.
